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Deception: The Ultimate Betrayal
Deception: The Ultimate Betrayal
Deception: The Ultimate Betrayal
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Deception: The Ultimate Betrayal

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Asia McKay's experience of deceit from the man of her dreams and her best friend leaves her in a whirlwind of hurt, confusion and deceit. Shocking news forces her to reach out to her ex-husband David McKay for help to deceive and betray her wrong doers.

Zaire Jordan, gets what he wants when he wants it and Asia McKay is at the top of his list. He'll stop at nothing to win Asia back including using her faithful assistant Melina Whitehead to do so.

Melina Whitehead is struck by Cupid's arrow when she meets Steffan Ward. He's everything she hoped for, just too good to be true. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow isn't as valuable as it seems when the truth about her new lover comes to light.
Release dateDec 27, 2013
Deception: The Ultimate Betrayal

Jackie White

An avid reader since childhood, Jackie White has always had a passion for writing. She started by writing her first play in the fifth grade and then progressed into poetry. Inspired by true events in her own life and the lives of those closest to her, she has followed her passion to write her debut novel, Deception, in which her poetic style is still very evident. A native of New Jersey, she works in the medical field and has a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice. She currently lives in Union, New Jersey, with her husband, three sons, and daughter.

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    Book preview

    Deception - Jackie White

    Chapter 1

    No, no, no! Stop, please stop! Asia screams as she jars awake from a formidable nightmare.

    A film of sweat masks her face and chest. Moisture saturates her silk pajama top. Her chest heaves up and down in large sporadic motions. She pants frantically.

    Asia looks around the dimly lit bedroom for the violating perpetrator. Relief overtakes her when she realizes she’s all alone and it was only a dreadful dream.

    It’s been two and a half months since her former lover Zaire Jordan had stolen her virtue. Two and a half months of surreal recurrent nightmares.

    The shame of the ungodly act forces her to keep the rape a secret. Enough is enough, her tight lip and stubbornness robs her of sanity and sleep, she’s got to talk to someone.

    She throws the covers back and swings her legs over the bedside. She slides her feet into plush cotton slippers. She walks over to the bathroom and hits the light switch, scanning the empty room before entering. Paranoia now resides in Asia’s life; her instincts are much more receptive because of fear.

    Asia walks over to the oversized wood framed mirror above the sink and peers at her reflection. She slowly turns her head from left to right, inspecting her features. Exhaustion and unadulterated weariness shows on her face.

    Girl, you’ve got to take better care of yourself. You are starting to look a little rough around the edges.

    Asia opens the medicine cabinet and retrieves a bottle of Tylenol. She pours two pills into her hand, and pops them into her mouth. She recaps the bottle and returns it to the medicine cabinet. She turns on the faucet and cups her hand underneath the running water; she gulps down a few handfuls.

    Asia quickly rises up, an instant rush of nausea envelopes her. The sudden urge to heave overwhelms her and she makes it to the toilet just in time. She vomits the Tylenol and contents of her stomach. She flushes the toilet and heads over to the sink to rinse her mouth.

    She curses under her breath. This is the fourth time in a month she’s awaken feeling sick. Symptoms that are frequent since she’s come back from Aruba. She decides to visit her primary doctor because the headaches are starting to worry her. And the vomiting, oh how she hates vomiting and would rather have bamboo pushed under her nails.

    Asia turns off the bathroom light and drags herself back to bed. She kicks off her slippers, climbs in, and pulls the covers over her. She glances at the digital clock on the night table and cringes when she counts the hours she has left to sleep, three.

    She forcibly shuts her eyes and thinks about happier times. The times before her life had spiraled off into a whirlwind of chaos, confusion, hurt and deception. She drifts off. She doesn’t dream. She just sleeps.

    *     *     *

    The alarm clock went off. The annoying tone startles Asia out of her sleep. She jumps up and presses the button on the clock, silencing the unbearable sound. Asia forces herself out of bed. She gingerly stands up to avoid another dreadful dizzy spell.

    Asia picks an outfit from the closet, and takes a well deserved long hot shower. She dresses and goes downstairs into the kitchen to prepare a light breakfast. She toasts a wheat English muffin while the coffee percolates.

    She pours the freshly brewed eye opener into her favorite coffee mug. It was given to her by her mother Mavis. Its inscription recited Mavis’ favorite moniker, What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.

    Asia reads these words everyday; they remind her that she can overcome all obstacles, no matter how large or difficult.

    She retrieves a jar of peach jelly from the refrigerator and spreads some on her muffin. She enjoyably eats the muffin as she sips hazelnut coffee. Asia cleans up and heads out the door.

    Paranoia forces Asia to look around before she locks the front door. She cautiously precedes towards the driveway, pressing the car key button, the locks release.

    Darn it, I forgot to arm the house alarm, Asia suddenly remembers.

    Asia dashes back inside the house to set the alarm. She locks the front door and gives the doorknob a firm turn and tug.

    The house alarm was installed when she returned from Aruba. She was afraid that Zaire would find his way into her house again. She didn’t bother to display any signs that the alarm company gave her, the alarm was on a need to know basis.

    Asia gets into her car, fastens the seatbelt, and guardedly backs out of the driveway. She drives to the office, dreading the work load that awaits her. She silently prays for God to help her complete at least half of the work. She speeds along and makes it to work in no time.

    It’s notably warm for the month of November. Asia removes her jacket and folds it over her arm. She retrieves her Fendi briefcase and matching purse from the back seat and heads inside the office building.

    A creepy feeling that someone is watching comes over Asia. The kind of feeling that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. She stops dead in her tracks and scans the nearly packed parking lot. She shakes off the uneasy feeling.

    Here you go again, letting terror get the best of you.

    Norman is the first person Asia sees when she enters the lobby. Good morning, Norman.

    Norman Walker an older gentlemen in his mid sixties looks up from the security desk where he sits faithfully. His head ritually buried behind The New York Times. He peers over round reading glasses that rest unequally balanced on the tip of his long pointy nose. Light gray hair and piercing gray eyes makes Norman’s complexion appear stark white. Asia often wonders if Norman is afraid of the sun because of his pale toned skin.

    Norman puts down the newspaper and stands to his feet. He’s barely taller than the height of the security desk.

    Good morning, Ms. McKay, as usual you’re on time. I set my clock to your arrival.

    Aw, Norman, you always say that. Asia heads to the elevator and push the button. Have a great day, and let me know how the stock market is doing, Asia says as she waits for the elevator.

    Will do, Ms. McKay, I’ll check the financial section as soon as I finish the crossword puzzle. I’ll have a full report for you later. Enjoy your day.

    The elevator bell dings and the doors open. Asia steps inside and presses seven. A few seconds later she arrives; she steps out and walks over to her office door. The sign displays the company logo in silver writing: McKay Realty.

    She unlocks the office, slides the stopper over to the edge, and props the door open. The office’s décor is exquisite and demur. Works of art from Mary Cassatt, Masaccio, and Camille Pissarro adorns the office.

    Asia turns on the lights, walks past her assistant Melina Whitehead’s antique style desk, and enters her office. She drops her briefcase and purse on the chair in front of the desk. She sits in the plush high back chair and turns on the computer. The message light on the telephone indicates she has voice mail, she checks them while the computer boots up.

    There were several messages from the previous day. After hanging up the phone, she clicks on the Internet Explorer emblem on the desktop. The yahoo page appears and she clicks on the mail symbol, and type in the username and password.

    Seventy five new emails awaits her, she’s relieved to see that most of them are junk mail. She strolls down the list and deletes every email from Zaire. She hasn’t opened or responded to any of them.

    I don’t know why this fool sends me emails and continues to call me. I refuse to have any dealings with him, Asia says out loud, frustration in her tone.

    Melina walks into Asia’s office and startles her. Morning, are you talking to yourself again?

    Asia smiles because Melina always catch her off guard. She shakes her head and lets out a small chuckle.

    You know its okay to talk to yourself as long as you don’t answer yourself.

    No need on trying to convince me of that rule. Funny thing is you always answer yourself, Melina says as she walks into the office. She sits down in the wing back chair in front of Asia’s desk.

    Melina’s expression is so solemn and stoic. Her soft brown eyes and dark shoulder length curly hair adds mystery to her looks. Her slim yet curvy physique helps overlook the seriousness of her countenance. Asia has difficulty figuring her out sometimes.

    I had a rough night. I’m having night terrors. I’m frustrated and tired, Asia reluctantly confesses.

    What’s causing your nightmares? Melina pauses, I didn’t want to bring this up, but you’ve been so withdrawn since returning from Aruba. You didn’t even tell me how good of a time you had. That’s really unusual, don’t you think?

    Asia shifts in her seat and signs out of her yahoo account. She aimlessly moves the mouse around in a circular motion and watches the arrow on the monitor move endlessly.

    I know I haven’t spoken much about it, because it wasn’t memorable for me, Asia says as she averts her attention to Melina.

    Melina leans forward in her seat and stares Asia in the eyes. How is a trip to Aruba, not memorable? Woman, just who do you think you’re fooling?

    Asia lowers her eyes from Melina’s strong gaze. She doesn’t want to talk about what happened she only wants the incident to be forgotten.

    I know I can’t pull the wool over your eyes. I tell you what, we can go out for lunch today, my treat, and I’ll talk about whatever you want.

    Melina sits back in the chair and folds her arms with a motion of doubt. She’s heard that one before and isn’t about to fall for it again.

    Give me your word that we’ll go. You’ve made up excuses before for why you had to cancel a planned lunch. Promise me we’re going and I’ll get out of your face until you’re ready to leave.

    Asia knows Melina will not back down. She is tenacious like a Chihuahua when it comes to certain things.

    I promise, Asia says with her right hand raised in the air.

    Melina cracks a smile and stands from her seat. I’ll see you at noon, boss lady. I have plenty of work to do to keep me busy until then.

    All right, I’ll be at your desk when the time comes. Please shut the door on your way out.

    Melina turns and heads towards the door. Her full hips sway with a strong pivot with each step. She turns to Asia as she reaches for the doorknob and gives her a staid stare, and then quietly closes the door.

    Asia leans back in her seat and lets out a huge sigh. She wishes she had a rope to dangle out the window. She’d climb down, and briskly run away. She’s getting sick of experiencing the urge to flee in every situation.

    I’ve got to talk to someone sooner than later. I might as well get it over with. Talking to Melina about what happened just might help me.

    Asia’s thoughts are abruptly interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone. She reaches across the desk for her purse. She unzips it and fumbles around inside. She locates the phone. The iPhone screen displays an unknown number. Asia answers.

    Hello, this is Asia McKay.

    Asia, I need you. I can’t take this form of neglect anymore. How much longer will you keep punishing me with the silent treatment?

    The urge to toss the phone across the room is unbearable. The sound of Zaire’s voice makes Asia’s skin crawl with fear. She quickly hangs up the phone and powers it off. She feels the sudden impulse to vomit. Asia bolts for the bathroom, making a calamity of noise as she tramples along.

    Melina hears the disturbance from Asia’s office and jumps up from her desk. She rushes in Asia’s office and heads for the bathroom when she doesn’t see her. As she gets closer to the bathroom she hears Asia retching.

    Melina burst into the bathroom. Oh my God, are you okay? Melina asks as she rushes to Asia’s side.

    She snatches a few paper towels from the dispenser and runs to Asia’s side. Melina holds her hair back as she continues to vomit.

    Asia flushes the toilet and slowly moves to her feet. She takes the paper towels Melina offers her. She goes to the sink and rinses her mouth with warm water.

    Melina remains momentarily speechless. She questionably watches Asia as thoughts run through her mind. She wants to freely speak her thoughts, but fear of losing her job brings about hesitance.

    Um, are you alright? You gave me such a fright. Melina stares down at the floor and then back up at Asia. Don’t take this the wrong way, but are you expecting? Melina asks in one breath, she desperately wants to rescind that last question but it’s too late now.

    Asia swiftly turns to face Melina. She’s taken aback. The thought of being pregnant by Zaire frightens her to death. She wants nothing to do with him and being pregnant would only severely complicate things.

    Asia’s eyes forms over filling puddles, they well over sporadically and tears rolls down her face.

    Pregnant? I can’t be pregnant. Please, God, not by him and not this way, Asia pleas.

    Melina walks over and embraces her. She softly rubs Asia’s back while her emotions aggressively escape her.

    Chapter 2

    Zaire Jordan angrily slams his phone down on the desk. He’s missing Asia terribly and can’t stand being away from her.

    Why does she keep doing this to me? I made a mistake and she’s completely turned her back on me, he yells out in a frustrated tone.

    Forcefully standing from his desk, Zaire pushes the chair back with his legs. His hands instantly balls into tight fists. He wants to hit something, but refrains from doing so because he’s at work. A soft knock on the door interrupts his thoughts of rage.

    The door opens and in steps Vera Dell, his office manager. She strongly resembles Martha Stewart, a little shorter and a few years older.

    Dr. Jordan, your first appointment is here. She’s in examination room 3. When you’re done we need to discuss the scheduled surgical procedures for November.

    Thanks, Vera, I’ll be there in a minute. Have the Medical Assistant meet me in the exam room.

    Vera nods her head in compliance and shuts the door. Zaire listens to her heavy footsteps. He moves from behind his desk and walks over to where his lab coat hangs. He puts it on, opens the door and steps into the hallway.

    The hallway is olive green trimmed in beige; the tones are warm and inviting. The combination of the soothing shades helps to calm Zaire as he walks towards the examination rooms. He lightly taps on the door before entering.

    Good morning, how are you feeling today? Zaire asks as he closes the door behind him.

    Morning, I’m well, and yourself? Ms. Patricia Donovan says with a slight smile on her face. Her uncanny crush on Zaire is compelling and she doesn’t hide her attraction towards him.

    Zaire hits the intercom on the wall mounted phone. Medical Assistant to exam room 3, please.

    He opens Ms. Donovan’s chart and briefly scans the information. He studies the preoperative and postoperative photos inside. Within a matter of minutes the door swings open and Samantha Rivers, the Medical Assistant,

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