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What if our ancestors were far different than they have been depicted for several generations? What if they were of exquisite beauty and extreme intelligence, using one hundred percent of their brains? What if they traveled into space before the flood of Noah and had abilities we can only dream of. What if they had an extra sense that has been lost to mankind, and had the ability to levitate objects of ominous proportions? What if there were giants on the earth, and angels with extraordinary powers living on the earth before the flood? What would life have been like then? It was said by Jesus in Matthew 24:38-39 that they would be like the days just before His final return. Foreshadows presents a picture of what life could have been like if all these things were true, and possibly what our present day world may be facing.
Release dateOct 8, 2013

Sharon Harp Gregory

Sharon, a native-born Idahoan and oldest of six children, spent her younger years in several tiny logging towns scattered amongst the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Most of her formative years were in the picturesque logging town of McCall, Idaho. The quiet, slow-paced life she experienced as a child developed within her a love for writing and art. Her love for God and country influenced her deeply. When her father left logging to become a long-haul truck driver, he moved the family to Boise, Idaho where she finished her education and married. She and her husband currently live in Boise. They have three grown children and six grandchildren.

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    Foreshadows - Sharon Harp Gregory

    2013 Sharon Harp Gregory. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    Published by AuthorHouse 9/9/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-1010-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-1009-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-1008-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013914717

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    The Oracle

    The Nephilim

    The Watchers



    The sons of God alias—The Legion of Gods




    Meditations of a Bride

    Song of a Groom’s heart

    The Patriarch

    The Confrontation




    The Wedding

    The Abomination


    The Sacrilege

    The Living Dead

    The Innocents




    The Caretaker









    Final Details




    The Great Darkness

    Sweet Revenge


    A Mighty Refuge





    A New Generation







    Shadows of Things to Come




    What If


    The Final Oracle


    The Plot



    Second Guessing


    Final Moments

    I would like to dedicate this book to my loving family that has cheered me on and supported me along the way, especially my husband for his love and encouragement throughout the long ‘creative process’. I also appreciate so much, my children Shelly, Rob and Ben and their spouses Ricky, Sandi and Kim for their enthusiasm and moral support in this endeavor. I especially thank Rob for his creative insight. I am so thankful for my dear friend Valla Shalz, who has read this book at least seven times, editing and re-editing and being so excited for my book to be published. I love my six wonderful grandkids, Paige, Carissa, Allie, Darin, Hattie and Matthew. May they always dream big and never settle for less. All things are possible with God.

    As in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man Luke 17:26

    Pre-flood story of people’s lives intertwined, leading up to the final moment of God’s judgment of the world. Insights into how they may have been far advanced even in relation to our times today, and the crushing impact the flood had not only on those who drowned, but those whom God preserved.

    Main Characters: Noah & Merabi; Shem & Norash; Ham & Kitura; Japheth & Persipitis.

    Lemuel (Noah’s brother) Penelope (sister of Merabi, Noah’s wife)

       Portia, Mehujael, Jabal, Jubal (twins), Naamah

       (Uzziel, Adah & Zillah—servants)

    Jasher (Noah’s brother) and Bithinia

       Cain, Cush, Havilah, Dedan, Tabitha, Hermenes

    Elimelech(Noah’s brother) and Diastine

       Joab, Perez, Basemath, Dorcas, Abiathar, Kitura (wife of Ham), Abigail

    Abinidad(Noah’s brother) and Hageath

       Azariah, Salmon, Zebulon, Asaph, Norash (wife of Shem), Micaiah, Ardyce

    Darius (Noah’s brother) and Meme

       Mahli, Kohath, Joel, Terilinne, Hymeneous, Chlorice,

       Phoebe, Micah, baby Pietr

    Eliphaz (Owner & Editor of Eden’s Communique) and Zilpah (Noah’s sister)

       (all their children married and living around the world

       with exception of Tristin who stayed single and living in

       Atlantis where rumor had it that she was involved with

       one of the sons of God, Martesius)

    Micah (Noah’s cousin) and Timnah—daughter Persipitis (wife of Japheth)

    Eliachim (Noah’s cousin) and Hannah—keeper of Fourth Realm of Tranquility

       Marni, also Noah’s cousin and Eliachim’s youngest sister with her son Tobias

    *      *      *

    Sons of God—known as the Legion of gods

    (Angels who left Heaven and took daughters of men as wives)

    Poseidon (Angel) and Kleito

    Zues (Angel) and Diana

    Dunedid(Angel) and Mehetabel

    Godfrey(Angel) and Diedra

    Jupitor (son of Godfrey & Diedra) and Terilinne (Darius & Meme’s)

    Venus (daughter of Godfrey & Diedra)

    Martesius (Angel) and Tristin

    Mercury (son of Martesius and Tristin)

    *      *      *

    The Nephilim

    Doeg—Commander of the nine Watchers of Cain, including:

    Bito, Omri, Atys, Solon, Cleobus, Tubal, Mehujael, Irad

    *      *      *


    North Western—land of Cush—river Gihon—city of Atlantis

    South Western—land of Assyria—river Hiddekel—city of Keilah

    Northern—land of Abel—river Pishon—city of Mesha

    Southern—land of Havilah—river Pishon—city of Eden

    North Eastern—land of Uz—river Euphrates—city of Etruria

    South Eastern—land of Nod—river Euphrates—city of Enoch

    *      *      *

    Large bodies of water

    Sea of Coral—borders Cush and Assyria—river Gihon empties into it.

    Sea of Tranquility—the beginning of the river Euphrates—Land of Uz

    Sea of Mercy—borders the Northern and Southern Hemisphers of Abel and Havilah—Pishon empties into it

    *      *      *

    Realms of Tranquility

    Four regions set apart in the world for endangered species to live:

    First Realm in North Eastern Hemisphere along Sea of Tranquility in Uz

    Second Realm in South Western Hemisphere along the river Hiddekel in Assyria

    Third Realm in North Western Hemisphere along river Gihon in Cush

    Fourth Realm on the border of Northern and Southern Hemisphere along the Sea of Mercy and the river Pishon—on border of Abel and Havilah—15 miles from Eden, 2 hours from Mesha

    *      *      *

    The Celestials (space travelers)

    Jashers sons: Cain, Cush, Havilah, Dedan

    Elimelech’s sons & daughter: Joab, Perez, and Basemath



    H ear the words of our Great Creator all you inhabitants of the earth, for He loves you with an everlasting love. Alas He is sorry He ever made man on the earth and His heart is grieved! And why does He feel thus about mankind? Because of the wickedness that is rampant in our world today and every intent of the thoughts of man’s heart is evil continually to the extent that there are unholy alliances between the sons of God and the daughters of Adam and Cain! You are full of immorality with them and with the Nephilim who have spread violence and corruption throughout our earth!

    Turn from your wicked ways before it is too late! The days are fast drawing to a close when He will no longer have mercy on us! He will not only destroy the wicked works of the sons of God and of the Nephilim and all who follow in their ways, but also of all who have turned from worshipping Him and are self righteous in all their ways! The days are fast approaching that the end is near! He will bring calamity upon the earth; floodwaters to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life, and everything that is on the earth shall die! There will be signs and wonders never before seen by the sons of Adam, upheavals in our earth that will bring about extreme conditions unknown to us; something called wind and rain, earthquakes and volcanoes! Repent, that He might turn His wrath away from us!

    We have already experienced the shaking of our earth on several occasions! It has begun! Do not laugh it off as if it was nothing but remember the panic you felt at the time! What is about to befall all of us is far far worse than anything we can imagine!

    The strong pleading voice reverberated across the valley, crowded as usual with curiosity seekers, filling the air with a mixture of laughter, jeers and taunts. Televised on screens around the world, the Prophet of the Creators’ deep voice rang out with authority, making yet another plea to all that would listen. He was a familiar sight, well known and respected by most. Among others his words were found to be humorous, but to many, they were offensive, as if he had personally plunged a dagger deep into their hearts, evoking the smoldering responses of hatred, fear, anger and rebellion. Even with this knowledge, he never wavered in his conviction of the message delivered; it was the same appeal he had been making for a hundred and twenty years, always hopeful that the sons of Adam and Cain would respond.


    A crid smoke, thick and dark, spread through the city of Mesha like fingers grasping for the throats of any foolish enough to be caught in its path. Screams of terror and anguish penetrated the pre-dawn air as a volley of deafening explosions rocked the area. Flames shot high into the atmosphere, intolerable heat engulfing buildings and melting foliage as though they were papier mache , creating an ethereal glow over the city.

    The flames reflected in Bito’s humorless dark black eyes as he mutely observed the horrific scene from the shadows of a nearby transport tower. Standing ten feet four inches tall, massive and lean, his raven black hair braided at the temples, caught up in a black leather thong from which it fell in long thick greasy strands across his broad bare shoulders and down his muscular sinewy body made a formidable presence, enhanced by arms and legs rippling with muscles that gave the appearance of hard steel. He blended into the shadows with raiment made totally of leather and black as midnight, consisting of a belt sporting sheaths holding various sizes and shapes of weapons, attached to a black skort that clung to the middle of his thick, hard thighs. Sandals encasing his feet were held with laces that wove up to his knees and fastened with wide metal bands.

    The sound of approaching feet and weeping could be heard in the distance and as it grew closer, he impassively turned away from his observation point to callously observe his men appearing through the thick smoke with dozens of children and young women in tow. Cries of fear and pain accompanied with terrified sobs filled the air as they were prodded along with tasers that zapped them with electrical shocks.

    A barely noticeable nod from Bito silently directed the tall forbidding soldiers, all carbon copies of him, as they loaded their captives into awaiting transport pods that had the eerie appearance of giant monsters, silently swallowing their prey.

    *      *      *

    Chlorice clung tightly to her little sister Phoebe, fearful of being separated in the pandemonium around them as they were buffeted from all sides, and pushed ever forward by the press of those behind them. Her eyes stung in the thick smoke that threatened to choke her last breath from her. Tears coursing down her face, she tried unsuccessfully to awaken from the nightmare around her. Surely she would soon discover that she was still tucked in her soft comfortable bed, safe and secure within the confines of the nursery where the younger children slept just down the hall from the bedchambers of her parents and older sisters and brothers. Wasn’t it just yesterday that she had celebrated her tenth birthday? It seemed like a lifetime ago! In just two short years she would move out of the nursery and into her own chamber, something she had looked forward to for some time!

    A searing electrical shock jolted through her right arm, jerking her attention back to the present and confirming that this was certainly not a dream, but a living, breathing nightmare! Crying out in pain, she looked up through her tears at the giant who was the cause of her distress, and struggled to move away from her tormentor. Looking ahead, she caught a glimpse of two of her older sisters, Terilinne and Hymeneous, as they and several others their age were drug from the group by their hair into the gaping jaws of a giant transport pod that seemed to materialize from the thick smoke surrounding them.

    Chlorice, shrieking with fear at the sight, stumbled as her feet became tangled in her sleeping gown. Weeping inconsolably, Phoebe, in reaction to her sisters’ terror, let out a scream that immediately caused a chain reaction throughout the dozens of young girls surrounding them. All appeared to be between the ages of four and ten years old. All with the same large fear-filled eyes, crying out for their mothers and fathers, but they did not come.

    *      *      *

    Disembarking from his pod, Bito looked around him with a withering look that caused the sentries to hold their breath in fear of their lives. If not for the threat of instant death at any sign of cowardice, they would have taken cover behind the nearest pod or one of the immense one hundred and fifty foot columns standing in abundance around them. Blending in with the forest surrounding them, they supported the intricate structure that sprawled out over a five-mile radius of territory nestled deep in the jungles of the land of Cush. The entire complex never ceased to give him a deep satisfaction within his very being, for it was he and he alone who had ingeniously chosen this site to locate and build their command post, right under the noses of their enemy!

    The area consisted of dense jungle that had been designated as one of four regions in the world where endangered animals could still roam free. They were known as The Realms of Tranquility because the original one bordered the Sea of Tranquility located in the North Eastern Hemisphere. This one was deep in the North Western Hemisphere of the land of Cush, bordered by the River Gihon, which eventually emptied into the Sea of Mercy deep in the South Western Hemisphere.

    An ideal refuge for the headquarters and nerve center of the Nephilim; for the only eyes watching them were those of the mighty behemoths of every variety, leviathons, wooly mammoths, dragons, elephants, monkeys of all sizes and types, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, several species of bears, tigers, lions, giraffes, horses, and birds of every description. Even the much sought after unicorns could be spotted in the early morning mists on the shores of the Gihon leisurely drinking in the cool refreshing water alongside the others!

    They had installed a force field over the area, which had been cleverly merged with the magnetic fields not only of the Third Realm of Tranquility here, but of all the force fields around the earth. This precautionary measure had so far been successful in blocking them from detection by the sons and daughters of Adam as they patrolled the airways around the earth. The fools had never considered the possibility that the very area they protected for the good of mankind, also protected the very ones they sought to destroy! This thought alone would have given him a sense of gratification, if it weren’t for the continual disparaging remarks of the Prophet of the Creator, broadcast once again just that morning, causing his every waking thought to be consumed with an unexplainable blinding rage, a rage that would only be satisfied with the demise of not only the sons of Adam, but specifically, the Prophet. Even as he seethed within he remained ever aware of his surroundings.

    Approaching the entrance to the cavern that led into the depths of the fortress, his cold black eyes took in each minute detail of the activity around him. Every nook and cranny, every sentry, every warrior, even the squirrel perched on a limb overhead observing his movements did not go unnoticed. The position he held did not come by being lax; it came with a heavy price he was more than willing to pay. Unlike his inferior peers, he never allowed himself the luxury of relaxation or even the pleasure of sleep, which for him, was sporadic and rare.

    *      *      *


    A lthough the nine men seated around the massive crescent-shaped table all appeared at first glance to resemble each other in their size and dress, Doeg’s commanding presence in the center seat diminished the others with the impression of being larger than life. Part truth, part illusion, the effect contributed to his position as leader of the dreaded Nephilim, along with the fact that he had earned the reputation for being a heartless cold-blooded killer with a sadistic malicious mind that took pleasure in the misery of others. His ten-foot six-inch frame reflected the very embodiment of evil and demanded obeisance from all. His demeanor was cold and detached; his steel gray eyes silently observing those seated around him.

    Moving his enormous hand across the smooth black panel before him, the room instantly darkened and what had appeared as twenty-foot high walls of black glass surrounding them became gigantic screens with glowing hologram grids of the earth’s hemispheres.

    Turning to the two screens on his right, his eyes narrowed to slits as he intently inspected every detail of the north eastern and south eastern hemispheres; the former more commonly referred to as the land of Uz and the latter, the land of Nod. Swiveling to his left, he considered the north western hemisphere known as Cush and the south western hemisphere known as the land of Assyria, his beloved homeland. Carefully tracking every inch of the hologram until he was satisfied, he then directed his attention to the screen directly in front of him. His jaw clenched and unclenched as he closely scrutinized the land of Abel, which comprised the northern hemisphere and Havilah, which made up the southern hemisphere. These two hemispheres were of the most concern to his tribe

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