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Coffee Thoughts: Reflections for a Peaceful Life
Coffee Thoughts: Reflections for a Peaceful Life
Coffee Thoughts: Reflections for a Peaceful Life
Ebook96 pages2 hours

Coffee Thoughts: Reflections for a Peaceful Life

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About this ebook

Thoughts shape our reactions, tailor our responses, and contribute wholeness to our psychological well-being, while shaping our spiritual attributes and structuring our relational interactions. In Coffee Thoughts, author Dr. David Dalton offers reflections to help shape and analyze our thoughts.

Throughout this guide to managing your own thought processes, Dalton explores some of the doubts, fears, and perplexities he has experienced in various life situations and illustrates how he found comfort and guidance in his spirituality and in simple pleasures. He presents forty reflections followed by personal coaching questions, covering a host of life experiences:

Reflecting deeply Embracing the situation Learning to trust Rediscovering ones gifts Admitting weakness Expressing the beauty of today Exhibiting faith among lifes challenges

Intended for daily use and study, Coffee Thoughts offers a gentle and relaxed way of approaching what is often one of our most feared challenges, the remaking of ourselves.

Release dateSep 14, 2012
Coffee Thoughts: Reflections for a Peaceful Life

David Dalton

David Dalton is the founding contributor of Rolling Stone magazine and is the author of James Dean, The Mutant King: A Biography, Faithful with Marianne Faithful and Rock 100 with Lenny Kaye.

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    Coffee Thoughts - David Dalton

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    Using the Personal Coaching Questions

    Reflection 1    Valuing Life’s Simplicity

    Reflection 2    Reflecting Deeply

    Reflection 3    Observing the Colors in Variant Situations

    Reflection 4    Embracing the Situation

    Reflection 5    Managing Emotions

    Reflection 6    Enjoying Companionship

    Reflection 7    Appreciating the Twilight Moments

    Reflection 8    Learning to Trust

    Reflection 9    Encountering Invasions of Normality

    Reflection 10    Discovering Beauty in Life’s Contrasts

    Reflection 11    Exhibiting Grace Toward Others

    Reflection 12    Applying Stewardship Over Current Opportunities

    Reflection 13    Displaying a Christ Grace Toward Others

    Reflection 14    Appreciating Trusted Friendship

    Reflection 15    Guarding a Sacred Trust

    Reflection 16    Encountering Moments of Solitude

    Reflection 17    Enjoying the Liberated Life

    Reflection 18    Examining the Motives for Serving Christ

    Reflection 19    Rediscovering One’s Gifts

    Reflection 20    Finding Appreciation in Lack

    Reflection 21    Gaining Inspiration from a Personal Friend

    Reflection 22    Establishing a Safe Philosophy of Life

    Reflection 23    Experiencing God’s Presence in Trouble

    Reflection 24    Finding Meaning in the Absence of God’s Voice

    Reflection 25    Relinquishing the What Could Have Been Mindset

    Reflection 26    Experiencing a Liberating Grace

    Reflection 27    Adopting a Healthy Mental Self-Talk

    Reflection 28    Admitting Weaknesses

    Reflection 29    Finding New Meaning in Former Thoughts

    Reflection 30    Legitimizing Other’s Humanity

    Reflection 31    Learning to Cry Again

    Reflection 32    Becoming Comfortable With My Humanity

    Reflection 33    Expressing the Beauty of Today

    Reflection 34    Experiencing Internal Satisfaction

    Reflection 35    Exhibiting Faith Amid Life’s Challenges

    Reflection 36    Broadening My Selection of Friends

    Reflection 37    Ascribing Meaning to Life Happenings

    Reflection 38    Developing the Art of Friendship

    Reflection 39    Noticing the Apparent

    Reflection 40    Charting Life’s Process

    If I can but leave this life with a humble frame of mind, gentle thoughts toward others, a kind word, a noble deed, or a worthy thought imprinted upon the minds of others, then I will have accomplished a most notable feat, a value that will outlast the memory of my name.

    David Dalton

    The Author

    Over his career as a pastor and educator, Dr. David Dalton has observed many of the life-inhibiting frames of thought one often holds that are detrimental to one’s recovery and joy when walking through a crisis in life. He has witnessed countless individuals whose harmful attitudes have stolen enjoyment that should have been theirs to own.

    It was not until David experienced his own personal tragedies of life, through an extreme and ongoing bout with life-threatening heart disease, that he became aware of the challenge one has in truly aligning his or her own personal attitudes into a synchronous system of wholesome attitudes for life and progress. This was, for David, a very personal journey. Along the way, he experienced the difficulty as well as the reward of adjusting

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