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From Rock to Gem: A Life Journey to Awakening
From Rock to Gem: A Life Journey to Awakening
From Rock to Gem: A Life Journey to Awakening
Ebook88 pages1 hour

From Rock to Gem: A Life Journey to Awakening

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About this ebook

From Rock to Gem is designed to help those who have a similar story to the authors realize they have a power within to change the course of their life to a positive direction. This change can bring them more love, joy, happiness and self-empowerment than they could ever dream possible. A spiritual awakening can be the most freeing, life-altering shift one could ever experience.

The author unabashedly shares her challenges, struggles, and triumphs to teach how an ordinary person can become extraordinary using faith, strength, and passion with a focus on not giving up or surrendering to what may seem to be the reality. From Rock to Gem can be a portal to the Divine in an amazing journey to self-discovery.

The choice is ultimately yours.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 14, 2015
From Rock to Gem: A Life Journey to Awakening

Mary A. Love

Mary A. Love is a massage therapist focused on energy healing, a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master teacher, an ordained Minister, and has owned a therapeutic massage business since 2008.

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    From Rock to Gem - Mary A. Love

    Copyright © 2015 Mary A. Love.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-4345-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-4370-1 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/04/2015



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven


    I n the beginning each of us was given life, not by our parents but, rather, by God. Our parents were used as precious vessels to create our physical existence and we honor them for that. Beyond that we honor the God-given gift of our existence by living our lives with love for ourselves and others.

    I've come to realize that if we could see our lives in this manner, we could accomplish anything because with God all things are possible. So why does society knock us down everywhere we turn? It is because we choose to allow it to happen within us, through us, and because of us. We forget that we are created out of love through God's eyes and that is all we need to be the best possible example to others so they can shift their lives as well.

    My life has had many hills and valleys along the way and I know deep within my heart that my experiences and challenging moments have given me an opportunity to come to know myself better and to share with others ways to overcome obstacles and change their lives in meaningful ways. I know it is my calling to do so.

    I still have moments that are challenging and I embrace them now instead of cursing them because I know I have an important lesson to learn in the process. We all grow and learn every moment of our lives. I believe that when we stop learning we might as well stop living. Being open to receive is the way of embracing and living our lives in the cycle of giving and receiving. When we think we deserve and have to work hard for something that is when large obstacles get in our way, creating mountains instead of hills to climb. I enjoy climbing hills now because I know there is a beautiful valley coming along to enjoy and embrace with love and gratitude.

    I have been a massage and energy therapist since 2008 and every day brings me more examples of the love we all have within us. I have come to accept and feel grateful for the realization of the gift God has given all of us. We can all be open to become a vessel of God's goal on earth for love, peace, and abundance. I usually have what I call epiphanies when I am holding someone's head or their feet. One day as I was working with a lady, I had a vision come into my mind of us all as a rock that was part of a large cliff with a beautiful stream flowing below. I saw myself as a small rock falling from the large cliff into the stream below. As the stream carried me along, I bumped into other rocks along the way, chipping away my exterior existence. After many years of traveling down this stream, I began to realize there was a beautiful interior of myself to be revealed to the world. Once I accepted this beauty within, I could show the world the true gem that God created me to be in this life.

    I shared this vision with some of my like-minded friends and realized, after telling them the story that the title of my book would be From Rock to Gem. It seemed to fit perfectly as if God had given me the realization of a gift that I could share and that people could relate to on every level. I felt filled with gratitude and love for God and myself because I truly feel we are a part of God here on earth. It is up to us to share the information with others so they too can break away from the grips of society that continues to break us down and crush our dreams. God wants us to experience love and abundance through sharing with others.

    The story of my life thus far is an incredible one and I know all the experiences and choices I have made in the past have shaped and molded me into the person I am today. Instead of beating myself up for all the pain I have experienced and created for others, I have chosen to accept that all those choices were made so that I could grow in strength and love. I have beautiful children and grandchildren who would not exist if I had made different choices in my past. I am truly grateful to have the ability to share my journey with them and others to give insight and awaken the spirit in others to realize the potential in their lives as well.

    I pray that everyone who reads this book finds the strength and courage not just to think of it as my story but to open up to the message it might hold for them and to shift into love and light. Perhaps, in turn, it will add simple enjoyment to their lives that can then be shared with others. May all those who choose to share this knowledge with others be blessed with love and grace in their lives, along with peace and serenity within.

    Chapter One

    M y journey started back in July of 1967 in a rural area of the Midwest. I was born an only child experiencing, what I thought at the time, was loneliness and boredom. I felt that no one loved me or considered me special enough to be loved. I witnessed compassion and affection between my parents many times. My mom would be washing the dishes and my dad would come up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist and sneak a kiss onto her neck. She would tell him to stop in a teasing way so she could finish her work. My parents and I each had our jobs to do. My dad worked hard as a forklift driver in a local factory and then would come home and work till dark on our farm. My mom worked all day driving a school bus morning and afternoon while also working in between routes at a grocery store,

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