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Poems, Rhymes and Thoughts
Poems, Rhymes and Thoughts
Poems, Rhymes and Thoughts
Ebook127 pages39 minutes

Poems, Rhymes and Thoughts

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About this ebook

From the author of this book
To write these words so you could look
I think about the time it took
Love and hope formed each rhyme
Capturing each moment and event in time.
Release dateJul 31, 2013
Poems, Rhymes and Thoughts

Cristine Wright

I started writing poems since 2001 so people can stop seeing me as a person who is in a wheelchair. I want them to see the real me.

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    Poems, Rhymes and Thoughts - Cristine Wright

    2013, 2014 by Christine Wright. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 11/14/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-7609-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-7611-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-7610-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014903336

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    Section One

    Me And Things Medically Inspired

    Section Two

    Rememberance Day And Tradgerdy Inspired Memorial To My Husband And Three Dear Friends A General Goodbye

    Section Three

    Church Hello’s And Goodbyes The Mothers’ Union And Housegroup Challenges

    Section Four

    The Daycentre And Lighter Side Of Life Seasons And Weather


    Section One

    Me And Things Medically Inspired


    Me by myself

    Cheerful even cheeky when I get to know you

    Happy to share a laugh or two

    Recite or write a poetic rhyme

    Independence will be mine

    Stubborn to the last

    Time sometimes goes to fast

    Imagine a future better than the past

    Negativity I won’t entertain

    Energy levels I try to maintain

    Really long walks I no longer do

    On good days some steps manage you know just a few

    Sense of humour I’ve truly got

    Even when I fall about

    Made of strong stuff you will find

    A positive mental state of mind

    Rebel who doesn’t have a clue

    Invest my time writing for who?

    Each line of these little ditties

    Written for love against hate and joy over pity

    Remembrance of loved ones some taken by war

    In tragedies here or on a foreign shore

    Glorious moments captured in rhyme

    Heroes of past and present times

    Time’s up I’ve run out of letters and things.


    My Multiple Sclerosis and Me

    What do I see?

    You, looking at me.

    What face will you show?

    I really don’t know.

    They’re at it again,

    That’s pity it’s plain.

    Is it still me?

    Or my chair that you see?

    How do you cope?

    With trust faith and hope.

    I cope very well,

    Trapped by this hell.

    I could scream, I could hide,

    Would that stem the tide?

    I’m not a poor soul,

    I’m still in control.

    Can’t you see?

    I’m still same old me.

    So this thing’s got a label,

    Am I suddenly less able?

    All negative vibes,

    Make me cringe deep inside.

    I guess I don’t mind,

    If you’re trying to be kind.

    I’ve one thing left to say, a thought to takeaway. I’ve got M.S. it hasn’t got me!



    Mind still working what about the rest,

    Under the doctor sent for some test,

    Looking for answers doing their best.

    Trying not to get to stressed,

    Into the scanner suitably dressed.

    Pace of life you will need to alter,

    Let people help when you falter.

    Exercise two or three times a day,

    Slow down take it

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