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U-Turn to Paradise: The Day-By-Day-By-All-Day Journey to Achieve a Lifetime Destiny
U-Turn to Paradise: The Day-By-Day-By-All-Day Journey to Achieve a Lifetime Destiny
U-Turn to Paradise: The Day-By-Day-By-All-Day Journey to Achieve a Lifetime Destiny
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U-Turn to Paradise: The Day-By-Day-By-All-Day Journey to Achieve a Lifetime Destiny

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My very good friend Andrea is a Palestinian who was born in Bethlehem. She embraced Islam by reason of cultural constraints, but today she is free to worship God in reverence to His Son, Jesus Christ, along with the beauty and wondrous power of His Precious Holy Ghost. As a Christian, she is Spirit fed and Spirit led.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJan 24, 2018
U-Turn to Paradise: The Day-By-Day-By-All-Day Journey to Achieve a Lifetime Destiny

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    U-Turn to Paradise - Marilyn D. Alcorn

    Copyright © 2018 Marilyn D. Alcorn.

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    Marilyn D. Alcorn is founder of the As it is in Heaven Ministry and Bible Worker for the Valley Community Seventh Day Adventist Church

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    Once upon a time in the land known as America an individual was applauded by many of the general populous for his or her individuality. The fact that one was in step to the beat of a different drummer was generally considered an admirable thing. But in today’s 2012, 2013, 2014 generation and beyond; the Millennium Generation, the general population is being covertly and in some cases overtly coxed to conform singularly to the beat of society’s – humanistic drummer.

    By and far, we the people living in this age are being directed to march in step to the beat of society. Seemingly, no one is escaping their part in this national orchestration. That is of course unless they are a hermit living in the back woods or some high mountain loner who neither has access to any of the modern information technologies or social media subscriptions that are easily accessed today by the general population.

    With the use of modern media outlets both subliminal and direct messaging is taking place daily. For example, on Facebook, on Tweeter, on Television, on YouTube through our emails and most directly on the Big Screen at Movie Theatres across the Nation our minds are being tantalized to the point of our committing spiritual fornication with the god of this world; with namely the devil. Who knew that we would be so easily manipulated?

    Well, the devil knew and that is why we have been so mislead!!!

    God of Heaven, the only, true, living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Creator of all things tells us in His word that we have a spiritual escape pod by which we can be saved from all the impending doom of this present age of mankind. Seemingly, today every other major and minor, for that matter, news outlet reports wars and rumors of wars. The Biblical signs that the prophets wrote about end – time events are now looming over the spiritual horizon. See St. Matthew 24:6-8! And, St. Mark 13:7, 8. See also St. Luke 21:25, 26.

    The word of God tells us in summary if we through our trust and faith in the living God who will deliver us with a promise in spirit and in truth John 4:24 keep our mind stayed on Him and the heavenly things from above, we have a free pass to Paradise.

    If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on the things on the earth (Colossians 3:1, 2 NKJV).

    He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith, unto the churches; To him that over-cometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God (Revelation 2:7).

    So, do not let the chaotic cares of this age distract you with its depressive media and one political spin after another, or humanistic pluralism which nationally calls for each one of us in most states to be tolerant of life styles that are not tolerated by God’s biblical standards.

    These are things that are distractive to your focus on your spiritual purpose and objective. They in and of themselves exist only to deter Christians as followers of Christ, Jesus from doing just that. Following Christ!!! Let go and let God through His empowering Holy Spirit lead and guide you into all God-truths as you prepare to make your personal U –Turn to Paradise. That is of course, if you have not done so already!!!

    And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard Your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7 NIV). A-M-E-N!!!










    AMEN!!!            AMEN!!!            AMEN!!!

    I dedicate this work to Him who created me as well as all things and to Him whose sacrificial death on the cross gave each and every one of us as dear children of the 2012, 2013, 2014 generation, and beyond life today and paved the way for us to rightly return to our Creator whom I love and to Him who comforts me!!!

    Thank you,






    I JOHN 1:9


    PSALM 86:5.

    A-M-E-N!         A-M-E-N!         A-M-E-N!         ALLELUIA!!!

    Further Dedication

    Is given

    To the Founding Brethren of the PAFB

    (Pilipino Assembly of the First Born, Inc.)

    And to its present and future generational body of believers who Comprise the

    International Assembly of the First Born, Inc.

    God bless the (IAFB)

    May your members never tire of learning about our Creator, Redeemer, and Lord; Jesus Christ. And may they thirst to know what Jesus wrote to the 7 churches in the book of Revelation.

    Hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches

    Revelation 2:7a

    "I will give unto him that is athirst, of the fountain

    Of the water of life freely" Rev. 21:6c

    And to those who follow the prophetic teachings of Ellen White whose enlightened writings inspired by the Holy Ghost Himself have instructed millions in the way that they should go to follow a rightful path to God; to make that needful U – Turn to Eden our true Paradise.

    To Ted Dekker, my brother in Christ, Jesus and my fellow worker in the craft of using words to lift up the Lord, Jesus; lifting up God, the Father that by His Holy Spirit, He may draw all men unto Him; Because Ted said in his creative work of truth and enlightenment, The Slumber of Christianity, that For every theologian, we need five novelists to keep the language relational;

    Truly Ted and to my readers, with the gracious urgings of the Holy Spirit, whose relentless, reminders, I have endeavored to apply the scriptural writings of the Bible in relevant terms. Thusly, I have been empowered to depict testimonials and scenarios of diverse believers of God. Some of whose spiritual backgrounds come from the turbulent and busy times of our lives living in today’s sin-sick chaotic world; the generation of 2012, 2013, 2014 and beyond.

    I dedicate this work further to all you readers who desire to know how to make a U - TURN TO PARADISE. A task which is so awesome because when you do so you will be returning to the Almighty Father which art in Heaven; a loving, caring, and just God; and to His Son, Jesus who has prepared a place for YOU to graciously go when our prophetic season on Earth Ends.

    Jesus says,

    I go to prepare a place for you (St. John 14:2c).

    And in the Old Testament writings of the Holy Bible, our Heavenly Father says in the inspired word of His prophet, Hosea,

    Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment, and wait on thy God continually

    (Hosea 12:6).

    And in St. John’s Book The Revelation of Jesus Christ, he records the following

    And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, And they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, And be their God (Rev. 21:3).

    With the above truisms in mind, U - Turn to Paradise is lastly dedicated to all those who are seeking and would seek a better country; a better place as promised by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to the ultimate glory of God; our Heavenly Father; a divine city not made by human hands; an eternal Paradise of unimaginable wealth and prosperity as also described in the Book of Revelation.

    And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones (Revelation 21:19a).

    From the first foundation of the great wall of Heaven to the twelfth; one will find jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, chrysolyte, beryl, topaz, chrysoprasus, jacinth, and amethyst, respectively. And the wall has twelve gates each of twelve pearls.

    …and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass

    (Ibid: 21c)

    So, are you ready? Are you ready for the journey of a life – time? Are you ready to Return to Eden; our true Paradise to a place of wonderful wonders and unlimited wealth? Are you one of the they who desire a better country as spoken of in the following passage scriptural in its truth; found in the book of Hebrews; those whom God has prepared a place for; a city?

    "But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city" (Hebrews 11:16).

    And the writer of the Book of Revelation testifies to the authenticity of what he saw.

    And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband (Revelation 21:2)

    As a natural result of your reading and learning, I pray for U an outcome which is written in the words of the great wise king, King Solomon, Son of David,

    Hear counsel and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in the latter end (Proverbs 19:20).

    The latter-end referred to in the scriptural verse above lends credence to the authenticity of the second-coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Now, the question at hand is will you be ready? Called of the Lord, have you replied in the affirmative. Have you made your U – Turn to Eden, TO PARADISE???



    More Dedications




    Preface : About This Book: (Part I)

    Preface : About This Book: (Part II)

    Preface : About This Book: (Part II)



    *XI* Bible Helps Guide

    *XII* History: The Creation of Man/Woman

    *XIII* So Stands Man/Woman (U Are Here)

    *XIV* Stay on the Right: Such Walks Man/Woman Towards Eternity

    *XV* Admonishments to STAY on the right Path


    *XVII* So Stands the Children of Man: The Return of the Prodigals

    *XVIII* U Can Get There From Here



    *XXI* Traveling the Straight Path

    *XXII* The Straight (Narrow) Path Leads to LIFE!

    *XXIII* The Straight Path is Narrow

    *XXIV* The Straight Path Leads to Paradise


    *XXVI* Road-Signs-to-Live-By

    *XXVII* Without the Watchful Care of the Holy Ghost of God U Are Lost



    *XXX* SALVATION Says, We Must Accept GOD’S Best

    *XXXI* SALVATION Brings Us From Death Unto LIFE!

    *XXXII* Songs of Worship and Praise



    Chapter 1     Repentance or no Repentance? Where will it get you?

    Chapter 2     Jesus the Way, the Truth, and the Life

    Chapter 3     Humility: Assess Your Faults Tame the Inner-Man/ Woman

    Chapter 4     Precious to Precious: Yield to God’s Holy Spirit



    Chapter 5     My Story Part 1

    Chapter 6     Introduction to Youthful Glory

    Chapter 7     Youthful Glory Today’s Young Adults Bound to Paradise

    Chapter 8     Unrepentant Disobedience Will Not Get U to Paradise



    Biography of Mother Teresa, God’s Serving Soldier

    Chapter 9     Jesus; The Way Maker

    Chapter 10   My Story Part 2: No Excuses

    Chapter 11   With God There is Always a Way Out

    Chapter 12   Miraculous Delivery!



    Chapter 13   God is a Right Now God

    Chapter 14   Awesome Healing

    Chapter 15   You’ve got to hold onto His Hands!

    Chapter 16   Words from an Ole Soldier

    Chapter 17   My Story Part 3


    Chapter 18   Re-Building the Wall

    Worship in Praise

    Epiloque     PARADISE RE-GAINED

    Selected Bibliography

    Scripture Listing

    Notable Names

    Reader’s Guide and Notable Subjects

    About the Author

    Notes and Spiritual Mileage Tracking Charts


    Many thanks go out to my readers who have acknowledged their mutual need to Return to Eden as well. Some of you have made it clear that you choose to return to God with your free will wanting to take back that which the devil stole from you. Many of you have mentioned that you have an earnest desire out of a pure heart to serve the Lord with gladness. And that it does your heart good to hear of the goodness of the Lord and of how God is a very present help.

    Special thanks also to the zealous contributors of this work whose testimonials have given enrichment and authenticity to the work and acknowledgement of God’s Supreme position in the lives of His creatures whether or not any one of us chooses to acknowledge him or not. He is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings; truly He is the Great I AM.

    Thanks to my baby Sister, Deb who continues to consul me instilling self-confidence, compassion, and sisterly love and they say that you cannot teach an-old-dog new tricks. Well, I say that I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Word, Philippians 4:13 God strong!

    Thanks to my former Tuesday-Bible Cell group whose obedience to the word of God to assemble themselves with others of like mindedness has been encouraging, spiritually uplifting and has provided a biblical think-tank of-a-sort. May God continue to bless each and every one of you and your families; Amen.

    And to my students whose earnest desire to know more about God, our Heavenly Father, His Son, Jesus Christ and our Future destination, Heaven, a.k.a. Eden, a.k.a. Paradise; For which many want to know what others obviously already know, and that is How to Get There From Here! Yes! How-To-Get-Back to God’s perfect place of Origin for his loving creation; Mankind

    "And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him" (I John 4:16).

    Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon Amen! Amen! Amen! (Isaiah 55:7).


    I first learned to drive what I call the hard way. My dad took me and his old manual gear Ford truck to an empty parking lot and said, Come and get me when you got it! and he jumped out and started walking. I was so anxious to get it done and knew I had it in the bag to begin with that I became inattentive.

    This minor distraction took up more of my time, I ran over potholes that I should have gone around. I couldn’t think of what to do so I just drove around sputtering and jerking, giving myself a mild whiplash. I went into potholes, drove over bumps in the road without slowing down throwing me in the air while I drove around and around in circles trying to remember what I was taught.

    After a few more jerks and bumps, I finally came to my senses and told myself to pay attention and focus because driving is a serious deal and if you’re not aware of your surroundings, you could hurt or kill someone, or become the later. Very shortly after my talk with myself, I was picking up my dad and we were headed home with no complaints.

    When I was a teenager, the more seasoned adults would say, A hard head makes a soft behind, meaning that if you didn’t’ take heed of the advice or rules, that you would have to go through some bumps, jerks, potholes and bumps before you got it together. Can you remember how many times you hit your head by doing something your way, before you said, Ok, I surrender?

    In U - Turn To Paradise, the author gives various examples of those who found God and now is following the path of the straight and narrow (St. Matthew 7:14). However, it is important to note that the sampling of believers in The Way was not always walking a faith walk of righteousness but walking the path of the unfaithful, the wide path of either agnosticism or atheism at least until something caught their heart’s eye or their heart’s ear and they made a U – Turn.

    For some the U- Turn had been a new direction never traveled before. However, for some, the U – Turn had redirected them back unto the true path of life that they had once been following spiritually, but had somehow exited the path as a result of some distraction!

    While some of those whose journey on the wide path got a few scrapes and bruises, along the way, others were banged up, beat up, mashed up or tangled up. Yet all who traveled that deadly path had they not gotten off they would have suffered death not once but twice! We Christians are purposely targeted by the enemy to throw us off our focus on Christ and what he wants us to do. The slightest little distraction such as someone cuts you off on the road to a check being delayed for no reason, to a loved one being hurt or killed. We are humans and we live in the flesh but as Christian believers, God has given us the wonderful gift of his only son who took the fall of the whole world’s so that our sins could be forgiven and we could have an EVERLASTING Eternal Life. Even Jesus, Himself, says, I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (St. John 10:10b).

    Not only are there stories from ordinary individuals, the author herself and her teenage daughter, but she also takes lessons from the Bible to bring the lesson closer to home. King David, who was the most reverent believer and worshiper, had everything he could ever want. But it wasn’t enough, lust and greed of the human flesh infiltrated his inner being and he began, plotting and scheming and almost lost his life. The Author relaying hope, points to God’s Merciful Character! She notes how God is a forgiving God every time we come to him in earnest requesting forgiveness as we repent of all or our wrong doings. In U – Turn To Paradise the fact that God doesn’t hold our sins over our heads, but tosses them in the sea of forgetfulness is quite evident. King David made a U-turn back to God and went on to enjoy many, many more of God’s blessings that is following his repentant act!

    Just like you do when you pass up your turn on the street, you make that U-turn, and focus to find that street again. Those who have had their first bump or their two hundredth bump can find satisfaction in knowing that you are not alone trying to get it right. The author gives you the recipe to get it right however many times it takes with the confidence of knowing that God is always there and we just need to keep pushing with prayer, trusting in God, and His awesome Holy Spirit. Going around in circles becomes boring and monogamous and you feel stagnant, like you’re going nowhere. At least with a U-turn, one end keeps going until you head back in the other direction, back to God! This gives us hope that we can never run out of God’s love and he will never get tired of us as long as we keep driving to His stated destination!

    Grab a few people, take it to an NA meeting or a book club and share the stories of those who fell and got up and finished the race. You probably have a story or two in your heart to share as well. Our best witness is to tell our story of how we made a U -Turn To Paradise.

    Francena Marie Smith McClure

    Author, publisher, writer, poet


    As Author of U – TURN TO PARADISE, I call your attention to Ted Dekker, a prolific writer of Christ – centered novels, whose walk with the Lord indeed has him on the very road to RETURN TO EDEN; God’s Paradise. As a lover of God and one who has a passionate rightful trust in God’s prophetic promises, I should note that in his wonderful work, THE SLUMBER OF CHRISTIANITY, he wisely challenges his readers and with great urgency to awaken a passion for Heaven; a Heaven as so eloquently defined in Randy Alcorn’s work HEAVEN and that is spiritually defined in the Holy Bible, God’s Authoritative writings in both spirit and in truth.

    In a review of his work, Ted leads his readers to a question asking them How should [they] live now …in order to prepare themselves to return to Heaven in the now, not to distant future. Well, to this inquiry, I dedicate the rest of my writing that his readers as you of my own will learn from these How-To-Pages, not only just how to live your life to make a U - Turn to Paradise but also how to live your life to be ready for Jesus when He returns for His remnant church. Therefore, you will learn what you must do to travel to Heaven; to your most loving and caring Heavenly Father as you complete the trip of a life time and your destiny in righteousness.

    In your finite, concrete way of thinking; that is in your cognizant way of using your 5 literal senses; those of touch taste, smell, sight, and hearing to attain knowledge about the world that you live in, you may tend to think the following; that some Nobel Peace Prize winning scientist or economist for that matter, or some President of the United States of the America along with his cabinet members, some Secretary of State, some Secretary of Defense, some Congressional leaders and/or the Judicial Branch of the U. S. government, the North American PACT, (North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA the European Union, Euro Zone, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) or the United Nations (UN) can save this world, by fixing it’s socio-economic ills, but if you do then, you are sadly mistaken. Only a powerful, moral, and just omniscient God can do that. This, Jesus Himself makes very clear when He stated a little over 2000 years ago.

    ¹ Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God believe also in me.

    ³And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also"

    (St. John 14:1, 3).

    Similarly, in the Book of Hebrews, we find the writer in agreement with St. John’s records, saying:

    ¹⁴" Seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.

    ¹⁵ For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

    ¹⁶ Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:14-16).

    And indeed the time in deed is now!!! Our world is nearing its prophetic end! But our lives in Christ Jesus will continue on in our residence on a new Earth as promised by God.

    And Jesus said,

    And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I AM, there ye may be also (St. John 14:3).

    And John said,

    And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away (Revelation 21:1a).

    So know this, my precious readers, as society has entered into an age of fast pace living and instantaneous achievements, and phrases like  …life comes at you real fast it behooves one to make oneself ready posthaste for the second coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ. And if U truly want to be saved from the now chaotic conditions of this world then, you need to be aware of where your help truly and divinely comes from. Thus, using Jesus’ own words to speak plainly of His divinity and goodness,

    I lovingly with great confidence tell you that Salvation lies in one’s belief in God, His Father who sent Him. So, no atheist need make ready to depart for this trip, only those who are believers in a great and awesome God. And likewise, for those who put their trust in Him, be ye blessed in the knowing that Jesus has already gone ahead to prepare your lodging. U could not ask for a more proficient concierge!!!

    Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath ever lasting life (St. John 5:24a-c).

    So, if you are one of the whosoevers and you choose to believe on the Redemptive Work of Christ at the Cross, and His Father in Heaven as you believe in the God-breathed Words found in God’s Holy Bible, you have an exciting journey ahead of you!!! U –TURN TO PARADISE is just the book for U! With its timely and easy to follow road directions, "U - CAN GET THERE FROM HERE!"

    As a child of God, you have a grand inheritance to look forward to. But to claim that inheritance you must answer God’s call on your life. This is done by getting to your final destination. You must return home to your Creator; the Creator of all things. (See Psalm 8:3a, Genesis 1:1, 20-21, 27 2:1-4). To do so, you must make your U – Turn to Paradise if you have not done so already to RETURN TO a CITY NOT MADE BY [HUMAN] HANDS. The New Testament writer, St. Luke speaks to our divine appointment.

    Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angles. And are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection (St. Luke 20:36).

    Jesus says, of those who purpose in their hearts to stand on God’s precepts and not on those of the world!

    He that over-cometh shall not be hurt of the second death (Revelation 2:11b).

    This, He says and more because of the covenant of promise between Abraham and God which promises eternal life for those who keep God’s commandments and the faith of Jesus Christ!

    And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death (Revelation 21:4a).

    And again from the prophetic writings of St. John, says,

    To him that over-cometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God (Revelation 2:7b).

    And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them … (Revelation 21:3a-b).

    For us living in today’s world; the Millennium Generation, St. John’s writings make it perfectly clear, why it is imperative that we choose whom we will serve this day. Are we to serve Satan, the god of this world, here on earth or Jesus Christ, Lord, Creator, Redeemer, and Ruler of Heaven to the glory of God? To help you with your choice, I give you these God-truths from St. John who simply says, that Jesus told those listening among the Jews of His early teachings speaking in parables and rendering divine miracles to those of the faith as even unto them that did not believe.

    I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly

    (St. John 10:10b).

    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (St. John 14:6).

    And the Apostle Paul, God’s Missionary to the Gentiles stated in his writings in the Acts of the Apostles in accordance with the New Life Translation Bible that by the name of Jesus and by His name only are we all assured that

    Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under Heaven given to men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12, NLT).

    This, Jesus said to Thomas one of his disciples who because of his disbelief earned him the lasting moniker of Doubting Thomas. Thomas actually doubted if Jesus was real when Jesus stood in the room with the other disciples following His historic resurrection.

    ²⁷ "Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing,

    ²⁸ And Thomas answered and said unto him My Lord and my God" (St. John 20:27-28).

    It was quite apparent that Thomas initially doubted if this man who stood before him was indeed the same who had just hung on the cross, died; then on the third day rose from the dead. So, though Thomas faith was initially clouded, he chose to learn if Christ was real or was he just a ghost; a figment to the others imagination. But being duly enlightened, he no longer disbelieved. And Jesus welcomed him into the family of God all the more. No longer doubting the truth of the resurrection of Christ, his new understanding qualified him for a free trip to Paradise. Are you ready to stop doubting Christ? Are you ready to claim your free trip today?

    St. John closes this Chapter with the following notation:

    these [words] are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name (Ibid 31).

    Today, through various factual historical accounts we know this to be an accomplished feat that was noted by nearly all of Christendom; a count of at least 500 witnesses, some say. It was the first return of the Lord, Jesus, Christ. We in the now generation of 2012, 2013, 2014, and beyond await the second coming of Christ.

    In accordance with the Book of Titus:

    Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and Our Saviour Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13).

    It is important to note at this point in your reading that without following after Christ; living your life as Jesus did, you will not be able to make a U - Turn to Paradise In truth, when Earth is no longer inhabitable, Paradise will not be your final destination. You will be summarily re-routed to an alternative location. This location is not free! It will cost you dearly to go there! I will cost you your life!!!

    So, if you neglect to ready yourself by marking the perfect man, you will have to go to this secondary location; a route that will take you into outer darkness which Jesus speaks also of in the revealed writings of St. John.

    I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death (Revelation 1:18).

    The keys to Hell is to that location in the utter-most parts of outer darkness. And your trip there marks the second of two deaths due to those who refuse to believe in Jesus Christ; Those who experience the second death, the spiritual death, are they, who have no faith in the Living God, nor in HIS Redemptive work at the cross.

    Consequently, by default, your end of days trip will terminate in desolation and despair. Your destination will be slightly North of Eden. It will be Hell, or as it is sometimes called the other P-word, Perdition but not Paradise!

    So, for which will you be ready, at the second coming of Christ? Will you be prepared, packed and well on your way to follow where Jesus Christ has gone? Or will you, not having packed one suit case, be un-prepared for the coming end of days?

    Have you made your U – Turn to Paradise? Are you now on the road to Return to Eden? Are you prepared to live with your Creator? Or, by default will you be cast into outer darkness? Will you be sent to Hell and consequently thrown into the Lake of Fire?

    In case you did not know it for my readers who have not decided yet. Guess what? The ball is now in your court! In other-words the spiritual buck stops here! It is your decision! The choice is yours!

    Read On! Let the pages of this travel guide help you to make the right decision not when you get around–to–it! But now! Today!!!

    And once again, in his Revelation writings, John reassures us further, that we must embark upon our travels to our blessed destiny, in other words to make our U - Turn to Paradise sooner than later since by delaying our trip we risk utter death and destruction. He writes.

    And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened … (Revelation 20:12a-b).

    And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire

    (Revelation 20:15).

    Remember John’s writings have been documented as prophetic and thusly the urgency of the hour is at hand and it begs that a choice is needed as an invisible line has been drawn in the proverbial sand. Two spiritual paths may be followed; one that leads to eternal life or bliss as Ted Dekker passionately puts it and another that leads to eternal damnation. Oh yes, of course, I have a few more questions for you my precious reader; you who are naturally one of God’s glorious creations.

    Are you a child of God as He, your Creator hopes? Or are you a child of the other? Which path have you decided to travel? Or have you decided yet? Which way are you headed to Heaven or to Hell? Are you obeying the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Or are you obeying Lucifer; aka; Satan? Who just happens to have been the god of this world; that is until Jesus came and died on the cross to save us all!

    Know this and make no mistake while we are yet on Earth, we believers have another great and hopeful day that is yet to come. Some call it the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord; biblically known as The 2nd Coming of Christ. If you have chosen to travel the route that leads to eternal life, then you must start down the path that leads you to Return to Eden; your designated Paradise before that day arrives.

    In the Road Map Section of U – TURN TO PARADISE, you will find the MAP to PARADISE and THE 12 LAND MARKS OF FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST. A-M-E-N!!! Be sure to digest the words and directions of the MAP and THE 12 LAND MARKS! You will be blessed in the knowing! And so much more because Your eternal life depends on it!!!

    Read on then I encourage you that you learn how to prepare yourself for your upcoming journey to a place greater than any known on Earth. Read on then, I exhort so that you will readily find your way. I have already told you what is at stake for you to act quickly. And Jesus himself tells you that He comes quickly!!!

    Further, Jesus assures us in His words that though a robber would die on the cross yet will he live in the Paradise of God because the robber had repented of his evil ways.

    And Jesus said unto him, Verily, I say unto thee today, shalt thou be with me in Paradise (St. Luke 23:43).

    St. John, the Reveler of Jesus Christ depicts in his New Testament writings that one’s arrival to Heaven is a matter of one’s life or death and that it will also assure that we will never again experience pain, troubles, despair, such as the likes of oppression, depression, broken-heartedness, poverty, lonely-ness, and of course no more death. He tells us.

    And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away (Revelation 21:5).

    So, you tell me, how important is it for you to arrive at your final destination to attain the abundant life planned by God since the beginning of this world and the known fall of mankind. How important is it for you to digest U – Turn to Paradise, its Road Map, and its 12 Landmarks of Faith? Please excuse the use of the base vernacular, and the pun of words, in the name of Jesus, I’ll tell you, it is damned important!!!

    Because, if you do not get there spiritually before the second coming of Christ, you will live a life of doom in a world where death and dying will go on to a point where disease and decay will exist only to mock every man and woman who enters Hell only to be cast into the lake of fire never to be redeemed by the grace of the Living God never to be looked upon by the face of God; never to be remembered by His awesome Holy Spirit ever again!!!

    For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: But the way of the ungodly shall perish (Psalm 1:5). A-M-E-N!!!


    First, for the sake of clarity, I want to tell you up front, that I am not promoting in any of these pages for anyone to give up pre-maturely on their life to RETURN TO PARADISE. On the contrary, I want you to have a full and productive life. Jesus admonished us in the book of Luke, Chapter 19, verse 13b before He left to RETURN TO PARADISE for us all …to occupy till I come. Thus He too would that we bear much fruit of a truth by using our gifts for the good of mankind. Even God, as our Creator told us in the book of Genesis that he wanted us to be fruitful and to multiply.

    …in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth … (Genesis 1:27b-28b).

    Even still however, we should be living our lives in preparation for our return trip to our true home. The place then where we will spend eternity as mentioned before with our God, our Lord, our Savior, and our King! This is the goal for all who choose then, to follow after our loving God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ.

    As a people, we will return to our original place of rest and abide there for all our days; Eden, God’s Paradise. As such, Paradise is our rightful life time destiny. Realistically, it should be the only long term objective for us to consider in these evil times of local, national, international, and global strife.

    To get you into the mind-set, I need to take you once again to the writings of Ted Dekker, because he did such a great job of explaining how with God, we connect to Him through our emotions. And since the emotions come from the heart, and are not tangible things that we can actually physically touch, we must then experience our connection to God from within our beings. Using our eyes, figuratively of the heart, we visualize God’s Divine presence.

    When a writer is using figurative language Ted explains; such as found throughout the Bible, the writer is trying to relate an intangible experience to that of a tangible one. For example, Jesus when he wanted to expound on a truth, He did so through parables, he is using a literary device; a form of figurative language.

    In the Old Testament books of the Psalm, and the Song of Solomon both writers made use of poetry or poetic language both of which are literary devices and a type of figurative language used to express the connective relationship of the hearts of man to that of the heart of God. Simile, analogy, and metaphors, are other examples of the use of figurative language. These literary devices are all used to define, depict and clarify elements of emotion; so that the things from within us; those intangible components of our existence that are derived not from our 5 senses; the sense of taste, touch, sight, smell, or hearing, but of love, faith, belief, trust, and hope they may be expressed in the context of things that we are familiar with or have had prior experiences when our five senses were tantalized similarly.

    Thusly, with the heart, we can feel the connection that we have with God. Through our inner being then we hear God with the ears of our heart and we see God with the eyes of our heart. The mind lets us develop a mind picture of God and of Heaven for that matter through the use of our imaginations. Using

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