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When God Speaks…: He Says Amazing Things!
When God Speaks…: He Says Amazing Things!
When God Speaks…: He Says Amazing Things!
Ebook389 pages1 hour

When God Speaks…: He Says Amazing Things!

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Dear Reader
In prepping for Christmas 2009 I asked the Lord for ideas. He said, write a daily
book of My words to them. I was excited and anxious; it was already December
1. I sat down after work with my journal and Bible and suddenly He began to
speak out the date and the words for that day. If my thoughts got on the page, He
would say, take that out! The project took less than two weeks. I was astounded
at His love coming through the pages. I was broken by His tenderness, grace and
desire to have fun with us and lead us into times of joy with Him.
On January 10, 2010 He told me to print 100 copies and where to sell them.
He had already told my friend to read through the book and edit for spelling errors
Id missed.
He has not allowed me to put any personal words in these pages. They are His
words to you. He made you; knows you. He loves you just as you are: man,
woman, teenager, child. He will speak to you daily as you learn how to hear and
recognize His wonderful voice. He calls us to Come Hear My Voice!
by: Writer For The King
Release dateFeb 11, 2012
When God Speaks…: He Says Amazing Things!

Writer For The King

I choose at this point in time to remain personally anonymous and publish this book under the name: "Writer For The King!" This particular book contains no words of my own and is strictly based on me listening to the Lord and typing exactly what He said. The story of the book is given on the back cover. I have been writing and publishing articles in our local newspapers for the past 35 years. I have journaled conversations with the Lord daily since 1996. I have known the Lord since 1956 when at the age of 5 I believed in Jesus Christ as my Savior and asked Him to take over my life. The journey has been far from perfect, but I have always known He was with Me and have heard His voice speaking, though I was not always wanting to listen. I have been married for almost 40 years, raised two sons, have two new daughters as of their marriages, and now 3 grandchildren with more on the way. My favorite part of each day is spent with Jesus as He calls us all to Come and dine with Him. He has a personal meal to feed my soul prepared each day specifically for me, as He knows what the day ahead holds and who will be coming into my sphere. I believe that He has always wanted to talk to us and is longing for each of us to make time for Him to speak. To be quiet! To sit and hear Him. To share in conversation back and forth with the God of the Universe. Sounds crazy, but it is exactly what He has declared to us from the beginning of time. He is here with us and has never left. He is not mad at us, but has shown His great love. I live in the city that He has called us to for this season in our lives. I work at a school; which I consider my ministry station with Him to others. I know that He speaks. He knows everything there is to know and made all things, so He can help us with everything. Nothing is too small or to large. He says to call on Him and He will answer and tell us things we did not know. Even in the recording of this book, as I listened to Him for days and wrote down what He said, I was learning. It has been an amazing journey. I have learned new things about technology in working through this process. He is always full of joy and excited to see us grow. He knows each of us personally, and the pages of this book will help you discover just how personal He is. He is God, Father, Lord, Jesus, Savior, King! Get to know Him, the true author of this book. He told me recently that I'm His secretary. I laughed and smiled. I've been playing secretary since I was a little girl, and that has been my professional career for all but 13 of the past 42 years. Amazing! He wants to use the gifts and proficiencies He designed into us in our mother's womb. We are His workmanship. Get to know your Maker. He is fun, exciting, and loves you beyond words. Writer For The King

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    When God Speaks… - Writer For The King











    and YOU will Hear Him.


    will speak to you!

    Look up your birth date.

    See what He says to you!

    Jesus Loves You…

    He proved it on the cross!

    He’s alive!

    He wants to be your

    Best Friend…

    Talk to Him!

    January 1

    How many days are in the year? Yes, but how many days are in your life or in forever? I know them all, each and every one has already been created by My hands and is ready for you. Waiting and ready is the moment in front, prepared and caressed with My love over you. Do not fear, but tread lightly with Me, your burdens lifted, your cares shared. My is strength supporting. My grace is sufficient. All is well! Come!

    January 2

    What a day this will be as you step out with Me into new realms of discovery of Me and who I AM. I Am not who you think, but much greater by far than all that you can imagine. So step free in Me and be astounded and delighted in My presence surrounding you as we move and work together. Come!

    January 3

    Fear nothing. Great is My faithfulness. Hold nothing so dear as to replace need of Me first. I AM your all in all and nothing else will do. I come and ask you to REST in Me this day and all others. Come!

    January 4

    Happiness is Mine to give you as I desire to give good gifts to My children. Do you believe that it is so? Ask Me whatever you need right now and find yourself receiving in your believing. I AM Able. ASK Me! I AM ABLE!

    January 5

    Carpets cover floors you know, but what is underneath? The wood, the foundation, the support you walk upon. I AM your firm foundation and there is nothing that will shake your feet when treading upon Me, with Me and in ME. Be strengthened this day in your legs and feet. They are MINE and your foundations are Me. Solid rock!

    January 6

    Hairs all numbered, every one. I see them fall and fly away. Each one created by My hands upon your head. Do you comprehend what this means for you this day? Think and ponder this truth and discover your value to Me.

    January 7

    Boots are made for walking in the rain and snow and ice. They protect your feet and cover the skin, so as not to rip and tear and cause you pain. Boots are thick and strong and provide you warmth in cold and dry in wet. Think of Me as your boots today. I keep you warm and dry in My love and provision. Selah!

    January 8

    Believe! Believe! BELIEVE! Do you? Do you believe all that I have spoken to you this day? Do you hear My voice and what I AM saying? Come and listen. Hear Me closely. I have the answer for your question, every one! Doubt robs you. Kick it out the door! Slam the door in doubt’s face. Stand up strong in what you know and believe until you see come forth what I have said.

    January 9

    I have you secured into Myself and there is no one or thing that can take you from Me. Believe Me. There’s nothing known to man that could ever take you. Nothing above or beneath, no one or nothing can ever take you from Me. I will not lose you. You are MINE!

    January 10

    Secrets are between us, you and ME. We share many things that no one else will see. Our quiet moments, thoughts, and whispers are forever held between us. They are precious and wonderful and I long for more of them with you. Come!

    January 11

    Hold your peace! Say nothing and do nothing. I will do it. I will lead you. Stay! Peace! Be still in Me. Hide behind Me right now, in the cleft of the Rock—ME!

    January 12

    My will is coming forth and you will see great and mighty things this day and all others. Keep your eyes on Me and fear nothing. Do not be afraid. I have you in the palm of My hand. There is no safer place than with Me. I do all things well. Trust ME!

    January 13

    Forward is My movement. I do not go back to fix. My repairs and restorations are always forward movements that bring you full circle in miraculous ways that you could not know before hand. All is well and you will see that I do all things well.

    January 14

    Harp and Bowl is continual worship being offered to ME in the earth. Not all can spend this time with Me. Your worship is your trust in Me. Your praise is your confidence in Me as Dad! I Am you know, your Abba, Father. Give Me your worship as you work. Seek Me out above all others, this defines our relationship.

    January 15

    A telephone is great to have, for constant things are needed and there’s much that you must do. However, don’t forget that I Am here and waiting. I have the answers that you need. No question is too trivial. Just ask Me and see that I will speak freely with you and calm your frayed nerve endings; which I created and know very well.


    January 16

    Heart to heart is what I seek. My Spirit dwells in you and seeks to know your spirit well. Your spirit knows Me very well and knows more than you think. As we commune in spirit, your thoughts will be changed and refreshed by the download from My Throne room and what you need to know today. This day is different from yesterday and is not tomorrow. Therefore, seek Me. I AM here, dwelling in you to lead you into all truth for today. Come!



    January 17

    A home is where you run to at the end of every day. You seek its warmth and shelter and protection from outside. That is ME. Your home is in Me. I AM here. I never leave you. I AM your constant home throughout the day. See this picture and be at ease with Me. Talk with Me as we dwell together, you and I.

    January 18

    Working is a joy. We are working constantly. In fact, we never sleep. We work on you while sleeping; in and through you while awake. You are the delight of our creation and our workmanship is you. We have great plans and purposes. Relax within Our hands and find yourself filled with Our Joy so complete, so amazing you will be dancing and jumping inside and maybe outside too.

    January 19

    It’s winter. Snow is on the ground. It comes down for many reasons and delights the farmer’s eyes. He knows that it prepares the ground and makes it fertile soil. The seeds will soon be scattered and take root in moistures thread. The seeming stillness of a winter day is REST for those who see. It paints a picture of clean pure white redemption. A REST for the soul; yours! Keep planting seed. Never give up on the seed in the ground. I bring the harvest season in My time.


    January 20

    Sound is an amazing thing. You’re full of it you know! You have your own sound that emanates from your very being. A song designed for you, about you and in you. It is heard as you live and move in the spiritual realm by ears not seen to you. You represent Me in more ways than you could ever imagine.

    January 21

    Fear not. Neither be dismayed this day. Look it up. See what it means to be dismayed. Flee it with everything in you. It is not of ME and never will be. I call you to remember who I AM and not yourself. Let it all go… . everything that consumes you at this moment and think of Me. It will refresh you every bit as much as a computer page. Mine for you this day!

    January 22

    Holy is the Lord God Almighty, the whole earth is full of His glory! Shout out something to Me right now, wherever you are! Are you afraid to look silly declaring your Maker’s praise? Fear no man, but ME! I call you to shout and as you do, all nature reverberates with you and in you and you will find yourself emboldened with new strength as you yell out My name or whatever else is on your heart. Shout to the Lord a new song that rises up within you from Me!

    January 23

    Hearts and minds are far apart at times. The mind is bent on having its own way and thinks that it rules the body. However, the heart is My dwelling place and full of My

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