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Origin: Infinity
Origin: Infinity
Origin: Infinity
Ebook603 pages8 hours

Origin: Infinity

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The Origin of all things and our purpose in the universe has confounded us since the dawn of time. Join a group of travelers whose destinies are intertwined as they discover the truth about the origin of all manner of living creatures and the role that each one plays on the grand design of the Creator of all things. Discover hidden truths and unlock the mysteries of the universe in a grand adventure beyond the confounds of space and time as it leads them to the edges of the universe.
Release dateDec 16, 2014
Origin: Infinity

T.J. Marino

I have done extensive research for the history and background for this book. I enjoy discussing and learning about the known and unknown mysteries of life. I enjoy writting and have a wife and two daughters who i love and appriciate their support in writting these books. I live in Wahiawa Hawaii where I am currently stationed and have just returned from my second combat tour.

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    Book preview

    Origin - T.J. Marino

    2014 T.J. Marino. All rights reserved.

    Cover Illustration by Timothy Marino

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  12/15/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-5818-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-5817-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-5816-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014922262

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    BOOK 1: EDEN

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Epilogue/ 1 Month Earlier


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    BOOK 1: EDEN

    Chapter 1

    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and void…

    1,000 Years Later

    On the planet as new as the universe itself, and epic battle rages between the Creator of all things and the first son of that creation. The brutal yet magnificent war wages for reasons and goals outside the scope of common entity. The balance, stability, and the very control of the cosmos itself are at stake. However, underneath all of this lays an unfaltering desire of the conflicts antagonists for a change in the universe of power structure. As the combatants struggle about a planet filled with living mountains of fire, and flowing with rivers of lava this fact is borne in mind: that the foundation of existence will forever be altered. Out of the soot filled sky angels armed with swords of flame can be seen reinforcing the Archangel Michael’s army of God. Michael, belonging to the Seraphim order placing him as a counselor of the Lord, was charged with leading the war on behalf of the Creator.

    Sir the creator wants a report.

    Opheniel cried deliberately, seeking an assessment from his commander.

    Lucifer and his followers are holding their own. Ophaniel… It’s not looking good. Tell the Creator to prepare for a possible breach and the Source,

    Michael replied dryly. Ophaniel whisks off like to wind as Michael turns to face the carnage and thinks to himself,

    Oh Lucifer, have you fallen so far from his grace then cannot see the light.

    And Prior to the conflict existed a period of time almost indefinite to man. During this period God drew from the source of existence to form all that is present. His first attempt at creation would be the most significant of his creations. After drawing from the Source, God created a companion of almost equal status to himself. This being was charged with assisting the Creator in laying the laws of his new universe. After the creation of the Order of Angels, the Son of Creation merely wanted the same respect in status of God in relation to the lower creations. The Son of Creation felt justified having played an equal role in their formulation in processing a similar positioning to God in respect to the lesser creations. When issues and conversations on how the existence of the universe should operate came up, these lesser creations ignored the Son of Creation. The bypassed Lucifer and went straight to God himself. This in turn angered the Morningstar and he grew to resent a lack of respect provided him as given in his position in the heavens. In a bold act, God’s most revered creation demanded the equality deserved in his status with that of God’s. Failing to find the ability to accept this turn of events God denied Lucifer his request for recognition and the set into motion the present state of things.


    Yes sir!

    Any word from our source on the inside?

    Yes sir, he has recovered the final tablet.

    Good. Take the others and place the relics on the altars, and I shall take care of these creatures of HIS creation.


    Replied Samael with concern for his master edged up on his face. His Lord, Lucifer turns and places his hand on Samael’s shoulder.

    Trust me my old friend. Before long the throne will be ours and righteousness will be restored.

    Samael smiles, obediently nods, and races off with his assignment. Lucifer slowly fixes his cold icy blue eyes in the direction of Michael’s army and in an explosion of anger races toward them. Many angels under Michael’s charge rush toward Lucifer to strike and down, but as with the blade of a samurai master he cuts them down swiftly and effortlessly. He stands marveling at the destruction of the abandoned by with the zeal Michael waste themselves.

    * * *

    On an adjacent planet filled with lush green valleys and crystal clear waters four figures swoop down from the clear green sky and all are loyal to Lucifer. Samael, previously of the Seraphim order and loyal servant, remains almost a student to Lucifer since being a part of the first class of angels created in the beginning by God. He is accompanied by Metatron, a Supernal who was created from the Source long after Lucifer and is meant to bring balance to all of creation and existence in his realm. He too aids Lucifer’s army while still falling in his own design by striving to bring a sense of balance to the power of God and Lucifer and deliver the heavens out of chaos. On Samael’s opposite flank flies Astarael, a Celestial and only one of his kind, governs the cosmos to maintain order and feels that God has unjustly dishonored Lucifer. He wishes to give the Son of Creation a chance to appeal his claim through his right to fight dictated in the ways of the Tablets of Destiny. The final figure lags behind the others. Azazel, an archangel who possesses great cunning further clouding his mysterious personality, is playing the spy for Lucifer in locating the seven tablets. On this day he has located the last one and his directing the group now to the altar. Samael turns to Azazel, Where is it Azazel? We are running out of time and the Morningstar is charging us to complete our objective. Azazel raises his hand and points to a mountain range,

    "The altar is on the summit of Mt. Carphasion, and the last tablet is in a safe place in the valley below. Astarael illuminates a bright silver emission and suddenly takes off. Samael turns to Metatron,

    What was that all about?

    Do not worry Samael for he is one with the cosmos and has probably sensed…

    Just then Astarael reappears.

    "Something unimaginable has just a current that not even the Creator himself could have anticipated. The other three look on each other in wonder as then Astarael continues,

    Michael has drawn from a source.

    * * *

    Michael is engulfed by a bright aura out of illumination bursting with colors as he rises from the ground and spreads his wings looking up into the heavens.

    My Creator… Please… Forgive me.

    The black ash filled skies roar and the very foundations of the planet shakes. Suddenly the warriors of Michael’s army halt in place, restrained against their will. Lucifer ceases his onslaught and can merely stare upon Michael as if to be completely blown away by Michael’s actions. Since the beginning god and Lucifer agreed to forbid anyone other than themselves to draw from the Source. This they felt must be so, as improper use or lack of knowledge and experience could have dire consequences of a volatile and unforeseeable nature. Now as he watches Michael’s desperation, a look of worry for the first time crosses Lucifer’s face. The warriors that are frozen in place are overtaken by a golden light. Each warrior’s left wing burst open and forms a dragon like wing and their icy blue eyes turn to a gold color. As the light fades from around the warrior angels, a look of amazement disdain appears on the face of the Morningstar. He acknowledges in his mind what his eyes have already witnessed.

    They are infused with the cosmos, and Astarael alone is the only one below us who is capable of such power!

    The soldiers of Michael are now half breeds possessing both Angelic powers and those of a Celestial. Michael collapses and falls down to the rocky cliff s below strained from his delinquent act of creation. Suddenly Ophaniel swoops out of the ash above and catches Michael carrying him off the planet.

    As Lucifer looks upon his new adversaries and the dark smiles on their faces, he braces himself for the fight of his life. With tremendous speed and strength, the half breeds turn their attention toward the Son of Creation and fl y toward him with cruel intent. Two of the half breeds grab a hold of Lucifer and hold fast as they fly him toward another half breed charging straight at them. Lucifer slips downward and twists his body around hard enough to slam the half breed holding his left arm right into the other charging at him. He quickly turns and grabs the one latched on to his right arm by the face and emits a powerful discharge disintegrating the creature, but through the ash of bone comes another slamming its elbow directly across Lucifer’s face sending him flying down toward the planet’s surface. As he recovers slowly his dissent, two or more fl y by smashing their fists into Lucifer’s face sending him spinning right and left.

    * * *

    Astarael opens his eyes and instantly states,

    We must attend to the Morningstar, and he is weakening! Samael signals and nods acknowledging the Celestial’s statement.

    Are you insane!?

    Snaps Azazel. Samael turns to him with a stern look,

    What did you say?

    Azazel answers defiant and stubborn,

    We have come too far to stray from the goal! We are so close to the throne…

    Metatron interrupts with a commanding voice,

    Without Lucifer who will take on the Creator? Certainly not you! You are only an Archangel and are no match for his might!

    Samael concurs with Metatron,

    He is right as Azazel. Without Lucifer there is no chance for us to set things right and I will not leave my leader to face ruin and in a folly lust for power by you. Go forth and take the tablet and keep it safe for if we fail you are the one who must continue on because the Creator does not yet know of you being a traitor.

    Azazel swallowing his pride bows,

    Forgive my insubordination. I will do as you wish.

    Astarael and Metatron take off as Samael turns and puts his hands on Azazel’s shoulder, Good luck and we shall return.

    Samael takes off as Azazel stretches a smile across his face reflecting,

    Soon you shall see why you should have listened.

    * * *

    As Lucifer picks himself up off of the ground he stares into the sky to see the half breeds stopped in place and looking elsewhere towards the heavens. A smile creeps upon Lucifer’s battered face when he sees a bright flash of light and revealed hovering over the horde of half breeds are two figures.

    What in the world has Michael done?

    Astarael exclaims. Metatron quickly responds,

    They are abominations and Michael has now truly upset the balance.

    Astarael replies with a smile,

    So what is to be done?

    Metatron returns the smile and says assuredly, They must be destroyed.

    The pair hurtles toward the horde as the half breeds take to their new threat with the delight. Lucifer shuts his eyes, feeling the presence of his pupil.

    What are you doing here?

    Samael emerges from the darkness behind Lucifer.

    Astarael sensed Michael drawing from the Source and said that it was urgent that we come.

    Lucifer, grinning, faces Samael in approval,

    Thank you my friend. Unless we stop this threat now, there will be no way to challenge the Creator.

    Samael nods as they take to the air to join their struggling companions. On the ground of the smoldering surface, a half breed quite larger in build and height opens his eyes. He looks at himself as if he no longer recognizes who he is. His attention is suddenly turned to the battle in the air above. As he looks closely at his fellow warriors he notices that their once beautiful bodies have been altered as well. Assuming that this was the work of Lucifer and his men he leaves for the heavens brimming with outrage. Three half breeds slammed into Samael causing him to crash into Metatron’s back sending them flying into the side of a soot filled mountainside. Meanwhile Lucifer and Astarael send two of their adversaries crashing into each other as they both follow up with a fl ash like attack of white light that annihilates them. They then turn their attention toward four half breeds sneaking up behind them. As they start to fl y into the small pack a sudden burst of light stops the two dead in their paths.

    You will pay for what you have done Lucifer!

    As Lucifer gazes upon this familiar looking half breed a look of amazement shatters his once confident face,

    Malik… Is that… You?

    Malik the head general and Archangel in Michael’s army of God, was now staring at Lucifer with a look of death.

    Do not pretend to act surprised Son of Creation. You have fought and harmed your own subjects and now you disgrace us by deforming our bodies!

    Lucifer quickly contests,

    It wasn’t I who…

    Before Lucifer’s plea can shape, Malik strikes him down toward the surface. Just before he hits the ground Lucifer stops himself only to find Malik staring him square in the face.

    No more lies from your mouth. Today you will perish!

    As Malik raises his hand to strike Lucifer again, Samael smashes his shoulder into Malik’s side, sending him flying and then stops himself in the distance. Metatron and Astarael take off toward Malik as Samael tends to Lucifer.

    Mighty Celestial and Supernal, how can you rise up against us when the Creator gives you so much?

    Exclaims Malik, examining his new assailants. Metatron replies sternly,

    Because he has upset the balance by claiming his loyalties to those below the Son of Creation. These actions are…

    Malik interjects,

    Silence Supernal! For your treachery, you and the Celestial will now be punished in his name!

    Malik grabs Metatron by the face and is about to throw him down when Astarael elbows him in the face and then finishes him with a kick to the gut sending the half breed smashing into the planet’s ash covered crust. Samael and Lucifer join Astarael and Metatron.

    What do we do Lucifer?

    Asks Samael, as the whole horde of half breeds surrounds them. Lucifer’s sighs and closes his eyes knowing what is to come.

    It is too late.

    An explosion of ash kicks up into the air followed by an angry voice.

    Hold them!

    The surrounding half breads spread their arms then clasp their hands together. A bright light surrounds the four antagonists to the throne. That out of the cloud of ash Malik emerges.

    Now you will die in the Creators name for your insolence.

    Malik proceeds to extend his right arm as a white energy ball forms in front of his hand. Then he extends his left arm forming a red energy ball in that hand. Lucifer shakes his head dejectedly.

    If you could only see the light.

    Malik replies,

    Thanks to you I no longer need two.

    Just as Malik is about to unleash his awesome attack upon them the heavens crack as if the sky itself has been shattered. Out of the silence following the auditory explosion a booming voice laced with confidence, power, and authority commands,


    The energy balls quickly recede and Malik bows down as the Creator himself emerges from the sky as what appears to be heaven itself opens up on the battlefield.

    Of course you show yourself now that these freaks of creation done your dirty work!

    Silence Samael! You are no longer worthy to speak to the Creator let alone look…

    God then raises his hand to Malik silencing him. Then facing Lucifer says,

    My son… See what your pride has done.

    What I’ve done!

    Barks Lucifer.

    The only wrong done on this day is what your precious Michael has done. That alone far exceeds what…

    Michael has been taking care of.

    God exclaims.

    His Seraphim authority and powers have been stripped and now he retained solely that title of Archangel.

    Are you joking!?

    Yells Samael.

    But he’s broken… UGH!

    God shoots a fierce stare at Samael and then he vanishes. Lucifer struggling to break his hold cries out.

    What have you done!?

    He is fi ne but I have banished him to a place where he no longer is a nuisance.

    And where is that?

    In the Lay Lines where you will soon join him. There you’ll only be able to sit and watch as the universe continues as it should… without you.

    God extends his hand and with a blink of an eye the Morningstar is gone from sight. God turns to Astarael and Metatron as a tear runs down his face.

    We are ready for our sentence my Lord.

    God smiles and shakes his head in forgiveness.

    Although you had sided against me your intentions were true in what you were only doing what I created you to do.

    But what about the balance of power?

    Replies Metatron.

    Lucifer still retains his power just in a different realm where he cannot use them against us.

    Metatron then gestures towards the half breeds.

    Not him my Lord, these creatures. They are not of your creation and they lack the compassion that you bestowed upon us.

    God nods in understanding and states,

    It is not their fault for what Michael has wrought upon them.

    A look of shock and amazement is put upon Malik’s face.

    My lord, Michael did this to us?

    With an apathetic look God responds,

    Yes my child and even though it is wrong and tragic it still is the reason you were able to defeat Lucifer was it not?

    Malik nods in agreement.

    Do not worry Malik for this has prompted me to charge you with a task of the utmost importance.

    Yes Lord?

    You will be in charge of watching the Lay Lines and making sure they do not return.

    Astarael then adds,

    But Creator, the Lay Lines are directly linked to the Source. They are too strong to be breached.

    God nods.

    Yes Astarael the Lay Lines are strong but remember, not even I claim to know everything about the Source and its purpose is vast and endless.

    Malik flies forward to face God.

    I will do as you command in during such time I wish to study the Lay Lines as a cause of prevention to keep those two from escaping.

    Then it is settled, and to help you with your studies I will send Uriel to assist you.

    Malik bows,

    I am honored my lord.

    Metatron then speaks up.

    What of the others?

    God looks upon the still bowing half breeds with respect and love.

    Their loyalty seems true and just. I will make them high protectors in time of need and governors of the planets under their protection as well.

    God then faces Metatron and Astarael.

    You two are now responsible for stationing these new angels to a planet as the universe grows.

    They both nod to acknowledge their assignment. The Creator then bows to his subjects and then they return the gesture. The vision of heaven fades as he ascends back to the spiritual realm. As Metatron and Astarael lead the half breeds off of the burning plant Uriel face Malik with a smile.

    Shall we get started?

    Yes. Let us go.

    Suddenly a voice cries out,

    Wait a second.

    Malik turns and replies,

    What do you want Azazel?

    A mysterious smirk crosses Azazel’s face as he begins to suggest something to them.

    * * *

    1,000,000,000 Years Later

    On a young planet in an ever expanding universe three figures are seen hovering above a lush valley filled with many creatures of all shapes and sizes.

    Uriel, remind me again why we keep returning to this planet more than the others.

    Uriel gives a reluctant response.

    Once again Azazel we are here AGAIN because unlike some of the other planets this one is in greatest connection with the Lay Lines and has the greatest potential for producing a species of being naturally capable of tapping into the Source itself.

    Yeah, but there are so many other advanced species that have made small drains from the Source that are worth studying. I mean its twin planet that sits right next to it has so many internal Lay Lines on the planet and Galactic Lay Lines running around it or through it. We should be studying that one.

    As they continuingly debate over the matter, Malik is watching as something unique emerges from the forest. A creature that looks similar to that of angels except without wings or the mental faculty of angels and a darker skin tone. It is almost animalistic. Malik flies downward to get a closer look at this new species.

    Where is he going?

    Inquires Malik to himself.

    Oh my, Azazel, Uriel come, follow me.

    He shouts toward the others hurriedly. They fly down to join Malik.

    Well we have seen some strange creatures but none so close to the Creator’s direct creation.

    Malik nods.

    True Uriel and look closely.

    An astonished look crosses the Cherubim’s face as he watches a strange force lifting small dirt and debris around the creature. Suddenly three others emerge surrounded by the same force. Malik turns to face Uriel.

    I think we have a winner.

    Uriel nods,

    I shall report this to the Creator immediately.

    He takes off like the wind out of sight. Suddenly the three creatures collapse from strain.

    What is wrong Malik?

    They can tap into the Source.

    So can others.

    True Azazel, but these beings are doing it without knowing. If they figure out there is no telling how strong they could become.

    Surely you and they are not suggesting that these creatures will one day replace us.

    Malik closes his eyes and shakes his head.

    Only further study will tell what they are capable of.

    Excuse me.

    Uriel comes flying back onto the scene.

    The Creator has commanded me to bestow intelligence, reasoning, and emotions upon these beings so that they may further develop. He does not want them unconsciously destroying things by accidentally tapping into the Source. He has asked me to give them the name of man.

    He can’t possibly wish for these creatures to evolve higher than us.

    Malik quickly turns with a stern look.

    Do not dare question His authority. Remember it was with great reluctance that we allowed you to study the Lay Lines with us. Do not make me regret it.

    Azazel bows,

    Sorry Malik. It will not happen again.

    * * *

    Many centuries would pass as they would teach man of their existence in the universe and about the Lord over them all. Uriel, of the Cherubim order, is second in rank to the Seraphim. He and the others like him possess the knowledge of the Source granted to them by God and all knowledge of God himself and the universe He sent into motion. Uriel gave man just enough knowledge to advance and survive on their own. Malik was charged with constant watch over them to see how they progress with drawing from the Source. The region that man lived in was eventually called Eden. Uriel then sprouted up a large tree with golden fruit growing from it containing the knowledge of the balance and mystery of the universe. This tree was to symbolize the power and greatness of God, and it was forbidden to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. The Creator decreed that all of His creation bow down before the achievements of man. And even though the Celestial orders obeyed; there were those who did not approve this show of respect toward a lower life form. To the observant, it seemed as if the head of a familiar snake was about to rear its head again.

    * * *

    We cannot sit by as the Creator forces us to serve these man creatures. We who have been the shapers and molders of this universe for eons are now being put second after a race of beings who have been around no longer than a blink of an eye.

    A large cheer erupts as a mass of angels listen to Azazel’s fiery speech.

    I know that some of you don’t like what he did trying to challenge the Creator, but Lucifer would have never let this atrocity occur. That is why I propose we fight in his name and earn back the rights and respect we command.

    A thunderous applause echoes through the canyon. An angel then suddenly speaks up.

    How can we take on the throne when we are nothing in the shadow of the Creator? The Powers order alone, are enough to defeat an uprising before we can even begin a true movement.

    Azazel smiles, and rises higher into the air.

    It is true the Powers, these half breeds, are stronger, but I have a plan to set things into motion to give us an advantage if it comes to war. Just look for a sign and when you see it take to the heavens to reclaim your honor because it will be the last war to decide everything.

    Another angel cries out in wonder,

    What sign are we to look for?

    Azazel smirks and replies,

    Trust me you shall know the moment without question. Just make sure you are prepared to witness the end!

    * * *

    In the center of Eden at the Tree of Knowledge, a woman and her husband sit in open admiration of the magnificent tree. Adam and his wife Lilith quarrel over the tree as they gaze upon it.

    It is fruit containing knowledge of everything. Why would God put such a thing in front of our faces if not to eat from it? It is just too much of a temptation to ignore.

    Adam shakes his head in stubborn disagreement.

    But the lord has commanded us not to eat from it for we would not know what to do with such knowledge.

    As the argument continues, overhead Azazel is listening with his usual smirk. He then listens for a few minutes longer and takes off toward the edge of Eden. He lands on a cliff side looking out onto a mountain range. He then immerses himself in a black velvet aura and soon an all too familiar voice is heard.

    What do you have to report Azazel?

    He looks up and smiles crookedly,

    Samael, I found a way to release you and the Morningstar.

    * * *

    On the outskirts of Eden, where Azazel was just hours ago, Lilith looks out at the night sky. As she gazes upon her favorite concentration of stars she senses something watching her and cries out,

    I know you were there. Show yourself.

    Hail Lilith. I had hoped you would be here. You seemed distraught. What is wrong?

    Lilith sighs and looks up at her visitor.

    I just look up and think about our Lord God and wonder why He is so far and what his plans for us are.

    Oh child, if you only knew you would probably weep.

    With an estranged look on her face she replies.

    What do you mean? We love and praise His name and he in turn gives us everything to live a wonderful life.

    An old familiar smile once more spreads across Azazel’s face as the angel knows his cunning intent is already secure. Azazel feigning deep concern embarks upon his well-rehearsed replied,

    My dear Lilith… what if I told you the truth of how the creator has nothing but cruel intentions to keep you separated from the rest of existence. How he never intends to truly share his infinite love and wisdom with you. Warming to his own visible success he presses, What if I were to tell you the tragic reality facing the future of humanity in God’s shadow? The real purpose why you and Adam are held here catered to at every moment but denied access to any higher mystery, or the dark logic behind God’s failure to ever commune with you directly as he does with those of my species. My own emotion cries for me to release you from your ignorance in light of a Creator whom fails to treat his creations as more than toys to be discarded or manipulated to His whims. My dear I crave to open up to you the immense universe that lies at your doorstep."

    Upon completion of his tirade, Azazel grasps Lilith’s hand holding her gaze suggesting his honest desire to bestow a gift unto the woman. Yet, in his mind he knows from here his actions must only be what his plans have rehearsed repeatedly for the hand a fate has already been cast granting him the outcome he seeks. Lilith’s eyes glistening with moisture open wide as a look of disbelief and earnest vulnerability appears on her face. Choking on her emotion, she softly pleads with the angel,

    Please, tell me more Azazel.

    * * *

    Adam, I’m telling you we are more than God allows us to be, and it is all contained within the fruit from the sacred Tree of Knowledge. Adam rises up off of the stone he was sitting on.

    You have really lost in this time. Why must you always question his ways?

    Lilith shouts back,

    Because they are all lies! Watch and I shall prove it to you!

    Lilith storms out of the house with Adam close on her heels. Above, an overjoyed Azazel watches with amusement. Lilith reaches the Tree of Knowledge and snatches a fruit from a tree.

    Lilith stop! You know not what you do!

    Lilith places the fruit in front of her face.

    A servant of the Lord said that we are greater than what we are and to discover that we must gain knowledge from this fruit.

    No Lilith don’t!

    She takes a bite from the apple as Adam closes his eyes. After a few moments Adam slowly opens in his eyes.

    Now Adam must eat too for us to gain knowledge.

    Adam still astonished replies,

    How do we know the servant isn’t mistaken?

    He said that God shares his knowledge with all of his creations. Aren’t we to endow ourselves with all of the Lord’s gifts?

    As Adam extends his hand for the fruit, Azazel muses to himself with a giddy malice in his voice,

    Now everything will be rectified.

    After a few bites Adam drops the fruit while staring at Lilith. The young girl is looking up into the sky with tears quickly streaming down her face.

    What is wrong my wife?

    Blurts Adam frantically.

    I now understand that I should have listened to you… Please forgive me.

    As her words are heard, the skies turn black and the planet begins to shake violently. Suddenly, there is a loud eruption, as an enormous black velvet light breaks out of the ground.

    * * *

    In the heavens surrounding the Lay Line planets, angels monitor the creation known as mankind.

    Uriel do you sense that?

    The Cherubim slowly turns and replies,

    Oh merciful God what have they done?

    Malik turns and faces his friend.

    The Lay Lines are breaking through to this realm. The balance of power has been disrupted…

    Closing his eyes in concentration Malik searches for the source of the shift and with his eyes darting open he exclaims to his fellow observer,

    The fruit has been consumed!

    In a flash of light the two angels take off for the planet of men. As they arrive among a mass gathering of angels, many who are not assigned to the planet, Uriel inquires,

    What is going on Malik? The Creator has not heralded the arrival and need for an army to this planet.

    Uriel, report this immediately to the Creator. Tell him the Powers and Loki’s army must be summoned at once.

    Uriel nods.

    Indeed, it will be done at once Malik.

    In a burst of white light Uriel is gone. Malik turns his attention to the planet. Just as he readies himself to dart toward the planet a familiar voice speaks from behind the angel.

    Off to perish so quickly?

    Malik turns to see Ophaniel behind him with his arms folded.

    As a matter of fact I was. Why is there something that should know?

    Ophaniel flies forward and smiles.

    Yes, there is. The man creatures have eaten the forbidden fruit.

    Malik impatiently interjects,

    I already know this Seraphim…

    Ophaniel sternly replies,

    Yes, but as protector of this realm you should already know more by searching your senses. You see, they were told to do this evil deed.

    By whom?

    Escapes Malik’s lips as he frantically scans his mind for the information Ophaniel already possesses.

    By the one who has played both sides all this time. One, who for years has acted a loyal servant, yet ever stepped beyond his rank. An angel consumed with the need and the drive to delve into the secrets of the universe looking for a way to release his old mentor. An angel powerful enough to shape the heavens as they once were.


    The words rage from Malik’s mouth listed in disgust.

    I know well enough the conspirer which you speak,

    Anger etched upon Malik’s face as he yells out,


    He takes off for the planet closely tailed by Ophaniel.

    Chapter 2

    Outskirts of Eden

    Fate is now my brothers for the fall of man and the return of the true lord of the universe is at hand. Join me in witnessing the beginning of the end. Prepare yourselves…

    Azazel is caught mid speech as two streaking bright lights soar by slamming the treacherous schemer to the ground directly in front of the Lay Line as it burst up out of the planet’s surface. In a quick jerking motion Ophaniel and Malik lift Azazel up into the air. With pain etched in his features, Azazel glares at the pair with open malice. Azazel writhes in their hold and baiting his captors, comments sarcastically,

    I guess a billion years is long enough for you to discover the truth.

    Malik slams his fist into Azazel’s face silencing him.

    It did always bother me why you insisted on coming along to study the Lay Lines, but no matter.

    The angels fling loose Azazel as his body falls to the ground. Picking himself up onto knees he sees a pair of feet in front of him waiting for his attention.

    In the name of the Creator…

    A red energy ball appears out of Malik’s left hand at Azazel’s face.

    You will now pay for your treachery.

    Just as Malik begins to end Azazel’s life, the archangel begins to laugh defiantly again as if to taunt the hybrid angel.

    What is so funny traitor?

    Ophaniel bursts unable to contain his off ended mind. Azazel merely gazes at a pair of angels without care or remorse. Again the twisted smile crosses his face as he contorts his features to a look of condemnation. He finally replies with contempt and strange satisfaction.

    Look around you.

    The two look up into the air to see that they are completely surrounded by the horde of angels that were encircling the planet are now staring at the two of them with evil intent. The angels hover above the pair whirling about in a frenzy, like predators circling prey. They look back at Azazel to find him rising to his feet slowly but deliberately. His body aching against the battery he has suffered by the duo avengers. He fixes his eyes with theirs and threateningly informs them,

    You are too late.

    His words still echoing in their ears the gathered angels are rocked as there is a massive explosion from the Lay Line. An angel-like creature with strange black markings covering his body burst up out of the Lay Line and with dramatic speed disappears off out of sight. Malik and Ophaniel make to pursue the escaping fi end when an all too familiar voice spoke commanding the authority and reeking with unbridled power yet laced with a solemn sincerity.

    Hail my Brothers. Look upon me with fear, for I bring you the wrath of ages and birth of a new era… MY era.

    A figure cloaked in a velvet shroud slowly merges from out of the Lay Line. The black markings possessed by the other creature become noticeable as the new being moves with confidence and deliberate intent out from the portal. In moments, he is fully displayed and rises up flexing and extending his wings displaying an intimidating and inspiring presence as he looks out upon those gathered with brilliant eyes laced with unnatural energy.

    * * *

    What is the hurry Uriel?

    Exclaims Astarael. Without stopping the angel replies,

    The forbidden fruit has been eaten by man.

    Astarael’s eyes light up in amazement. Immediately, he is over taken as the universe begins to speak to him. A brief flashing image of what’s to come enters his head and vanishes quickly. He rapidly opens his eyes.

    He has returned.

    * * *

    In the center of the universe, on a black planet’s highest peaks sits a figure slumped to one side upon his throne of stone with his chin resting on his fist. Suddenly, his attention is drawn as two figures appear hurriedly in front of him.

    Loki, assembly your army and proceed to the planet of man.

    Loki wearily and with little interest raises his head and replies, Why does the Creator’s perfect creature of creation concern my army?

    The forbidden fruit has been eaten and the Creator’s coven broken. Worse, there is a massive army of angels gathered on the planet.

    A spark of interest fl ashes on his face as Astarael interrupts the conversation.

    About one third of the holy order is on the planet and they are not serving the will of the Creator!

    A look of amusement fell upon Loki’s face as he sarcastically replied without belief,

    Then who’s will do they serve?

    * * *

    You have no right to be here. You were banished by the Creator out of kindness, yet you still choose to rise against him!

    Lucifer smiles closing his eyes in thought.

    True, he may have banished me, but he failed to consider that he banished me to a place that is connected to the Source, the very thing that created Him. Now I am more in tune with the Source and wield it more than He!

    Snapping his eyes open, Lucifer extends his hand forward as instantly Ophaniel is turned to ash at the Son of Creation’s feet.

    You will repent for this Son of …

    Lucifer raises his hand and quiets Malik,

    No half breed you will repent or be judged.

    As Lucifer raises his hand to annihilate Malik, the creature that first emerged from the Lay Line returns.

    They come my Lord, and the others are prepared to fight alongside you.

    Lucifer lowers his hand and faces the figure.

    Thank you Samael. Awaken Azazel and have him take you to the Tablets of Destiny.

    He then turns to face Malik. With little concern he addresses Malik,

    We will now finish what we started eons ago. You may join your pathetic band of zealots now half breed…

    Lucifer using the source with his mind wraps Malik in a gold glowing light.

    …for you are no longer worthy to be in my presence.

    He cast his hands upwards and sends Malik hurtling off of the planet.

    * * *

    Loki, gazing upon the plan of man, smiles.

    For ages I have waited for this moment.

    A streaking golden ball of light catches the warlord’s attention as it heads toward him. Loki extends his hand and disperses the light to witness Malik emerge from it.

    What has happened Malik?

    Malik turns to see Loki staring at him with concern.

    Loki, I see Uriel made it to you.

    Loki nods in acknowledgement.

    He and the Celestial have gone to inform Metatron. Now what is the status of on the planet?

    Loki demanded as Malik returns a stern look. Although in power alone when Michael had first turned them into half breeds, the two angles were of equal ranking. However, after the Creator charged Malik with studying the Lay Lines, He made Loki the new commander of His army and stationed them on a planet at the center of the universe, which is made up of dark matter and is the gateway into the Creator’s spiritual realm. With Loki now the protector of the Creator, the power of tapping into the dark matter of the planet was bestowed upon the planet’s lord in turn making him stronger than most of the Creator’s creations. This has given Loki a form of arrogance which didn’t sit well with Malik.

    The Son of Creation has escaped the Lay Lines and is now trying to continue what he had started so long ago.

    Let us go forth now and rid this universe of Lucifer for all eternity.

    Loki summons his dormant army with a deafening cry shaking the planet. In return the warlord is answered by the thundering of Angelic soldiers and beating drums. As the army swings into action Loki takes to the air rallying to troops preparing to soar toward the imminent conflict. As the frenzy heightens, Malik speaks to himself in disappointment and disgust. Good luck to you Loki and I pray the Creator’s grace is with you. Malik turns and flies off out of sight.

    * * *

    What do we do now Lucifer?

    Lucifer turns and looks up to the sky. As Loki’s army enters the atmosphere raining down on the planet like a meteor shower. Lucifer turns back toward Astaroth.

    They have come.

    He raises his hand and all of his newfound followers glow black velvet color. They too receive black markings on their bodies as they are given a small bit of power from the Lay Lines.

    Loyal servants, go forth and remove these defilers from our world of justice!

    Astaroth summons the warriors as they fl y full force toward Loki’s army. Lucifer turns and slowly enters Eden.

    The fall of man is nigh.

    * * *

    Loki smiles as Lucifer’s army approaches. Suddenly a loud clash is heard as the two forces collide. Warriors on both sides are being slaughtered as the battle intensifies.

    How… how are they standing toe to toe with us?

    His eyes widen as he quickly turns with his sword of flames and cuts down three more of his adversaries. He then turns and jets after another small pack as two warriors clash just off his heels.

    * * *

    What is wrong frail a creature?

    The woman looks up and sees a large figure standing over her as it begins to rain.


    The woman then bows on her knees. Lucifer grows an evil grin.

    How interesting that you know my name.

    Just then a voice cries out through the lush forest.


    The woman jumps up off of the ground and cowers behind Lucifer.

    My lord, do not let him find me. I have sinned and wish not to face my people again.

    Lucifer kneels and places his hand on her head and wipes the rain from her face.

    Fear not my child. I will protect you, but you must tell me how you learned of my existence.

    Lucifer stands and takes Lilith’s hand and leads her away from the man’s voice that is still calling her name.


    Adam surfaces soaked from the rain with a concern look on his face.

    Lilith, even though we have done wrong I still have love for you! Why do you stray away from me?

    In a fit of emotion he falls to his knees and puts his head to the ground. Suddenly a strange force, almost like the wind surrounds him as small particles rise from

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