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Corporate Manager’S Security Handbook
Corporate Manager’S Security Handbook
Corporate Manager’S Security Handbook
Ebook84 pages1 hour

Corporate Manager’S Security Handbook

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This book will enable you to immediately develop an appreciation for the complex role of security in assuring profitability in every business. You will obtain an awareness of the need for security in support of all business processes and practices. Small business owners and managers will learn to effect the necessary changes in their businesses to increase their security posture at low cost and with minimal effort. The role of the security consultant is also detailed to assist managers in obtaining professional help when needed. Security awareness, a concept rarely understood or acknowledged by most, is discussed in this book in a manner that will change the readers view with regard to seeing their business environment in terms of risk from criminal activity, industrial espionage, and vandalism. The sensitive topic of information security and its importance to every business is handled with regard to electronic media, written documents, and verbal communications to assist the reader in developing their own internal corporate protocols for the protection of the intellectual property and strategic business communications.
Release dateJul 5, 2012
Corporate Manager’S Security Handbook

Anthony R. Williams

A.L. Green-Williams grew up in South Central LA. She was her grandmother’s little helper from age four to fourteen, before returning to live with her parents. Mrs. Green-Williams is the youngest of fi ve siblings and loves to write, draw, and paint. She also desires to act. A.L. is an ordained minister who looks to Jesus Christ as her guide. She resides in Washington with her husband, Tony. Anthony R. Williams was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and served eight years in the U.S. Marine Corp. Tony began writing at a young age. He was in the ninth grade when he entered a city poetry contest, which he won. Writing poetry is his favorite past time, and he hopes that you enjoy his work. Tony resides with his wife, A.L., in Washington. W. Winsle Wiggins IV, a young man with European and African descent, grew up in South Central LA. Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior. W. Wiggins has visited twenty countries and over thirty states, which has taught him to be kind, understanding and grateful. He has an entrepreneurial spirit and currently works multiple crafts in film production. Writing has been his outlet since childhood. W. Wiggins is Mrs. Green-Williams’ son, and resides in California with his wife, Carmell.

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    Book preview

    Corporate Manager’S Security Handbook - Anthony R. Williams

    © 2012 by Anthony R. Williams. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 05/25/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-8250-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-8251-2 (e)

    Cover Design:

    Sabine Solisch

    Original form

    Businessman Office © pab_map -

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    Company Security Plan

    Company Security Strategy

    Security In Your Area Of Responsibility

    Sensitive Areas

    Enforcement Of

    Security Procedures

    Train And Inform Subordinates

    On Security Procedures

    Set The Example

    Coordinate With Company

    Security Manager

    Security Incident Reporting

    Loss Prevention

    Crime Prevention

    Intelligence Gathering

    Information Security

    Transit Security

    Security At Client/

    Customer Premises

    Coordinating Security Outside Of The Company

    Small Business And

    Security Addendum


    Security Awareness


    Use Of Security

    Consultants Addendum




    The Corporate Manager’s Security Handbook by Mr. Anthony R. Williams is a must read for new managers and a re-enforcement of basic security essentials for today’s business community. Security is the keystone of every business in our present world economy. It is short, informative, and to the point. I also like the Case In Point segments, which were drawn from Mr. Williams’ own experiences, making them more meaningful.

    Wayne C. Heinold Sr.

    Command Sergeant Major (Retired), US Army Criminal Investigation Command

    Asst. Chief of Police/Security Specialist/Cyber Security Practitioner (Retired)

    The Security Manager’s Handbook written by Mr. Anthony R. Williams, is a masterpiece of collective experiences, hands on experiences, and the best practice of the 21st Century security standards. As a former Physical Security Specialist and Fraud Investigator, I must admit this handbook highlights the methodologies and technologies of the security industry. This is a revolutionary approach to security management and standard operational procedures. In an era of corporate espionage, trade secret disclosures, and larceny, this book provides the fundamental steps to understanding the field of corporate security. As Mr. Williams stated security is the responsibility of every employee, not just the Security Manager. As it pertains to Security Strategies, it is imperative upon the Operational Manager, to understand and be a stakeholder for its implementation. I agree that any violation of security procedures should result in disciplinary action and be documented, to instill a culture of prevention. Mr. Williams presented a list of major company activities that was realistic, understandable, and should be adopted into any security procedures. To lead by example, emphasizes how all levels of management should take the seriousness of the security procedures, and do use their position for nonconformity. Mr. Williams identified locations where Intelligence Gathering occurs, to expose all employees to the where withal of changing the subject of their conversations to non-related company talk when not on company property. Mr. Williams speaks to the concept of operation security, which encompasses personnel, property, and data to be adhered with no exceptions. This book is an uncryptic assortment of security information that will provide education, knowledge, and wisdom at your fingertips.

    Dr. A.J. King, Sr., Special Agent, US Army Criminal Investigation Command (Retired)

    Security is not an end in and of itself. Security must be an integrated component of a company’s success. The Corporate Security Manager’s Handbook illustrates in an understandable form how security, through security awareness, must be incorporated in corporation processes. Anthony R. Williams gives many examples from a practical standpoint, and in this manner turns this handbook into a useful textbook for security specialist and everyone in a company that is responsible for security protocols and processes.

    Robert Kilian,

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