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Rhymes in the Lives of Women
Rhymes in the Lives of Women
Rhymes in the Lives of Women
Ebook92 pages30 minutes

Rhymes in the Lives of Women

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About this ebook

RHYMES in the LIVES of WOMEN is a heart-warming book that unfolds the many sentiments women from all walks of life may share... reflected through beautiful photography and poems that evoke intimate & personal emotions, all emanates specail meaning, enriched by people who touched their lives... molding the person... each of them is NOW! Truly... A Celebration... of being a WOMAN!
Release dateOct 29, 2012
Rhymes in the Lives of Women

Laarni Manalac-Fajardo

I am not a professional writer/ poet as such but writing poems must have been a part of my life since Secondary School ( when I first came to know about Literature and I won in the Interscholastic Literary Contest then ). I have nothing to boast such as merits/ awards but my passion, heart and " all " which I put in every poem I make. I am a Nurse by profession ( Dementia care). I am happily married ( Mark ) and have 2 adorable children ( Amie, 7y/o and Lance 4y/o ). I come from the Philippines but have been living here in Kent, England for the past 10 years. I am blessed with so many girl/ women friends and have always been in the company of them having studied in an exclusive school for girls from Prep to High School ( 11 years ) and being a nurse. I have heard so many sentiments and life stories to which I can mostly relate. On every life event, I find content and solace in pouring out my thoughts and feelings through the poems I make. I did not realize that through time, I have written many... I have always been interested in poems that the thought of writing a poetry book and getting it published has always been sitting in my mind for as long as I can remember .... With my 40th birthday coming up ( this 29th October ), I said to myself " I wish I could do something really special for my family and friends to remember me by and equally, to celebrate my being a woman! " RHYMES in the LIVES of WOMEN is a compilation of poems which reflect the many sentiments women from all walks of life may share. It is my deepest hope that whoever gets a hold of it will feel loved and be inspired about being a woman... simply to love life itself! This book truly is a celebration of being a woman! :)

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    Book preview

    Rhymes in the Lives of Women - Laarni Manalac-Fajardo

    © 2012 by Laarni Manalac-Fajardo. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 10/10/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-3461-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-3462-4 (e)

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    An Ode to Women

    Rainbows of my Life


    Unrequited Love


    Love of a Mother


    Family I Grew Up With

    Childhood Memories



    Blessings… How Do I Count Thee?

    Who I am… at 40?

    Why Women Cry

    "The BEAUTY of a woman

    is NOT in the clothes she wears,

    the figures that she carries,

    or the way she combs her hair…

    The BEAUTY of a woman

    must be seen in her eyes…

    because that is the doorway

    to her HEART…

    The place where

    LOVE resides!"



    It must have all started in secondary school

    Learning about Literature…

    That my interest in verses and poems is kindled

    Innocently knowing… my inkling is growing… .

    I’ve always been captivated by verses & poems

    loving what they mean… enticed with each word

    after so many moons… it just dawned on me… .

    thoughts & feelings… pouring out from me… .

    Alas! I’m writing my very own… .

    It’s freedom, passion, love… and ALL!

    And now, it brings me joy…

    To warm your heart, uplift your spirit, carve a smile

    As you flip through these pages,

    Sharing the many sentiments of women…

    I hope in the end…

    You find it all worthwhile! . . .

    You feel loved… .

    Inspired in being a woman… .

    Loving LIFE!

    Laarni Manalac-Fajardo

    To Flor… .

    Pen… .

    and all the B’s… .

    with all my love,


    An Ode





    A Woman’s BEAUTY…

    So enchanting, alluring,

    Her smile…

    Captivating, deceiving…

    Her eyes… impressive

    Talking to you…

    Touching your heart…

    Embracing you!

    A woman’s passion

    And hunger for LOVE…


    Without measure…

    Knows no time nor age

    In a lifetime…

    In abundance overflowing,

    Engulfing… consuming!

    A woman’s TEARS shed

    in the

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