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Restoration of a Destructive Life
Restoration of a Destructive Life
Restoration of a Destructive Life
Ebook56 pages53 minutes

Restoration of a Destructive Life

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I pray that everyone who reads this book can be touch by the Holy Spirit and that their life would be restore. That any man or woman can be fr ee fr om addiction, and heal from every wound that is in their hearts. I pray that the Lord change their life and restore what was lost. To be fr ee fr om addiction you need to admit you have an addiction problem that you can't change and let God restored your life, set you fr ee fr om the past, heal and restore your life fr om the inside to the outside and give you strength to overcome any addiction in your life. Let the Holy Spirit guide your life and that whatever you haven't been able to change let God change you and set you fr ee fr om sin. Now I live a life of faith, hope, and love where I have learn how to overcome temptations. I surrender all my life to Jesus; Jesus is the way truth and life. Amen.

John 3:16 For God loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Release dateOct 8, 2012
Restoration of a Destructive Life

Claudia Naranjo-Alemany

EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Diploma Miami Coral Park Miami, FL 1989-1992 Certification Florida Career College Miami, FL; 2006-2007 Medical Assistant • Medical Internship • CPR Certified Medical Qualifications BLS CPR Certified, Medical Billing & Collection, Medical Front Office Procedures, Patient Registration, Assisting with Specialty Examination Procedures, Basic Microbiology, Basic Pharmacology, Basic X- Ray, EKG, Hygiene, Infection Control, Laboratory Safety and Regulatory Guidelines, Medical Asepsis, Medical Back Office Procedures, Medication Administration, Dosage and Calculation, Patient Charting, Phlebotomy, Physical Examinations, Specialty Lab Tests, Sterilization, Surgical Back Office Procedures, Universal Precautions / Osha, Urinalysis, Venipuncture, Vital Signs. Computer Qualifications Microsoft Office Specialist in Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word, Win 95/98, Window 2000, Window ME, Windows NT, Windows XP, Access 11, Home site Illustrator, Microsoft Vision, Outlook Photoshop, QuickBooks, Star Office, Word Perfect, Troubleshooting, Upgrade, LAN and WAN Configuration ,Network Monitor, Task Manager, languages 1yr of French 1yr of Italian English, Spanish Achievements / Activities Volunteer Nursing Assistant in ER at Kendall Regional Hospital I'm a Born again Christian, a believer in Jesus Christ. I have completed the 3 level of discipleship and I’m currently on the second level. I’m going to Bible School to be an evangelist, to reach out to the prostitutes, the drug addicts and to be a counselor for those people who are hurting. To be God be the glory.

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    Restoration of a Destructive Life - Claudia Naranjo-Alemany

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    iUniverse rev. date: 10/1/12


    Wounds From the heart

    Run away Girl

    Fear and Pain

    Love and abuse

    Jail, Streets, and drugs

    Letting go of the Past


    Healing of the Heart

    Addictions and recovery

    Restoration of what was lost


    I want to give all the Glory and Honor to God, that through the Holy Spirit I was able to write this book. I want to thank my daughter, who did the picture of the front cover of the book, God bless you princess, for letting the Lord guide you, and letting him use your hands, God bless you always, let the Spirit of God work in your life, and use your life in a powerful way. I bless your life in the name of Jesus, and your family that God open doors, and that you learn how to walk by faith, not by sight. Love you daughter

    I give thanks to God, thank you Lord for my two wonderful sons, Emmanuel, and David; I bless them with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, that you touch there life’s, and use their life to reach out the souls of many teenagers that need salvation, and restoration in their life’s. Love you boys

    Mom I love you, and I appreciated what you did, for raising my kids, thank you for been strong and not given up. Forgive me for the pain and the entire trauma I cause in your life, forgive me mother I am a new person in Christ, and the past is behind me everything is new in my life. The Lord Jesus pays the price with his blood in the cross of Calvary, and He has forgiven me and has changed my life. Let God heal your heart like He heal mine, Love you Dearest Mother.

    Wounds From the heart

    My name is Claudia I was born in San Salvador, El Salvador. I am 39 yr. Old and soon I will be 40 on Jan 4, 2013 Thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus. It all started since the womb of my mother, my mom got rape from my dad and she got pregnant of me, she tried to do an abortion, she took pills to have an abortion, but I am here for a purpose. I got rape when I was only 5 yr. old by a family member; my mother came to the United States to work and save up money to bring us, we got separate during that time when she left us in El Salvador, she left me with my dad, but my dad could not have me living with him. My dad took me to live with family members that he knew, since I went to live at that house my life was destroy. I was a slave not a little girl no more, they abuse of me day and night I had to do everything. They use to beat me and hit my head against the wall they use to torture me every day. I was very afraid and did not know what to do. I could not talk or say anything, the man living at that house they would sexual abuse me also

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