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Prophecy: True and False Prophets
Prophecy: True and False Prophets
Prophecy: True and False Prophets
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Prophecy: True and False Prophets

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The prophetic messages inspired by the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament have maintained their full validity and the experiences mentioned in the New Testament have been given to us by the same Spirit.
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
These are deceivers who work outside the law and use Gods name and that of Jesus, just to hide the true source of their demonic inspiration.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 24, 2013
Prophecy: True and False Prophets

Ionel Plesa

IONEL PLESA, an evangelist and teacher, has traveled extensively throughout Europe, spreading the Gospel in the German language, as well as his native one. He has authored five books, previously published in Romania, now translated into English. His writings and experiences bring a profound insight to God and His Word. He lives in Kennesaw, Georgia, with his wife. They are the parents of three grown children and one with the Lord, and have eleven grandchildren.

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    Prophecy - Ionel Plesa

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    Part 1       The First Experience At A Bible Study

    The First Divine Discoveries

    The first revelations in a watchful state

    The great prophet and lawgiver—Moses

    A. Revelation in an atmosphere of vigilance

    B. The burning bush

    Isaiah in ministry

    The prophet Jeremiah

    The prophet Daniel

    A Meeting With Angels

    Revealing God’s Glory In New Testament Experiences Revelations In A State Of Vigilance

    The birth of John the Baptist

    News of the birth of Jesus Christ

    Revelation in the first Church

    Cornelius the soldier


    Prophecy–Experiences With God Through Inspiration

    David’s prophecy—Psalm 22

    Ezekiel’s prophecy

    The prophet Zechariah: Messianic prophesies inspired by the Holy Spirit

    New Testament prophesies: Prophesies inspired by the Holy Spirit

    Prophecies Through The Enlightenment Of The Holy Spirit

    Part Two       Imitating The Things Of God

    Prophecy—Psychological Effects

    Prophets who prophesy daringly, because of their lack of Biblical knowledge

    Part Three       Field Experience

    Rasnov Mission—The hesitant sorcerer

    Meternita on alert

    The sorcerer prophet: Mission in Suceava

    The miracle of Filitelnic

    Deceiving Visions

    The old man in shining clothes

    The angel of light, Lucifer. The seer prophet.

    The prophetess from Sighisoara.

    The young married accountant. Imagined interpretations.




    Just as the spring rain falls on the freshly ploughed field breaking up the clods of earth, and just as only through death a grain of seed manages to transmit the power of life into a plant that will come into being, in the same way phenomena occur as the light that came from on high, through the Word that became flesh. He came to us as the rain that blesses the dry land, like the spring rains that water the earth (Hosea 6:3). He fully gave of Himself and was pierced for our sins and He died for us and, through His resurrection, He completely defeated death and He gave us eternal life.

    Very truly I tell, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. (John 12:24).

    The destinies of all forms of life are in His hands. The past, present and future for all of us was, and will remain, permanently conditioned by His plans, which He revealed to His servants, His prophets. Thus

    In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son. (Hebrews 1:1,2).

    The prophetic authority of the Holy Scriptures, confirmed at a later time through historic events, is not based on human teachings, but is the direct result of experiences, which people had with God. Thus God revealed Himself, communicating His plans to those He had predestined to become His spokespersons.

    In the first part of the book, the idea is to show the communication methods, which God generally used in revealing His mysteries about how we exist, and especially about our salvation.

    The second part of the book presents the influences of demonic spirits on the human race, climaxing with the yielding of the will, confused minds and with the annihilation of the human race‘s conscience. In this deplorable situation, people were caught in the devil’s prison and held in the dark, without the possibility of release.

    God’s Son came to destroy the works of the devil and to release the captives from prison, to give light to those who have lived in darkness:

    I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open the eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. (Isaiah 42:6,7).

    Today the Saviour continues to save people, snatching them from the chains of sin in which they were bound, and giving them complete freedom combined with a rich life.

    The third part of the book presents the spiritual poverty of those who allow themselves to be carried along by any new teaching, without allowing themselves to be guided by the Light of the Word revealed by Jesus Christ.

    When this type of person strays, it can be very costly. Because they don’t search the Scriptures, they permanently oscillate between a lie and the truth, between Light and darkness, between Life and death, turning away more and more from the One who has called them to salvation.

    Being alienated from God’s will, the purpose which the majority of these have does not allow them to discern reality, becoming the testing ground for all unidentified influences. The cure for this category is for them to renounce their chosen ways before it is too late, and to return to God, who does not tire of forgiving.

    The book presents many instances from the author’s life, which he felt led by God to testify about, carefully describing them for everybody’s benefit in the order in which they were revealed to him.

    This discovery, developed along the three plans mentioned, is God’s reply about the recognition of true prophets and the search for false prophets.

    What is described in the following pages is meaningful and contains the reason for God’s special intervention, to clarify our understanding of this subject.

    Part 1

    The First Experience At A Bible Study

    O ne Saturday evening, the faithful from the community were present at a time of fellowship. The elder was developing the subject from Matthew 7:21: Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven.

    During this blessed time of sharing, while he was speaking from God’s Word, three strangers from Sebes entered the House of Prayer. They were two men, accompanied by a young and very beautiful woman. The first of the men, about forty years old, was short and less attractive. The second one was young, handsome and very daring. At first sight it could have seemed, by his looks that the younger one was the woman’s husband, while the older man could have been a brother or relative of the younger couple.

    Looking carefully at them at that moment, the elder felt a shocking repulsion to them. Their agitated looks and screwed up faces made him come down from the pulpit to suggest something to them. In the following moments he approached them and whispered to them: You are guests here. Please listen quietly to the Word of the Lord and do not disturb the service. At the end of the programme, after the teaching time, we will have the pleasure of meeting you and you can tell us why you are visiting us.

    At the conclusion of the teaching time, the elder announced the closing of the programme, saying to all: Dear brothers and sisters, honoured friends, by the Lord’s grace, this evening’s service has finished. The congregation is free. Those who are not in a hurry can remain a few minutes to get to know our guests.

    After most had left, about twenty remained in the House of Prayer. The guests were invited to make themselves known and to explain their visit. It wouldn’t have been a correct attitude at all for the hosts, if they couldn’t have justified the necessity.

    The first of the guests who introduced himself was the younger man, with an abundance of audacity. Agitated because he wasn’t offered the opportunity to manifest his gifts to the congregation during the service, he presented his authority and mission, speaking on behalf of his colleagues: We are the vessels of the Lord and we are authorised to go out to do the Lord’s work, in all Churches, everywhere.

    The shrill voice of the prophetess was heard, We are sent by the Lord.

    The lean and short man, having a quieter nature, didn’t feel the need to introduce himself, because the vessels of the Lord had already adequately done so for him.

    After the guests had finished introducing themselves and the mission for which they were authorised, the elder thought that he should organise lodgings for them and he asked: Do you know someone here? Do you have relatives here? I would like to organise lodgings for you. Speaking to the prophetess he asked: Which one is your husband?

    Intimidated and feeling obliged to reply, the prophetess pointed to the lean and short man, introducing him, He is my husband. But what relationship do you have with the younger brother? Is he a close relative? No, replied the prophetess, he is a brother in the Lord who … lives with us.

    Why have you come to visit us? Oh, to see what the Lord will say to you. Be our guests! replied the elder, giving them the freedom to enquire of the Lord.

    They knelt down, and an avalanche of rebukes and warnings began: I, the Lord, say to you, to the soul of the man who is opposing the Holy Spirit; when you hear the sound of my steps over the paving stones, your punishment is near. Because you have scorned my servants, you will be punished by the division in the Church; today, even today, today, says the Lord.

    Every threatening word was accompanied by some unintelligible words which poured out, between whistling, physical shaking and shivering which became more and more insistent. When the prophet was pronouncing his threats in an unknown tongue, the prophetess was interpreting them liberally; sometimes, for five unknown syllables, which the prophet was saying, the interpretation could contain a number of threats, as she was prompted by the spirit which was guiding her.

    To eliminate any confusion, the prophetess chose to explain: Listen Pastor, because you were ordained by man’s choice and not through My Spirit, I will spit you out of my mouth! She then spoke to the faithful who had remained in the House of Prayer and said: And you who believe in My actions, in this night I will overwhelm you with the gifts, I will pour out my Spirit on you, you will perform greater miracles than the apostles and you will be a living Church!

    In the following moments the mysteries of the prophecy were unravelled; a dissident¹, at odds with God and Christian morals, had invited the guests to the Church. These guests wanted to put the Church in order, accusing and blaming brother Florian, who’d become Pastor of the Church, of being against the works of the Holy Spirit. In that period, elder Ionel had a greater understanding for those with the gifts, sympathising with them for their boldness that was lacking in wisdom. He nursed a hope that the people would mature and would renounce causing a disturbance in the Lord’s house.

    It so happened that brother Florian was absent from the Church that evening, being in another locality. That evening, the prophetess and prophet had no way of knowing that brother Florian, about whom they had the information that he didn’t believe in the work of the Holy Spirit, was not present at the Church. Thus all the warnings that should have been thrown at brother Florian, in accordance with the information that they had from the dissident, they levelled at Ionel, having the mistaken belief that he was brother Florian. It was late and after finishing the service, the dissident, Felician, who had invited them to the Church, invited them to stay at his home with the intention of spending the whole night in prayer.

    A small number of recently converted believers, who were hearing for the first time a prophecy that was full of threats, and being overcome by their curiosity, expressed their desire to go to the prayer meeting. The promises made exceeded all expectations. Who wouldn’t have wanted to do greater miracles than the apostles were able to do? It merited a night in prayer, or even more, for such an achievement.

    Because it was late, the elder considered that it was no longer necessary to keep the visitors, thinking that the following day they would meet with the Church and they could discuss in detail any mistakes made. Anyhow, he said to himself, a fire in the hay is easily put out. There was no need to worry.

    Sometimes a lesson learned through experience is more useful that one learned through theory, without practical support.

    Ionel’s wife, who was also present at the meeting and was shocked by the number of promises made, as well as through feminine curiosity, expressed her desire to go to the prayer meeting. Even better, agreed the elder. It is useful for us to know what happens there.

    The all night prayer meeting took place in the home of the dissident, with shouts and a hellish noise. Speaking in tongues was put in second place by the interpretation of tongues: when the prophet or the prophetess uttered their threats, they had between them a spiritual connection that was more than appeared on the surface.

    Immediately he launched into a terrible threat against sister Nuti, Ionel’s wife: Woman, I have given you a trumpet and instead of sounding it, you have hung it up on a nail and it has rusted. I, the Lord, order you to take this rusted trumpet and to sound it with all your might; if you do not submit and if you do not obey my voice, I, the Lord, will strike you down and you will be punished even now with madness, says the Lord! Uneasy because of the threatening prophesy and tired by the persistent shouting, Nuti began to suffer a terrible headache.

    At about 2 A.M. she decided to go home. The prayer meeting went on until Sunday morning without having any evidence of miracles or the receiving any gift, not even the smallest among all those promised with such open-handedness, and so eagerly awaited.

    Before nine o’clock in the morning, the prophetess was at the Church. At that time the elder was also in the House of Prayer. Wanting to exercise her authority, the prophetess went up to the elder and harshly said to him: Hear the word of the Lord. I will not answer for what will happen in this Church; I am sorry that I have come here. If I didn’t love you, I would have left during the night. Why have you stopped the work of the Lord in the Church? Listen, my dear, replied the elder, "you have told me that you will not be responsible for what will happen in this Church. That is usual. For here, in this Church, you have not been given any ministry. If you have not ploughed this field and if you have not sown the good seed, striving to weed it at the right times, how can you have the pretence to reap the crop? Listen to what I am telling you, for I speak to you in the name of the Truth, which you have recklessly crushed. Your prophecies have proved to be lies, because the Lord has not given you this ministry, but you prophesy by your own daring, living in the deception of sin. Something is whispering to me that you are not faithful to your husband whose name you bear, trying to hide your deeds and to save face. God, who knows you well, will repay you for your actions. Neither in the Church in which you are registered can you be responsible and even less in the other churches

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