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The Wine of Love
The Wine of Love
The Wine of Love
Ebook166 pages2 hours

The Wine of Love

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About this ebook

A book of mystery, intrigue, and love. Caley Stetson, and Lexington Jence, two young adults following their dreams and hearts desire. Neither one caring for a romantic relationship until Alex Adams comes into the picture and steals Caleys love.

Rarely have two people seemingly destined for each other almost miss out on their true destiny..

Release dateJul 1, 2014
The Wine of Love

Carly Monty

Carly Monty grew up in Denver, Colorado, and attended West High School, and TTI. She’s traveled around the world to Israel, Romania, Mexico, Amsterdam, and Canada. She is an optimistic individual and loves exploring and learning new things. She is family oriented and believes life is a gift and is thankful for it daily.

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    Book preview

    The Wine of Love - Carly Monty

    Chapter One

    "B low out the candles and open your presents. Caley can’t you hear me?" Asked Michelle.

    Oh I’m sorry, Michelle. Responded Caley.

    What were you thinking about so intently? Asked Michelle.

    I was making a wish. Replied Caley.

    What did you wish for? Asked Michelle.

    If I declare it out loud, it won’t come true. Exclaimed Caley.

    That’s not so. If you declare it out loud, it’s an affirmation. It may then come true if you do. Declared Michelle.

    That’s probably true Michelle. I will make an affirmation and declare that this year I would stop procrastinating and write a novel. Exclaimed Caley.

    Hasn’t that always been your dream?… Why don’t you open this present?

    It must be special. Caley exclaimed.

    Open it. Michelle said excitedly.

    "Wow! One year of Creative writing lessons at the College! You’re so generous, Michelle. Where did you get the money to pay for it? I hope you didn’t use the money you put away for your retirement? Asked Caley.

    I put some down in the stock market and made a couple of thousand dollars. Exclaimed Michelle.

    That’s remarkable of you, Michelle! Responded Caley! Do you know the name of the Creative Writing class Professor?"

    Your Teacher’s name is Lexington Jence. Replied Michelle.

    I’ve never heard of him. He must be new to the area? Said Caley.

    As far as I know, he’s been living here for years Exclaimed Michelle.

    Caley tried to imagine what Lexington Jence looked like. Do you know what he looks like? She asked.

    As a matter of fact I do. He’s quite handsome. Replied Michelle.

    How do you know that, Michelle?

    Caley was not interested in dating or in anyone for that matter. She was too occupied with her existence to care for anyone at this moment in her life. Turning thirty years old was problematical, depressing and life shattering as it was.

    When I registered you for the class, he was there autographing books for his fans. Replied Michelle.

    He must be a celebrated author to be signing autographs. I’ve never heard of an author named Lexington Jence. Maybe he writes under a pen name. Writers have the tendency to do so. Take for instance Samuel Clemens who’s pen name is Mark Twain.

    That’s probably true, Said Michelle. But we better say goodbye to our guests they are beginning to leave.

    Thank you all for coming and also for the wonderful gifts! Exclaimed Caley sincerely.

    You’re so very welcome, The guests all shouted in unison."

    Caley if you ever decide to start dating again, give me a call. said Matt Andrews. I can’t believe that you’re not romantically involved with anyone. You’re so gorgeous, and intelligent. I almost drown looking into those lavish tawny, green speckled eyes. Your lashes almost sweep me away with their very length. I would love to touch your stunning, glossy, beige blond hair, and your ruddy skin. How do you keep it looking like it’s been kissed by the sun and moistened by the morning dew. Tell me how do you keep your lovely figure…? Asked Matt.

    I’ll tell you sometime, maybe. Replied Caley.

    Are you trying to get rid of me? Asked Matt rather dismally.

    Caley was getting somewhat annoyed but did not want to hurt Matt’s feelings. So she tried to dissuade him with her natural charismatic charm. Oh Matt, you are charming. I’m sure there are dozens of girls that are more than willing to date you?

    Why yes, of course, there are, Replied Matt condescendingly, But they are not you.

    Matt, you flatter me by all that you say. Dear heart, to me you’ll always be my friend, never my lover or boy friend in the sense of the romantic.

    I’m shattered by your statement. Matt replied.

    You’ll get over it once you understand that I’m not ready for any type of romance, or falling in love. Caley replied.

    You’ve been saying that for years. Why don’t you want to have a romantic relationship? Asked Matt.

    I just don’t want one at this time okay?

    Have it your way then, Caley. Someday you’ll find that special one and you’ll swoon at his every word. The one you will long for in your heart. The one that will make you smile, cry, and laugh. You’ll live and die for him.

    Okay enough is enough. Matt thank you so much for coming. I appreciate you.

    It’s been my pleasure and I hope to see you again quite soon because you make me glad that I’m alive.

    Whatever, you charming and clever fellow. Caley replied.

    "Just remember my words, when that fellow I was speaking of comes into your life one of these days. Well bye now Caley. I’ll see you when I see you."

    I’ve got to get away.

    Caley thought to herself. "I’m not ready for romance. I don’t care what Matt said. There are other things more important in life than romance.

    Michelle, I’m going for a bike ride to the lake. I’ll see you when I get back.

    Okay Caley, be careful and have fun. Replied Michelle.

    Michelle you’re always looking out for me. What would I do without you? I’ll be back in an hour or so and I’ll be careful. Said Caley.

    Caley didn’t mean to be impolite, but she needed some space and as she thrust the pedals faster, and faster, tears began to fall and increase with every thrust of the pedal.

    Chapter Two

    W hen she arrived at the Gazebo, the tears intensified and It seemed that a dam broke in her and the thought of her dreams and desires not manifesting plagued her spirit. She sobbed until she could sob no more. And as she sat looking at the beguiling secretion of illumination on Tranquility lake’s body, life’s issues and desires vanquished and a peace swept over her and she stopped sobbing.

    And the bevy of ducks and geese on the surface of the lake seemed to say, This year you will get your heart’s desire.

    My heart’s desire? What really is my heart’s desire?" She asked glumly.

    You’ll see, you’ll see. The bevy of geese and ducks seemed to echo.

    As Caley bicycled home, she thought to herself, how blessed her life actually was. She lived in a picturesque area surrounded by majestic mountains on every side, had fantastic parents, a grand best friend who was her roommate, a pleasing occupation, a cozy home and other blessings too numerous to mention.

    When Caley finally arrived home, she was welcomed with the fragrance of honeysuckle permeating from the vine that cascaded over the fence in the back yard, resembling a waterfall.

    Caley loved her house. It was an inheritance from her grandma Mela. It was a quaint, three bedroom, two bath home painted egg shell white and coral red, with a spacious front and back yard dominated by an expanse of flowers. The house was more than forty years old. Caley liked to reminisce about the fun times she had there when her grandma Mela, and grandpa Manual were alive.

    Caley and Michelle were room mates for nine years, as well as best friends for twenty-five. They got along wonderfully. That didn’t mean that they didn’t have squabbles from time to time. They learned to get over them and not take things personally.

    Upon arriving from the lake, Caley entered the country white kitchen, with fruit stenciled three inches below the ceiling, where Michelle was tidying and cleaning the utensils used at Caley’s birthday party.

    How was you’re bike ride Caley? Asked Michelle.

    It was uplifting and energizing. Replied Caley.

    I’m glad that you had a great time at the lake. How far did you go? Asked Michelle.

    I went as far as the gazebo. Caley remarked.

    I know how much you love that place. Said Michelle.

    It’s my place of refuge and strengthening. Caley replied contently.

    Michelle, did my mom call while I was bicycling?" Asked Caley worriedly.

    No she didn’t. I wonder why she didn’t come to your party. Asked Michelle.

    I don’t know. I just hope she and my dad are alright. "Michelle, I’m going to take a shower and get ready for bed. If my mom calls, tell her I’ll call her back.

    Chapter Three

    ‘R ing, ring,’ Went the doorbell. Maybe that’s Caley’s mom and dad now. Thought Michelle to herself.

    As Michelle opened the door, she noticed a jet-black head of hair. As she opened the door wider, she noticed it was Lexington Jence, the Creative Writing Teacher.

    Sorry to disturb you. He said, But you left your purse in my office the day you registered your friend for my class.

    Why thank you Mr. Jence. I had a birthday party for my friend and I was so busy that I forgot all about it.

    Is your friend here? Asked Lexington Jence curiously. Maybe I can meet her. What’s her name again?"

    It’s Caley Stetson, but she’s taking a shower right now.

    "Oh, I see. I’ll see her this Monday anyhow. Will you tell her that she needs to be in class at 8:00 a.m. and have her bring her lap top, if she has one. If not she can bring writing material.

    Thanks for taking the time to bring my purse to me. That was kind and thoughtful of you. Michelle said sincerely.

    It was my pleasure to do so. Have a great evening. He said. And he was gone.

    Lexington Jence was quite the gentlemen, and Michelle concluded that he would be perfect for Caley, if only she was ready for a relationship. Which at this time she wasn’t.

    Michelle who was at the door? Asked Caley.

    It was Lexington Jence. The one who teaches the creative writing class that you will be taking. He was kind enough to bring my purse, which I left in his office when I signed you up for the class.

    He sounds like a kind, considerate, and caring man. Did he say what I’m supposed to take as far as materials for the class?"

    Yes he did. He said to take your lap-top computer if you have one. Or if you don’t have one to take writing materials.

    It’s a good thing that I bought a lap-top computer last month. It’s probably better to have a computer than to constantly write with a pen. One’s hand and arm probably would hurt at some point, when writing manually consistently. ‘Ring a ling.’ Went the telephone That could be my mom I better get the telephone. And Caley grabbed the phone anxiously."

    Hi Caley. Happy Birthday! I’m sorry your dad and I didn’t make it to your Birthday party. I had to take your father to the emergency ward. He was having chest pains.

    Is he alright!? Asked Caley.

    He’s fine. The Doctor said it was a case of indigestion. He gave him some Pepside AC. He was also told to stay away from tomatoes and spicy food. Bye the way, I’ll give you your present when I see you next.

    That’s fine mom. What did you get me? Is it the printer I asked for?

    You’ll see when I give it to you. I better go check on your father. He’s sleeping right now. He told me to tell you that he loves you.

    Tell him I love him too and that he better take care of himself. Mom, Michelle gave me a year of Creative writing lessons. My Teacher’s name is Lexington Jence.

    I know his mother and father. His mother’s from Spain. I’ve seen Lexington before. He’s a very nice looking young man. His parent’s are nice people as well.

    "Is Lexington married or single? Asked Caley.

    He’s single, but I think he has a girlfriend named Miranda. She’s a pretty young woman from Costa Rica. His mother and I met when I arranged flowers for his brother’s wedding, when he got married. Will I see you Wednesday? We need to arrange flower bouquets for the wedding that’s up coming next Wednesday. Will you be able to work that day? I really need your help! Asked Caley’s mother Carla.

    I’ll be there. I don’t start the creative writing class until Monday. Michelle was quite kind to pay for the writing class for my birthday. I’m looking forward to the class. You’ve known how long I’ve wanted to write a novel. I’m tired of procrastinating.

    Caley I better go now. I love you." Said Carla, Caley’s mom.

    I love you too, mom. Replied Caley.

    So Lexington Jence has a girlfriend. That’s good to know Caley thought to herself. I just hope he’s a good Teacher."

    Michelle what’s on television tonight?

    "The Dark Knight is on Starz tonight. It’s supposed to

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