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Motion Commotion
Motion Commotion
Motion Commotion
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Motion Commotion

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Siblings Adam and Krystal go swimming by their house, and while skipping rocks, they make an incredible discovery: the rocks dont skip but bounce right into the sky! So begins a day of disorder. With the help of Great Granny Franny Force, the children discover that King Chaos is trying to take over the world and turn it completely upside-down.

In order to stop this evil king, Adam and Krys must travel to the world of Chaos, overcome its dangerous hazards, and rescue a dear friend from the dreaded kings castle. Along the way, the children learn much from Grandpa Gravity, his friend Newton, and a trio of sisters with subtle differences among themAlice Acceleration, Vicky Velocity, and Samantha Speed.

With the help of their new friends, Adam and Krys might just succeed. But King Chaos is full of tricks; using his terrible henchman, Hap Hazard, the king could turn the childrens world of order into a cataclysm of chaos. Adam and Krys are humanitys only hope, but can they navigate Chaos, or will they get lost in a world without order?

PublisherAbbott Press
Release dateJan 17, 2013
Motion Commotion

Kaitlyn Buchanan

Barbara JB Jacoby has taught high school physics and astronomy. She lives in Upstate New York with her husband and dogs.

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    Motion Commotion - Kaitlyn Buchanan

    Copyright © 2013 Barbara JB Jacoby.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4582-0760-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4582-0759-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012923864

    Abbott Press rev. date: 1/18/2013




    CHAPTER 1 Chaos Will Rule

    CHAPTER 2 Friction Is Abrasive

    CHAPTER 3 Inertia Gets Us Nowhere

    CHAPTER 4 Acceleration Moves Us

    CHAPTER 5 Actions Equals Reactions

    CHAPTER 6 No Place Like Home


    About the Author

    To my family:


    For Inspiration,

    For perspiration,

    And for dedication!


    I would like to thank all the readers who helped keep physics fun. Special thanks go to Mom and Dad for encouragement in all ways, and especially to my son, Matthew, (ME Electrical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology) who read, and read, and read, checked the physics, checked the storylines, and helped make this fantasy a reality.


    You’d think a simple kidnapping would be easy.

    If there had been any people nearby, the man would have drawn a crowd on his looks alone, or at least people would have slowed to stare. He looked like a collection of used parts: one leg longer than the other, one arm shorter than the other, a lopsided mouth and differently shaped eyes. His left eye was blue and round, while his right was brown and slanted. He appeared to be of average height, although it was hard to tell with his legs. He had a wild mop of curly hair on his head, in all shades and colors. His clothing looked like it had slipped out of the sixties, danced through a disco, and then been run through the wash on hot. Despite the oddness of his appearance he seemed to possess a strength of character which drew people to him, perhaps initially out of curiosity but they stayed to listen to him too. Still, for the moment he was alone, and Hap Hazard, Prime Minister for King Chaos, was not happy about that circumstance.

    Hazard was standing in a large field. To his right were thirty or more cows, obviously nearing milking time, and to his left a hay field, obviously nearing cutting time. He noticed neither scene particularly but continued his personal dialogue.

    Who could I possibly find to help me in this ridiculous place? He looked closer at the cows; the two nearest him squirted milk in his direction, mooing loudly. I doubt you would be able to help anyway! Hazard wiped the milk off his face and continued his contemplation.

    This is such a strange world. Hazard walked away from the cows and looked around.

    I need someone who knows this world well, but has no care for it.

    In the distance a school bus approached along the county road. Hazard sniffed in disgust; children were not his favorite species. He stared at the cows again and the road. The bus stopped and seemed to slide backwards. Hazard smiled, though it looked more like a sneer. He began to pace in a circle, rubbing his hands together. As his hands moved faster an image began to appear in the center of the circle. Quickly it took the shape of a small female.

    Looking for someone? The female asked Hazard.

    He nodded at his company. Hmm. I need help and I thought you might be available.

    Do I know you? She stretched as if she had just awakened; her body was a mix of many sharp angles. She fluffed her short curly red hair and smiled as it stood up in many directions. Help with what exactly? She stretched again and narrowed her deep green eyes at Hazard. You willing to pay?

    I need to kidnap someone. Hazard looked at the redhead closely, wondering whether she would be much assistance. She didn’t look as rough as he’d thought she would, for all her abrasive personality.

    Okay, getting more interesting. Got any details, plans, ideas? She wandered closer to Hazard with a sly look on her face. Hazard could feel heat rolling off her.

    I need you to set a trap, and I will take care of the rest. Hazard stated pompously.

    And I would be getting what out of this? The female cocked her head and looked at Hazard lazily. Hazard paused, as if not sure of her question.

    What would you like to get? Hazard replied as he thought of the King and his ability to supply strange but unlimited resources. The end result was what he needed, not how he got there.

    Okay, here’s the deal. Frieda Friction rubbed her own hands together and prepared to negotiate.


    Chaos Will Rule

    Adam and Krystal woke early for a teenager and a pre-teen. They stumbled down to breakfast, gobbled cereal and toast, gulped orange juice, and then stomped off to complete their weekend chores with great grumbling and groaning. Still it was Saturday and the quicker the chores done, the quicker the fun won, or at least that’s what their Mom always said. So they quickly fed animals, gathered eggs, and cleaned pens and stalls. Then they were free, racing each

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