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How to Choose Love When You Just Want to Slap Somebody
How to Choose Love When You Just Want to Slap Somebody
How to Choose Love When You Just Want to Slap Somebody
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How to Choose Love When You Just Want to Slap Somebody

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You feel angry, frustrated, overwhelmed, and alone: you know theres another wayanother choice; way to be in the world; way to feel calm, happy, and excited about life. But how? Choose love.
How to Choose Love When You Just Want to Slap Somebody uses humor, real-life stories, and exercises to help you understand where you get stuck, and to help you understand how to get unstuck by consciously connecting to the energy of love. Each chapter offers fast, easy exercises that allow you to choose love and bring more joy into your life:
Discover techniques to help you relax and open to love Understand how to harness the power of gratitude Explore methods to release past hurt, grief, and sadness Identify how the universe is working on your behalf Recognize how your thoughts create your reality
Diane Haworth is a profoundly gifted new author. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is a true gem in its genre, and a must-read for anyone who is seeking to better their lives. Dr. Todd Michael, artist, author of Evolution Angel, and retired physician
It is always a pleasure to see someones destiny unfold. Diane brings her incredible insight and wisdom to life with her words, and, in the end, we are inspired by her. Alison Baughman, numerologist, author of Speaking to Your Soul: Through Numerology;
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 4, 2014
How to Choose Love When You Just Want to Slap Somebody

Diane L Haworth

Diane L. Haworth is a professional coach, author, and speaker who believes everyone can live their joy, share their passion, and love their life. She lives with her husband and Rory the cat in the beautiful Virginia foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Visit her website at

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    How to Choose Love When You Just Want to Slap Somebody - Diane L Haworth

    Copyright © 2014 Diane L. Haworth.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-1493-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-1494-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014908817

    Balboa Press rev. date: 8/4/2014



    Why I Wrote This Book

    This Book is for You!


    Chapter 1:   The Power of Gratitude

    Chapter 2:   You Are What You Think

    Chapter 3:   What If Life is Working for You?

    Chapter 4:   What Does Love Look Like Here? How Does Love Move Me Forward?

    Chapter 5:   Living in the Now

    Chapter 6:   Release, Relax and Accept

    Take Thoughtful Action: Choose to Live Love

    About the Author

    For Mom and Dad

    I love you. I miss you. I thank you.

    Without you, none of this would be possible.

    We are created in love, from love to live love.


    I  FEEL SO MANY thank yous are appropriate for this book and I hope this listing reflects my gratitude for the support I’ve received. This represents only a few of the many important people and relationships that have helped me on my path. It’s in no particular order. Whether they’re listed here or not, I sincerely appreciate everyone who has touched my life.

    Thank you to my darling husband Joe for his love, patience and support of me always (whether he understood what I was doing or not), to Mom and Dad for giving me my foundation, my brother Bill and sister- in-law Ann for being a constant grounding presence and always offering a respite at their loving home. Thank you to my sister Kathy for believing in me and coming with me on this spiritual journey as well as acting as a business and spiritual advisor. Thank you to my daughter Stephanie, her husband Evan and my son Kyle, who teach me daily about unconditional love. Thanks to Jason and Becky for being beautiful reflections of their father Joe and being part of my family. Many thanks go to my extended family that were supportive and encouraged me during the writing process. Thank you to my adopted brother Harry Boyd for his constant love and support of me and my family. My appreciation and love for friend Sharon Blum is beyond words…thanks for teaching me about handling new love, marriage, kids and life!

    I am grateful for the early teachings I received at my Presbyterian church in my small Virginia hometown. Although my understanding of the Divine has changed over the years, I’m thankful for my spiritual introduction to God’s loving presence in my life and to the wonderful people I met there. Thank you to the church pastors for the spiritual lessons they taught me.

    Thanks to kindred spirit Robin Knies, my friend who early on never questioned the unconventional topics and techniques I discussed with her and used her own curiosity to propel us both forward. I am grateful for friend Faye Richardson and her husband Bill, who supported my work and were always open to finding and sharing new ways to grow. Thank you to Nicolle Jones, Johnetta Pruitt, Triv Towery, Peter Fakoury, Donusia Lipinski, Anita Sutherland and the Sutherland family, Marianne Clyde and Alice Maher, who all embody love and inspire me with your actions. Thank you to Linda Lieving, who was my rock during a turbulent time in my life and gave me my first Louise Hay book, You Can Heal Your Life, for Christmas 1999.

    Thank you to my author friends Shari Jaeger Goodwin, Caryn Moya Block and Dianne Eppler Adams for your love, support and encouragement.

    Thank you to my coach and mentor Dr. Todd Michael, who helped bring this book to press and to my spiritual coach Rev. Joyce Liechenstein, Ph.D. for introducing us. Special thanks to my book coach Donna Kozik and editor Nancy Griffin-Bonnaire for keeping me on track. Thanks also to business coach Ivy Stirling and to my previous coaches for your encouragement and support of this project. Thanks to Alice Maher, Sarah Steed, Ana Maria Siccardi and Petra Mercier for sharing your healing expertise as well. A very special thank you to Max Simon and Jeffrey Van Dyk who shifted my understanding of how I can best serve others through my business. Thank you for helping me create an exciting business that I love.

    I’m grateful for all the authors I studied over the years. I especially appreciate the works of Louise Hay, Dr. Robert Holden, Gregg Braden, Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Rhonda Byrne, Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Dr. Jack Canfield, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Diana Cooper, Vianna Stibal, Marlo Morgan, Ted Andrews and Stuart Wilde.

    Thanks to Rev. Beth Chadsey for teaching me Reiki and expanding my inner world. To the fabulous people who have been my teachers, mentors and friends: Janis Ericson, Melissa Feick, Catherine Rosek, John J. Oliver, Alison Baughman, Miranda Powell and my friends at the Aquarian Bookshop in Richmond, Virginia. Much love and gratitude goes to Amy Twiss and my Aussie buddy Susanne Marie for their steadfast support and for bringing me greater understanding of metaphysical and spiritual tools. To Theta founder Vianna Stibal and her husband Guy, I am eternally grateful for the dedication of you and your family to bring ThetaHealing® to the planet. Thank you!

    Thank you to Sherri Arnaiz, who has been the graphic eye of my business and a consistent cheerleader for my company (originally Foxfire Consulting) from the start. Thanks to expert photographer Elizabeth Linares, who uses photography as a spiritual practice and amazed me with the photos she’s taken that are in my home, website and book.

    Finally I thank my clients, students and friends. Your willingness to work and change your life for the better pushed me to find new, better and more effective ways to help you

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