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Web of Love
Web of Love
Web of Love
Ebook528 pages7 hours

Web of Love

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About this ebook

Web of Love, a true-to-life novel, takes place in the tiny, culturally-rich country of Malaysia, in Southeast Asia. It is a tapestry woven of love, family relation and close friendship. Its warmth delights conventional hearts; its romance stirs quiescent senses. Its journey to a perfect ending is laced with the right amount of thrills and painful moments, enriched by Asian culture, and shaped by a certain degree of religious upbringing.

Web of Love shows love and affection ensnared between three male cousins and two female friends. It disentangles the intricate situation while carefully upholding faith and relationship values among the players and their families as a whole. It is about claiming ones right to love, and making clear that genuine happiness can only be obtained by being true to ones heart.

While being absorbed in the bittersweet voyage of romance, let your heart be teased and carried away by interleaved poetic verses out of authors own musing, where suppressed emotions are set free.
Release dateJun 27, 2013
Web of Love

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    Web of Love - nora arjuna

    © Copyright 2013 nora arjuna.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    Editor: Debbie Radcliffe

    Georgia, USA

    isbn: 978-1-4669-9149-1 (sc)

    isbn: 978-1-4669-9150-7 (hc)

    isbn: 978-1-4669-9151-4 (e)

    Trafford rev. 06/24/2013



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    About the Author

    To dearest friends at

    thank you for all support





    Web of Love takes place in Malaysia,

    Southeast Asia. The characters are of Malay race.

    Several cultural terms and materials are mentioned in their original Malay words, where a Glossary is included at the end of the book for reference.

    Some of the descriptions and scenes mentioned at places of interests are work of fiction and may not be true facts.

    Dialogues which are not in proper English are intentional.

    All poems included in this book are of author’s own composition.


    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2010

    SURAYA fished out a tissue from her bag and dabbed at her nose and forehead. The air-conditioned foyer of Kuala Lumpur National Art Gallery provided an instant relish after the heat outside. The Kimbers, who followed close behind, must have been relieved too. On their first visit to Malaysia, the Scottish couple needed to get used to the hot climate.

    Although rather uncomfortable with her ignorance in art, Suraya had obliged her father’s request to accompany his guests to the exhibition. Mr. Kimber had smiled his understanding when she earlier explained her predicament.

    The scant weekday crowd helped clear part of Suraya’s discomfort as well. A new painter had launched his first showcase on a Malaysian River theme. Somehow, the collection didn’t quite appear like rivers to her. The poetic illustrations weren’t of much help either. While the Kimbers showed an immediate interest in the displays, she just smiled and nodded in response as she followed them from one painting to another.

    Responding to an enquiry from Mrs. Kimber, Suraya squinted at the prints displayed under the large painting. Yes, that’s Pahang River, the longest in Peninsular Malaysia. She recalled the river’s name, learned in her Geography class a few years ago. Maybe someone in charge here can give a better explanation… .

    The collection portrays a few of the great rivers in Malaysia, a male voice from behind stole into their conversation.

    Suraya turned, her breath caught as a pair of dark eyes confronted hers. A hint of a smile lit them up before he glanced towards her guests. Recovering fast, she offered her own slight smile. Um, excuse me. Are you the artist?

    Oh, no, he said, his smile more apparent. Just interested to see the new work. His gaze shifted towards the displayed paintings. Quite impressive, he murmured before turning back to her. By the way, I’m Kamal.

    She accepted his extended hand. Um, Suraya.

    His grasp was firm, and warm. He soon released her hand to clasp those of her guests. Hello, how do you find the collection?

    Interesting. Mr. Kimber beamed, apparently pleased to have someone knowledgeable enough to share his views.

    Stepping behind them along with Mrs. Kimber, Suraya’s gaze kept straying to her saviour. His formal attire suggested he could be taking his time away from the corporate world. The crisp, white long-sleeved shirt contrasted with his gleaming black hair, while well-tailored dark trousers moulded his long legs. Between conversing with Mr. Kimber, he glanced back often, and her step faltered each time. She had never felt this self-conscious and short of breath. Tiny tremors skittered along the length of her limbs whenever their eyes met.

    The surroundings no longer held much of her attention.

    Actually, I’m an architect… . Suraya overheard him saying. Oh, wow . . . an architect. She had never got acquainted with one. Further excitement flourished within her.

    After much browsing, Mr. Kimber decided on a piece, and Kamal helped with the purchase. As they stood waiting for her guests to settle the shipping arrangement, Suraya cleared her throat and turned towards him. "Thank you so much, Encik Kamal. Sorry to bother you."

    His smile travelled right to her heart. No problem. Friends of family?

    Not really. Mr. Kimber is my father’s business contact. He’s busy today, so I have to do the entertaining. Suraya paused. So, do you collect painting too?

    No, but I dream to do something like this one day.

    Oh, you paint?

    Just as a hobby, for the moment. Wish I have more time for it.

    Oh, wow. I’ve never met a painter before. I always regard them as a different kind of people. Truly talented.

    Some of them, yes. It’s also something that requires a lot of concentration and patience.

    Just like architecture, I guess.

    Um, yeah. Both need some kind of inspiration. So, what are you? His eyes glinted down into hers.

    Huh? Oh. Suraya reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear. No one. Just a florist.

    Kamal lifted his brows. Well, I’m sure that requires talent too. Own business?

    My father’s. I just run it.

    He nodded and after a brief pause, added, You often come here?

    She let out a shy smile. To be frank, this is the first time I’m in here. I was quite nervous to bring them. You’re like… a saviour.

    He thrust a hand in his pants pocket. Well, I guess it’s my lucky day too.

    Oh? She glanced up.

    Lucky to meet you. Again, those dark eyes penetrated hers before he checked his watch. Wish I have more time, though.

    Heat crept up Suraya’s face, and she quickly turned towards the Kimbers as they returned to her side. All well settled, I hope.

    Yes, everything should be fine. Thanks so much, dear. Mrs Kimber patted Suraya’s arm while her husband nodded to Kamal. Thanks to you too.

    My pleasure. Kamal offered his charming smile.

    Suraya glanced at her watch and asked her guests, Shall we go for lunch now? On impulse, she turned to Kamal. Um, how about joining us?

    His eyes lit up before a tinge of regret clouded them. Ah, I’d love to, but I have a flight to catch. I actually work in Sarawak.

    Oh . . . . Somehow, Suraya’s spirit sank.

    Kamal pulled out his wallet and produced two business cards. He handed one to Mr. Kimber. Give me a call if you happen to be in Sarawak. It’s one of the interesting states to visit in Malaysia. He offered the other one to Suraya. Next time you want to visit a gallery, let me know. I can teach you how to read paintings.

    Sure. She accepted and glanced at the prints on the card.

    Uncertain moments hovered between them before he said, Okay. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Amidst tremors crowding her chest, she glanced up into his eyes, nodded and smiled. The expression in them, of keenness and more, doubled her already chaotic heartbeats.

    It remained in that weird state of excitement long after he left.

    The episode at the gallery occupied Suraya’s mind during lunch, even while she tried to be her most attentive self. It was a great relief when the driver finally dropped the Kimbers at their hotel.

    Suraya’s head spun after she stepped out of the car in front of her apartment block. She pressed her thumb to the side of her forehead and grimaced. The frequent change of surrounding temperature in and out of buildings could have caused it. Feeling worn out, she headed for the lift instead of climbing up the two flights of staircase. Vision of calm, smiling face flitted again through her mind, as it had done constantly since she left the gallery. While in the lift, she couldn’t help smiling. The thought somehow made her feel better.

    Rina was lying on the long settee, eyes glued on the television when Suraya entered her apartment. Dropping her bag on the coffee table, she slumped onto the love seat next to it.

    Hey. Rina glanced over. Had a good day being a tour guide?

    A faint sigh escaped Suraya. Modern art. They were supposed to be rivers, but I couldn’t figure out a thing.

    Rina pulled herself up. What about your guests, then?

    Suraya stretched her legs, her lips twitched. Thank God I had a saviour, in the form of a charming prince. Mr. Kimber even purchased a piece.

    Really? Now, this is interesting. Rina left her seat and dropped beside Suraya. You met the artist?

    No. He’s an architect who happened to be there. But he could really talk about paintings.

    Well, architecture is an art too. So, what happened next?

    I invited him to lunch. You believe that? Suraya chuckled. Something I’ve never offered to a stranger.

    Rina arched her brows. You did?

    Yes, but he couldn’t make it. Seems like a busy man.

    Hmm… but what about his number?

    Suraya smiled. This dear friend was always eager to see her getting hooked on with someone. Well, I got his card. Anyway, you know… it won’t mean anything. It’s not that I’m going to call him, other than to get him to order flowers, maybe. Still smiling, she reached for her handbag. But Rin, I must say he had the most amazing eyes… . She creased her brows as her rummaging fingers failed to find the card she’d carelessly slipped into her bag. Funny, it’s not here. Don’t tell me I lost it.

    Rina pursed her lips. Oh, you’re such a spoiler.

    Leaning towards the coffee table, Suraya poured out all of her bag’s contents onto it. Still, no sign of the card. She picked up her phone and called her driver. He couldn’t find it in the car either. God… what happened to it?

    Rina sighed and patted Suraya’s lap. Hey, don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll call.

    Suraya sighed. The thing is I didn’t give him mine.

    Rina frowned. But, why?

    He didn’t ask.

    Duh, I thought it’s a natural thing to do—to hand yours in return.

    Suraya shrugged. Well, let’s just say I wasn’t quite myself then.

    Well, well… . Rina’s teasing grin reappeared. Good-looking?

    Suraya released another sigh, realising Kamal’s image had branded itself in her mind. What do you think?

    Oh… . Rina wrung her hands. I hate it when something like this happens.

    Hey, no need to get all excited. Suraya reclined and dropped her head on the back of the couch. Now, be a darling and get me a cool drink. My throat’s all dried up.

    Rina remained seated. You know he could be the one you’ve been waiting for.

    Am I waiting for someone?

    Humph. Rina snorted, before her eyes widened. Hey, why don’t we make another trip tomorrow? Who knows he might be there too, looking for you.

    Ah, sorry to disappoint you. He was about to fly to Sarawak. Someone could be waiting there. A beautiful wife, maybe?

    Rina’s shoulders sagged. In that case, I think you better stick to that idea, my friend. By the way, remember his name?

    Suraya lifted her head. Kamal Ariff. Oh, I love the name. In Malay, it’s considered a true male’s name. And it suits him so well.

    Hmm… a Prince Charming indeed. Rina stood and marched to the kitchen.

    Silence reigned in the office. Kamal glanced at his watch. Ten minutes past eight and he still didn’t feel like leaving. He leaned back in his chair and swivelled it around. Phone in hand, he absently skimmed over its keypad while gazing out the glass window. The sky, dark and clueless, increased his restlessness.

    Ever since his return from Kuala Lumpur a week ago, Kamal had not been his usual self. His mind often had a way of its own, wondering about a particular person and thinking of what could have been. His heart jolted every time the phone rang, yet none of the calls turned out to be the one he had been anxious to receive. He had only himself to blame for ending up in such a state. All he could do was wait.

    His flight had been postponed that day due to bad weather. He could only sigh, realising he should have called for confirmation first instead of rushing to the airport. He might have been able to change to a later flight. That would have given him the chance to accept her lunch invitation, or have enough courage to get her contact number.

    If only . . . . Kamal closed his eyes as his mind travelled back to that afternoon at the gallery.

    while tremors flowed

    my heart went still

    hit by a smile

    who could the princess be?

    Suraya . . . . The name was as lovely as the person who owned it. Her face glowed with warmth. Sweet smile graced her lips. It hinted at a pair of dimples on her smooth cheeks and put lights in her eyes. The soft, dark brown pair soothed his nerves. The moment she stepped into the gallery, the displayed paintings no longer held his interest. Her natural ways, with no obvious intent to draw attention, managed to divert his concentration. He found himself falling in behind her steps. Everything seemed to happen in perfect sequence. Her foreign guests had provided the right opportunity.

    Kamal sighed again. He thought he read something from her reaction that day. He sensed the mutual attraction brewing between them, and was almost certain he would hear from her. On the other hand, she might be the type who wouldn’t make the first move. Or most likely, she was already spoken for. A beautiful girl like her couldn’t possibly be without an adoring male at her side. As a daughter to an undoubtedly successful businessman with foreign contacts, plus running a business herself, she should be within a great social circle.

    But, could she be the one he’d been waiting for?

    The distant sound of a door closing alerted Kamal. Soon, familiar footsteps approached. He swung his chair around just in time to see June standing by his door.

    She leaned against it and lifted her fine brows. Are you going to stay here all night?

    He sat forward and rested his elbows on the desk. Just for a couple more minutes.

    Come on, let’s leave together. Don’t tell me you still want to work?

    He smiled. You go ahead first. I… I’m expecting a call.

    Her gaze rested on the phone in his hand before an amused expression crossed her face. Handphones were invented so you could receive calls from anywhere. She shifted the strap of her handbag slung over her shoulder. Well, bye, then. Hope you’ll hear from… whoever.

    Kamal flashed another smile. Bye, June. Take care.

    He resumed his earlier position in his chair and watched her disappear around the corner. The Managing Director’s secretary had been trying to get close to him. So far, he managed to stay clear. He had been avoiding relationships and would rather not get involved in them just for the sake of having someone in his life. For the past five years he had been concentrating on building his career, knowing its importance for his future and family as a whole. No doubt, June was attractive, intelligent, sophisticated. Still, all those weren’t strong enough to distract him.

    So, what was it with this mysterious girl at the gallery?

    never have I experienced

    unable for me to avoid


    by your teasing shadow


    I keep searching

    in sleep

    I keep dreaming

    unfurling fantasies

    vanishing realities

    should I keep hoping

    is there a meaning

    to this moment in waiting… .

    After another quiet week, Kamal had more or less given up hope. He chided himself for letting the matter distract him. Sitting in front of his computer, he waited for his cousin from New York to respond to his online message. Amir had mentioned earlier he would soon return for good.

    A tone beeped from his laptop, and Kamal’s gaze returned to its screen as a message popped up.

    Amir: Hey, was I in yr dream last nite?

    A corner of Kamal’s lips lifted as he typed a response.

    Kamal: Hey, man. How are things? Sorry, been real busy lately.

    Amir: If u wanna talk about work, forget it. I wanna hear s’thing else.

    He must have read my mind.

    Kamal: So, you’re coming back, right?

    Amir: Yeah, by year-end. Most likely before Christmas.

    Kamal: That’s a timely decision, Mir. Everyone’s missing you. How’s little tyke doing?

    Amir: Fine. Been looking at his uncles’ pics often.

    Kamal grinned. He had a soft spot for his cousin’s son.

    Kamal: Good. You got one fine boy there. Uncles and grands here all eager to meet him.

    Amir: Can’t wait to be home myself. How’s little bro? Haven’t talked to him lately.

    Kamal: Growing up fine too. Just saw him 2 weeks back.

    Amir: Don’t tell me nothing else happened. Anyone claimed your heart yet?

    Kamal swore as his heart jumped.

    Kamal: Well, I haven’t got much time to look. Anyway, I’m not supposed to look, right? She should turn up at the right time.

    Amir: That, my cousin, only happens in fairy tales. So, time to stop dreaming and make yr move.

    Kamal: I still believe it’d happen when it should.

    Amir: Whatever. Have fun while u’re still free. U work too much and are becoming dull.

    Kamal: What about you? Found yours?

    Amir: Not looking for anyone here. Wait till I’m back, I’m gonna beat u both.

    Kamal smirked.

    Kamal: Well, that’s no surprise.

    His smile still lingered a while after he signed off. Amir hadn’t changed much, even after years abroad. Kamal admitted life had been rather dull without the bad boy.


    SITTING behind the big desk in the office of Lavender Florist, Rina scanned the list of orders for the week and sighed in satisfaction. The shop had been in fairly good business since it started just over a year ago. And for that, Rina had no regret joining Suraya to run it. Besides being well paid, she enjoyed the unrestrictive working environment and being in the company of her best friend. The responsibility and trust given to her was contentment in itself.

    She had been undecided earlier on, knowing her family needed her financial support. With her accounting degree, a sound career in a well-established corporation might have been a better choice. However, Suraya’s father, Dato’ Ariffin, promised to find Rina another job should the florist business fail. The kind-hearted man had been a great help in funding some of her educational expenses while she studied in the same university as Suraya. Rina intended to repay him when she could afford to do so.

    Putting the papers aside, Rina removed her reading glasses and reached for the pack of tuna and egg sandwich from the counter behind her. She had opted not to join Suraya and her father for their Thursday lunch routine. It started when Suraya moved out not long after her father remarried. Although reluctant to let his only daughter stay away from him, Dato’ Ariffin had bought Suraya a luxurious apartment nearby.

    The chime from the front entrance reached Rina’s ears just as she was about to unwrap her sandwich. Minutes later, Suraya walked into the office, her fine features slightly masked.

    Something wrong? Rina asked the moment her friend settled in a chair in front of her.

    Suraya plopped her red purse on the dark grey, glass-covered surface. Papa really surprised me today.

    Rina put her lunch aside. Why? What happened?

    You know what? He wanted me to meet someone. Suraya’s tone changed from the earlier grumbling to slightly amusing.

    Oh? Meet who?

    His good old friend’s son. They had lost contact but recently met again.

    Really? Rina couldn’t help grinning. But, why not? High time you have someone in your life.

    Suraya pursed her lips. What do you mean? I’m still young.

    Yes, but you’re wasting your young life, Rina said. She kept wondering why her friend had never been involved in a serious relationship despite having constant admirers.

    Suraya threw her an accusing look. Hey, look who’s talking now.

    I’m looking too. But most of them forget me the moment they look at you.

    I hate it when you talk like that.

    Sorry, but it’s a fact. Rina pushed her fringe out of her eyes and leaned back in her chair.

    Suraya grunted, then sighed. The thing is, Papa’s so taken by this guy. He even mentioned making him his future son-in-law. Can you believe that?

    Hah! A chuckle burst from Rina.

    Now don’t you dare laugh. I’m worried, you know. Papa said, some time ago they made a promise to marry at least one of their children to each other.

    Hmm… sounds like a Bollywood movie. But why worry? Just meet the guy.

    Humph. Suraya reached for a tissue from the box at the corner of the desk and patted her flushed face. I hope Papa isn’t serious. I hate to disappoint him.

    I’m sure he won’t force you to agree.

    I just don’t like the idea. It’s too obvious and… embarrassing. Suraya stood, walked around the desk and threw the tissue into a bin under it.

    Rina rolled back her chair. "Hey, relax. This… this lucky guy may not be aware of the arrangement."

    I hope so. Suraya stepped away and smoothed back her hair while on her way out to the washroom.

    Rina gazed after her. Suraya’s reaction towards the guy she met at the art gallery two months ago made Rina wonder if the right one had arrived. She would love for that to happen to this down to earth, city girl. And what a wonderful friend she had been. In the beginning, Rina had not expected Suraya, the only daughter of a successful businessman, to befriend her—a simple village girl with nothing much to offer.

    As always, sympathy flowed through Rina when she pictured Suraya growing up without knowing her own mother. It was sad for an only child to not experience a mother’s love, especially at a time when it concerned her future. Rina knew she did the right thing the first time she invited Suraya to her parents’ home. Soon her family had become Suraya’s family as well.

    Smiling, Rina reached back for her sandwich. So, when is the so-called meeting? she asked as Suraya walked back in.

    Tomorrow night. Suraya stepped to the small fridge at the corner of the room. And that includes you too. She bent to inspect the fridge’s contents.

    Oh. And what am I supposed to do?

    Suraya turned with a bland smile. Observe him, of course.

    Dato’ Hashim and his wife, Datin Aina, were already seated at a table in Taman Sari Brasserie coffee house at the prestigious Hotel Istana. Seeing no sight of a young man with them, Suraya breathed out in relief. Her heart settled to a more calming beat.

    Upon their approach, the couple rose and beamed. Dato’ Hashim was an impressive man, still in great shape in his smart casual attire. His beautiful wife bore strong features of an Arab descendent—high prominent nose, lovely dark brown eyes with sweeping lashes and milky white skin. They exchanged hugs and hand clasps as introductions were made.

    Please. Dato’ Hashim waved towards the chairs. Azlan will join us shortly. He just left the office.

    Suraya’s heart started its crazy beat again. She adjusted her chair. A waiter materialised at her side and helped place the satiny napkin on her lap.

    A lovely girl, indeed, Ariff.

    Datin Aina’s whisper, as she leaned towards Dato’ Ariffin, reached Suraya’s ear. The lady then threw her a warm smile. Heat crept up Suraya’s face, feeling all eyes on her. She cast a nervous glance around the table and returned their smiles; just in time to catch a tall figure approaching.

    Rina cleared her throat.

    "Assalamualaikum," the young man offered a cheerful greeting. His ready smile lit up his eyes. They swept around the table and settled briefly on Suraya and Rina.

    "Waalaikumussalam," they chorused a soft response to his greeting and all attention now shifted to him as he moved around the table to shake hands with Suraya’s parents.

    "Azlan, meet my friend, Uncle Ariffin, and his wife, Norin. Alhamdulillah I’ve met him again. We miss the late Auntie Farah, of course, especially your mother here. Now, take your seat first," his father said, smiling, as Azlan hesitated by Suraya’s chair.

    Hushed giggles from the rest accompanied him as he stepped to the only vacant seat in front of Suraya. Her brief glance took in his fine, brownish hair and clear, well-shaven skin as he sat.

    The waiter approached and asked whether they were ready to order. While everyone nodded, Suraya gazed at the menu in front of her. Her mind failed to register its print, not until Rina nudged her. She blurted what caught her eyes first.

    After the waiter left, Dato’ Ariffin said, Lan, I’d like to introduce you to my daughter, Suraya, yes, the one sitting in front of you, he added, and another bout of low laughter spread around the table. Next to her is Rina, her friend and confidante. So be nice to her too.

    Azlan faced them and nodded. Hi, nice to meet you two. Again, the charming smile reached his eyes.

    His smooth, friendly tone helped calm Suraya’s nerves. She responded with her own smile and ‘hi’ while Rina mumbled hers.

    Azlan is our financial controller, been with us soon after he graduated. Dato’ Hashim quickly smoothed out the awkward moment.

    Suraya studied accounting too, but prefers to work on her own, her father chipped in. Rina, here, also graduated in the same field. She’s now with Su running the florist shop.

    That must be great. Friends working together, Azlan commented.

    Oh, I’m the fortunate one, Suraya said. Rina’s been the one running the show and dealing with figures. I just sit down and… create the bouquets.

    Well, that needs some creativity, which not everyone possesses, I guess, Azlan responded. Something calculators can’t help.

    Everyone laughed at his remark.

    After those few pleasantries, they were just happy to let the elders carry on with their endless reminiscences of the past, which was an enjoyment to listen to. Suraya’s nervousness soon dissipated as they exchanged comments and shared laughter.

    Hmm, not bad, Rina cooed the moment they reached home. He has smiling eyes. I bet the smile would taste like sugar on his lips. I could see he was smitten by you. You two will make a perfect couple, Su.

    Rina… I hardly know him. Yeah, he’s real cute. He’s also the only son of a corporate figure. I’m sure he has plenty of girlfriends.

    Right, but there’s nothing wrong with getting to know him.

    He looks rather young. I prefer someone older, Suraya said as she headed to her room.

    Hello, Suraya. This is Azlan. Can I buy you lunch?

    Suraya had been trying to keep the matter off her mind when the expected call came two days later. Rina, on the other hand, hadn’t been helping at all with her constant teasing remarks.

    Azlan arrived in a sky blue shirt and dark pants. His lips curled into a charming smile, which was reflected in his dark eyes.

    Rina waved excitedly from the front door of the shop as Azlan backed away his sporty BMW. Suraya couldn’t help being amused by her friend’s reaction.

    They settled at a table in a restaurant not far from her shop. Suraya stole a glance at the young man in front of her and cleared her throat. Can I ask you something?

    Azlan’s ever present smile widened, his face flushed by the heat outside. You can ask anything you wish.

    Are you aware of our parents’ plan for us?

    He swiped at his hair with both hands. His eyes flicked briefly over her features. Yes.

    Oh. Heat consumed Suraya’s cheeks as well. Um… so?

    Okay, I understand, um, the awkwardness of the matter, but I think… we should give it a try. His expression turned a little serious, mirrored with concern. Unless, you have a problem with that?

    Don’t you have a girlfriend?

    Well, I have friends, but I’m not in a serious relationship with anyone.

    How old are you?

    Azlan chuckled. I’m twenty-six. He paused. I know you’re two years younger. I’m not sure if there’s a boyfriend somewhere.

    She made a negative gesture, and as a hint of disbelief passed over his features, said, Well, I won’t be here then.

    Of course. So you agree?

    Suraya breathed in. Well, it shouldn’t be a major decision. Um, let’s not make it a commitment, okay? If at any time, we feel it’s not going to work, then we should, you know… .

    I understand. Well, I actually like you. At first, I was quite worried. I thought I was going to meet a spoilt, rich man’s daughter.

    Suraya smiled. I didn’t really know what to expect of you. To be honest, I’ve never been romantically involved with anyone, but you’re quite unexpected. I thought, well, being the only son and all, you could be an ego case.

    He grinned, amused. No, I’m really a very simple person.

    As they conversed further, Suraya’s earlier tension gradually lessened.

    Sitting at the cash register, Rina’s gaze often strayed beyond the glass wall. The moment Azlan’s car pulled to a stop in front of the shop, she rushed to the door and opened it.

    Suraya stepped in, her smooth cheeks flushed.

    Rina grabbed her hand and pulled her into the office. I can see someone’s happy. Isn’t he just charming?

    Suraya let herself be dragged inside. Hey, how come you’re more excited than me?

    "Come on, tell me, tell me!" Rina pulled Suraya down onto the couch.

    What’s there to tell? We just interviewed each other and came to an understanding.

    What understanding?

    Well, for one, we don’t have to force ourselves if we don’t get along.


    So… . Suraya shrugged, goodness, Rina. It’s still too early to say anything.

    But he’s all right? I mean, is he okay for you?

    Suraya sighed. Yes, he’s more than okay. Satisfied?

    Rina grinned and nodded.

    Enough of him for today, huh? Suraya reached out and pinched Rina’s rounded cheek.

    In the days that followed, things appeared fine between Suraya and Azlan. He called often and they went out together several times. Still, Suraya refused to discuss much, while Rina had been dying to know the stage of their relationship.

    So, how’s Mr. Right? she couldn’t help asking one evening.

    Okay, Suraya answered.

    Just okay? Come on, Su, don’t be so choosy.

    "I am not."

    You don’t look as if… you’re into something.

    Rina, we’re still in the getting to know stage, okay?

    Suraya’s non-committal replies didn’t satisfy Rina. Su, what is it about him you don’t like?


    Hmm, what do you like about him, then?

    Suraya took a moment. Well… he’s sweet, friendly, entertaining. At times a bit childish, which makes him adorable. He’s a gentleman, charming… .

    Impressive, but? Rina pressed on.

    Did I say that? Suraya smiled. But… to say I’ve fallen for him, I don’t know. If I’m to base it on those romance novels, he has yet to set my heart racing or turn my knees to jelly. She giggled.

    That, my friend, is writers’ imagination working overtime, Rina stated.

    Suraya plopped down on the couch in her father’s living room and settled her half-brother on her lap. Despite being unused to having little ones around in most of her life, she enjoyed Kimi’s presence and surprisingly, seemed to be naturally equipped with ways to handle him. It must have been due to her being around Rina’s nephews and nieces.

    Leaning back, Suraya sighed and pondered on Rina’s words that she might be influenced by romance novels. At the same time, she could ascertain the difference as she recalled the time at the gallery. How she had felt the tremors in her knees, and how her heart still flipped disturbingly every time she thought of those dark eyes. No such reaction happened while she was with Azlan, except for those moments of anxiousness when they were about to meet for the first time. Following that, she couldn’t find anything unpleasant about him. He could be any girl’s dream, yet Suraya couldn’t put her whole heart into the relationship. She kept telling herself to bury the brief magic moments with Kamal Ariff, no matter how unforgettable they might be.

    Suraya let out another long sigh. Little Kimi looked up at her before he struggled to be let down. She released him and watched in amazement as he took a few hesitant steps away.

    Oh, look at him! she said just as her father joined them. Oh! She jumped as Kimi swayed on his chubby legs.

    Dato’ Ariffin hurried forward and picked up his son. Wow, look at that. He dropped a sound kiss on the infant’s cheek. Kimi gurgled and twisted about, wanting to be put down again. Ah, time for your bath, dear, Dato’ Ariffin said as the maid appeared. He passed Kimi to her outstretched hands and stepped over to join Suraya on the couch.

    When did he start doing that? Suraya asked.

    Dato’ Ariffin beamed. Just in the past few days. Soon the little fellow would be running about.

    The contentment on his face touched Suraya. She was glad he finally had more to enjoy and cherish in his life. He grows too fast. I still want him to be a baby.

    Her father chuckled, then stopped short of saying something. He gave her a warm glance instead. How are things with you and Azlan?

    Suraya returned his smile. Um… fine.

    He cleared his throat. I met Uncle Hashim the other day. Looks like they’re ready to ask for your hand. He paused, and as she remained quiet, continued, I don’t think there’s any reason for you not to agree, is there? Another month and we’ll have the engagement ceremony. Is that okay with you, dear?

    What could be the reason? To agree or not to, her heart felt heavy for both. Azlan really likes me? Suraya asked in a small voice.

    My dear, only fools won’t fall for you. That’s why I have to make sure you’ll be in good hands. I trust he’s the right one for you.

    She glanced into his hopeful face and smiled. It’s up to you then, Papa. It was difficult for her to say otherwise when he was the only person she had been with in her whole life. He had loved and cherished her with abundance. He had been so devoted to his only daughter that he waited until she was of age to marry his present wife.

    Dato’ Ariffin watched her quietly for a moment. Su, love doesn’t need to always be at first sight. It will grow in time, as long as you respect and care for each other. I thought I’d never love another woman other than your Mama. But love comes in many ways and it’s unlimited. Now I’m happy with Norin. The feelings may not be the same, but I do love her, in another way.

    Suraya smiled, while deep inside her heart cried out, Kamal Ariff, where are you?


    EVER since the day Suraya was introduced to Azlan, time seemed to have flown by. Six weeks were a blur, and in two more weeks, they would be officially engaged. The thought bothered her whenever she allowed some moments to think about it. It was how things had gone too smoothly, and how she failed to find anything wrong with him. He couldn’t have been a nicer person.

    Like always, Suraya pushed those thoughts aside and concentrated on their journey to meet his aunt, who lived about two hours away in the countryside. This aunt had taken care of Azlan when he was small. He had grown up among his cousins and mentioned his favourite among them.

    I don’t see Kamal often nowadays, Azlan said as he drove. Dad sent him to Sarawak to work with his partner. If everything goes according to schedule, the project will be completed in two years’ time.

    Suraya’s heart lurched, hearing the name and place. Must be a simple coincidence, she quickly told herself.

    Kamal’s very good at whatever he does, Azlan continued. My dad’s really proud of him, especially when he chose to be an architect too. Dad was quite disappointed with me, I guess. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do then.

    An architect? Oh. That was all she managed to say amidst her increased heartbeat. I’m sure he’s proud of you too, she added after a moment.

    Azlan nodded. I know. Anyway, I knew if I were to be an architect, I wouldn’t be as good as Kamal. He’s kind of gifted. In his free time he paints and even writes.

    Coincidence, just a crazy coincidence! Suraya fiercely convinced herself. At the same time, she could barely contain the excitement mounting inside her. Really? That’s interesting. Does he… often come back here? The question popped out without much thought.

    He travels a lot, attending seminars and courses, either locally or abroad. He was in KL a couple of months back.

    Tension continued to build within Suraya, and the urge to ask a direct question became too strong. It didn’t help when Azlan continued talking about his mysterious cousin.

    Anyway, Kamal is great. He’s two years older than me and is like a brother. My childhood would have been pretty miserable without him. My parents were never around, always on the move. I stayed with Kamal’s family until I was thirteen. Now, whenever he returns, we gather at Umi’s home. But, hah, this time, I have a surprise for him.

    She turned his way. Who’s Umi, and what surprise is it?

    That’s how everyone addresses my aunt, and the surprise is you, of course. He smiled. "I haven’t told Kamal about you, about us getting engaged. I think I’ll

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