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Times of Spiritual Dryness: There Is Spring of Hope
Times of Spiritual Dryness: There Is Spring of Hope
Times of Spiritual Dryness: There Is Spring of Hope
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Times of Spiritual Dryness: There Is Spring of Hope

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Intellectual turmoil and spiritual yearning for many years. What about disserting for Holy Spirit?

The divine power of God has given us freedom to choose Christ or the devil, but Gods will remains absolute and always comes first. In Gods divine providence, our prayers are answered while his will remains intact, but because of his constant love, he can release the grace to guide us in all matters.

After researching and examining the reality of parents bringing up leadership, I wish to share cogent information that there is a critical mass of parents trapped in ignorance, lacking vision and loving leadership. Hence, the youth are reliant on parents who may be destroying and breaking their hearts. And yet, the parents hearts are bleeding as the drugs, cheap beer, consumption, and carefree, mass-commercialized sex practices take the toll on youths lives. There is a dire desperation, and the parents are turning in the drugs, commercial sex, and booking for money at whatever costeven involving evil rituals, building partnership with the fallen angels, and baying for blood to meet the set targets. The problems are insurmountable, since everything is shrouded by secrecy and a husband can buy several cars for a wife who lives to flatter life but does not know what is in store for her. The evil prosperity is spreading very quickly as the brutal spirit of competition takes root, and this is fueled by the powerful images of power, wealth, fame, love, and beauty found everywhere on the internet, in advertising, on TV shows, and in print and electronic media.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateFeb 11, 2014
Times of Spiritual Dryness: There Is Spring of Hope

Joseph Musyimi Makato

Joseph Musyimi Makato was born in Machakos District in Kenya. He attended the local schools for his primary and secondary education. He graduated from the University of Nairobi with a bachelor’s of arts with honors and further trained in marketing professionally. He holds a huge wealth of management demeanor, exposure, and experience from seminars, training, and workshops attended in many countries in Europe. He enjoys public speaking in areas of motivation and opening up to God. In his vertical career progression, he worked in the tourism industry with an international company. He has widely traveled worldwide. He worked with the corporate blue chip companies in Kenya as a senior marketing manager. Joseph has the propensity for doing consultant work, research, and charity work centered on youth entrepreneurship programs in terms of projects and fostering a business culture. He is married and blessed with four grown sons and a daughter.

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    Times of Spiritual Dryness - Joseph Musyimi Makato

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    Times of Spiritual Dryness

    The Writer’s Reflection of a Fulfilling Life



    Horrific and Shameful Corruption has Plagued Kenya and Africa


    Money Worship and Abusive Churches


    The Indiscipline and Immorality that Threatens the Future Generations.


    Devil Worship and Evil Culture is Taking Root in Society


    JOSEPH MUSYIMI MAKATO was born in Machakos District in Kenya.He attended the local schools for his primary and secondary education.He graduated from University of Nairobi with a bachelor of Arts degree(Honors) and obtained a training in marketing in Britain and Germany.

    A widely travelled man, he has worked with corporate companies non – governmental organizations and in the tourism sector.

    He has also been in research, charity, children projects and also in fostering youth enterprise.

    He is married and blessed with four sons and one daughter.He believes in goodness in true life,true joy,walking in God’s light and closeness to God anchored on God’s love.

    He conveys action,inpiration,energy,optimism and hope in situations of brokeness.He sees God’s wisdom as key to preventing folly in our lives.

    Currently he is persuing studies.

    He believes in articulation of moral foundation for a people with hope and creating a moral vision that creates faith in a people and a responsible leadership that is bold enough to make moral decisions.



    Ruth Musyimi


    Dennis Kyalo

    Paul Maingi

    Peter Musau

    Lawrence Mukeka


    Susan Museo



    The almighty GOD is immutable and His principles remain unchanged. The tragedy is that the world is facing many changes but man is unable to faithfully respond to these changes and remain obedient to GOD and carry the cross.

    The core of the matter is the challenge of fulfilling the bible’s prophecies, Christians moving away from GOD, the role of false prophets, and preachers promoting anti Christ activities which actually compounds matters of spirituality.

    The majority of people are consumed in senseless desires of the flesh, engaging in self- determination in matters of faith, bitterly hating GOD by establishing the dark kingdom of atheism and secular humanism. 2 PETER 3: 9 The lord is slow to do what he has promised, as some think. Instead he is patient with you, because he does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants all to turn away from their sins.

    We are living in times of spiritual dryness where hearts are broken; theology of money thriving, theology of many gods in the name of Jesus witnessed all over, theology of anguished poverty becoming a big business everywhere, but GOD knows our desperation and loves us exceedingly.

    The earth with everything in it will vanish and therefore your lives should be holy and dedicated to GOD. Yes JESUS brought sufficient grace for all of us.

    When culture winces at our faith and the word of GOD, what do we do and social marginalization is a huge challenge to Christianity? The genuine Christians who yearn to know JESUS do not need the love of this world and should stop carrying the label of cultural provocateur and carry the cross.

    Yes Christians should continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our lord and savior JESUS CHRIST.

    The church is burning with demons and cataclysm is chasing the church with wrath

    There are some popeyed pastors, priests, and bishops who covenant with the devil to preach the teachings of the demons and disguise it as the word of GOD. This diabolical conspiracy is aimed at turning the church into some evil business empire. I TIMOTHY 4:1 The spirit says clearly that some people will abandon the faith in later times, they will obey lying spirits and follow the teachings of demons Yes Christians in large numbers are practicing this kind of worshipping. The immeasurable love of GOD and grace come to all the people but they are arrogantly committing sins, disobeying GOD, and saying with the devil’s confidence that life must move on. (But going where and they lack nimble intellect and spiritual discernment about the future since the wisdom of earth is foolishness?) Therefore there is massive mediocrity among a huge number of Christians who fail to know that the grace of GOD diminishes and dies because they do not prayerfully engage GOD to know the word of GOD in order to enjoy grace. Yes Christians value their will and ignore GOD’S will. TITUS 2: 12 That grace instructs us to give up ungodly living and worldly passions and to live self controlled, upright, and godly lives in this world In the light of GOD’s will, those who trust GOD will get blessed and enjoy his grace.

    The prayers are now being sold like a product in the market place and therefore prayers reduced to an empty manipulative spiritual exercise hinged on perverted spirits. The frenzied ignorant, poor-spirited, and trapped Christians by the demon prayers think that religion is a way to become rich and are surrendering their souls to the devil in order to get power, money, fame, and love. What did they bring in this world? Nothing. When they die what shall they carry? Nothing.

    The identity crisis of church is exploding into turmoil of conscience and failure to identify with Jesus Christ as the key transforming power only, puts Christians, priests, pastors, and bishops in a spiritual predicament. In other words there is nothing we can do without Jesus. Yes JESUS said to the gathering of people with compassion My sheep do not have a Sheppard. GOD’S goodness and principles remain unchanged but Christian’s views are changing dramatically thus creating spiritual emptiness and gaps due to evil deeds and lack of love among Christians. MATTHEW 24:11-12 Then many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Such will be the spread of evil that many people’s love will grow cold. Is love among Christians and even non- Christians growing cold?

    The horrendous evil activities and massive change taking place on earth creates a spiritual gap because the church as a result of negligence creates a spiritual gap because the church cannot get enough grace to reconcile with GOD’S love, goodness, and unchanged principles.

    Although the conscience of the church is dying, GOD is still on the throne and Christians should soldier on. JEREMIAH 20:13 SING TO THE LORD! PRAISE THE LORD! He rescues the oppressed from the power of evil men.

    The church continues burning as the devil targets the church to destroy it.

    Are Christians seeking GOD’S love for convenience ?When we block love because of evil, GOD gets angry and the power of HIS jealousy strikes what we love but the grace intervenes so that we remain loved by GOD.

    If God is anchored on truth and love and the desolate Christians are seeking sugarcoated truth iced with evil and love-coated hatred then Christianity is in trouble.

    The tragedy is that we cannot gamble all the way to perdition.

    The matter is now beyond the wisdom and intelligence of this world.

    Good master, what must I do to inherit the kingdom of heaven?

    LUKE 10:27.

    Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and Love your neighbour as you love yourself. Yes, the spiritual formula is that we love god and we love all the people.

    If christians do this, then they will live, for man’s victory lies with God.


    There are some pastors, and priests, who are seeking irresponsible freedom to perpetuate indispline, and abuse in the church. The matter is compounded y church leadership that is stubborn, anddemanding obedience from the lost sheep.

    The prodigal son parable in the bible is yet to help the church leadership in guiding the pastors and priests just for the glory of GOD.

    The church leadership is struggling with fears that emanate from lack of humility, not trusting God, and human desire for power, sin of fresh, money and spiritual pride. The Bishops and the priests do not passionately seek God’s truth and infinite love by obeying the Ten Commandments, and getting knowledge from the living word in the bible.

    They pretend to be worshipping and serving God but they do not want boundaries and this compounds matters of faith because they do not want to handle freedom with love and surrendering to God for guidance.

    The laid down mechanism instituted by the church effects structured obedience to be followed by the priests but the grace of God is hinged on God’s will and cannot be controlled or changed.

    Therefore the Bishops and the priests then do not get the thirsty for Jesus Christ so that the passion of Christ can strengthen them to win the spiritual battles. The infighting between priests and bishops is as a result of not surrendering the battle to God. EXODUS 14:14 The Lord will fight for you, and there is no need for you to do anything. This is enough and the priests and bishops should walk on the path of righteousness and serve God but what do they choose? Women to bear them children, own property houses, farms, investments, andto live the posh and glamorous life. In these circumstances who is the master and are they following Jesus Christ the son of the living God? Did Jesus Christ live a life of material glory or life of simplicity?

    We all want to avoid truth, fight the truth, and create our own truth that suits us and protects our interests but God’s truth is bigger and will remain forever and ever. Indeed God uses priests and bishops as instruments to pass the word of God to the children of God however sinfully they may be. We should pray for the priests day and night for God’s divine mercy to fall on them so that they can serve God. They are an indispensable intermediary.

    It is not the question of condemning, criticizing or judging but rather to remind the church to maintain and sustain the saltiness when serving God and I have adopted a deductive approach to stress humility in seeking God continuously.

    The tragedy of the church being turned into ephemeral idol is increasingly becoming a reality.

    The father of lawlessness and disobendience is working hard to make sure the principle of apostasy become a reality. In other words Satan makes sure that man rejects GOD and the devil becomes the object of worship.Yes so that peoples beliefs become satanic.

    Thereforethe chasm between GOD and man is a huge barrier because it is only GOD who can sort it out, and the Holy Spirit restains the devil.

    The Christianity, church and faith has been overshandowed by consumption of materialism, powerful images of false success, and false preachers.

    The big spiritual battle is between the love of the world and the love of JESUS Christ and the church should warn the people on the prophecy in the bible, so that people are not left when eternal life becomes a reality.The church should warn the people the danger of conformingto the standards of the world as opposed to GODs standards.

    The committed Christians have been subjected to ridicule and the anti Christ elements in the church cannot affirm them for their faith. EPHESIANS 5:1 since you are GOD’s dear children, you must try to belike HIM.

    The great man of faith by the name STEPHEN was brutally stoned to deathfor denouncing the devil.

    The fight between David and the giant Goliath was won because David went to the battle field trusting the power of God and invoking the power of God.

    Errant priests should be reprimanded firmly but with empathy. This does not mean condoning the evil that is perpetrated by some priests.

    It is fundamental for the top catholic leadership to know that the priests may have the person of Jesus and do not have the Holy Spirit with them and indeed Jesus Christ told Peter his disciple this reality. Jesus told Peter plainly that he did not have the Holy Spirit which shocked Peter to the core. Yes to carry the cross half heartedly is painful but to carry the cross wholeheartedly is joyful because JESUS is leading us.

    The church is unable to meet the spiritusl needs of the people and there is a lot of lukewarm with regard to faith. There is the church of Laodicea in the bible in the book of revelation which is becoming evident as the times of spiritual dryness manifests.

    The churchis compromising the sin and the word sin is cunningly avoided and substituted with words like mistake, error, bad luck, andgoing astray in life.

    The church for a very long time has become too secretive, sweeping the issue of abuse under the carpet, and adopting a protective bubble approach on sensitive matters of spirituality.

    The pastors, priests, and bishops, should fight for the truth going by the bible and follow JESUS by carrying the cross and doing good work. 1 PETER 3: 7 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if this should be the GODS will, than for doing evil.

    The spiritual pride in the church should not be there otherwise we are dependent on GOD and salvationis by GODS grace since we are limited. Yes no one can boast about salvation in terms of human effort. It is a gift from GOD.

    The bible should guide all in this respect. The problem is ignorance because priests and bishops have not spiritually come to terms with the reality that Jesus is the truth, the way and life. LUKE 16:15 You are the ones who make yourselves look right in other people’s sight, but God knows your hearts. For the things that are considered of great value by man are worth nothing in God’s sight.


    The bleeding for God is a tendentious book, deeply purposed, and inspired work that freely deals with fundamental spiritual thoughts, questions raised on dynamics of Christianity, and life in relation to God. When GOD in his profound purpose created man, the mystery of GOD’S wisdom is not understood but in GOD’S goodness the desire to create orderliness and obedience was prominent in his infinite knowledge so that the source of happiness and joy could work favourably towards man’s life. Yes GOD instructed man never to eat the fruit at the centre in the Garden of Eden. This was a rule so that man does not operate in an environment without boundaries. The matter was reinforced by the Ten Commandments given to mosses by GOD so that man obeys GOD. GENESIS 3:6 ‘…How wonderful it would be to become wise.’’ We continue seeking knowledge to become wise but unless GOD gives you understanding, it is impossible to become wise after all wisdom of this world is foolishness as the Bible says. Therefore man does not want rules or boundaries and when corruption, selfishness, greed, sin, and immorality is pointed out as evil then man becomes defensive and quickly reacts by saying do not judge or condemn but Ezekiel in the Bible says it is mandatory to be a watchman to one another and tell a brother to change if he is in sin because GOD will ask us as a matter of responsible Christians. GALATIANS 1:10 ‘Does this sound as if i am trying to win man’s approval? No indeed! What I want is GOD’S approval! Am I trying to be popular with men? If I were still trying to do so, I would not be a servant of Christ.’’

    The Core of the challenge is how to consistently sustain salvation in a world full of weeds and wheat and the realization that salvation cannot be pushy.

    One should not think that this book is a perspicacious literary critic but a sharing of human experiences, thoughts, testimonies, relationships and evilness in relation to God`s love and indeed too didactic.

    The fellowship and communion between God and man is not gaining momentum but diminishing significantly. It is largely due to material factor and consumed in human understanding.

    Why are peddling falsehood taking roots in society? Those who are servants of the people want to be served by the people.

    There are millions of people worldwide who get baptized but baptism is not enough unless we become daily practicing Christians in terms of obeying God, exercising love, kindness, forgiveness, humility, gentleness, patience and mercy.

    The so called stiff- necked people are clothed in Satan and are implacably fighting Jesus Christ with a lot of anger and revulsion but God loves them. REVELATION 14:10 Will himself drink God’s wine, the wine of his fury, which he has poured at full strength into the cup of his anger.

    Yes, we need God so that when he tells us to get to the divine garden of grace; we can passionately harvest the fruits of grace. 2 CORINTHIANS 5: 17 When anyone is joined to Christ, he is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come. We have only one choice to make and that is accepting Jesus Christ and denounce devil worship though it is unfortunate many are embracing both simultaneously – a contradiction.

    When human efforts are intertwined with Gods grace and prayer offered to God, then we walk tenaciously with Christ, grow in faith, and salvation become a reality. REVELATION 19:1-2 Praise God! Salvation, glory, and power belong to our God! True and just are his judgments.

    Why do we fail many times to get prayers answered? ISAIAH 59; 1-2 ‘Don’t think that the Lord is too weak to save you or too deaf to hear you call for help! It is because of your sins that he doesn’t hear you. It is our sins that separate you from God when you try to worship him’’. Yes this is why people continue praying until they say GOD is ignoring them.

    In prayers God examines the purpose and motive why we are praying because the will of God is prominent irrespective of being a genius or slower thinker and cannot give us what will destroy us. God`s mystery value in terms of infinite love, wisdom, grace, blessings, truth, glory, faith, justice, peace, mercy, and obedience is heavenly and central. We have to seek God in our prayers diligently, persisting and use the power of passion to touch God. When we pray implacably seeking for useless things like power, money, promote impenitence in our actions, then we miss great things because we have to attach heavenly value to prayers and then these petty things can follow. Indeed good life is shaped by good thought and prayers.

    The devil of corruption is destroying prayers, economies, and leadership in Africa to the extent that the poor mass of people are declaring that we hate this country and the leaders in power which is a prayer of curse. Yet God is on the side of the poor.

    What powers and rights do the leaders in Africa have to mutilate the future and hopes of the poor masses? PSALMS 74:10 How long, O God, will our enemies laugh at you? Will they insult your name forever? We cannot understand God since He can use evil things, tragedies and mysterious happenings to reveal Himself and His power Himself.

    The development agenda in Africa is imperiled by luck of funds due to ritualized evil leadership. The evil created tragic gap between the rule of law and the stubborn leader ruthlessly tinkering with everything with a lot of impunity is dangerous for Africa. The dichotomy in terms of leadership in Africa is a matter of great concern because ideology can mean anything which is a characteristic of dictators who are anti Christ.

    These are snares of Satan and leaders should know God destroys the arrogant and corrupt leaders and the only good choice is for them to seek God and come down to do the right things. PSALMS 34:8 Find out for yourself how good the Lord is. Happy are those who find safety with Him.

    Whom do these leaders trust?

    ISAIAH 26:4 Trust in the Lord forever; He will always protect us. Do our leaders trust in God?

    Where is the love for the poor masses that are dying of hunger and poverty? It is inconceivable and unthinkable to understand why leaders should allow themselves to be like those people whose good deeds are like polluted rags in the scripture in the book of Isaiah? Let the truth and kindness guide these leaders in the delivery of service.

    Who cheated the African tribe that they are secure when their man grabs power?

    It is a satanic thinking and too selfish to make the air malodorous.

    Are you secured by God?

    Are you secured by the devil?

    The devil came to kill, steal, and destroy.

    The abuse of apparatus of power by the leader and creating ghost banks funded by stolen money to empower a few in the tribe economically is not a panacea to peace and security but a curse.

    The murky grounds in matters of spirituality, in the 21st century are chasing miracles, driven by material desires and treating matters of faith casually. Indeed we should be watchful because the devil comes as the angel of light and there is a trap of emerging pergamos churches which existed far away in the 5th century. These churches promote hidden devil worship, glorifying the devil by exploiting sexual immorality and manipulated opinion in terms of performing miracles by the pastors in the name of the devil, but will use the name of Jesus referring to the devil the master of evil. The only trusted opinion should be Gods truth, and the well graced opinion which is based on scripture. REVELATIONS 2:13-14.

    These pergamos churches are exploiting the desperately suffering Christians in terms of financial storms and sick people. It is critical for Christians to know that once the grace of God is released then miracles can take place and those with the gift can be used by God to do the work. ROMANS 12:21 Do not let evil defeat you; instead, conquer evil with good

    The true miracles are riddled with mystery and grace of God because there is a mystery purpose And God shows up at the weakest situations.

    Is recruitment of devil followers secretly gaining momentum?

    When you bamboozle people in spiritual matters then you mislead the children of God. The poor children of God are feeding on leftovers from the pagan alters.

    The leadership and economic melee in Africa is hinged on powerful invisible hand that’s connected to evil dark kingdom that controls money and power. This has resulted in a lot of suffering and brings a lot of melancholia to the poor people who stay in inhuman conditions. It has created a state of vagrancy which the devil worshippers are happy to see thrive because there is a secret movement penetrating the churches in Africa. The idea is to cause chaos, make life hard, and planning becomes impossible. The powerful occult group is determined to control power and money hence leaders are forced to seek blessing from the devil and dirty money to win elections and to crown their evil worshipping by enhancing the saturation of sin. They are fighting God and spreading hatred to Christians. Yes the fierce bulls from the land of Bashan but God will strike them and they will wither like the leaves of a tree and get blown by the wind. ISAIAH 33:11-12 You make worthless plans and everything you do is useless. My spirit is like a fire that will destroy you. You will crumble like rocks burnt to make lime, like thorns burnt to ashes.

    Yes the real joy and happiness is in Jesus Christ who brought salvation and the faithful love of God and endures. JOHN 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. JOHN 15:12 Love one another, just as I love you

    How many leaders in Africa are ready to give their life for the poor in society?

    If the leaders hate the poor they pretend to serve then they hate God too. This reinforces their deceptive belief that they are getting more powers but they are getting destroyed. The witchdoctors hate Jesus and hate the people who praise Jesus but Jesus loves the sinners and the witchdoctors.

    Indeed Jesus came to demonstrate with a human touch how we should live our lives dominated by prayers, helping those with bleeding hearts, exercise kindness, humility, love and forgiving one another but did not come to show the desires of money, power, arrogance and big ego.

    Those bleeding for GOD should read COLOSSIANS 3:16 Christ’s message in all its richness must live in your hearts… the way forward is ISAIAH 61:1-2 The sovereign Lord has filled me with his spirit. He has chosen me and sent me to bring good news to the poor, To heal the heart-broken. To announce the release of captives, and freedom to those in prison. He has sent me to proclaim that the time has come when the lord will save his people. And defeat their enemies. He has sent me to comfort all who mourn.

    The truth of the gospel reveals the truth of God`s judgment but today everything is business as usual.

    The most striking moment of thinking in my life reveal that what drives the world is the spirit of love, mercy and forgiveness but atrocities and cruel evil practices committed by man have shaken these three components of Devine power to the core such that only fear, hatred and mercilessness have engulfed the whole world.

    The huge disruptions driven by the devils arrogance, destruction, terrible killings, and rampant stealing have made the whole world to experience strange and unexplained happenings. The graphic images of burning bodies, crying and suffering people who simply want to die, abandoned crying children,

    And a critical mass of people expressing disgusted hate why they are living in this world. There is no choice and man cannot live by instincts, guess work, and knowledge that evaporate but to humbly seek GODS wisdom. A blessed human intellect that can cry to almighty GOD for mercy and forgiveness.

    It is the only way the world leadership can effect change, fight the demon of schism,

    Cement world unity, discourage destructive competition among nations, and ensure bright future

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