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Through These Eyes: A Window to My World
Through These Eyes: A Window to My World
Through These Eyes: A Window to My World
Ebook41 pages38 minutes

Through These Eyes: A Window to My World

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About this ebook

Jada Patrice Howard captures the ups and downs of her life in Through These Eyes, the second volume of her memoir. This heartfelt, personal tale recalls her journey through the life experiences she has had in recent years.

She recounts her joy at finally being chosen to attend a live taping of the Oprah Winfrey Show in Chicago. Follow her as she prepares for the trip of a lifetime, traveling from Washington, DC, to Chicago to attend the show; share her delight as she has the time of her life at Oprahs show.

She also shares tales of her work as a school bus driver, her brief move to North Carolina to help family members, and her attendance of Dr. Dorothy Heights funeral.

Through These Eyes explores the nature of people and their relationships and relates experiences of happiness, sadness, joy, and painlife experiences that we can learn from.

Release dateMar 1, 2012
Through These Eyes: A Window to My World

Jada Patrice Howard

Jada Patrice Howard currently lives in Washington, DC. She has previously published the first volume of her memoir, Bringing It All to the True Light. She is now pursuing a degree in the field of medicine.

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    Book preview

    Through These Eyes - Jada Patrice Howard



    A Dream Come True

    The Worst Place

    Trying To Help Somebody

    Coming Together

    Believe Them

    My Inner Strengths



    As we all know, life takes us down a road on which there are many forks. The decisions we make determines the course we take until we reach the next fork. I think our main objective should be to take away a little knowledge that is there to be learned at each fork along our journey. Sometimes the lessons can pertain to objective such as following dreams, learning how to look at things without bias, and not backing away from the truth that is found. In this book, I would like for you to accompany me on my journey. I know, the lessons I’ve learned while on this path, and here is my invitation to you, to find what lessons you can take and apply in your search along your path.

    A Dream Come True

    Are you serious? This has got to be a mistake. I confirmed it, and it was true. After trying for so long to visit the Oprah Winfrey Show, I was randomly picked. Every month, I would go to the reservation window, only to find out that I was not fortunate enough to go. February 2010, I went back to the reservation window. Two day after that, I checked my email. this particular time, the email congratulated me on being picked as an audience guest. I could not believe my eyes. I had to make sure that this wasn’t some kind of hoax, so I called Harpo studios, to confirm it. They said that it was not a mistake, and gave me the information that I needed to know. I was so excited until I did not know what to do. I could not wait until my cousin got home from work, to tell him the news. When he arrived, I was jumping up and down, acting crazy. He told me that he knew how much this meant to me, and that he would watch my son for me.

    I never been to Chicago, and I did not know what to expect. On top of that, I was going alone. At that point, I did not even care. I immediately started preparing myself. I started out by purchasing my hotel Room, and airline ticket. I then, went to the store to buy an outfit. I tried my best to find something with Oprah’s favorite color. I knew that it would stand out. Weeks later, it was time for me to go to Chicago. The night before the trip, I hardly slept a wink. So, you can imagine how tired I must have been. The morning of the trip, the shuttle arrived, to take me to the airport. While flying on the plane, the passenger next to me wanted to know my destination. I said to her that I was on my way to the Oprah Winfrey Show. She seemed very happy for me. After landing in Chicago, the passenger wished me well. I got off the plane with my luggage, and started following the ground transportation signs, and got lost. I kept walking until I ran in to someone that pointed me in

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