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If You Believe, You Can Fly.: An Alphabetical Guide to Spiritual Growth and Personal Happiness.
If You Believe, You Can Fly.: An Alphabetical Guide to Spiritual Growth and Personal Happiness.
If You Believe, You Can Fly.: An Alphabetical Guide to Spiritual Growth and Personal Happiness.
Ebook168 pages1 hour

If You Believe, You Can Fly.: An Alphabetical Guide to Spiritual Growth and Personal Happiness.

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About this ebook

Sean Cochrane has worked in the energy efficient and sustainable products field for the past twenty years. Over that time, he has gained experience across three continents, building several businesses and a green franchise model in Australia. In 2010 he and his family moved to West Palm Beach in the USA to join forces with United Franchise group, become the president of SuperGreen Solutions and roll out the SuperGreen Solutions Franchise model. Sean plans to continue opening stores in the United States and cementing Master franchise agreements worldwide.

He lives with Clare, the love of his life, in Florida in the USA and or in Queensland Australia. Together they work to make the planet a better place through helping others. They continually strive to educate people to become more sustainable thus minimizing pollution. All the while promoting the triple bottom line maxim of People, Planet then Profit.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateFeb 11, 2014
If You Believe, You Can Fly.: An Alphabetical Guide to Spiritual Growth and Personal Happiness.

Sean G Cochrane

In a horrific accident when he was sixteen years old, Sean broke thirteen bones in his body, almost lost his left leg, and experienced clinical death on the operating table. He had a near-death experience and, while unfamiliar with the term and that there were others who had died and come back, he found that this experience changed him forever. The lessons he learned at sixteen were further hammered home during a very challenging period in his marriage, which ultimately lead to the creation of the guide you are holding. Presented in clear language, this is an alphabetical listing of inspirational topics. Subjects and meditations may be selected and digested easily for maximum efficiency. Sean shares his personal experiences and insight on how to beat impossible odds and achieve a personal best. You too can soar like an eagle when you spread your mind’s wings and fly.

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    If You Believe, You Can Fly. - Sean G Cochrane

    Copyright © 2001 – 2014 Sean G Cochrane.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6925-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6926-0 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6927-7 (hc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013903188

    Balboa Press rev. date: 03/24/14

    Dedication: To my family:-

    Thank you for your love and everything that you have taught me. You have my unconditional love. The men have made me stronger and the women have made me real. My greatest, joys and teachers have been my wife, Clare and my Daughter Maxinne. I thank you all.

    To all whose paths have intersected with mine:-

    I thank you for everything that you inadvertently conferred on me. Your teachings and lessons have been the gifts that led me to find out who, I really am and thus my happiness. I wish you the same.

    Lauren – Thank you for your editing and advice, may your books jump from your heart to the eyes of many.

    Mom – Thanks for all you have done for me and for this book.

    Heather and the team at Balboa – Without your gentle hand and guiding wisdom this book would have been lacking.

    To you the reader:-

    I congratulate you for being a fellow searcher!

    By picking up this book proves that you are no doubt a fellow ‘searcher’… You have clearly embarked on the wonderful journey of discovery into ‘self’ and personal happiness! I firmly believe that a book finds you when you are ready for it rather than the other way around. This has proven true and accurate for me on many occasions. To this end, I hope and trust that what is contained here-in makes sense to you or for you. If not, as they say don’t sweat it. One-day maybe, it will!?

    I trust that what is contained in this book and what lies before you on your own journey will widen your awareness, be enlightening and show you what you are capable of. You may learn how to use your mind to unlock gifts and abilities that you never knew were possible. It may help you to understand your mind and body more. Who knows, you may be able to set your mind free and… let it fly?

    Reader, I will also request forgiveness for my Dyslexia in advance as what looks correct to me is often seen as poor punctuation and spelling.

    Table of Contents


    Preface: How to use this guide


    Acceptance of yourself



    Attacking attack

    Awareness expansion

    Bake a love muffin


    Be a master

    Be the force

    Befriend yourself

    Being and - not being vulnerable

    Being or doing

    Belief patterns


    Call on compassion



    Change only what you can


    Communicate with self, with source



    Count your blessings


    Create a bubble, don’t live in one


    Cry ‘enough’ and awaken


    Defensive and dependent feelings

    Dependency to self-reliance

    Do no harm

    Dream your life, live your dream

    Dreams are the beginning of ‘self’



    Energy: exchange & replacement


    Finding fun

    Fly Away!

    Forgiveness is for giving



    God force

    Gratitude or Thankfulness

    Guilt Barriers

    Happiness is a journey

    Happiness needs time, resolve and work

    Harmony works from within

    Hate is a cancer

    Heart, your heart has the answers

    Hiding is hindering

    Honesty works

    Humble respect

    I am the power

    Identify what you are

    Ignite your heart

    Initial injury

    Inner wisdom

    Inspirational note taking

    Know who you are

    Laughter lightens the load

    Let up, why worry?



    Love - Unconditional love

    Love is inside

    Love is not dependent

    Love Yourself

    Make a miracle happen

    Manifestation (from ‘man’ and ‘feast’)

    Mediocrity is less

    Meditation rebuilds

    Never say never

    Now is the time

    Overcome and overflow


    Part of the oneness



    Peaceful mind

    Perfect ways

    Positive attitude

    Positive un-learning

    Power of creation

    Problems are opportunities

    Problems are presents to grow from


    Project your future


    Pure of heart

    Purpose, knowing yours

    Reality check

    Relating to people

    Release through admission

    Religion and tolerance

    Respect is ‘passing it forward’


    Responsibility and obligation

    Restraining anger

    Reveal your ‘self’


    Say your affirmations

    Self-centred or selfish

    Self Respect

    Self-preservation is being selfish



    Spiritual recognition


    Stop and listen

    Surrender to essence

    Take control


    Tension and stress

    Think positively about yourself

    Thoughtful, thought energy

    Time out – take some

    Tolerance takes you higher


    Turn on your magnets


    Well of knowledge

    When self finds source

    Work with all of you

    Wound removal

    You echo yourself

    You save your own spirituality

    Your primary purpose

    Your reflection


    The end, or is it?…

    Your Notes

    About the Author


    This book is the product of what I have learned along my journey and from what I have read. I have been inspired by the words of wisdom and writings of others. To say that all the concepts and ideas relayed in this book were all mine would not be true as I have been a searcher and looked for reasons and answers in many books, much like you are doing right now. Some of what I learned along the way from these teachers has helped me to make sense of and understand what transpired in my life. So if some of my ideas sound like they have been spoken before, I am guilty as charged. As I too have looked for answers, reasons, understanding, enlightenment and advice in the works of others. To this end as fellow searcher I looked for meanings and wisdom in the words of the Bible, Lao Tse, the Dalai Lama, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Max Ehrmann, Henry Thoreau, Deepak Chopra, Scott Peck and Jane Roberts to name but a few. I credit them all.

    Moreover what is contained herein has been learned from the pains, joys, lessons and love that I have had the good fortune to experience along my journey. A journey that I hope has only just begun. One that I hope helps you to better understand yourself and unlocks in you that which you are truly capable of.

    This book is more a story about ‘Mind over Me’, rather than a story about ‘Mind over Matter’. I agree that after all is said and done ‘Mind over Matter’ lies at the core of every human creation and endeavor. However, not everybody takes responsibility for themselves and for their own actions but when they finally do. This is when the mind begins taking responsibly for the self, and ‘Mind over me, for me’ begins forming a more aware, powerful and connected being. I encourage you, as a fellow searcher to look into yourself until you find out that the thing standing in your way, is only yourself. As this is when you can begin to re-learn and re-discipline yourself to rebuild and achieve anything you set your mind to. Set yourself free and fly.

    My story begins as follows. I came from a

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