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Where's That Little Fluffy Furry Thing That Looks Like Me?: When a Pet Loses a Loved One
Where's That Little Fluffy Furry Thing That Looks Like Me?: When a Pet Loses a Loved One
Where's That Little Fluffy Furry Thing That Looks Like Me?: When a Pet Loses a Loved One
Ebook36 pages9 minutes

Where's That Little Fluffy Furry Thing That Looks Like Me?: When a Pet Loses a Loved One

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About this ebook

Life is this extraordinary gift that all of mankind and the animal kingdom shares and should be enjoyed to the fullest. Death is an inevitable piece of the puzzle. Our hearts ultimate purpose of this book is to encourage and give inspiration to animal lovers of all ages to simply know that at the time of a death, your pet actually experiences its own painful grief, as well as shares in yours. We believe that in this life, we are all spiritually connected and there are unbreakable strands of incredible love that tie us to one another, as well as, the many, many years we have shared with our pets. When a human loses a loved one, the loss affects everyone and everything. Humans express their sorrow by crying or showing a myriad of emotions. This is also true of when a pet loses a loved one, its companion. It, too, experiences the hurt and pain of the loss and the sheer desperation of missing and longing for their loved ones return.

Malia would like to share Buttercups story with you through his eyes, in hopes of helping all pet-loving humans to assist and love their pets through the extremely painful process of grief until they find healing and happiness again. Our prayer is that the joy of this wonderful life will be restored to all who have suffered a loss of a beloved pet.
Release dateJun 12, 2013
Where's That Little Fluffy Furry Thing That Looks Like Me?: When a Pet Loses a Loved One

Malia E. G. Walker

Gale Netherly is one of the first set African Americans twins born in Palm Springs, California in the late 1940’s. Now retired, she lives in Inglewood, California with her niece, Malia. Having experienced the death of her precious mother, father, son and sister, she has a keen insight into the signs of grief and how it manifests itself in people and animals. Her concern is that humans recognize the signs of extreme pain and grief so that they can help relieve the pain. She believes that in the time of death, pet-lovers should provide their pets with the same level of comfort and unconditional love that they provide for us on a daily basis. Gale is the mother of three (Larry, deceased); the grandmother of seven and the great-grandmother to the adorable Matthew. Malia Elizabeth Grace Walker is the daughter of Gale’s twin brother, Gill. Malia is a high school student in Los Angeles who enjoys reading, acting, cheerleading, traveling and playing the violin. With a passion for children and animals, her life goal is to become a Pediatrician to help children and a Veterinarian to help animals. In 2004, she was the poster girl for the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Measure “R” campaign. A $3.87 billion dollar neighborhood school bond designed to provide needed repairs at schools throughout the area and relieve overcrowding by building more classrooms at new and existing schools

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    Where's That Little Fluffy Furry Thing That Looks Like Me? - Malia E. G. Walker


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    © 2013 Malia Elizabeth Grace Walker & Gale Netherly. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse: 06/06/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-4987-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-4989-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013908331

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Written By

    Malia Elizabeth Grace Walker


    Gale Netherly

    Illustrated by Floyd Yamyamin

    Hello! My name is Buttercup and I’m

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