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The Earth Planet Is Full of Wish: The Olympic Games (First Book)
The Earth Planet Is Full of Wish: The Olympic Games (First Book)
The Earth Planet Is Full of Wish: The Olympic Games (First Book)
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The Earth Planet Is Full of Wish: The Olympic Games (First Book)

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About this ebook

Vicki, who was born at the same time of lighting the Barcelona Summer Olympic
Cauldron, considers herself as an original Olympic Child.
She lives with her family in a home above a bookshop where her father and grandpa work;
they are fond of books avidly while Vicki thinks reading book is a boring work and prefers
sport to book.

She wishes to obtain the gold medal of the Olympics in diving.
Vicki travels to Athens as a tourist for watching the 2004 Summer Olympic Games with
her mother, who is a sport journalist, and during this trip she unwillingly starts reading a
book; a book that by reading it her brother is going to reveal a mysterious secret for her.

Vicki reads the book in the hope of finding her brothers secret, while she doesnt
know that reading this book produces great changes in her life and involves her in new
adventures, the adventures that carry her to a fantasy world.

Release dateJun 1, 2012
The Earth Planet Is Full of Wish: The Olympic Games (First Book)


Nader & Mitra Shiri, Iranian married couple, live with each other and work in medical field. During a few years ago they have been writing many short stories and a few novels. This novel, “The Olympic Games”, is their fist publishing work as the first volume of “The Earth Planet Is Full of Wish” series. To promote and develop this series they have searched and worked since 2005. Now they are writing the 2nd volume of this series.

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    Book preview

    The Earth Planet Is Full of Wish - Nader

    The Earth Planet

    Is Full of Wish Series

    The Olympic Games

    (First Volume)

    Nader & Mitra Shiri

    iUniverse, Inc.


    The Earth Planet Is Full of Wish Series

    The Olympic Games (First Volume)

    Copyright © 2012 by Nader & Mitra Shiri.

    Author Credits: Nader & Mitra Shiri

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    Certain imagery© Nader & Mitra Shiri

    ISBN: 978-1-4759-1263-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4759-1264-7 (ebk)

    iUniverse rev. date: 05/25/2012


    Wish card

    First Episode

    ‘First Dream—January 1944’


    ‘2nd Dream—February 1944’


    ‘3rd Dream—March 1944’


    ‘4th Dream—April 1944’


    ‘5th Dream—May 1944’


    ‘6th Dream—June 1944’

    ‘7th Dream—July 1944’

    ‘8th Dream—August 1944’


    My Dear Teacher, Mrs. Katherine,

    Second Episode















    Third Episode

    ‘The Summer Olympic

    Games History’


    ‘My Olympics’ Champions-1’


    ‘My Olympics’ Champions-2’


    ‘My Olympics’ Champions-3’


    ‘My Olympics’ Champions-4’


    ‘My Olympics’ Champions-5’


    ‘My Olympics’ Champions-6’


    ‘My Olympics’ Champions-7’


    ‘My Olympics’ Champions-8’



    ‘My Olympics’ Champions-9’























    ‘My Olympics’ Champions-10’













    December 20

    January 15






    About Authors

    Rule number one:

    Be careful what you wish for.

    Wish card

    Several years ago when I was a pupil in primary school, one day these wish cards were distributed among us by our teacher and we were requested to fill them out.

    I remember very well the pupils watched with rapt attention; it was clear that they had completely been curious about.

    The atmosphere of class was mysteriously surrounded by a whole silence, as if everyone had been sunk in his dreams and imaginations.

    Gradually a clamor of voices started again among pupils.

    I remember well that it seemed a nice idea in my mind. Formerly I had never thought about my wishes in this manner. It set me deeply thinking.

    I was sure about my short-term wish; it was a pair of binoculars which had caught my eyes from a long time behind a shop window.

    After a long time of thinking about my long-term wish, I discovered that I would like to be an astronaut one day. Probably watching the science-fiction movies, prevailed in those days, wasn’t ineffective in my decision.

    I remember, I had newly read a book entitled Mrs. Katherine’s Dreams and imagination of having a visit with Kid, the main character, was as an out of hand wish for me; it was like a dream for me.

    Therefore my impossible wish was, visiting Kid; so my wish card was completed.

    When all of us filled our cards out, they were gathered up by our teacher; he glanced at them one by one and then said,

    ‘These cards are yours to keep with yourselves; late afterwards, you could look at them again and see whether you have obtained your wishes or not.

    You must know that the most important matter, which isn’t considered often, is that most people don’t exactly know what their whishes are.

    The more accurate you know what you want as your whishes, the more power and chance you would have to achieve them.

    If we know what exactly we want, we probably will enjoy and profit from life more than our imagination.

    I am telling you these matters because I know you are still at the first steps of your life’s way and your choices.’

    Then he took out a card from his pocket, seemed a bit worn out, and added. ‘This is my childhood wish card that I am interested to read it for you.’

    He took a long breath and after a short pause continued. ‘Well, my short-term wish was a bicycle which was as well a common wish for a lot of children as me; even so it is still seen in some of your cards as a short-term wish.

    Maybe it makes a question for some of you; why are called short-term wishes dusty or forgotten? I would explain it for you.’

    He went on. ‘I remember after a couple of years passed from when a bicycle was my wish; one day, I was searching for something in our garage.

    Suddenly I saw something in there; my bicycle was kicking about in a corner of garage, dusty and forgotten; reminding me once it was one of my wishes.

    But I had completely forgotten it. As well most of these your short-term wishes would be dusty and forgotten one day.’

    Our teacher was right. Now when I think about that pair of binoculars; I even don’t know where my forgotten and dusty pair of binoculars is? The one that I couldn’t at all sleep that night, when I achieved it, by the pleasure it gave to me.

    Then our teacher explained. ‘And about long-term wishes, its most striking feature is that it needs organization and reasoning deed in order to reach it.

    The one that we could achieve it during our life span; however, maybe, we could get ahead of it more than we expected of.

    This wish is a kind of hope that gives us a motivate sense of direction towards our life’s goals.

    Mind you, the long-term wish should be neither so big that seems as an impossible thing nor so small that doesn’t make any motivation for achieving it.’

    He took a look at us and smiled. ‘My long-term wish was to be a professor of university; however I haven’t reached it yet, it has been a motivation for me to continue directly and without hesitating in this way and now I am here; your teacher.

    And I am not sure whether I will reach that position or not; but it has provided a clear sight of hope that has brought a deep meaning and sprite to my life and has encouraged me to never give up during my life in order to obtain this wish.

    And when I achieve it, it will be the time to choose my next long-term wish. Probably it doesn’t worth to live without having long-term wish; because it brings hope and motivation to our life.’

    The last news I have about our teacher is that he is a training college teacher; but I haven’t been an astronaut yet. Furthermore sometimes one might change his mind about his long-term wishes!

    Our teacher started walking around the class, explaining about impossible and out of hand wishes. ‘As far as I have found out impossible wish or in the other words dream isn’t as much impossible as it seems.

    Although traveling by time-machine had been my dream and I haven’t achieved it by now, I know very well many of things that are now available for human easily, for long ages had been a dream for him such as flying in the sky, going to space, radio, television, telephone and so on.

    Therefore in the course of time, the impossible wishes or dreams could be accessible.

    Surely, we will achieve our wishes if we really want to achieve them. The wish that doesn’t express would be disappeared after a while. The unwritten and folded wish is definitely going to die.’

    He stopped and then mused. ‘Well, now I ask you to take another look at your cards and think over about your wishes again.

    Keep trying to reach them and don’t content to have them just as a wish; remember that moving towards great wishes begins with little steps as Mount Everest was conquered in the same way, by human’s little steps.

    And my last point for you is that be careful of sinking so much in your wishes as far as it prevents you from keep trying; and make effort in order to obtain your wishes. Keep in mind that what helps you to achieve progress and success is your deed, hard working, organization, stability and stamina.’

    A merely silence again cast a shadow over the class; it seemed all of students were pondering about their wishes accurately.

    I have kept this wish card from that day with myself.

    I hope you have also filled out your wish card.

    First Episode

    Mrs. Katherine’s Dreams

    ‘First Dream—January 1944’

    It was just a couple of minutes I had fallen asleep that I found myself in somewhere very unusual.

    I was standing on a big piece of a moving stone through immense space, something like a comet and unbelievably I didn’t feel pain any more in whole my body, I felt being health and even a feeling of being younger than for my age.

    My head swiveled around; where I was exactly, dreamed or reality!

    A wonderful and nice-pitched sound of music attracted my attention from the other side of the comet, where a child was sitting on a small piece of rock; staring at immense space, and was playing a peaceful music by a wooden-recorder.

    Unconsciously I was deeply sinking in watching him and his music when I felt a sharp, warm and astonishing look at myself; he was staring at me with his full of curious eyes.

    I could see easily the shine of hope in his eyes, while he was coming towards me; a pretty grin sitting on his face, a delightful wide smile like small white flowers of spring.

    ‘Thanks for your coming,’ It was his childish voice I could hear when he came closer to me. ‘This loneliness was going to be so boring.’ and added. ‘I was waiting for you.’

    ‘You were waiting for me?!’ I replied much more astonishingly.

    ‘I was waiting for somebody.’ he smiled again and went on. ‘Definitely there is a special reason that it’s you who have come.’

    ‘There is a special reason!’ I racked my brain for a moment, something was niggling at me, trying to stay serene. ‘Have I forgotten him as one of my previous students?! Does he know me?’ I said to myself.

    ‘How did you come here?’ He asked gently and burst my thoughts, looking at each other in bewilderment.

    ‘I suppose all these are happening in my dream.’ I took a look around and continued. ‘I guess it’s probably the side effect of the new drug I used before sleeping.’ I was completely confused and said. ‘I am still wondering where is here? And what I am doing here! Or who are you?’ I took a pause and as I found my consciousness asked. ‘Oh, by the way who are you?!’

    He went bright crimson and replied. ‘I am Kid. And I have never had any work here but waiting,’ while touching his recorder added. ‘I even don’t know how I have come here! What I could remember is that the last time I slept I was in my village. It was a rainy and stormy night; my father and the other adults had gone to prevent the big flood by firming the layers of Stony Dam in front of old turtle’s pool.’

    He stopped talking and took a deep breath, then went on again. ‘Since I have come here I have never been able to sleep even just for a moment. However it’s a long time that I am challenging with this problem here.’

    By his talks I was finding out what he was doing there and how he came there. It seemed his last sleep was his last being on the earth planet.

    This thought brought a horrible afraid in my mind. ‘What am I doing here? Does it mean I have . . . ? Like him!’

    Oh no! I had a lot works to do!

    ‘You didn’t tell me who are you?’ It was his sweet voice again that took me out of my thoughts.

    ‘I am Katherine.’


    Suddenly I awoke.

    Oh it was just a dream?!

    Where was that place actually?! What were that comet, Kid and his village?

    Did all was a dream?!

    ‘2nd Dream—February 1944’

    I was in the comet again.

    It was near a month from the last time that I have seen there in my dream and somehow I have forgotten it.

    Now unbelievably I was there again, the sound of Kid’s recorder brought me to myself and I called him. ‘Kid,’

    ‘Wow Katherine you came again! I knew you would turn back but why it took so long time?’ He laughed and said. ‘I really missed you.’

    He jumped and hugged me very friendly as though we knew each other for many years and showed me again his wide smile, those small white spring flowers.

    I felt I have fallen in love with his sweet smiles, so I told him this matter and he laughed and smiled again and again.

    ‘Well it’s

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