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Twisting and Turning
Twisting and Turning
Twisting and Turning
Ebook134 pages1 hour

Twisting and Turning

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The silence of the night is broken with an explosion of light. A young man riding an ebony Unicorn is being pursued by a grotesque giant Draguana. And so the journey begins.

Jarith and Nexus, the Ebony Unicorn strive to get the Ancient Scrolls to the Halls of the Magi before Zeeka, the giant winged Draguana can obtain them. In so doing they experience many unexpected happenings and face many dangers.

After meeting Leadoria, Shape-shifter they visit Under-Willow where Jarith learns of his destiny and they encounter the Earwhizzle; The Forlorn Forest with its odorous Stink Wattle trees, The Dream State with Zeeka still on their heels. Finally they flee to the Mountains of a Thousand Worlds where they discover different worlds within the huge caverns. The Ice Kingdom and the Castle of Reflection with all its creepy night creatures and nightmares; The Cave wherein lives the Cavern Serpent and the Djinn of the deepest way and longest years.

They encounter Persephine, Goddess of the Other World - in the Cavern of Past and Future. Then, in that same cavern they meet with the future finally escaping and finding their way to the Cavern of the Inner Mountain where they meet Joshua, healer, who helps mend Nexuss battered wings.

An unexpected tragedy as they lose a very dear little friend and battle to move on knowing that their mission has to be completed - that of getting the Ancient Scrolls to safety until man-kind is ready for the secrets they contain.

Finally, Jarith faces his destiny in his visit to the Peaks in the valley of the Lost Ones where he meets ancient Beings who instruct him in readiness to face Zeeka in a final battle.

During all this Zeeka is raising an evil army of Tokolosh and insidious beings intent on destroying Jarith and Nexus. Her powers increase as the final battle draws near.
Release dateJan 23, 2013
Twisting and Turning

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    Book preview

    Twisting and Turning - Sally Swain


    S trange things had begun to happen throughout the Universe. Things unseen, things that nudged, squirmed and shivered - things that unsettled. It was as if some ghostly hand had plucked at a violin string, sending a quiver of unease reverberating throughout the galaxies. Instinct warned. It is the time of the Prophesy - the time of change, drawing closer, ever closer.

    The Fireworks Galaxy, infinitely remote from Planet Earth whirled in deep space, bursts of brilliant colour lighting the mists, weaving through and around, cloaking the entire galaxy in mystery. Hidden within these radiant starbursts, this beautiful world was home to Jarith, son of Erin, Overseer of the Galaxy.

    For an aeon, a time frame which was not easily understood by lesser minds, Jarith, together with Nexus his ebony Unicorn, had been pursued by Zeeka, the Draguana. A monstrous creature, half Leguaan, half Dragon, she was determined to forcibly seize the ancient scrolls from Jarith’s keeping. The chase had been long. It had been hard - and it continued. Still it continued.

    Always on Zeeka’s mind - power - more glorious power! Surely, together with the dark energies she already possessed, the magical knowledge contained within these scrolls would make her all powerful, powerful enough to reign supreme?

    The gloom was helpful in hiding her, she being a creature of the Dark Side. She stalked. She watched. She waited. Determined, ever determined. She stood quietly hoping for some change, a movement however slight - Anything that might expose her prey.

    Meanwhile Jarith sat tall and straight, astride the magnificent Unicorn, a light breeze playing in his shoulder length blond hair. A cleft punctuated his strong chin, his malachite green eyes serious as they surveyed the shadowy landscape - feeling her near - ever near.

    Nexus, the Unicorn stood quivering, alert - watching - waiting - hardly breathing. Silky black mane flicked as his opalescent wings slowly fanned the air, in readiness for flight; His iridescent horn with its pulsating creamy hues monitoring the unseen energies swirling around them.

    The Draguana stood firm, low to the ground on bulging squat legs - legs enfolded within creased rolls of blubbery fat. Her enormous misshapen head turned from side to side as her flicking forked tongue spat forth furious sparks of sulphurous embers - outwards, upwards. Raging red eyes looked out through thin slits hidden within fat folds of green scaly skin.

    Her neck shot out – stretched repulsively - and then, as quickly, concertinaed back into her gigantic grotesque body only to explode out again, skin taut against her skull, and mouth tight in a frightening grimace.

    A movement! Suddenly she was lurching forward, great cumbersome body bounding with surprising speed as she launched herself upwards, wings thrashing the air, all pretence of subterfuge forgotten.

    Chapter 1

    T he night was still and dark. Nothing moved. Nothing breathed. The only sound that could be heard was the gentle beat of the earth’s pulse lulling all into quiet - an unsuspecting quiet.

    In mid-beat the pulsing stopped. A brilliant silver white light burst into awareness. It was as if all the glorious rays of the spectrum had converged into one spectacular effervescent display. And then… close behind, another dimmer, murkier light evolved following the first. Swerving and weaving the two illuminations shot across the dark velvety skies - tails of shimmering sparks streaming in their wake.

    On and on they sped - feinting, jinking, swooping and diving - disturbing the quiet and churning the skies in turmoil.

    Out of the darkness, the giant Draguana, fiery trail flashing and crackling behind, beat her ribbed webbed wings furiously. Her long slimy tongue flashed in and out - sparks of flaming orange burst from her flaring nostrils. Her grotesque head darted from side to side, malignant small eyes searching the skies. Probing, seeking her elusive prey.

    Furious now, she increased her speed until, with an ear shattering crash, she smashed out of control into the parched earth. Sand and stones scattered in all directions.

    A thick cloud of dust billowed up, coating the surrounding grass and shrubs with a fine film of angry red powder.

    Her prey, a young man astride a magnificent ebony Unicorn, coughed, spluttered and shook himself as they broke through the billowing cloud of dust.

    With a sneeze and a grin, Jarith leant down, towards Nexus’s ear and exclaimed: Whew! That was some landing! Let’s go - I think Zeeka’s been delayed somewhat!

    Feeling Jarith’s vibrant energy, the Unicorn nimbly moved through the dust, and with a huge surge of power and slow beating of his wings, he soared up into the air. Very soon the splendid winged beast and his brave charge were crossing the skies in huge graceful strides.

    Zeeka the Draguana screeched in rage at having missed her target. Her already ugly countenance grew uglier still. She shook herself furiously - stomping and slithering in haste as she lifted up into the air, moving quickly for one so ungainly.

    Head back down Nexus - we need all the cover that the countryside can offer - quickly - whilst she‘s still trying to gain height! Eyes bright with determination Jarith urged the Unicorn on.

    Responding with every nerve and sinew in his body, Nexus changed direction and swooped down to alight on an open patch of grassland. Unicorn and rider raced on - With the thud, thud and pounding of hooves, they sped across the dry grass and pebbles of the arid landscape. Dust swirled in dizzying spirals wrapping around them. Finally, after much weaving and swerving they crashed through the periphery of shrubs and into the safety of cool green woods.

    I have to rest for a moment Jarith, Nexus whinnied, You forget that I’m more accustomed to flying through the skies - he paused for breath - than galloping across the hard sun-baked earth!

    Although Nexus had come to a shuddering halt under the cover of the overhanging branches of a large-leafed tree, Jarith hung on to the animal’s powerful straining neck until all danger of him being thrown off had passed.

    The two became aware of a subtle change in the air around them. They noticed swirls of dust in the distance. At first the earth gave out a gentle sigh, then a series of nudges that grew into gentle whispers and soft eddies.

    The wind began howling, buffeting and whipping itself into a growing frenzy. It seemed to say:

    Beware, Zeeka’s near! and then as they listened more closely, Go! Go to the Shivering Stone - go to the Shivering Stone!

    And as it gusted to a crescendo, long fingers of dust pointed the way, Go! Go now - Waste no time! Sand-dervishes, tossing and turning and agitating with delight, led the way at the wind’s command.

    Sudden squalls tossed leaves and branches aside to expose grey, lichen-covered boulders in the distance. Breaking from the cover of the trees, Nexus raced towards the rocks, Jarith clinging to his neck.

    Jarith felt a cold surge rush through his body and he shuddered as he saw darts of thundering electricity crackling and spitting in the air around them: Zeeka’s probing forked tongue slashed the air, searching for them!

    Suddenly, without warning, Nexus reared up and came to an abrupt stop, snorting in alarm. He could see something writhing and slithering in the distance, in constantly changing hues of yellows, oranges and reds. The colours transformed the barrenness of the landscape as he watched, mesmerised.

    What’s that Jarith - over there? He asked, moving his head downwards to indicate direction with a sharp flick of his horn.

    Jarith squinted hard at the constantly squirming apparition, his knees turning to jelly in the belief that Zeeka had finally found them. Then, with a weak laugh of recognition, he said It’s the sunlight playing off the shivering stone and reflecting onto the rocks Nexus - what a relief!

    From their vantage point at the top of the rocky outcrop, they peered down into a dished arena encircled by jagged grey rocks. In its centre lay a strange slab, blunt-edged and flat. Black as coal it shimmered and shook on the dry, sandy earth.

    There - The Shivering Stone! yelled Nexus, as a whirling wind built up around them again.

    Go, go! Zeeka’s near, GO! The wind screamed, swirling around and building up momentum, reaching a crescendo. GO! The sand dervishes, in turn, tossed and pushed, delighting in the excitement.

    Affected by the wind’s growing agitation, Nexus leapt off the outcrop with a powerful surge, hurtling towards the ground below, Jarith clinging on tightly. Landing on the glistening black stone with a crash of hooves, Nexus fought hard to keep his balance. The wind dropped, the air grew still - not a whisper. The stone too, became motionless.

    Now what? Jarith whispered urgently. "Do we get

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