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Andromeda Drive
Andromeda Drive
Andromeda Drive
Ebook74 pages42 minutes

Andromeda Drive

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About this ebook

Shelby, Dylan, and Jay are the best of friends. After being reunited after almost two years, life seems to be better than ever. But, as their senior year passes them, it soon becomes apparent that its not going to be just like old times. Time has changed them. And, the reality of a mistake about their past will test the strength of their friendship. Shelby, Dylan, and Jay will finally know each other.
Release dateAug 8, 2012
Andromeda Drive

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    Book preview

    Andromeda Drive - Nikolaus Minning


    Act I

    Act II

    Act III

    Act IV

    To my friend, Shelby, who taught me the way forward isn’t always clear


    Shelby Brooks – Senior class student. 17 years old.

    Dylan Price – Senior class student. 18 years old.

    Jay Henderson – Senior class student. 18 years old.

    Brianna Myers – Senior class student. 17 years old.

    Daniel Bishop – Senior class student. 19 years old.

    Kyle Reynolds – Senior class student. Late teens.

    Julia Fisher – a waiter and Senior class student. Late teens.

    Mr. Cook – a math teacher. Late 30’s.

    Mr. Billeci – a government/economics teacher. Early 40’s.

    Ms. Loggins – an English teacher. 50’s.

    Mr. Brooks – Shelby’s father. Early 40’s.

    Mrs. Brooks – Shelby’s mother. Mid 30’s.

    Mr. Price – Dylan’s father. Early 40’s.

    Mrs. Price – Dylan’s mother. Mid 40’s.

    Colonel Henderson – Jay’s father. Mid 30’s.

    Aunt Martha – Jay’s aunt. Late 50’s.

    Wesley Bishop – Daniel’s older brother. Late 20’s.

    Jackie Perez – a lawyer. 40’s.

    Some Students

    Some Diners and Waiters


    Act I


    SCENE 1


    The weather is brisk and cold. The sky is overcast, completely blocking out the sun. A high school is standing out on this unusually, cold morning. The outdoor hallways are not fully busy yet. Students move from here to there, heading for first period. Most are outside chilling with friends bragging about their winter break. Some teachers are already in their classrooms allowing some students to escape the cold. However, not all are fortunate. Two friends, standing near the door of their classroom, await salvation.

    Enter Student 1 and 2

    STUDENT 1: It’s cold out here. What do you suppose the temperature is? Thirty? Forty degrees?

    STUDENT 2: Hell, if I know! Probably thirty five or some other. All I know is we’re standing outside freezing our balls off waiting for the teacher to show up and let us in the classroom.

    STUDENT 1: Whoa, dude. Did you just see that chick that just passed by our old classroom?

    STUDENT 2: Which one? The ugly one? Or the one that looks like a stuck up bitch?

    STUDENT 1: The latter one—why is it so fucking cold? I thought this was Georgia. Sure as hell don’t feel like—

    Enter Shelby

    STUDENT 2: Look, Mussolini, its Shelby. She’s coming this way. Think she has this class?

    STUDENT 1: Yeah, right. Hell, no, dude! She’s already taken this class I think. I believe last year.

    STUDENT 2: (shouting) Hey, Shelby. I think you’re lost. The bitches’ club is meeting in the library today.

    SHELBY: What’s up, Jay? I thought asses weren’t allowed on campus anymore. What are you two doing here? Besides checking out the ladies that pass by?

    STUDENT 1: (chuckles) Freezing our asses off.

    SHELBY: Poor, Dylan. (tries the locked classroom door) Where’s the teacher?

    JAY: Who the hell knows! Probably inside. (bangs on the door) The bastard.

    DYLAN: (casually) Haven’t you heard? He’s been trying an experiment. How long does it take before one becomes insane while standing in forty degree weather? It’s a conspiracy. We’re probably all guinea pigs in some sort of massive experiment financed by the nerds.

    SHELBY: (chuckles) See? Dylan’s got it all fingered out.

    JAY: (sarcastic) Yes! Thank you. I totally feel enlightened now. Bravo, Dylan. I’m proud of you. (chuckles) You make us asses all the more intellectual!

    DYLAN: Only together are we strong.

    All: Hahahahaha!

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