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Beauty of a Woman: God's Gifts to His Daughter
Beauty of a Woman: God's Gifts to His Daughter
Beauty of a Woman: God's Gifts to His Daughter
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Beauty of a Woman: God's Gifts to His Daughter

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Embrace Self, Discover your Treasures, Fulfill your Purpose, and Live the Life God intended for you to Live

Can you hear the Lord calling you to fulfill your passion-fueled purpose in life? Many women have heard Gods call but feel unequipped to obtain all our Lord has for them. Others have yet to hear His sweet and loving utterance. God yearns to help you discover the beautiful woman hidden inside of you!

God has incalculable unopened gifts inscribed with your name overflowing with peace, love, joy, and prosperity. So, beautiful woman, are you prepared to open your gifts and see the splendor our Father has in store for you? My daughter, my sister, and my motherallow me to take you on a journey.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMar 27, 2013
Beauty of a Woman: God's Gifts to His Daughter

KaTrena Collins-Larkin

Early on, the gift of writing was evident in KaTrena Larkin through God-inspired letters to friends, family, and several of God’s daughters. Though KaTrena has endured and triumphed over her own share of struggles, she has been blessed with countless joys. It is KaTrena’s desire to use your gift to motivate and encourage women of all ages to seek after God’s own heart. This East Texas native is married to her high school sweetheart of sixteen years and still counting. KaTrena believes she has been blessed beyond measure with two beautiful daughters completing their union.

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    Beauty of a Woman - KaTrena Collins-Larkin

    Copyright © 2013 KaTrena Collins-Larkin.

    Edited by Vicki Houser

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 3/25/2013

    Table of Contents




    Beauty Of A Woman

    Chapter 1 Embracing Self-Worth

    Chapter 2 Embracing Self-Esteem

    Chapter 3 Embracing Self-Discipline

    Chapter 4 Embracing Self-Motivation

    Chapter 5 God’s Gifts To His Daughter

    A Letter To Jamie, My Husband

    Dedicated to God’s beautiful daughters: from the young reader, to the young at heart, and every woman in between. And especially to the women who have yet to discover how beautiful they are in the eyes of our Father.


    T o my mother, Glenda Joy

    You don’t need to wear a medal around your neck to know you have conquered the long awaited victory. Your torch, you passed it on to me. With great honor, I run this race for the both of us. Your talk, your stride, and the momma’s grin upon your face say it all. I know you are pleased with the woman I have become.

    Mom, I don’t want you to depart from this world without knowing this: You need not worry about me, because you have given me everything I need to triumph victoriously. I have your love as my shield and the Bible as my defense, for these battles I fight are not my own, they belong to the Lord.




    F rom everyday journal entries, to an inspirational poem, and to a published book, Beauty of a Woman has developed into an extraordinary work of art. I could not have written this book without sharing my struggles and triumphs with you. My journal entries are written testaments, the Scriptures serve as confirmations, and God’s preordained plans tell a story of what the Father will do for His daughter, even if she cannot see Him working in her life.

    God has always been in control of my destiny, and He continues to guide me. While on my journey, He led me to a beautiful woman, Vicki Houser. Thank you, Ms. Vicki, for every moment you have spent poring over the words on these pages. I am forever grateful for your love and kindness you have so graciously showered upon me.


    T o God all praises be! I thank you Lord for blessing me with the gift to write encouraging words to your daughters. This spiritual journey you have guided me on has been a great honor that has changed my life. Thank you for using an ordinary woman such as myself to bring about extraordinary changes in the lives of your children.

    My young women, LaTeia and LaKyndra, thank you for showing me how to love and be loved. I have taught you many things, but I have learned much more from you in return. I know I am not the greatest mom in the world, but you make me feel I run a close race with the mother who comes in first. It is truly an honor to call you my daughters.

    LaTrecia, ConSauliea, and Crystal, what can I say but we made it! This is not my victory alone; this is our success. My sisters, as we continue this journey through life, let’s always remember to do three things—laugh uncontrollably, love unconditionally, and live unimaginably. Love You!

    Andrea (Renee) C., Aretha M., Rene C., and Selena P., I believe the Lord orchestrates a certain time and place for certain women to meet for the purpose of forming forever friendships; you and I are those women. I am truly blessed to have you in my life.

    Marilyn P., you have encouraged me, offered words of wisdom, and most important, you have inspired me to be the woman God created me to be. Words cannot express how thankful I am that our paths have crossed. You’re a beautiful woman of God with an equally beautiful spirit.

    Naomi H., thank you for leaving footprints along the way. It is my prayer our Father continues to shine His light on the path we tread.

    I thank God’s beautiful women for accepting the invitation to be on the cover of this book. I could not have envisioned a more beautiful image. Thank you for making my vision a reality.

    Beauty of a Woman

    Beauty of a woman cannot be measured by the way her hair bends in the wind or by the way her lips curl or hips swing. Inner beauty surpasses all superficial pretenses.

    Grace defines her, intelligence resides within. She knows when to speak and when to keep quiet. Confidence never seems to escape this woman. She walks with her head held high, but not so high where she can’t humble herself to give God praise.

    Past failures, present struggles, or future endeavors, she uses her stumbling blocks as stepping stones. Determined, strong, and courageous, she continues her life’s journey, striving to be the leading lady our Lord has called her to be. She is living her life and loving herself. This is the true beauty of a woman.

    Over time, her hair will turn gray and outward appearance will begin to fade. Nevertheless, inner beauty she will embrace.

    Who is this beautiful woman of whom I speak? I am this beautiful woman; I am her.

    So I ask of my mothers, sisters, friends, and even daughters, are you this beautiful woman within?


    Embracing Self-Worth

    Beauty of a woman cannot be measured by the way her hair bends in the wind or by the way her lips curl or hips swing. Inner beauty surpasses all superficial pretenses.

    Lord, they know me and they know my past. I am ashamed of myself at times. When I stumble and fall, you’re always there picking me up and dusting me off. Why do you invest so much time in me? Am I truly worth saving?

    He said to them, "Those who are well have no need

    of a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous,

    but sinners to repentance."

    —Matthew 9:12-13

    S how me a woman who says she has not battled self-worth in her lifetime, and I will show you a woman who lives in denial. Have you ever asked yourself, Am I worth it? If we were to look back over our lives, we’d find numerous instances when our self-worth amounted to worthlessness. The question we must ask ourselves is: Did we have a legitimate reason to feel this way? During such times I felt useless and discouraged, and I’m sure it was the same for you. Of course, this was our opinion and not God’s Word.

    You know that overwhelming emotion that comes when you purchase that must-have car or that to-die-for dress? Yes, that’s the emotion! We’re so excited about the car or the dress that we cannot wait to show them off. However, over time, the new car loses its new-car smell, and that little black dress fades. Then we wonder if paying all that money was worth it. Don’t fret, my friend, for I have good news. When Jesus bought us with His blood, we did not decrease in value; we became priceless. That point-of-sale transaction the Lord made on that rugged cross purchased our lives. Do you realize how invaluable we are to God?

    I have even more good news to share with you. When we lose our drive and become clunkers, the Lord doesn’t discard us; instead, He gives us a tune-up. Rather than throw us in the trash when we appear worn out, He washes us white as snow. Friend, God is not of the world.

    "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your

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