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A Stop Along the Way: Spring Migration at Middle Creek
A Stop Along the Way: Spring Migration at Middle Creek
A Stop Along the Way: Spring Migration at Middle Creek
Ebook145 pages21 minutes

A Stop Along the Way: Spring Migration at Middle Creek

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Mid-February, the air is cold, damp and turbulent. From the southeast a familiar cacophony of high pitched honking fills the air. The strength of the sounds grows more intense as the sky in the distance begins to appear spotted. Alas! The spring migration is under way. Flocks of Snow Geese begin pouring in to this small wildlife refuge. They range in size from just a few birds to thousands at a time. They migrate long distances and often fly at high altitudes in more of a wavy line or arc rather than the V of Canada Geese. Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area is just A Stop Along The Way for these and many other waterfowl traveling the Atlantic Flyway as they return to their Arctic breeding grounds. A propagation area of 750+ acres surrounded by thousands of acres of State Game Land as well as farm fields provide an excellent stopover for migrating geese, swans and assorted ducks. Here they can rest from their long journey while feeding to build reserves before once again taking to the air as they continue their northern trek. This is a five year observation of Snow Geese, Tundra Swans and other fowl at Middle Creek.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 3, 2012
A Stop Along the Way: Spring Migration at Middle Creek

Richard Sewalt

For the past seven years we have observed and photographed the waterfowl at Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area. I (Rich) have been an amateur nature photographer since the late 1970’s. I am retired from Danka, Inc., as a field engineer and reside in Dover, Pennsylvania, with my beautiful wife, Mikki, and our two felines.

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    A Stop Along the Way - Richard Sewalt

    Copyright © 2012 Richard L. Sewalt and Mary E. Sewalt

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    All photographs are by the authors.

    Front Cover Photograph: Blue Goose

    Rear Cover Photograph: Tundra Swans, Preening

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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-6384-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4497-6385-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012916957

    WestBow Press rev. date: 09/20/2012





    SPRING MIGRATION, (2005-2009)








    … for our Lord and Creator who giveth life to all living things, who designed and planned the spectacles and miracles we have been able to witness …

    … for Mikki, my beautiful wife, whose undying love and encouragement fills my heart with joy and gladness … … for our cats, Messy Missy and Sneaky Buds, a great source of comfort …


    Our first real introduction to Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area was in 2005. As an avid amateur photographer, I am always seeking new areas to photograph. My son, a hunter, telling me about the numbers of Snow Geese and other waterfowl at this refuge, piqued my interest. Not knowing what to expect, we planned the 70 mile one way drive for the second Saturday and Sunday of March. If this should prove to be a worthy photographic effort, we would return again the following weekend.

    This trip became the first of a series of yearly repeat excursions to

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