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Hidden Treasures of Blackston Lake
Hidden Treasures of Blackston Lake
Hidden Treasures of Blackston Lake
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Hidden Treasures of Blackston Lake

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An inopportune panic attack brings Carla Sharp into Craig Jones life. The two co-workers are only separated by a wall, growing into friends. But, that wall wont stop the magnetic attraction thats developing in their lives. Entwining them in a passion like no other. Working closely while remodeling Craigs ancestral family home their love grows while finding hidden treasures of his family helping to give him his missing family history answers while strengthening the love they have found for each other.
Release dateJul 18, 2012
Hidden Treasures of Blackston Lake

Marci Walter

Marci likes to travel, paint and do various crafts. One of her favorite joys is family, friends and adventures which she writes in journals. Now retired, she decided to put her love of writing into print. Her first novel ‘Marla’s Journey’ published in 2011

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    Hidden Treasures of Blackston Lake - Marci Walter

    © 2012 by Marci Walter. All rights reserved.

    Cover photography by Marci Walter

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    Published by AuthorHouse 07/05/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2839-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2840-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2841-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012911282

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    Countless hours of research, investigating, and knowledge was involved in the making of this work. This novel would not be possible without the help of my many friends and the following people.

    I would like to acknowledge and thank them.

    Brian McCall for his excellent estate knowledge and expertise

    Steve and Rosemary for all their advice, knowledge and creative ideas

    A Beautiful January Day on the Magnificent Mile in Chicago. The conference that was suppose to be so enlightening suddenly turned into a shaking, whirling carousel for Carla Sharp. She walked out of the hotel, started across Michigan Avenue and was suddenly frozen, unable to move in the middle of Chicago’s busiest street. What is happening to me, I can’t walk, I feel like I am a statue, I have to get off this street but I can’t move!

    She felt a strong arm around her waist and another arm and hand on her right arm; Its ok, Carla its Mark let me help you cross the street. She whipped her head around and glanced up and saw her friend and co-worker Mark Smith, she went limp in his arms as he whisked her up. Carrying her across the street to a park bench at the corner, he gently patted her cheeks and she came to.

    What in the world just happened did we have an earthquake, I felt my whole body spin and shake, I couldn’t move? Carla looked toward Mark dazed and said, Oh thank you Mark, I could have been hit out there. Carla was shaking her head very fast as if she was trying to shake off a bug.

    Carla, are you all right, you just stopped in the middle of the intersection. You didn’t turn your head just starred straight ahead that is when I came running out and helped you. The color just drained out of you and you fainted. Do you feel ok? Should we get an ambulance? Mark looked around for a place to get out of the cold There’s a café right around the corner. Let’s go in there and get something warm to drink while you get your bearings back.

    Mark helped her up, holding her waist and arm, he was afraid she might fall. Inside the café, Mark ordered two coffees for them and when Carla started to shake, he sat next to her putting his arm around her, he thought Oh baby I’ll warm you Carla we need to get you to a doctor, I don’t like the symptoms you’re having.

    Mark, I don’t feel like myself at all. I don’t know what just happened to me out there in the street, but I will admit it’s got me scared. Here we are in a beautiful city and I feel like I am in a snow globe that someone keeps shaking! Mark motioned for the waiter and asked where the nearest hospital was; the waiter left for a moment, quickly returning, There is a cab pulling up out front for you, he will take you to the hospital it’s only a few blocks away.

    The Emergency Room was not busy when they arrived; several doctors checked Carla. After all the tests where done Mark called Craig about what had happened and why he wasn’t at the bar, is she ok Mark Craig asked. I think so, get us a table in the Bistro, I think we should be out of here in a few minutes, the Doctor is coming towards me now Mark said as the Doctor told him he could go back and sit with her while they waited for the results.

    Mark, I want to thank you for your help, I am glad you were on the corner and so observant. You might just have saved my life today, thanks. She offered her hand and Mark squeezed her hand as he smiled at her, you’re going to be ok Carla!

    When the doctors came back in Mark stood up, shook hands with him, and thanked him for his help. Miss Sharp, it appears from everything we have checked and tested for, you had a panic attack; and from what you have told us at a very inopportune place. Thankfully, Mark came along when he did. You where very lucky, I’m going to suggest that you go back to your hotel, take a long hot shower or bath and one of each of these pills that I am giving you. No alcohol! These are going to relax you and help you sleep. Tomorrow you should feel like your normal self.

    Carla I see you live in Centerville, are you traveling tomorrow, the doctor asked. She replied, Yes I am driving back to Centerville. Do not take these till you reach home, and then get these prescriptions filled. You might want to take off a few days; I have written out my orders for you in case you need them for work, you are free to leave now. They said thank you to the doctors and nurses as they left.

    Well, I will make a notation in my grey matter always help a lady across the street no matter what. At least you know what it was Carla, is there anything else I can do for you, he asked?

    Yes there is one thing, would you join me in a light supper, my treat for your help today. I have a feeling that after I take these pills I will not be joining the group tonight or in the morning. Tomorrow is Saturday and check out time is not until 11. I had better get a wake up call, drugs have a way of really knocking me out, if I am driving tomorrow, it will take some serious coffee.

    Sure, I would love to join you, and you can count on me to check in on you in the morning. We’ll take a cab back to the hotel and eat in the bistro, Mark smiled. Craig Jones was watching for them, they exited the taxi, the wind whipped around Carla’s honey blonde long hair Oh she really is beautiful and that hair! They entered the bistro, Craig Jones, motioned them over to his table, pulling out a chair for Carla, inquiring Carla, I saw what happened are you ok now?

    Yes Craig I will be ok, just have to pass on the events of tonight and tomorrow morning. The doctor gave me strict orders and some pills to take tonight. Thanks for your concern, but shouldn’t you be at the gathering right now?

    Mark chimed in Actually, Carla he is going to drive my car home tomorrow and I will drive yours. From the sound of those side effects of the drugs the doctor gave you, it would be the best thing to do and Craig agreed, I was busy while the doctors where trying to find out what happened. Is this ok with you Carla?

    Wow, it appears I have some handsome angels looking over me, gentlemen I think that should be the game plan. That shot the doctor gave me is starting to take effect already; we had better eat, Carla said smiling for the first time in hours.

    The three went up to her room, got her settle in and made sure she locked the door. Craig and Mark stopped at the front desk, placing wake up calls, and then preceded to the group gathering.

    Carla started her shower and was feeling like she was drunk; wow, this stuff is powerful, alcohol not needed! She was asleep in under a half hour.

    The phone rang at 9 AM, and again at 9:30, neither worked. Finally at 10 AM Carla got up and took a long hot shower followed with a burst of cold, dressed and packed her things. She headed out the door to be greeted by Mark and Craig. Well, she doesn’t look to bad, just fits in with those of us who over indulged last night. How are you feeling Carla? Craig asked.

    I’m ok, good morning gentlemen, I’m hungry and in dire need of coffee! The restaurant was still serving breakfast, Carla had toast and eggs with lots of coffee, and then the three were off to Centerville on a bright but crisp sunny day.

    It was a great idea Mark and Craig had that night; the drugs the doctors had given Carla really knocked her out. She slept all the way back to Centerville. Two hours later Mark shook her just a little and she woke up, Oh, we are at my apartment wow, sorry I wasn’t much of a travel companion, I sure am glad you were driving. Craig and Mark helped her into the apartment, putting the luggage in her bedroom.

    Carla here is my phone number and Craig’s as well, if you need anything please call either one of us. I am going out on a limb here, but I think you should call your doctor and make an appointment ASAP. Those pills they gave you in the ER are pretty powerful Mark commented with a concerned look.

    I Promise I will put a call in right now. Carla walked over to the phone and looked up the number, and got the answering service, left her message and hung up the phone.

    Now, gentlemen I’m sleepy and going back to bed. Thank you for all your help over the past two days, I am indebted to your generosity and when I am better drinks and dinner are on me, thanks again.

    Mark and Craig waited to hear Carla lock her door before they left; as they drove back to Craig’s car they talked about what could have happened yesterday at the meeting that might set off a panic attack. Mark there really was nothing out of the ordinary at the meeting. Craig said with a questionable look.

    I’m worried that there might be something else that happened we don’t know about, maybe boyfriend trouble Craig said. You seem to be more concerned than a co-worker should be? Mark looked at Craig, waiting for his reply. Nothing that I have heard that could cause something like she went through yesterday.

    The only thing that happened this week in the office that kind of disturbed all of us was Debbie loosing her husband in that trucking accident; do you think that might have done it? Craig asked as they pulled into the office parking lot, Mark, that might have upset Carla a little, isn’t her boyfriend a truck driver, Craig asked. Well I had better get home, see you Monday Craig, thanks for your help. Sure thing, see you Mark.

    Carla slept all through the balance of the day and at 2 PM Sunday, the phone woke her, it was Mary Kate. We where suppose to go shopping Carla, you don’t sound like you’re feeling well, are you ok? Can I talk to you tomorrow please? She hung up the phone without waiting for an answer.

    Monday morning she was on the phone with the doctor’s office setting an appointment for 9 AM; next, she called her manager Fred. Good morning Fred, I have a doctors appointment at 9 AM today, I have been advised that it may take over an hour, so I wanted to let you know.

    Thanks for calling Carla, I heard about what happened in Chicago. I have sent you papers on FMLA it will protect you form any disciplinary action for time off. How are you feeling today? Is there any projects on your desk that need to be handled today? Fred was being his normal total professional self.

    I’m feeling better, got a lot of sleep this weekend, but honestly Fred, I’m not 100% myself due to these pills. As far as my desk goes, I had kept Monday free to answer calls and problems from last week. I’ll call you after I get out of the doctors office, thanks for checking into the FMLA for me. Carla was waiting for an answer or any questions that Fred had Carla, I will be in a meeting from 1:30 till 5, leave a message if I’m unavailable, take care and I will talk to you later.

    4 hours later, Carla finally got home, hungry and exhausted, heated up a can of soup and called Fred. Fred, it’s Carla, I just got out of the doctors office and will not be in till Wednesday, I have more tests to have done tomorrow. Please call me when you have the time, thank you.

    What other tests are there, I can’t understand why the doctor said I was in depression, things just aren’t making any sense to me. Where is that benefits package? Carla searched for the package, and called the 800 number. Carla hung up the phone, sat there dazed with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. The call had taken almost 45 minutes, with questions that didn’t make sense to her.

    Carla’s mind was running back through her childhood at what seemed like 100 miles. Maybe I do need to see someone and talk about all of the stuff from my childhood. Right now I just want to sleep. This pill sure makes me drowsy Carla stretched, stood up, shook her head, yawned and decided to lie down.

    The phone woke her, it was Fred Carla, I got your message. Please take all the time you need for these appointments, that is why I sent you the FMLA papers. Is there anything that needs attention on your desk? No Fred I’m current on all my projects, I will see you Wednesday, Carla said as she hung up the phone.

    It was a few minutes later, Carla turned on the TV and smoked a cigarette, but before the show was over, she realized that she had better just go to bed. She had a terrible nightmare, which woke her; she looked at the clock, it was 2 AM.

    The next morning Carla called a counselor that was close to her house and made an appointment. Carla knew something was not right; she could not sleep through the night since the Chicago incident without waking up shaking. I don’t like this feeling at all and I want it stopped now!

    carla returned to work a week after the Chicago meeting to receive many greetings from her co-workers wishing her well. She had a meeting with Fred to get all the latest projects and where she needed to be. There where a few projects moved from her to Dale she didn’t get upset. I can’t work if I’m not here don’t get upset she thought as she sat down at her desk.

    Craig popped in her office with a red rose to welcome her back to work, call me if you need anything. Carla accepted the flower thanks Craig I will, thank you for the rose, how did you know roses are my favorite? Craig replied with a smile just a lucky guess, see you later. Carla sat there think about this man that just handed her a rose out of the blue. Craig is very interesting!

    As she returned calls and took care of the mail on her desk, so far, her day was normal. I need coffee, took her mug and cleaned it out in the kitchen and filled it up. There was Mark, Hi Carla, how are you feeling, glad to see you back. Everything was back to normal in her life. She made a mental note to check on her home phone to see if that counselor called and went back to her desk. At noon she received a call from Vanessa, the counselor, they made an appointment for tomorrow.

    Carla went to Fred’s office to inform him of the meeting tomorrow and get a FMLA form to take with her. Carla, this FMLA will be necessary for all your doctor’s to fill out just once. You just let me know that the time you need is FMLA, ok. Fred came around his desk and patted her on the back, I know you’ll be ok, take whatever time you need. You’re a good worker and I need you here. Fred smiled, winked at her, and left his office. Thanks Fred.

    Carla picked up the phone and called Mary Kate, leaving a voice mail. Mary Kate, it’s Carla I apologize for Sunday, can we do dinner, and I’ll explain it then.

    As she sat at her desk looking at that rose reminiscing about how she had finally met Craig Jones… The big 5 Year Work Anniversary was only a mere five minute announcement during the weekly Monday morning meeting, her thoughts went to all those who stopped by and congratulated her. Carla smiled.

    Carla’s eye always seemed to find the tall and handsome type and Craig Jones had found her eye. He stood about 6 ft 2, light brown hair that she wanted to run her hands thru, and those soft deep set hazel eyes where like magnets for her. He had just moved in the office next to her. and she had her eye on him since the day he arrived… Boy I was gutsy that day, she giggled. The phone jarred her back to reality, it was Mary Kate…I’ll buy meet me at the Corner Grill after work.

    So you must have a hot date tonight Craig said smiling at her as he walked into Carla’s office got any extra staples, I just ran out. Yes to the staples, no to the hot date, just my girl friend. I have to make up for hanging up on her Sunday night, she thinks I was drunk! She replied with a smile, tossing her hair.

    He didn’t say anything, just looked at her as he thought of getting tangled in that long curly honey blond hair, those sparkling dark blue eyes…Craig is there anything else you need, she asked. Oh a sparkling water would be good, got any? Craig blushed it’s warm in here you should have the vent checked. She handed him a can of lemon SanPellegrino from her desk drawer Here you go Craig, you’ll need ice. Thanks, I owe you Carla. After she heard his door shut she smiled and thought to her self, what was that about.

    Carla went back to her job at hand and found herself thinking wonder what that body would look like without the Dockers and Standard golf shirt. Carla blushed as she could hear him stapling something then his phone rang. Reality was back as she heard Fred talking outside her office.

    She went back to work and was focused completely on her project, she never heard him walk in. Mark patted her on the shoulder, We should have a cocktail, how about meeting at the Corner Grill after work? Oh sorry Mark, I have a meeting with my girl friend tonight, but I will be at the Grill Carla said smiling. What’s the occasion she asked. Oh just wanted to get together and see how you’re doing, I haven’t really talked to you since Chicago he said. Maybe later this week we can get together. Sure Carla, I’ll call you and set up a date. Have a good gals nite out tonight, see you later. Ok, see you then Mark she smiled as he turned to leave her office.

    The Corner Grill was busy as Carla walked in, she saw Mary Kate and went to join her. So Carla what the hell happened last week in Chicago? Carla told Mary Kate what had transpired over the time since they had last seen each other. What do you think caused that Carla, did you see someone or some thing, inquiring minds want to know? Carla just giggled and thought for a moment, I really don’t know what happened, maybe talking about the day will help me, I’m seeing a counselor tomorrow. I keep wondering if the traffic had something to do with it. Just want to find out the answers and get these nightmares to stop. I need a drink she waved at the waitress.

    That night was doing wonders for improving Carla’s mood; she was enjoying herself with Mary Kate talking. The waitress brought two more drinks to the table she laughed and asked the waitress we didn’t order these. No the two guys at the bar did she pointed to Mark and Craig. Carla waved, want to invite them over Mary Kate? Sure Mary Kate said as she waved them over.

    Craig had asked Carla to dance several times and sat close to her. Guess I must have made an impression, I believe we have had 3 dances now. He was enjoying every moment he held her slender but endowed figure while they danced, thinking how he could dive into her dark blue eyes. Carla you are an excellent dancer, it’s not easy to find a woman who really knows how to dance he whispered to her, smelling her hair, as he pulled out a chair next to her at the table. Thanks Craig she smiled thinking about how he felt holding her against him.

    Carla felt a slight blush come over her thinking I have had to much alcohol. Carla we should be heading home? Mary Kate suggested. Sure we all need to work tomorrow. See you guys at the office tomorrow, thanks for the drinks, conversation and dances Carla said then whispered in Mark’s ear. Thanks what a dear friend you are, Paula is lucky to have you.

    first meeting with the counselor, Carla was nervous. Carla Sharp, hello I’m your counselor Vanessa Johnson, please come in. Today I would like to get some personal information only, then we can start our sessions the first of next week.

    I’m 26, 5'4 weight has always stayed around 125 or 130, and I love to run, swim and golf she replied in a professional tone. I love to cook, read, and eat organic and grass fed. I have no family left and I am not involved at this time, single and so far unlucky."

    Vanessa reached out her hand, Carla we are going to be spending a lot of time together talking out this problem, we may even become friends. Carla stood up and looked around the large office I am assuming you feel my nervous energy, I haven’t talked with anyone about my family in years, and right now I would love a glass of wine and a cigarette.

    I don’t have wine but I do have some sparkling water, would that help as Vanessa offered her a bottle. Yes, thank you she took a long drink then a gas bubble escaped she giggled, sorry, I have to admit that I don’t know what to expect here.

    What is your favorite foods Carla, like comfort foods you are drawn to when you feel lonely or sad. Personally I am a big salad junkie and a chocolate malt, some diet hah Vanessa said with a smile. Yes that is a good combination especially with some bleu cheese dressing and a few pieces of steak, only I like to finish with the triple chocolate brownies my the tears burst out as Carla sat on the couch crying uncontrollably. Vanessa handed her the tissues and sat next to her in case she was needed for comfort.

    I’m so sorry I normally am in complete control Carla said. Carla we have started a healing process here and this is bound to happen once in a while. It is nothing strange, I see it in the strongest of men, you are still a strong women.

    Ok, so where do we go from here Vanessa she asked? Let’s find out who the my was and work forward Carla Vanessa it was my Grandmother Sharp, she helped raised me. I lived with them after my folks passed, I was 14.

    Carla stood up again, She loved to cook, especially the homemade spaghetti she preferred organic, fresh caught and grass fed products. Guess that’s why I have the same preferences. Granny taught me sewing, gardening, actually everything. Her and Gramps lived on a farm and recycled everything. She took another sip of her water I love wine, and cautious to not drink and drive, but at home, that’s another story.

    Let’s meet a little earlier next week, we can meet for a longer time and get a little more history out here to work with. You’ll be fine Carla, trust me.

    I’m Suppose To Meet Mark she looked at her watch and turned into the Marathon station to go fix her face and makeup. Well he may have seen me at my worst but no one has seen this mess before; 10 minutes later she was in the car headed for the Corner Grill.

    There on the bar stool sat Mark Smith all alone, no wife and no Craig. He was a handsome man, basketball player build, very tall and lanky, thick dark brown hair and heavy eyebrows making his brown eyes almost seem sinister; and he had been paying a lot of attention to her lately.

    Inquiring minds want to know what you are up to Mr. Smith, Carla said as she sat down next to him at the bar. Carla Sharp where in the world did that statement come from? Well Mark I honestly don’t know, it just seemed like a good opener. What’s up, sorry I’m a little late.

    Mark motioned to a table and asked the bartender to send over a waitress what do you want to drink Carla "Pinot Noir please, and a burger

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