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Is Your Destiny Calculated?
Is Your Destiny Calculated?
Is Your Destiny Calculated?
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Is Your Destiny Calculated?

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The world is baffled and in great distress when it comes to the future. The global financial crisis has shaken the foundation of the kingdoms of the world.

History has proven that men who pursued their destiny in God lived the greatest and most secured life on Earth. They were answers to crisis, and crisis enhanced their destiny. They were unstoppable!

When the nation of Israel was in slavery in Egypt, Moses stepped into his destiny and brought an end to their crisis. Joseph rose up and brought an end to crisis in his generation. Your destiny has power over crisis.

God has your destiny calculated. God alone knows the future. This book is to encourage you to discover and show you how to fulfill your destiny in God. It will show you:

Wrong labels you are carrying lead you in the wrong direction

Ignorance to spiritual blockages in your destiny can be costly and cause delay

How you are impressive with your gifts but making the wrong impact

How your gifts will empower you into your destiny

How leadership by the Holy Ghost is the greatest leadership

To be the best, you need to be with the best and learn from the best Jesus Christ

Your destiny is an answer to the world. You are sent to Earth by God to be an answer. Be that answer by fulfilling your destiny.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateApr 27, 2012
Is Your Destiny Calculated?

Rickey Jaikaran

Rickey Jaikaran graduated from Caribbean Christ for the Nations Institute in Jamaica with an associate degree in biblical studies. He is persuaded that Jesus Christ came to Earth to fulfill prophecy, and the Church is meant to fulfill prophecy. Rickey’s passion is to encourage his generation to do just that—fulfill prophecy. Rickey has traveled throughout the United States and overseas with his commission from God to take the Is Your Destiny Calculated message to the nations.

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    Is Your Destiny Calculated? - Rickey Jaikaran

    Is Your



    Rickey Jaikaran

    Copyright © 2009, 2012 by Rickey Jaikaran.

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    Labels, Labels, Labels


    Spiritual Blockages


    Creating Your Destiny


    Your Destiny Calculated


    Rediscovering Your Destiny


    The Church and Your Destiny


    Declaration Was Made


    Breaking Free into


    Higher Purpose


    Destiny of Royalty in Motion


    Learning from the Best


    Shipwrecked Destiny



    I would like to give special honor to my best and greatest friend, the Holy Ghost. He is the true author of this book. If you discover any inaccuracies or any raw understanding that does not reflect his character, then that was the time I was not listening to the Holy Ghost.

    This book is dedicated to God’s greatest gifts in my life. They are my parents, my father, Robert Jaikaran and my mother, Golin Jaikaran. God made one of his greatest decisions when he decided they should be my parents. God always gives you the best so that you can become the best for him. They were God’s best gifts given to me on Earth.

    If God were ever to ask me, who I would like to have as my parents, without any hesitation, I would choose them. If God were to ask me who I would like to have as my neighbors in heaven, without any hesitation, I would choose my parents.

    We are products of those that impacted our lives. The great NBA basketball player, Michael Jordan said, I built my talents on the shoulders of someone else’s talent . . . . without Julius Erving, David Thompson, Walter Davis, and Elgin Baylor, there would never have been a Michael Jordan. I evolved from them. Michael Jordan is right! What Michael was saying was simple but profound. He needed the talent of others in his life. Without the talent of others in my life I don’t think this book would have been possible.

    Special thanks to the director and staff of Caribbean Christ For the Nations Institute in Jamaica. Your impact for our God and his Christ has been great, timely and unimaginable. I would like to suggest that the tree may die but, the fruits are still alive.

    I want to say special thanks to Dave Pellintz for his great kindness and hard work in editing this manuscript. He was a great find from the Lord. He is truly an author’s dream. He was very instrumental in challenging me to bring out the best clarity of thoughts. Heaven will be an exciting place for you, Dave.

    Young and talented Jonathan Ruiz was another great find from the Lord. He did the illustration work on the book cover. Thank you, Jonathan! Special thanks to my dear friends that greatly encouraged me to write this book.


    Are you guilty of trespassing? Probably you are and might not know it! Trespassing on another man’s property has serious consequences. In a court of law, prosecution can be severe. Trespassing against celebrities in the United States of America has become a major concern of law enforcement. Celebrity Britney Spears and many others have to fight an ongoing war against trespassers. It is of such a major concern that the LAPD chief William Bratton talks about the proposed Britney Law to keep paparazzi away from celebs.¹

    I want the world to know that God is the greatest celebrity and to trespass on his property, Planet Earth, is a major concern. The Psalmist David says,

    The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

    (Psalm 24:1KJV)

    The Earth has an owner. Everything in the Earth belongs to one owner. It belongs to God and he gave it over to his son, Jesus Christ. To live on Planet Earth without acknowledging the owner is an insult. To abuse the owner’s property has serious consequences. God, the true owner, wants you to know that he allowed you to live on Earth to be an answer. By being an answer you will have the greatest quality of life on his planet. The best way to avoid trespassing on God’s property is to fulfill the destiny of God. However, communication must take place between you and the owner. He has given us a manual, the Bible, the best GPS system, to show us how to live and move on Planet Earth.

    If the Queen of England extended an invitation for you to come to her residence, which would certainly be a great honor. To show up and roam about Buckingham Palace would be against royal protocol. Moreover, to meet all the dignitaries without acknowledging the Queen would be disrespectful. I am positive that would be the last time you would ever visit Buckingham Palace.

    God is not like the Queen of England. He is greater in love and mercy. God sent us as royal sons and daughters on Planet Earth. He has given us a royal destiny on the Earth. To roam around the King of Kings territories without his permission is against royal protocol. To be excited to meet all the dignitaries on the Earth and not acknowledge the King of Kings is the highest form of disrespect.

    History has proven that those who are walking in royal status are always served with the best from the Earth. Those who have royalty status are always entitled to the best. You are God’s royal sons and daughters on the Earth and you deserve the best. Why are you living beneath the best? Enough is enough! It’s time to go to the God the father and let him put on your royal robe.

    The United States of America has its army deployed in all parts of the world. They receive their food and medical supplies, military strategies, ammunition and many other benefits from the US government. If for some reason they decided to shun the instructions of their generals and determined to do their own thing, the danger would be grave. The United States government can take many legal actions against its soldiers. It is quite possible that they could be court marshaled. Their supplies could be cut off and they would have to find their own supplies in the foreign lands.

    Living on Earth is like the US soldiers that are deployed in all parts of the world. God sent each one of us to various parts of the world for his purpose. He has all the supplies we need to survive on Earth. If we stay in communication with our headquarters in heaven, living on Earth for God will be the most thrilling experience.

    If our world leaders in all their wisdom had brilliant knowledge concerning the future, the world probably would not be in the financial and economic mess that it is in. This shows us clearly that they are limited, weak, blind and clueless when it comes to the future. The Bible says,

    Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

    (Matthew 15.14 KJV)

    If the blind lead the blind and both fall into the ditch, that’s not so bad. After all, they are blind. What’s more embarrassing is if those who have eyesight allow the blind to lead them and they fall into the ditch. That’s more embarrassing! Blind guides lead to ditches. It’s time to stop looking to the blind guides of the world for direction into the future. It’s time to look to God.

    God told Abraham your children will dwell in a strange land for 400 years and then I will move them into the land I promise them. Those words came to pass. This shows us clearly that God has precise and brilliant knowledge of the future. God knows your future, which is your destiny. God has your destiny well calculated. The Psalmist David says,

    You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

    (Psalm 139.16 NLT)

    God sent you on Earth with a destiny. He made provisions for that destiny. Crisis does not affect provisions for that destiny. To live outside of that destiny is to allow yourself to be abused. Your destiny has power and it produces powerful results. The most powerful people on Earth are those who are pursuing their destiny in God.


    Being insensitive to Molds in life is popular. Your destiny has been calculated according to this preconceived position. The world puts you in molds and decides your future base upon your cultural background, family background, status quo, church background, etc,. It’s the wrong calculations made by the voices around you. Break it, live with it, or die with it! Perhaps you are not conscious or you are ignorant of this vicious stumbling block.

    As I looked into my church life and my friends I was amazed at some of the frustrations, struggles, weights and umbrellas people are living under. It has never been God’s design, not in his word as Kings of the earth. Our Lord Jesus was confronted with this mold setting as he went to Nazareth. His audience had his resume in detail and his destiny calculated—how and what his future should be like. The disciples struggled with this setting as they began their ministry. They were seen, and expected to continue living their lives, as unlearned men. If our Lord Jesus and his disciples had to face this, we are no exception to this onslaught.

    This mold setting is still alive and well. Our Lord faced it and defeated it. The disciples and countless others faced it and defeated it. You will have to face it and you will have to defeat it. You are endowed with the greatest destiny in history of Planet Earth. It’s a destiny of royalty. You can get there, but the education process needed is lacking.

    I had the privilege to meet a talented young Christian friend from India. He specializes in coming up with creative ads for a million dollar company. His outstanding ads won awards for his company. Unfortunately, his company does not give him the recognition he deserves. They have him labeled and saw him in a mold and his future with his company, you can bet is well calculated.

    Are you in a Mold? Molds have power to limit the impact of your destiny. The African impala is a marvelous animal that can soar 10 feet high and 30 feet out with just one jump. But did you know that you can put that impala in a 3-foot cage with no roof and it will not attempt to escape, even though it has more than enough power to clear the cage. That’s because the impala won’t jump if it cannot see where its feet are going to land. The impala lives by sight, so it’s easy to keep it caged. We are caged spiritually by the enemy and can’t see what God has for us.²

    Many of God’s children are like the impala! We have greatness but we are trapped. When pursuing your destiny there are two areas that need to be considered; activities in the natural realm and activities in the spiritual realm. There are natural blockages and spiritual blockages. Natural blockages are blockages that are created by man. Spiritual blockages are blockages that are at work in the spirit realm that the enemy sets up to hinder you from going forward in your destiny. There is a spiritual warfare being waged to prevent you from reaching your destiny in God.

    Daniel was like the impala and was living in Babylon. He was confronted with natural blockages and spiritual blockages. He was labeled as a slave in Nebuchadnezzar’s Kingdom. He was offered food that was cursed, he refused it and won. He broke the label and got promoted as Prime Minister. He was put in a mold that he couldn’t pray three times a day. He overcame that natural blockage. When Daniel was interceding for the destiny of his people there were spiritual blockages in the spirit realm. He broke through and set his people free. The successful fulfillment of destiny calls for understanding in breaking through the natural and spiritual blockages.

    God takes us through places with seasons attached but he does not expect us to stay there. Our Lord did not stay in Nazareth. The world wants you to be in its preconceived mold. In the church world there is a mold for you. This book sets out to expose every mold, trend, setting and tie that the enemy wants you to be in and to help you break and destroy them.

    The enemy knows very well that he can’t make some of us backslide, but if he can limit our magnificent impact it’s worth it to him. He likes to work undetected. For him to be effective he has to work through systems and people. The time game is one of his best strategies against God’s people. Setting up road blocks to delay you making your way into God’s design and destiny are his game plan. The longer you take to break free from this old mold, the older you get and you can die never fulfilling your God-sent destiny.


    Labels, Labels, Labels

    If you ask me after what fashion I mould my life, and what is the model by which I would sculpture my being, I tell you, it is Christ.

    Charles Spurgeon

    Many shipping, cargoes and postal companies are suffering great losses because of wrong labeling by their workers or by their customers. Think about all these companies across the world and the losses they are encountering because of the wrong labeling on products, items and packages.

    The labels of the enemy are to devalue you and push you to pursue a wrong direction in life on the earth.

    I had spoken to workers from the UPS and the postal service concerning this area. They said it is costly for their companies and the losses are not that easy to calculate. It is a silent but painful loss in all these companies. The customers who are involved face tremendous frustrations. Think about someone who is waiting for an emergency letter. They missed their appointment because of the wrong label on the envelope. Think about companies with million dollar deals.

    God himself suffers losses on the Earth. He placed the right labels on us but we allow the enemy to change God’s labels on us. There are millions of people waiting on us to be an answer. Instead, we allow the enemy to make us carry the wrong labels in life. In God’s eyes, it is a silent but painful loss. Whose labels are you carrying? Carry God’s labels on Earth and don’t let the enemy change them. Be the person God designed you to be and be an answer to the world.

    Best Form of Protection

    Everywhere Jesus went revival was breaking out in his ministry but, when he went to Nazareth, the results were not outstanding. He himself was amazed. If things are not happening the way Jesus wants when He shows up, there are reasons. What was happening? The voices around had him figured out. Their mindset was telling them, based upon our upbringing, our systems, our foreparent’s thinking, our cultural beliefs, you have no right or claim to those success stories we are hearing. They saw Jesus in a mold. They labeled Him. His destiny was being calculated based upon their molds and labels. Here is an account of what took place in Nazareth;

    Where did this man get these things? they asked. What’s this wisdom that has been given him, that he even does miracles! Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us? And they took offense at him . . . . He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. And he was amazed at their lack of faith.

    (Mark 6:2-6 NIV)

    Jesus got protection from the enemy because he knew what God the father called him to do on the earth. Many are trapped going in the wrong direction in life because of their separation from God. As a result of their separation from God, they spend more time with the voices in the world. They label us. They tell you who you will be and what you should do on the earth. We live and die according to the labels from the world.

    The enemy has a successful way of tagging or labeling us as nations and cultures that are not according to the word of God. The labels of the enemy are to devalue you and push you to pursue a wrong direction in life on the earth. We are God’s masterpiece. We need to practice Jesus’ lifestyle. The enemy tried to label Jesus but he was unsuccessful.

    God loves us and does not want us to be abused by the enemy. We are his property. God wants to tell us about his label that we are to carry. I encourage you to get in prayer and ask him. The best form of protection from the enemy is to listen to what God the father sent us on the earth to do. When we know that, it’s important to talk it, be it and live it.

    Watch Your Nazareth

    At Nazareth, Jesus spoke a very important principle:

    But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.

    (Mark 6:4 KJV)

    Your Nazareth is the environment you are dwelling in. Stay away from the honor of men. You are not called to please men. King Saul disobeyed God because he wanted to please men. He lost his throne. You can lose momentum in your calling if you choose to please men. It’s hard work to please men. Why? People are many, with many foolish opinions. Man is here on earth only part of the time, but God is here for all time. God is the one person with the best opinion. Men have no knowledge of the future but God has perfect knowledge of the future. Today they will defend you and tomorrow they will shoot you. Be a God pleaser.

    Forecasting Of Voices

    What are the voices around you saying? These voices have a way of tagging or labeling you. While Jesus was on earth he had oppositions and death threats, but that didn’t stop him from doing what he was sent to do. Yes, in this time in which we are living there are many death threats against Christians. However, nothing can stop us from doing what God wants us to do except ourselves.

    The Bible declares that," . . . but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits."

    (Daniel 11:32 KJV)

    The voices around you, be they in your family, work places, or sports clubs have a way of labeling you and thereby limiting the results you can achieve. The enemy always wants to say;

    —   because you’re born into this family, you will only go this far in life.

    —   because you’re born into this type of culture, you will only rise to this level.

    —   because of your physical stature you are never going to become this or that. The list goes on . . . It’s important to understand that spending time with the right voices will school you into achieving the right results.

    Greatest Defeat and Setback

    Beloved, do not put faith in every spirit, but prove (test) the spirits to discover whether they proceed from God; for many false prophets have gone forth into the world.

    (1John 4:1 AMP)

    I heard an interesting story about an eagle’s egg that got into the nest of wild bush fowls. When the eggs hatched into baby chickens, there was also an eaglet. The chickens and the eaglet grew up together. They fed in the fields together, slept together, and ran in the fields together. As they were in the open fields, they all caught up with a marvelous sight of an eagle soaring in the sky. The eaglet said, I wish I can be that bird in the sky. The wild chickens replied, You will never be like that bird. The eaglet walked away dejected, knowing that it would never be that bird in the sky.

    The greatest defeat and setback in our destiny is to listen to out of tune voices.

    EAGLE’S MENTALITY: This is what the enemy does to us. He will broadcast his voices loud and clear. When we ought to have an eagle’s mentality by design, we are a chicken in mindset. When we ought to be soaring in the sky with God, the enemy lies to us and we believe his lies. We associate with the wrong voices and get labeled wrongly. Listening to the wrong voices will never give us the momentum to soar to higher levels in God. We will never become what God intends us to be. The greatest defeat and setback in our destiny is to listen to out of tune voices. How do I know they are the wrong voices? When they give commands nothing happens. If you missed the voice of God one time, I can understand. But to have missed it two years, three years and nothing is happening in your ministry, and then it’s time to turn off the channels of those kinds of voices. Do you have an Eagle’s label but are allowing the chickens to tell you your destiny?

    Places and Packages

    The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord . . . .

    (Psalm 37:23 NLT)

    The places God will take you to will have packages of blessings and challenges. You will not dominate every place God takes you and become a hero. There are some places meant to expose, educate, stretch you, help you deal with weaknesses, and sharpen your skills.

    Let’s deal with skillfulness in your placement. It’s important to understand that a man can only grow and become what God intends for him, based upon the level of exposure given to him. King David was an anointed man. The surfacing of David was a demonstration of gifts and anointing with skillfulness. We have millions of anointed believers today than that of the NT church but who are not skillful.

    A man can only grow and become what God intends for him, based upon the level of exposure given to him.

    The twelve apostles were anointed but skilled (trained) and they shook their world. Strive to be skillful with what God puts into your hands. Ask yourself, what I can draw from this place to be sharpened for tomorrow. Ask yourself, how can I be better today for God’s tomorrow? How can I be more skillful today for God’s tomorrow? That was David’s attitude and he made Goliath history. With that attitude your Goliath can be history too.

    Knowledge Is Missing

    Knowledge is power. Whoever has the knowledge has the power. Our Lord didn’t defeat satan by a demonstration of power on his first confrontation. He didn’t call the devil for a Mount Carmel showdown like that of Elijah. Our Lord had knowledge of what the prophets said concerning his future. The voices in Nazareth didn’t affect him because our Lord had knowledge of what was written, and Planet Earth was never the same. You want to do it like the Lord? Be in the word of God and get knowledge.

    The Bible declares, "My people

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