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When My Mind Met My Soul
When My Mind Met My Soul
When My Mind Met My Soul
Ebook268 pages2 hours

When My Mind Met My Soul

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When My Mind Met My Soul is a spiritual introduction of your mind to your soul. What is created is a lovely tapestry of spiritual awakenings, interwoven with the messages of great awakened beings. As you re-acquaint with your inner divinity, your soul expands, and your perception is shifted into unity.

Be guided toward transcending, soul perception and one love. Find inspiration from great masters and reggae music. Join the soul conversation as our divinity links together as one. As we play spiritual hide-and-seek, learn to be keenly aware of spirit in everything. As we live from within, the life you see in front of your face changes with spiritual sight.

When your mind meets your soul and you know all there is to know, you remember your eternal presence essence. As your spiritual roots strengthen and your soul grows, your experience becomes infused with the infinite. This is your re-introduction.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 13, 2013
When My Mind Met My Soul

Dina Biscotti Barnes

Dina Biscotti Barnes is a health and physical education teacher in Erie, Pennsylvania. She received her Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, including courses from Kent State University and Humboldt State University. She lives with her husband and two sons in Ohio on Lake Erie.

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    When My Mind Met My Soul - Dina Biscotti Barnes

    Copyright © 2013 Dina Biscotti Barnes.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-7825-5 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013913033

    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/12/2013




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    Hide And Seek


    When My Mind Met My Soul

    The Beginning

    About The Author



    Instead of a dedication, I turn to the Rastafari concept of livication. It tends to bear to me the meaning of eternal life. I livicate this book to the universe. This is a love message from the universe to the universe. I would like to thank God for the blessing of my children Levi Justice and Tyee Walker. I love every moment with you. As you have been placed in my hands and life, you have been the greatest gifts I have ever received. Blessings and love to my mother, the most caring and nurturing person I’ve ever known. From you I’ve learned strength, God’s love for all people, compassion for the underdog, and kindness. Love to my father, who gave me unconditional love, a hot Italian temper, the desire to give to and feed people and through his pain and illness my desire to heal. To my brother Lar, who is in many ways my opposite, my best friend, protector and most of all makes my belly laugh like no other. Thanks for loving me through it all. To my husband for his real love and support. You have restored my understanding of love and belief in relationships full of giving, respect, laughter, passion and family. I see you. To Kiah Revolution Stewart, our brother from another mother, we love you with all our heart. To Ajah Genisis Barnes, our princess from far off land. I see you in my dreams. Peace and love to my earthly family, amazing friends, and the thousands of students who have been my teachers.



    My divinity has found your divinity! Within the pages of this book lies our divine connection to one another. The magic of God works this way. Our awareness is vibrationally seeking its essence and when it unites with itself it feels like home. It’s like a hide and seek game we are playing. Our spirit is hidden and we are all seeking it. My heart swells with the love of the world and warms in knowing that together we are part of a spiritual uprising and freedom in this life and beyond. This is about love. This is about peace. This is about spiritual living and breathing. It’s about spiritual eating and drinking. It’s about spiritual doing, non-doing and being. It contains wisdom about spiritual healing. This is a look at all things rooted in spirit. It’s about how to grow your spiritual roots and latch on so that your spiritual tree stretches itself out in all its’ splendor. Let my existence be as transparent as a silk tapestry and as lovely as all of the great spiritual teachers who came before me and trod along with me currently. Their energy ripples through the universe and through me.

    As you and I divinely align through this spiritual work, we grow in our inner understanding of spiritual truth. Once your life changes and takes on a spiritual nature, there is an intangible difference in living. This is soul-perceiving and soul expansion. The eyes that you look through become different eyes with a more exquisite view. Literally, the picture in front of your eyes changes. What you see and create is in direct union with your soul. The ears that you listen with begin to hear things that you never knew were there in a whole new way. Sound now represents the music of the universe. Your knowing takes on an unlimited potential and the wisdom of within feeds and nourishes your life in just the way it knows how in all the moments of your life.

    At this moment we are still in our body. That would be considered living this life and at this moment being a human being. While we are humans being, let us be in the most spiritual of ways. Let us become soul beings. If we live as souls while having our earthly experience, we immediately know that there is more here than meets the eye. I know we have all had those moments of realization where we question, what is going on here? I am a person floating on a planet floating in a universe that has existed for years beyond my comprehension. Wow! We question our purpose, our gifts, our talent, our jobs, and our relationships. Through a deeper connection to our real self that is in many ways hidden, we begin to see clearly the answers to those questions.

    Without a doubt, I am continuously guided as to the unfolding of the beautiful soul that lies within and everywhere else as well. My soul is not mine. It exists as me, as does yours. Yet they are one in the same. The more we know this truth, the more divine love finds itself in the universe. Spiritual wisdom holds within it the potential to grow just as the seed has the potential to grow a delicious watermelon, or a vineyard, or a forest. Spiritual seeds represent a love gift to whoever is drawn to this awareness with the potential for us all to blossom into the oneness of our true self. May each of the spiritual seeds I have come to know be the potential to grow in what may have previously been a somewhat barren existence. The seeds of enlightenment that have been a gift to me are not mine to keep, but are ours to share. My desire and purpose lies in spreading peace and love by helping us all uncover our divine core and watch it magically expand. I have the desire to bring others into balance. It feels like it is part of my Libra nature. I have the blessing of an ever expanding compassionate heart which has me wanting to reach out more and more to help heal the world’s imbalances and reveal to others their inner magic.

    For many years, I have been seeking. I have a strong pull or desire to manifest anything that gives explanation and understanding to questions brewing in my soul such as: Who am I? What is God? How is this all working? What is the universe? It draws to me ancient texts that contain sacred wisdom. I get excited about energy work, and science, and quantum theory and religion. I seek out people and gatherings to hear more about the unknown. At this point, my intuition tells me I’ve taken a mini turn or shift from seeking into being. I have a continual pile of spiritual books surrounding me as I peek into the messages that call me on a daily basis. The revelation hit me to begin writing about what I have been living, breathing and experiencing so that others may hear it as well. It’s my inner voice I am attempting to share. It’s the voice I hear between my thoughts that becomes my thoughts that in turn becomes my writing. I hear spiritual truth as well through others who are able to channel spirit’s message and am thankful for their fearless sharing of wisdom. I know I am to do the same. I still have that lively excited desire to know more and grow more as it seems the journey is a continual unfolding process. Yet, I now feel the desire to share and expand in a new way.

    Each seed of awakening can be planted within us to grow our own sacred garden. Awaken to the truth of who you really are and your divine garden will flourish. Each spiritual seed contains within it the magic and the essence of our true being. May these writings be spiritual seeds and a gift of freedom as they help guide you to your own path to the truth. They contain the wisdom to not only create your own backyard garden, but a community garden that can all share in the harvest. I desire to create a spiritual garden that feeds and nourishes the world. That desire in itself resonates with exactly what the blossoming of the oneness of the self is. As I blossom into oneness with everything and with God, my true self and nature is revealed as the one self that lies within all of us.

    Uncover the spiritual seeds of divine oneness and plant them within. Then throw them into the wind and spread them everywhere. Ask the birds to help us carry them where we do not travel. Summon the bees to help us pollinate the blossoms and continue buzzing around the world growing spiritual connectedness. As I flower, others will see my radiance and sense it within themselves. We are all beautiful flowers as we are the life force that gives the flower its power to stand and its color to admire and its lovely fragrance to breathe in. Become the seed. Blossom and grow into your true beauty. Then, create more spiritual seeds so the world may know its’ self.



    This is a soul introduction. You meet your soul. Who is ‘you’? Get in touch with your is-ness. You are an unfathomable bright shining star of the universe. You are a magical light being floating on a planet infused with a universe that is an intricate part of who you are. You are full of the breath of God. Breathe it in. You are a beautiful powerful all—knowing being connected to everything that lives and breathes and to everything else as well. You are everything that exists all wrapped up in an amazing package we call a body, but it is so much more than that. Your mind is everywhere, not just in your brain. Your feelings extend everywhere, not just in your thoughts, emotions, and heart. Your thoughts and feelings ripple through the world and beyond and touch everything in their path. Your intuition is your voice from the universe guiding you on your journey. All knowing resides within and anything you need to know is waiting right there for you with open arms the moment you ask. All healing is available to you not just individually, but healing anyone and anything as well. All love is within and you are love. Love has infinite expansion within its make-up and it is the never ending river of connection.

    You are the same energy that makes up all material existence and the energy inside atoms. You are a vibrational being in constant movement in an intricate dance of creation that makes up the seemingly physical body of you. People all over the world can tap into the expression of you and your being-ness and you can tap into theirs. More than that, you can tap into everything beyond this realm of existence when you awaken and open the floodgates of spirituality to the ever expansive truth of who you really are. You are timeless and eternal. You were before, and will be, and are the present moment. Those concepts are really all the same thing. There is no timeline that makes up the beginning and ending of you. You appear to be ever changing, but you are aware of and can always connect to that in you which is changeless. You hear it when people say, I still feel like a child although my body is aging.

    You have the entire support and love of a universe and a God that adores you. When you are in touch with that part of who you are, you adore everything in that same way. You see all children are your children. All people are your people. All of nature is who you are at the very core of your being and you stare in awe at the magic that exists all around you. Every moment is a miracle of being. Every sensation is full of intelligent creation. All music beams through your ears with the beautiful sound of creation. All food that comes from nature containing the same energy that sustains your body, mind and soul is taken in with appreciation and awe at your connection to it. You are a channel and an opening that allows all source energy to pour through you and spread itself more and more through creation. The more expansive your awareness of yourself as a channel grows, the more all the little doubts and fears and limitations slip away. You begin to blossom into your true nature. You become limitless. Those poor sad little limits lose their ability to jump in and stop you from soaring. They seem so powerless. How can they have any power when they are going up against the all and mighty powerful you? When you are connected with the power of soul, you see the truth and the truth shall set you free. Any lack or any limits are removed. You are filled with spirit. You are spirit.

    The Great Spirit that exists in all things exists within you. Your life force appears squeezed into a being you call yourself, and it is there. It is also more than you can imagine. Open your imaginative eyes and look for it all around you. Look at the trees and the flowers differently. See their aliveness. Feel it. Breathe in the air and know it is you. Drink water and know it is who you are. Plant a seed and watch it magically sprout and grow into what it is intended by nature to become. Feel the process of the seed. See yourself as a seed. Grow into who you are intended to become. Feel the sun on your face and give thanks for it. Praise the rain and soil as our nutrients that sustain us. If there is something blocking your light, lean another direction as the flowers do their little dance and lean towards the sun. If you are unable to grow where you have been seemingly planted, magically transplant yourself to a new location and bloom there.

    Your bliss and passions are those of your higher self. Listen quietly to those desires that emanate joy and warmth and ecstasy. Go there. Follow them and know that they will guide you on your journey to blossoming into the beauty of who you are. Do nothing and there you shall also be as that same beauty as when you are doing. Your being is enough and learn to sit and know that it is enough. Set yourself free and your being-ness will allow you to unfold into the life the universe desires for you, for itself and for all of creation. You will know yourself as a gift and you will look out and see the miraculous existence of all people and creatures big and small as gifts. You will fall in love with beetles and praying mantis’ and know them as your brothers. You will begin to speak to nature and it will speak back. You will begin to forage an intimate relationship with people’s soul regardless of age, gender, race, religion, mood, temperament, limitations, or physical appearance. You are one. You are love. It’s the moment that is meant for you to rejoin yourself with your soul and begin the ultimate friendship with life. I am simply the channel that is introducing you to

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