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Secret Treasures of Blackston Lake: The Blackston Lake Saga
Secret Treasures of Blackston Lake: The Blackston Lake Saga
Secret Treasures of Blackston Lake: The Blackston Lake Saga
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Secret Treasures of Blackston Lake: The Blackston Lake Saga

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After a whirlwind romance, Craig and Carla finally marry in Vegas. The newlyweds are ready to start their new life together but obstacles abound from all directions. From home invasions and betrayals by people they both trusted and considered friends to learning about new secrets that Carla and Craig discovered days after returning from their honeymoon. More family secrets emerge from the attic and library as the months go on. Lost and found family members, Craigs new found position and job within the Awlsport community, and Carlas new role as homemaker and more secrets of her own to share with Craig.
Not even a shooting can stop their love for each other.
Release dateMar 22, 2013
Secret Treasures of Blackston Lake: The Blackston Lake Saga

Marci Walter

Marci likes to travel, paint and do various crafts. One of her favorite joys is family, friends and adventures which she writes in journals. Now retired, she decided to put her love of writing into print. Her first novel ‘Marla’s Journey’ published in 2011

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    Secret Treasures of Blackston Lake - Marci Walter

    © 2013 by Marci Walter. All rights reserved.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are the used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organization or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Published by AuthorHouse 03/18/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-2895-9 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-4817-2894-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013904592

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    Photography by Marci Walter

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    Countless hours of research, investigating, and knowledge was involved in the making of this work. This novel would not be possible without the help of many friends and the following people.

    I would like to acknowledge and thank them.

    Brian McCall for his excellent estate knowledge and expertise

    Steve Church for all his advice, knowledge, and creative ideas

    Tim Sukow for sharing his car facts

    Rosemary Nelson for sharing her knowledge

    Christopher Branson for allowing the photograph of his establishment

    Mark Wehner for sharing his beautiful countryside

    Patti Pedigo for all her help

    IT WAS A STORMY MORNING, they had only been home 24 hours from their honeymoon, and were looking forward to more outdoor time. Mother Nature changed the newlywed’s plans. A blustering wind blew in from the north bringing a severe thunderstorm. Craig was impervious to the racket but a loud clap of thunder, woke Carla, sending chills down her spine. It was 6 AM she rolled over to Craig and curled up against him, covering her head from the lighting that kept going on and on and the wind that roared.

    Another lightning strike plunged the house into darkness, all you could see was the intense lightning, and Craig was awake now and looked at the clock. No power. Carla was shaking, burrowing further under the covers. Honey, we’re ok. What’s the matter, are you afraid? Craig placed his arms around her. Yes! Something hit the wall and you could hear the crunch. OK, we’ll go down to the cellar.

    They grabbed their phones and flashlights making their way to the steps Craig put his arm out to stop her. That wasn’t outside he whispered. Don’t move Carla. Craig was back in a flash with his gun, If I say freeze, honey get down. We’re not alone.

    He pulled Carla behind him as they headed out on the landing. Carla could hear the slide of the clip going into the chamber of his Glock as Craig slumped down on his haunches, Oh shit! Lay down flat, he whispered.

    Carla texted HELP to Howard; he was on her speed dial, while hiding the phones light with her long hair Carla kept hitting the call button and send.

    Craig carefully directed his flashlight on the floor with his finger on the trigger calling out FREEZE, down on your face now Craig commanded. Carefully he walked down a few more stairs. He could not see the person but he could hear them breathing, Don’t move a muscle or you’ll be dead!

    Craig it’s me Tim, Tim said faintly. Lightning struck again lighting up the main floor and Craig could see it was Tim, but someone was lying next to him. Who’s that with you Tim? Mark, I think he knocked himself out when he fell.

    Craig heard the door latch, he heard Carla whisper HA he held up the flashlight slightly and saw Howard’s boots; moving the light up, he slowly lowered his gun. He took a deep breath. This had better be good Tim, do you know what time it is, and why are you in my house to start with? Craig demanded!

    Howard came in to check on Mark, He’s out cold, must have hit his head on the stairs. Craig ran up the stairs to Carla, who was laying there on the floor crying and shaking worse now than from the storm. Howard’s number flashing on her phone. It’s ok honey. Be right down Howard. Let’s get you in your robe and slippers, you’re coming with me. My legs are like Jell-O. Craig picked her up into his arms. I got you Honey.

    The light’s came on, Thank God. Now would someone please explain just what the hell is going on here? 6 AM and you just waltz into my house, are you fucking crazy, Tim I could have killed you! Craig demanded as he took a deep breathe, the images of what could have happened flashing through his mind, he exhaled.

    Howard put his hand on Craig’s chest and then he held Carla’s wrist. You two are excited right now, sit down and be quiet. Trust me. Hold her Craig. Let me talk to Tim, I smelled booze on Mark, think they were drinking!

    Howard helped Tim up Tim look at me, what the hell we’re you two doing? he shook him saying loudly. TIM!

    Mark and Paula had a fight. I ran into Mark at the VFW. We got into the Jack Daniels and when they closed up we headed over here thinking we could get more Jack Daniels from the cellar. Tim stood up, Hell we didn’t know he was home. The last we knew he left Mark at O’Hare Airport. Mark crashed the car and then the power went out. We ran into a couple of things and then Mark fell. I was trying to find him when I heard Craig shout freeze. Damn I am sorry Craig. Carla I’m going to be sick, he ran out the door. Howard brought him back in, washed his face under cold water and sat him on the floor.

    Craig held her tight Carla was still trembling as she said, I’ll put on the coffee. No stay right here, Craig said hold her wrist, not sure it was the right place to check her heart rate, but he knew it was way too fast, We all need coffee Craig.

    Stay right there Carla, I’ll get it. Howard made the coffee. Just like Carla’s, thanks Howard. Craig said thankfully. Not being fresh you two, but how are the tickers—slowing down yet? Howard asked as he placed his hand on each of their necks, Now that’s much better.

    You have one smart wife Craig. She kept hitting the send button and my cell rang constantly. It started a little after 6 and didn’t stop till you walked back up to her. Howard said showing Craig his phone. Really, I was wondering how you got here so fast Craig commented.

    Craig, may I have some of that coffee? Here is the extra house key that I had. I would not blame you for firing me. I was stupid and drunk! Tim accepted the coffee from Howard as he gave the key to Craig.

    Craig spoke in a very controlled voice Tim, we aren’t going to talk now but we will later. Tim, I will pay what I owe you now. Any other keys to my property in your possession, I want returned today. Yes Craig, before noon I am going home if you need me. I have no idea where Mark’s vehicle is.

    Craig closed the door after Tim shaking his head, he asked Why Howard, what were they thinking? I don’t know Craig look the rain’s stopped, you two stay in here I’m going to look around. Might want to put some more ice on Mark’s head, be right back. Howard locked the door behind him.

    Craig, Carla said. Yes. I think today would be a perfect day for that conversation about you and Howard. I’m starting to feel like he’s my body guard. More coffee? Carla asked. Yes Carla on both points, do you feel like cooking us some breakfast?

    After I shower, be back in a few minutes. She reached over with a kiss and got a big bear hug from Craig. Hurry back, I’ve got to take care of knuckle head over there.

    Howard knocked on the door as he used his key to come in, Found the car and the noise you heard, Craig. They slammed into the mailbox and took out part of the existing old fencing. The front-end of that Honda Accord is trashed, hit dead center on the cement stone post. Howard poured himself more coffee and said, When are these guys going to learn Jack’s not their friend. Truthfully Craig, you, me, Blackie and Joey are the only sane ones in the bunch of our whole Corps Group.

    Howard, Craig you better come here! Carla cried out Something’s wrong with Mark! Craig came running to the staircase knowing Carla still had her phone in her hand Call 911 Carla.

    Howard quickly knelt down to Mark He’s hurt from the accident the fall only knocked him out. Don’t move him. I hear the siren! Carla said.

    Carla, call Paula’s cell. See if they are here or home. NO, cancel that. I’m driving over to his folks. Be back shortly. Craig, call the sheriff to report the accident and see if you can get Tim back here. Howard commanded as he ran out the door, the Hummer speeded down the drive.

    The EMT unit arrived, all Mark’s vitals were stable, but he seemed to have internal injuries. Craig supplied the medics with Paula and Mark’s parents phone numbers. They placed him in the ambulance just as Howard pulled up with Mr. Smith and Paula. The ambulance pulled away, sirens blaring with Paula in the ambulance and Mr. Smith following in his car. Jeez what a morning, Howard said running his hands through his hair and sat down on the stool.

    Howard, I think today we should have that family discussion about how you and I are so connected. Carla thinks you’re her personal body guard, Craig said laughing. Can we buy you breakfast, partner? Craig asked as Howard looked up Yes Craig, you can, I’m famished.

    I heard that. Craig you hit the shower. Howard, relax with a cup of hot coffee. I’m cooking! Carla said smiling at Howard, It would be my pleasure Mrs. Jones, Howard said. I’ll be right back, Craig said as he ran up the stairs. So what are we cooking Carla? Howard asked as Carla proceeded to fix breakfast and talk to Howard. My Granny’s fried breakfast scramble. It’s onions, home fries, crispy bacon, eggs, and cheese; I’m starved.

    Howard watched her work sipping his coffee and made a comment Adrenalin will make you that way, so will stress. How’s your heart rate now? he asked. I’m ok, Howard. Craig said, I’m back put me to work. Jeez did the water even get hot Craig, Howard asked. NO just lukewarm, you’ll like this dish.

    Over breakfast Howard spoke, Carla, soon you will be able to really understand why, I seem to be your body guard. Briefly Carla, my family and Craig’s have been meshed together for almost a century. We are partners, both important to each other and this town. It will all make sense later when all of us sit down and go through all this. Craig, even you will finally understand why I’m your big brother. Today none of us need that.

    Is this clearing up the curiosity of Howard and me now, Carla? Craig asked. Yes I am starting to understand, thanks Howard Carla smiled and touched his hand. Ok then I need a nap, talk with you two later, thanks for breakfast. Howard said as he stood up to leave.

    Howard turned to Craig Oh as you have probably figured out already, I have a key to the house, he laid it on the table. Craig replied as he walked him out. Howard you’re the only one I trust to have that key, keep it for emergency purposes.

    1 PM and things had finally quieted down Craig I have a headache and I’m exhausted, Carla mumbled. He started to kiss her forehead, working his way down her neck. Is this better, Craig asked. Aha much! Carla moaned. I can’t take away your pain, but I can help you forget. What a day! Let’s take a nap honey, everything else can wait.

    AFTER SUNDAYS BREAKFAST and catching up on the mail, Craig suggested Let’s tackle the attic, it was slated to be cleaned out anyway, why not get it over with. It was still raining and yesterday’s events where somewhat behind them.

    Howard agreed to come over later today and talk, Craig said. Howard said his mind was all mush after yesterday. Carla, I told him we were having spaghetti for dinner, hope that’s ok with you?

    Carla nodded in agreement Sure, let’s get the attic started! They had no idea what surprises would lie ahead in the attic.

    Craig, do you know what’s in the attic? More mattress treasures, mason jars of coins, champagne bottles of jewels or secret passages, Carla inquired.

    Ha, good question, I have no idea what’s up there, but we’ll never know till we go in there, will we? Let’s get the downstairs locked up and head to our uncharted territory. Carla looked at him with a questionable glare, Locked up?

    Yep, don’t know if we’ll be able to hear the door while we’re in the attic. Craig said smiling at Carla as she said, That makes sense. Hope there’s no cooties in there, let’s go!

    Craig smiled at her, We’re probably going to have more dust bunnies bothering us than cooties today my lady! Craig, after everything that happened yesterday I need upbeat music today. Yesterday reminded me of some things I’d rather not remember. Carla made her request in a low voice hoping he got her intention.

    Craig watched her for a few minutes, aware that she had been very quiet after the incident yesterday morning and she was not acting like her normal self. I’ll be back in a few minutes. He ran upstairs looking for her calendar, checked the date, and decided it was safe for him to pry, something was wrong.

    Carla we don’t have to do the attic today if you’d rather talk something out. You were tossing around a lot in your sleep last night! Craig asked touching her back. I was! Carla inquired turning around to face him. Yes He nodded his head. Well I haven’t done that in a while. Are you a good listener Craig, or should I call my counselor Carla asked blushing. Choose your beverage and location, I am all ears! Craig smiled with a somewhat serious look on his face as he waited for her reply. Get us two bottles of Bordeaux and meet me upstairs at the big window by our room, I’ll get the glasses.

    Ok Mrs. Jones, bottles are opened and glasses filled. The floor and view is all yours. Now what should I say. As Craig sat down at the window seat looking at his wife It’s my turn to go next Craig. This is my session! Oh, how much do you charge for an hour? Depends Craig smiled kissing her cheek. Probably nothing since you’re testing my ability, I’ll take it out in trade!

    Carla looked out at the lake before she spoke When I was a young girl… my Mother, Linda Sue died of colon cancer, I think she was 32. I do not remember a lot about her, just the few things Granny told me. She said I looked just like her and I honestly believe she watches over me sometimes. Carla sipped some wine Like yesterday, I felt like someone was lying on top of me to keep me still. I wish I had a picture of her to show you. Craig saw tears welling up in her eyes and patted her hand.

    Carla continued after a drink of her wine My brother Charlie, Charles Nathan Sharp was a hunk, just like you Mr. Jones. There are things you do especially when were in the water that bring back memories of Charlie. Charlie was a jock in school he lettering in football and basketball. He’s the one who got me interested in running and taught me to swim.

    Empting her glass Carla continued, He was only 17 when he died. The bus he was in was, hit head on by a semi. It was 3 days before his high school graduation. Our little town just outside of Rockford lost eight good kids that day. I was only 13. Craig brought some tissues from their bedroom and set them between them. More wine please, Carla asked holding out her glass to him.

    Seeing Mark lying there, it was like seeing Charlie. Someone made me holler for you and Howard, maybe it was Charlie. I hope Mark will be ok! Carla was staring out the window as Craig said Honey he’s going to be ok, down for the count for a while, but he’ll be ok.

    I don’t know how to say this, except to blurt it out, so here it goes Carla took a big drink of wine and continued, Mark scares me sometimes, the way he looks at me, makes me shiver. Moreover, the way he glares at you, at times its red-hot daggers. I think his jealousy and envy of you is worse than Samuel’s! Carla took her wine glass and downed it.

    Craig looked at her in awe and realized his mouth was open, saying Whoa, Carla. That was quite a statement you just made. Is that some of your outsider type observations. Why haven’t you told me this before, Craig asked. Can I interject something here without upsetting you?

    Carla looked up at him, Yes you may, and yes there’s more I’m afraid. Craig took the wine bottle in his hand stating, I think I understand the two bottles of wine now, refill? Yes please, and Craig this is a good thing not a bad thing. Ok? Craig said, Yes Carla.

    Your turn Craig, maybe we are both about to say the same things. Craig cleared his throat, took a sip of wine and was silent for a moment then said.

    Ok, yes Mark is about as jealous as Samuel in some respects, but Mark is not consistent, he runs hot and cold. Like he was fine in Vegas until we got back to the hotel, then he seemed furious. At the airport he got pissed, both coming and going, you know why Carla? Craig asked and took her hand she shook her head, No I hope it’s not what I thinking it was! Carla exclaimed.

    I’m afraid it was, because he couldn’t be close to you Carla. Craig alleged, taking her hand and squeezed it as Carla emptied her glass and uttered, Oh crap, I was afraid that was it!

    Quietly Carla looked out at the lake before she spoke More wine please. I felt that when he helped me in Chicago, he kept touching me or trying to hold me. Taking a drink, she continued on, I was actually glad that you were there, it was a distraction Mark was forced to quit touching me. At work he would just walk into my office and stand there watching me. God that was so freaky. She shivered sitting down on his lap sipping more of her wine Craig put his arm around her.

    Carla looked in his eyes as she asked. Remember shortly after I came back to work, you and I started getting acquainted. Mark said he wanted to see how I was doing and to meet him; that was the night you introduced me to Howard. Craig lowered his head, remembering the feeling of jealousy he had felt that night he looked up to her and said.

    Oh yeah, Howard and Mark both got in my face that night, I understood Howard’s anger, I was still married, but I did not understand Mark till much later. Why, Carla? She took a deep breath and exhaled, finishing her statement, Because, Mark had me to himself, until you walked in the room, that’s when I saw the red daggers. So does this jive with what you started to talk about?

    Craig downed his glass and refilled both glasses, thinking of how he wanted to explain his theory of what happened yesterday morning. Yes honey it does! It also explains why he was trying to go up the stairs. He was trying to get to you. If he was going for the booze, we probably wouldn’t have heard them. Craig pulled her into his arms and held her tight. Carla had suddenly lost all of her coloring, Ok baby. Carla looked up Yes, I think we need my body guard. Craig smiled and softly whispered, I know we do.

    Craig reached for his phone and hit the number 2, pressing call and listened to the ring tone for Howard to answer only to get his voice mail, he left a message, Howard, would you bring your security information with you when you come over later today, please.

    Carla its noon and we’ve finished two bottles of wine, while we have been talking, how about a nap, Craig put his arms around her nuzzling her neck while he was rubbing her back. Carla responded to his touch with Hmm that sounds wonderful Mr. Jones…

    5 PM there was a knock on the door Craig opened it Howard. Oh what do I smell is that spaghetti? Howard, Carla makes the best Bolognese sauce, Bordeaux ok with you? Craig asked Howard Sure, my assistant will have a Coke. He’s doing his outside shots right now. Carla said, You brought Tommy. Great, I’ll set another plate.

    Hope we have enough room here. What floor plans do we need, Howard? Craig asked. Howard answered his question, Tommy’s photos will provide me with the information I need what you have here is fine.

    Howard inquired, Craig was yesterday morning what brought about your decision for installing the security system, as he accepted the glass of wine.

    Howard, it took 2 bottles of Bordeaux and lots of talking to realize that we need this, Craig stated. Howard nodded his head in acknowledgment. Ok, so we’ll start with the house and work on the rest later. Yes, that’s my main focus now, Craig replied nodding his head in agreement.

    Dinner’s ready gentlemen, Carla announced as she began dishing up the food. I better get Tommy, Howard said going out to find his son who came into the house smiling. Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jones.

    Mrs. Jones, this spaghetti is wonderful, may I please have some more? Tommy asked smiling. Yes, you can Tommy, hand me your plate, Carla stood with her hand ready for his plate as Howard gave him one of his sinister looks. Thomas Awls don’t be a pig. Tommy answered, I’m not Dad. I’m hungry and this is terrific sauce! Carla just smiled.

    Maybe if you don’t have to work too late, you could help me with some of my photography Tommy, Carla asked the teen who took great photos. Really? I’d love too. Can I, Dad? Tommy asked his father. Howard replied, Got all the shots I need? Tommy sat up straight and said, Yes sir. Then yes you may help Mrs. Jones, after you help with the clean-up Howard smiled proud to hear that his son’s hobby was turning out to be a good thing.

    What do we need to do Howard? Craig asked his friend, he trusted more every day. This system works just like any ADT system does, only it’s monitored by H&A Security and installed by AWLS Iron Works, who will also be doing all the wrought iron fencing of the property as soon as we get all the pieces completed, hopefully before winter sets in! Howard explained.

    I’m just amazed at all your company does Howard? Craig exclaimed with a smile on his face, showing his amazement. Actually no Craig, I have a partner, and hope to have another partner as soon as he gets off his butt and talks to me about all this stuff. I’d like another glass of this wonderful wine Craig, is it from the cellar stash? Howard said as he touched on one of the main issues he needed for Craig to grasp and understand.

    Howard, I’m the one who needs to get off my butt don’t I? Craig said with a grin. Howard hosted his glass up, yelling, Hallelujah, it’s finally sunk in!

    Did I hear a Eureka moment over here Howard? Tommy’s finishing up his work now? Carla said smiling walking back in the room. Thanks Carla and yes Craig has finally realized his importance. God it only took me 5 years of hounding it into that thick skull of his.

    Howard ran his fingers through his hair. Howard that’s twice in two days you’ve run your fingers through your hair here at this house. Are we that much trouble? Carla asked.

    No Carla, actually that’s just a habit I have. Craig, I will need a few days to get all my supplies to install the house security and get all the measurements for the property fencing. In the meantime, lock up and keep ‘Betsy’ close by. But I don’t think you need to worry. Oh can I call Tim in to help on the fence installation? Howard asked.

    Craig smiled Of course, I still need my garage and some other things done. Tim’s not fired he’s just cooling off. I sort of put him in time-out. Craig grinned saying, Good night, and thanks Howard Craig locked the door and checked the lakefront as well, turning off lights.

    Craig, who’s Betsy Carla smiled. She assumed it was his gun. My Glock honey, Craig replied putting his arm around her shoulder, Carla looked up with a smile. Oh, are there other pretty named ladies in this house, or just me and Betsy, Craig? She giggled. Actually Carla there are, come with me I’ll introduce you. Carla looked up at him and giggled as she said, Guess I should introduce you to mine then too.

    Craig turned her around in shock, You have a gun Carla! Yes I have 2 guns, Craig, Carla saw Craig’s eyes get huge and his mouth drop open as he said REALLY!

    Craig took her hand escorting her up the stairs to their bedroom closet. Carla, I honestly was afraid you’d freak out when you saw what was in here, but now I know you probably won’t, as he opened the door on the tall metal cabinet.

    Crap. This looks like an arsenal in here Craig! Carla said, as her eyes got big as she turned around and looked at Craig. Yeah, only a few of them are mine. The rest belong to Dad, Charles, and CA. This little one here was Judith’s, and this was Mary’s and the pearl handled one was my Mom’s.

    Carla walked over to her bottom dresser drawer and said, This is my newest one Taurus, and I got the Charter when I turned 21, Craig.

    So Craig, you have two Glocks? Carla inquired. Yes, the chrome 357 is Betsy, the black one Maggie. Do your 38 Specials have names Carla? Craig asked. Yep Red’s is the Charter and of course Rosie is my Taurus.

    OK 1st house rule. Gun control—we need a better safe! Kids and guns don’t mix, Carla stated, looking at Craig for approval. Yes no argument there.

    When I have to go out of town, Craig stopped talking shut his mouth, realizing what he was about to say was stupid. Yes Craig when your out of town, what? Carla asked him. Craig said Hell lets go shooting tomorrow, so we know we are both proficient to use these. I don’t have any problem with keeping a gun close by, till we get some good security around here. Craig grinned and was silent, thinking that sounded better.

    Second house rule Craig, Carla said with a slight grin on her face. He said, Yes, Mrs. Jones. Carla pushed him down on the bed, and rested on top of him with a big grin on her face, Yes Mrs. Jones I’m reading your mind…

    They headed to the shooting range in Carpenter the next morning. Craig stood behind her with his ear protection on and said. Ok Carla, load up and let’s see what you got? Carla loaded ‘Red’ and fired. She turned and looked at Craig as he brought the target forward. Hmm, better than I expected now load ‘Rosie’ Carla. Craig stated with a grin, but got a serious look.

    Ready. Got a specific place you want me to hit Craig? Carla said waiting for her instructions. Go for the extremities first. You have to disabled him. Craig hollered, He has got your child! Carla fired Rosie. Craig pulled in the target and exclaimed, Shit woman, where did you learn to shoot like this!

    Your turn Craig, Carla stood back smiling and watched as he followed the same order he had given her. I’m satisfied, are you Craig? He had a grin a mile wide, proud as a peacock walking out of the firing range he said. Yes, Mrs. Jones we have no problem, just need to order that safe while we’re here. Please tell me where you learned to shoot like that Carla?

    My Grandfather taught me. Then after he passed away Officer Daniels with the Sheriff’s department and friend of my Dad’s taught me to protect myself. Carla was proud that Craig saw that she was proficient in using a gun. Oh, so that’s where you learned that right hook. I wondered how you managed to break my nose with one hit. You can protect yourself very well, I’m proud of my wife. Craig put his arm around her shoulder, Let’s get our gun safe!

    TODAY THE ATTIC, Craig commanded. Got some dusters? Carla turned around with the Swiffer in her hand. Hmm, wonder if you’re as ticklish as I am? Carly hold that thought for later, we have work to do, we’ve been side tracked enough, now scoot. Focus attic. Carla asked, Locked up? Craig pointed to the stairs, Yep! I Hope there’s no cooties in there, let’s go! Carla giggled, Look out dust bunnies here we come; CA and Judith you have visitors! Craig laughed, You’re a hoot sometimes Carly.

    Craig smiled at her, My muscles are ready for the task at hand. Mr. Jones I would like to know more about the Corps group and how everyone fits in our life while we are cleaning out the attic? Carla asked Craig. Sure honey, who do you want to start with? They cleaned up the cobwebs and dust from the many years to reach the first suitcase and trunk. Carla said, What the hell, let’s start with Mark Smith.

    Are you sure Carla? Yes, I’m sure. Craig cleared his throat Ok then, Mark and I had many Blackston Lake summers since we were pre-teens. Then we worked at the café through our teens. We both loved electronic gadgets, water sports, girls, and I eventually followed him to U of I.

    Carla asked, Craig you mean University of Illinois? He continued, Yes. Mark was one of the basketball team captains. In the Marine Corps, we ended up in the same unit for a while. I was able to get the job at Standard with Mark’s help you know the rest. He met Paula in college, got married and we palled around together when I got home from my tour in Europe. Craig stopped to move a big heavy suitcase towards the doorway.

    Craig, was Mark with you in Europe too? No, he was reassigned to the Far East somewhere, I don’t really remember, Craig replied as he moved a chest.

    Craig, so you didn’t start out at U of I? She asked Craig. Nope, I actually started close to home at Northwestern University, a little while at Loyola; not proud of the fact I was kicked out of both, for my drinking that’s when I headed to U of I. That my dear is another long story which we can go over with Allan some time. Craig smiled at her as he moved a chest.

    Since Craig was quiet, she asked, How about your new boss, Joey? He answered her request, Joey Williams and I were roommates in college at U of I. Shared the same love of sports, both were tight ends in football. We loved everything about the world of computers. We hung out a lot during college. Somehow, we ended up in the same Marine Corps unit. Joey is from South Chicago. So Mark and I always saw him at the home games; we even bought a block of seats, still have them. Craig stopped to wipe his brow.

    Carla, I think I have found some critters, Craig said pointing to a pile in the suitcase. WHAT WHERE? Carla jumped on top of a chest. Craig started to laugh, No honey they aren’t alive. He held up one of the coats. Oh is that? She blew on the fur and coughed from the dust, Yes, it’s a mink coat and this is leopard. Carla said holding up the coat. That looks good on you honey. Is this sable? Craig asked holding up another coat.

    Yes that appears to be sable, but this is a varmint Raccoon Carla shivered and dropped it back in the suitcase. What’s the matter Carla, don’t like raccoons? He asked laughing at her reaction and inquired, What do you want me to do with these Carla?

    Carla looked around for something to use knowing not to put them in plastic, Ok just put these in… here sheets and pillowcases will be perfect, help me Craig. Why pillowcases Carla, can’t we just use these trash bags? He

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