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The Laws of God and the Laws of the State Vol. 2.
The Laws of God and the Laws of the State Vol. 2.
The Laws of God and the Laws of the State Vol. 2.
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The Laws of God and the Laws of the State Vol. 2.

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Reverend Lawrence L. Blankenship has created a new book offering a fresh look at one of the most imnportant, and controversial works for men and women to study. The Laws of God and The Laws of The State Vol. 2. NOTE: If We Obey The Laws of God, Well Not Dis-obey The Laws of The State. The Laws of God and The Laws of The State Vol. 2., is a Christian work that attempts to reconcile con-temporary secular law with ancient laws of the Bible. This volume is divided into two sections: one outlines the statutes of Gods laws, and Scriptural laws, and the other studies The Laws of The State. Within the first section you learn the basis of biblical laws. In the second section you learn how these laws may be applied to contemporary law. This volume also includes the Civil and Criminal laws of Gods and Statutes of the State, for easy reference. The Laws of God and The Laws of The State Vol. 2., seeks to provide an informed perspective on the biblical references to legal matters. This approach may be appropriate for students of the Bible or students of jurisprudence. The author hopes the public will obtain an understanding of the entire process, while developing skills neccessary to understand both laws.
Release dateOct 21, 2013
The Laws of God and the Laws of the State Vol. 2.

Reverend Lawrence L. Blankenship

Reverend Lawrence L. Blankenship is an ordained clergyman and Old and New Testaments literature theology, philosophy, and theological studies. A native of Pensacola, Florida where he still lives today. Reverend Blankenship's is at home in the realm of biblical scholar. Combining scientific accuracy with Christianity onsight, he makes use of his knowledge of the biology world and its archaeology to illuminate the Scriptures. He is the author of the upcoming book High learning the Urban America. This is his sixth published work.

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    The Laws of God and the Laws of the State Vol. 2. - Reverend Lawrence L. Blankenship

    The Laws of God and The Laws of the State Vol. 2.

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    Chapter I God Laws

    Chapter II Clergyman

    Chapter III Tithes and Collections

    Chapter IV Christianity

    Chapter V The Civil and Criminal Law of the States



    Index to Scripture Reference

    The Divine Law

    About the Author


    It is only with the support and assistance of many people that I have been able to complete this book. The late Rev. E.D. Blankenship Sr., my Father and the members of the Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church, were the Spirit sources of much valuable in sight and encouragement. For completion of the original version of this book. I thank William C. Baker Jr., attorney at law, late Terry B. Boutwell, attorney at law, Michael J. Papanlonio, attorney at law, and William J. Millsap, attorney at law.

    I also thank the following clergyman: The late Rev. E.D. Blankenship Sr., my Father and Pastor; Dr. Herbert J. Vandort; Rev. Johnny J. Blocker, the late Rev. Rufus Handy Jr.; the late Rev. James L. Rich; the late Rev. James L. Blankenship, and Rev. E.D. Blankenship Jr., who did everything to facilitate the task except the actual writing. The Pastor Rev. E.D. Blankenship Sr., insister that the work was worth publishing and encouraged me to share it with a wide audience.

    Finally, nothing would have been completed without the patience and support of my wife, and family. My wife patiently endured one (1) year, put up with my moods and on the compute all the time, and provided intellectual support. I express sincere gratitude to all those mentioned and to others who were intermittently involved. The strengths of the study are creditable to them. I take full responsibility for its weaknesses.

    Reverend Lawrence L. Blankenship

    Pensacola, Florida 32513


    This book is intended as an introduction to the process of God’s laws. It is primarily designed as a text for the education of Christian or non-Christians but will be useful to anyone interested in the operation of civil and criminal laws.

    We believe, people who study the Bible of mankind are aware of two interesting even exciting, phenomena in this second half of the century. The first is a wide spread interest in the practice of law and in different methods. The Law of God, is in contact with other laws, more than ever before. So that it’s possible to learn from both laws. We believe, people will understand these laws after reading this book. Second, we find, that the institution in American Society which contribute to the education, the church by for the most significant. The churches come in contact with more people for longer periods of time and greater variety of reason than any other institution. The task of the church is becoming more complicated as Societies become more complex and the scope of the church’s job becomes greater. Thus, the Court in the United States, helping to mold and in turn being molded by the most dynamic society in the world, has become a more complex than other institution.


    In the introduction to the first volume of this unique book, reference was made to the Constitution of God’s law and the Constitution of the United States. Being used, its prime uses, and the manner of handling various difficulties inherent in the placing of English equivalent under the Hebrew and biblical Aramaic words. The Second Volume attempts to explain the civil and criminal laws. Here you’ll read about laws that God gave to Moses: followed by carefully selected law of God to humanity to live by if there is to be any order. If you carefully read these books of God in the interlinear for this volume, you’ll be amazed and delighted at how much more of The Divine Law you’ll know and understand.

    For every human being can readily verify from his or her own experience the accuracy of the narrative writings of these laws, for humanity to live by; no one has nearly defined law in all its aspects. It is the sum total of the rules men and women live by if there is to be any order. No society can last long without some kind of legal system. Even dicta-tors claim to follow legal rules: these people are Senators, Judges, Lawyer, Clergyman, Teacher, and others. Every Christian and citizen owes it to themselves to have some knowledge of the essential of law and our legal system. This book should never be used as a final authoritative source for practice.

    Chapter I

    God Laws

    In order to make available the light which the Bible throws upon the problems of human conduct and responsibility, the following compilation of the laws of the Bible is offered. Since the Bible is the foundation of the legal systems of all civilized nations it is highly important that those matters be made accessible. The family being the unit of life, the father as head of the family was the authoritative ruler. He had power of life or death or forgive. In general all the laws in the Bible associated with Sinai, including the ordinances are covered by all these words Gods spoke. Specifically, however, the reference is to the commandments that follow immediately. In Hebrew the Decalogue is known as The Ten Words. In its primitive Hebrew form it consists of ten brief phrases, each only two words long. From that time to the present, it was agreed that these were ten in number, though there was some disagreement as to how that total was arrived at. These ten words God spoke directly to the people. God gave all other laws indirectly, through the mouth of Moses. That God spoke or wrote laws is a metaphor for the biblical view that all true orders and laws are an expression of God’s character and will. In the Bible, law is God in action. Remember, as we have them, the Ten Commandments are edited by the priests or preach of that generations, yet even as originally formulated, they were not anything new, but were a deft and inspired selection edited from the great mass of moral and Christianity precepts which had gained currency among the people.

    Abortion is lawful or unlawful process. As the reader will learn from the subject abortion, it is the author firm belief that the abortion is lawful or unlawful. Author advice is that even such commonly used of abortion, should not be done unless you have consent from the Father or Husband. Exodus 21: 22 reads, If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow; he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. This law is a civil and crime law that deal with the death of a woman child in Deuteronomic expansion of it makes clear, and Covenant Code. Example, if a woman is or isn’t marriage, physician much have consent from the Father or Husband before terminate the pregnancy, the abortion is lawful or unlawful. The Father or Husband under the Covenant Code, and Deuteronomic Code and should the woman and child die a fine would also be imposed. The Hittite Law, assign medical costs to the assailant and in addition put levies upon him to compensate for time lost and for pain and suffering endured. The Father or Husband under the laws, can seek revenge only four ways: (1) If the physician terminate the pregnancy without the consent from the Father or Husband its an unlawful abortion. (2) If the physician terminate the pregnancy with consent from the Father or Husband its an lawful abortion. (3) The men fighting might presumably hurt a woman with child while she was making an effort to separate them. If the woman does not lose her life as a result of the miscarriage there shall be a fine to compensate for the loss of the unborn child. The amount of the fine is set by the Father or Husband; and if any mischief follow then thou shalt give life for life. (4) File a lawsuit. Under this law revenge is wrong. The Father or Husband can use dead force; but determine what force is reasonable in revenge concern abortion. The author suggest file a lawsuit, suit the physician, clinic or institution because they does not take abortion seriously. The law reads, killing of a human being by another, can be lawful or unlawful. Under this law there no criminal liability, but civil liability when abortion is the subject. Under the Covenant Code for family member, friend or neighbor have no rights to seek revenge or take the law in their hand. Numbers 35:16-18, is for friends, neighbors, and other who seek revenge on the physician, employee or others who believe in abortion. We need to understand that this law is known as Manslaughter or Murder. The use of any weapon involves murder, for its use could come only from murderous intent. Similarly the use of any weapon, by which a person may die, likely to cause death, convicts a person of murderous intent and releases him or her from sanctuary. In these cases the avenger puts the murderer to death. This law come with instructions concerning previous hatred or premeditation, both of which reveal murderous intent. If the person attack was made by stabbing use other weapon from hatred or from lying in wait for the physician or employee, or out of enmity, then again murderous intent is proved, and the killer himself or herself must die at the hands of the avenger. But if the killing is done without premeditation, or by accident, then the person shall be protected from the avenger by being kept in the jail, where he or she is free from all penalty, until he or she is release. The person is thereafter at liberty to return home. Jesus Christ forbad revenge, not to taking of a life, which could be a judicial proceeding; but the murder must be brought to judgment. The physician is subject to God’s judgment. Since no human Court is competent to try a casa of abortion, unless the Father or Husband file a lawsuit in court, or demand for justice. God will revenge all peoples who believe in abortion. Jesus Christ says, Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: I am the Lord! Samuel reads, The Lord judge between me, and thee, and the Lord avenge me of thee: but mine hand shall not be upon thee. Job 5:8 reads, I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause. Here Job is speak about the Godhead. We can says, it need hardly be said that the easiest thing in the word, and the one utterly impossible thing, is to see what is right for someone else. We can also says, there are of course traditions and standards which may not be flouted; but when one person undertakes to prescribe for another he or she is always at the point of assuming a superiority which he or she does not possess, a knowledge which he or she does not have, and an assurance of what he himself or she herself would do in similar circumstances to which he or she has not even the shadow of a claim. In view of fact, we can says, abortion, that everybody manufactures his or her own misery, we also says, I would seek unto God if I were you, if my soul were in your soul’s stead, that he or she might raise me up in verse 11.To all who disagree on abortion let God’s seek revenge on their who believe on abortion. Jesus Christ says, Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But Jesus saying, I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. Remember the words of Jeremiah 26:2 reads, Thou said the Lord; stand in the Court of the Lord’s house, and speak unto all the cities of Judah, which come to worship in the Lord’s house, all the words that I command thee to speak unto them; diminish not a word. If so be they will hearken, and turn every man from his evil way, that I may repent me of the evil, which I purpose to do unto them because of the evil of their doings. And thou shalt say unto them, thus said the Lord; if ye will not hearken to me, to walk in my law, which I have set before you. To hearken to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent unto you, both rising up early and sending them, but ye not hearkened. We can says, some preacher who speak out about abortion are condemned and arrest and trial because of abortion. In the case of Jeremiah. In the account of the arrest and trial it is they who attempt to have Jeremiah condemned to death, while the princes and many of the Christian people apparently take his side. If a preacher would have suffered greatly if the church had been destroyed as Jeremiah predicted. The preacher who are involved in the present account are doubtless cult preachers attached to the church. We can says, the defense of the preacher quite possibly should be regarded as one of the great pivotal moments in preacher’s fight for holy freedom, and like Jeremiah quite as fine in its way as Jeremiah before the tribes of Israel. Remember, God said, Revenge is mine said the Lord! Once again, let Jesus Christ seek revenge on their who believe on abortion. Example, there was a woman who commit fornication, Jesus said, Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. The subject is differ, but the punishment is the same. To all Christian, let Jesus Christ revenge on the physician, employee, clinic, or institution and others who believe in abortion. Jesus Christ said, But unto you I say, and unto as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden. But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations".

    Abstinence (drink, liquor or drunkenness). The excessive drinking of intoxicants was a common vice among the ancient Jews and other early people. But since intoxicants were so expensive, it was particularly a practice of the rich. Leviticus 10:8-9 reads, And the Lord spake unto Aaron, saying, Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, not thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, let ye die: it shall be a statute for every throughout your generations. This law prohibit a clergyman or priest may take no wine nor strong drink during such time as they pleasure. Some clergyman does take wine or strong drink during such time as they are exercising their priestly or clergyman functions in the holy place or church. Moreover, they are to distinguish between the holy and the common, the unclean and the clean. It has been suggested that the law prohibit strong drink to the priests or clergyman while they are officiating has been put in here on the supposition that some priests or clergyman had been drunk, but this is very likely, the priests or clergyman prohibit the Holiness Code. Jesus Christ condemns it in Luke 21:34 reads, And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your heart be over-charged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. Moisture fir human consumption is water. It for the family and its animals, was man’s most necessary beverage in Biblical times. Wine was frequently squeezed directly into a cup from the vines, was a common beverage throughout the ancient East, where royal households had special attendants to serve their drinks; and where the lowliest citizens aimed at having their own vines. Sometime the word abstinence refers to a refraining from various external actions, such drinking, eating, marriage and participation in human society. This law under the Holiness Code.

    Abusive Language (Cursing). In general usage a curse is an imprecation or an expressed wish for evil. If it be directed against God, it is blasphemy. It may be a desire uttered to God against another person or thing. A curse was considered to have an innate power to carry itself into effect; where the curse inevitably found its victim. Curse among the heathen were supposed to be possessed of the power of self realization. In Scripture a curse was invariably related to sin and disobedience. Certain curse were forbidden, as the cursing of a deaf person, Father, or Mother, shall surely be pit to death. This law is under the Deuteronomy Code, and the Holiness Code. The relationship of the six curses to the six blessings. Every phase of the individual life shall be accursed if he or she or disloyal to God. Whatever he or she does will fail, and nature will be aligned against them. Deuteronomy 27:14 reads, And the Levites shall speak, and say unto all the men of Israel with a loud voice. Leviticus 19:14 reads, To the deaf, Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling block before the blind, but shalt fear thy God: I am the Lord.

    Accessory (aide& complicity). In general usage a access is related to bring forward or to come near, approach. Some give it the intransitive sense of access, while others prefer the transitive sense of introduction, which early was given to the Christian. The reference of all to Christ is further seen in the word inadequately rendered access: it describes not our act, but Christ’s not our coming, but his bring us. The word was used in bringing of sacrificial victims to God; of men to God to be ordained as priests or clergyman: and in secular Greek of the introduction of a speaker into the presence of the assembly, of the bringing of a person before a judge, or of the introduction of an individual into the presence of a king. The general thought is that of introducing one into the presence of some higher authority and power. While it is impossible to prove that New Testament writers had any of these figures in mind, they do, nevertheless, afford suggestive illustrations of the spiritual fact that believers in Christ have been brought into the presence of a royal and almighty Father by means of the cross, this mean Jesus Christ our Savious. Psalm 50:18 reads, When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers. This law is addressed to those who can recite all the commandments and the statutes which the Jews or Christian is required to observe; they are eloquent about what is Allowed, or Forbidden, what is, but they neglect the weightier things. Some people know the Ten Commandments against theft, adultery, and false witness, but though they do not steal or commit adultery, they consort with those who do, and though they do not bear false witness in the courts, they are guilty of slandering even the nearest of your family member or friend. To this assize are subpoenaed not only God’s people, his faithful ones. There is a second category the wicked. If a judge asks of them no permission that he or she may plead with them or testify. His or her attitude now is very different; I blame you, and accuse you. They had made no covenant with him, yet they prated mean, to talk much and foolishly, about the laws of God. The author believe, a man or woman is known by the company he or she keeps rather than by the prayers he or she offers. If you in company of a thief, you are a friend of a thief, and you keep company with a thief, you are a thief. While at the same time you recite the laws and take the statutes on your lips and heart. You give your mouth free rein for evil, a bitter figure, the mouth abandoned to the control of evil, and your tongue frames deceit; another bitter image, the tongue, shuttling back and forth, weaving an ugly pattern of malice.

    Accomplice (Partner in crime). A person who helps another person commit a crime. The person who render aid to the criminal after he or she has committed the crime. Proverbs 29: 24 reads, Whoso is partner with a thief hateth his own soul: he heareth cursing, and bewrayeth it not. A partner in crime is impeding justice if he or she says nothing in court when it is asked whether anyone knows anything about the case in question. Curse is Adjuration mean, Swearing to is probably better. The word can mean both curse, and oath, since part of the oath was the curse against the violator of the agreement. Leviticus 5:1 reads, And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and is a witness, whether he hath seen or known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear his iniquity. If a person is a Christian, and a good citizen. He or she is not at liberty to say about any social evil, or, it is no business of mine. But some Christian does testify in court. This law heard to understand by non-Christian because the law says, he or she shall bear his or her iniquity. He or she shall take his or her punishment, whether it is inflicted through men or women or directly by God. The situation contemplated in this verse may be that man or woman has heard a public adjuration to testify and has declined, or that he or she has been witness of a curse pronounced by the victim against a thief and has refused to denounce the later. We can says, in the case of Jesus Christ. How much evil goes unchecked and gathers force because the decent people cannot be bothered, to do anything about it. We can says, some of the Jewish leaders were determined upon the death of Jesus Christ, but the evidence does not lead them to suppose that the vast majority of the people directly desired it. Can we says, why, then, did they not intervene, protest, appeal to Pilate? Presumably this miscarriage of justice was not their affair, they couldn’t be bothered. We can says, how often has that tragedy been re-enacted.

    Adoption (act of taking another’s child as one’s own). Adoption is a specific act of God’s grace distinct from calling, regeneration, and justification. It is that act which we become sons of God, and the term in Greek clearly expresses, this notion of instatement in the filial relation. The status is constituted by the bestowment of authority or right; a right belonging only to those who believe in Jesus Christ. This action is specifically that of God the Father saying, Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called children of God. The Spirit of adoption is Holy Spirit. The act of adoption is necessary to the filial status, the Spirit of adoption to the cultivation of the privileges accurate from the status, particularly the confidence expressed in the Father.

    God sent His Son to redeem those who were under the law’s bondage and to provide the basis by which God is able to adopt us as his children. Mankind are in need of both actions. Jesus Christ redemption us from sin; mankind were slaves either to the law, as the Jews to the elemental spirit of the universe as Gentiles. Jesus Christ paid the price of our sin, and redemption us and set we move not only from bondage into freedom, we also move into the great household of God where all are free men and women, and all are heirs of God and Jesus Christ. Galatians 4:5 reads, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. The pre-existent Christ became incarnate at a time determined by God in order to ransom those who were in bondage under the law. This law is under the Old Covenant Law.

    Adultery (unchaste living). In Scripture adultery is any voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with any other than his or her lawful spouse. But at times the Bible designates this sin also by fornication; though this properly designates the offense of voluntary sexual intercourse between an unmarried person and one of the opposite sex. Where the two kinds of wrong doing are to be distinguished, Scripture designates them by different terms: (Adultery) and (Fornicators). Adultery is forbidden in the Scriptures especially in the interest of the sanctity of the home and family. More specifically the sin is described in Leviticus 18:20 reads, Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour’s wife, to defile thyself with her. This law is prohibitions of Adultery mere conventions and taboos, or do they represent the law of God? The law of God cannot be other than the fulfillment of the nature with which God has endowed us, and primitive, binding conventions must be deemed man or woman’s effort to understand this nature. Can we says, it is not because the written in Leviticus but because in the freedom of the gospel he recognizes that they correspond to the requirements of human nature as God made it. This law does not prohibit a man or woman from marrying his or her deceased husband brother or wife’s sister but only from taking as a second husband or wife the brother or sister of one, still alive, who is already his or her husband or wife. Remember Jacob, this rule was unknown in earlier times; thus Jacob married both Leah and Rachel reads Gen. 29:28. The wrong is regarded as so great that its penalty was death. While the law of Moses did not specify how this penalty was to be executed, it is explained in the New Testament as strong; Moses commanded us to stone such. Duet. 22:23 reads, If a damsel that is a virgin be betrother unto a husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her. Please note the word a girl or maiden, three different cases of seduction. (1) A man and a betrothed maiden who have sexual intercourse in a city shall receive the same penalty as that in the case of adultery in verse 23-24. (2) The man only shall die if the intercourse takes place in the countryside because it is presumed that the girl was forced reads verse 25-27. (3) In the case of an unbetrothed virgin the man shall pay a bride price to her father. She shall be his wife and divorce is denied him reads verse 28-29; and Exodus. 22.16-17. Adultery included intercourse with a stepmother or stepfather, stepdaughter, stepson, and other family members. Evidently a very old law of God, and only one of a large group of prohibitions against intercourse with female relatives. Why this one only is quoted in Deuteronomy is not known, unless it was considered representative of the group. In any case, the laws in Deuteronomy, as in the other codes, are merely a fragment of larger unwritten collections, and we do not know why some were chosen to be recorded in the form we have them, and some not. Discover her woman’s skirt, properly, uncover. A figurative expression, the sense of which is clear from Ruth 3:9, and Ezek. 16:8. Covering with the skirt meant to take a woman as a wife. Violations of this law were evidently not uncommon in polygamous society. Matthew 5:28 reads, But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Remember, a man and woman are holy because they are children of God who is holy. In Christianity the ideal of chastity reaches its climax. Lust is made as sinful as the outward act reads, Matt. 5:28. The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Marriage is of God, and even symbolizes the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and the Church. Still more intensely, the Christian motive for purity lies in the nature of Jesus himself. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure" in I John 3:3.

    Arson (law regarding or burning). The Old Testament dealt variously with offence requiring reparation. In general, the return made by an offender to a person against whom he or she had done an injury. The arson deals with a person who has burning another. The law reads, He shall restore it in full but it continues: And shall add the fifth part more thereto. In the Christian standard is not law but love. Exodus 22:6 reads, If fire break out, and catch in thorns, so that the stacks of corn, or the standing corn, or the field, be consumed therewith; he that kindled the fire shall surely make restitution. It is not hard to understand this law, but some guess it means cause to be grazed over in verse 5 and 6, others, be consumed therewith. The fact that the Code of Hammurabi has a regulation about sheep feeding on another man’s land inclines one to think that these verses refer first to the wandering herds and then to the wandering flames in verse 6. The law is clear on the subject. The man shall make full restitution because of his carelessness or neglect respecting to other property.

    Accusation (false blame or charge of misconduct). To find a fault, blame to bring false statement. The statement of the crime was often written on A white tablet in red or black letters and displayed on the cross. The charge against Jesus was executed according to Pilate. When Pilate at his praetorium, or palace gave Jesus an opportunity to deny these charges, he gave him no answer, and stirred the wonder of Pilate. Exodus 20:16 reads, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. The Ninth Commandment is at least a start in the right direction. It is true that it refers specifically to evidence given in court about the conduct of a member of one’s own race, but other passages in the Old Testament testify to the people’s understanding of the importance of truth, the agreement between language and facts in Duet. 13:14; 17:4; 22:20 and Jer. 9:5; Psalms 15:2. Do you remember George Washington a truth telling has never been what might be called an endearing virtue. George Washington has gained nothing in popularity among youthful Americans by the story of the cherry tree. There are too many people who pride themselves on telling unpleasant truths, and there are some peoples who, though possessing little of this virtue, seem to have most of the other virtues and yet are delightful people. The legend says, Moses went as far as he could at the time in this commandment, the world seems still to consist to two types of people, those who believe in principles like truth telling, and those who believe in people and lay more stress on manners and courtesy and kindness. There are still too few who unite both types in themselves and love truth and people equally well, or almost equally well. There are the men and women who know the meaning of the word "Accusation, the truth in love. Reads Eph. 4:15. The Eighth, and Ninth Commandment set fort the principle of the sacredness of the judicial system. The verb in the prohibition means to answer at Court, whether as plaintiff, defendant, or witness, a man or woman must speck the truth in a charge involving his or her neighbor. One is reminded that in the Code of Hammurabi the bear of false witness was upon discovery sentenced to the punishment normal to the crime of which he or she had falsely accused another. Some churches include the Roman Catholics treat this verse as two separate commandments. Leviticus 19:16 reads, Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of the nieghbour: I am the Lord. This means to seek to get him or her put to death. The false charge must be interpreted as a complaint without basis filed by a plaintiff against innocent persons. Such false charges must be treated for what they are. Every responsible person must keep far from them, lest he or she become an accomplice in the slaying of the innocent and righteous that might follow if such a false charge were established in Court. Luke 3:14 reads, And the soldier likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages".

    Action at Law (Lawsuits) Scripture is full of judicial terms such as righteousness, transgression, judge, judgment and covenant. They define the relationship between God and man as essentially one of Ruler and Ruled, King and subject. In Greek the word mean a legislative code or one legal enactment of such a corpus, but in the New Testament the thought content of the Old Testament; with its emphasis on law as a personal word from God the lawgiver, is nearly always present. From the first Scripture depicts man or woman as responsible to his or her Creator and under an obligation to conform to his or her will; he or she given a law to live by as a test of obedience and faith. The Gospel depict the life Jesus Christ on earth as a fulfillment of the prophecies of the law even in its smallest details. In his teaching Jesus Christ affirmed and upheld the authority of the law: and as God Incarnate expounded it, cleared away erroneous interpretation and glosses, brought out its essential spirituality and showed its only pope foundation in love. The Christian is under the evangelical obligation of love and the written law becomes his guide a rule of gratitude. Scripture regards the laws of any community as binding on the people of God unless they command or imply disobedience to God’s revealed will. Proverbs 25: 8 reads, Go not forth hastily to strive, lest thou know not what to do in the end thereof, when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame. This law mean, do not come before the Court concerning another’s acts, lest you may be wrong and look foolish in the eyes of the one you have falsely accused. Psalm 34:14 reads, Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. This mean to action keep to the kindly and upright, do good, and finally seek peace, and pursue it. Note the emphasis on pursue. A most necessary word for all concern; the creation of a peace free from pettiness, peace of man or woman with man or woman with God, must be a continual effort. On such the Lord will look with favor, while from the wicked he will turn his face, a point for historic illustration., God’s hostility to evil has the intention to cut off its memory from the earth. Matthew 5:40 reads, And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. This verse mean to pay the man who sue you. I Corinthians 6:7 reads, Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to love one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? Why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be Defrauded? Hebrews 12:14 reads, Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord". Note the emphasis on pursue. A most necessary word for all corporate life; the creation of a peace fee from pettiness, peace of man or man and woman or woman, and of man or woman with God, must be a continual effort. Keep you tongue from evil words.

    Advocate (Counselor at Lawyer) Etymologically the word means one who is called to the side of another, in a court of law. This law is under Deuteronomic Code. Counselor must make decisions when there is a clash of interests in the community. If justice and righteousness are needed anywhere they are needed by those who sit in places of authority. The person who feels his or her rights have been violated can have no other recourse than appeal to the rules of his or her government. If the fountain head of justice or Christ justice is polluted, there is turmoil and instability in the community. This law is characterized by a friendly attitude toward kings and rules. It would seem that anyone who has acquired power maintains his or her rule because he or she follows the precepts of wisdom. In the New Testament it has lost its posse sense and means simply helper or intercessor. Jesus Christ is called the advocate since he intercede for the Christian who has fallen into sin. The efficacy of Jesus work as advocate rests on his propitiatory sacrifice. Acts 24:1 reads, And after five days Ananias the high priest descended with the elders, and with a certain orator named Tertullus, who informed the governor against Paul. In view of his quoting Paul’s remark that no more then twelve days age I went up to Jerusalem to worship. Paul was arrest in the temple, whether that occurred on the last day of the seven day purification period, or a day or two before its end. The names of Paul’s adversaries, the high priest Ananias, with some of elders and lawyer named Tertullus, and the identification of the judge, the governor Felix, the stage is set for Paul’s defense. It was characteristic of Ananias to prosecute Paul as quickly as possible, so to present his trumped up charges as effectively as possible he employed a lawyer named Tertullus. Tertullus was a common Greek name in the Roman world, and all we know of the man comes from history.

    Allens (Strangers or foreigners). The non-Israelite who placed himself or herself under Israel’s protection and who thereby had certain rights, privileges and responsibilities denied to the alien. This class of people came largely from three sources: (1) mixed multitude, (2) the unexterminate Canaanites, (3) captive in war. In the New Testament, gentile believers, one alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of the promise; and now fellow citizen with the Saints and of the household of God. Exodus 12:48-49 reads, And when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the Passover to the Lord, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it, and he shall be as one that is born in the land; for no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof. One law shall be to him that is home born, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you. This verse come from Israel sets out from Egypt. The adult men alone numbered six hundred thousand, not include women, and childrens. Such a large number could not have lived in Egypt and survived in the desert; and nor could they have found room in Canaan. If the mixed multitude is to be understood historically it most probably consisted of non-Israelite Semitic elements in Egypt. The blessings of the Pass-over are for the children of the covenant. Ephesians 2:12 reads, That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers, having no hope, and without God in the world. In the first place, Paul never says, Gentiles were not entitled to the benefits accruing to the covenantal community. In this respect, they were in the position of aliens who could not claim the prerogatives of nationals. As a consequence, they lived in a world devoid of hope. They were,

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