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When Beauty Fades: Make Hay While the Sun Shines
When Beauty Fades: Make Hay While the Sun Shines
When Beauty Fades: Make Hay While the Sun Shines
Ebook118 pages8 hours

When Beauty Fades: Make Hay While the Sun Shines

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The book portrays the end result of envy and jealousy in human lives. It gives us an insight on the need to make hay while the sun shines, which implies planning for the future as against the backdrop of planning in the future.
The story is a tragedy of two brothers; Wilson and Kenechukwu and their only sister Nene. The success story of Kenechukwu after years of struggle, led to his being cut down in his prime by a beloved. Nenes fantasies of her dream husband almost ruined her, but for her counterintuitive move. Wilson, who felt he could cheat on nemesis, paid a grave price with his innocent family.
Release dateJun 21, 2013
When Beauty Fades: Make Hay While the Sun Shines

Clement U. Ewulum

Clement .U. Ewulum was called to the Nigerian Bar on the 5th of November, 2009. He has always sought for a way to give back to the society that which he had benefitted. This invariably has over the years spurred him to developing his writing hobby, which has so far produced various works such as; A Chosen Generation (A Law School Magazine), Law and the Society (A Community Development Book), and The Storm is Over (his first novel). The zeal to explore greater heights has always been his motivation. His inspirational works of art are known to expose the anomalies of the 21st century. Completed his National Youth Service Corp programme at the Nigerian Ports Authority, Delta Ports, Warri, in the office of the Port Legal Adviser, where he conscientiously contributed his quota to the development of his dear country. Currently finished his masters program in International Commercial Law at The University of Aberdeen.

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    When Beauty Fades - Clement U. Ewulum

    When Beauty Fades


    Make Hay While The Sun Shines

    Clement U. Ewulum


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    © 2013 by Clement U. Ewulum. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 06/17/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-8943-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-8942-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-8944-8 (e)

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    Authors Preface

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Authors Preface


    A N ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF our mental psychological and physical disposition gives harmony to the song we sing. Little minds think about things and fashion, middle minds think about people, but great minds think about events, goals and achievements. Some look at what happens, some ask or wonder why things happens, while some make things happen. What does the above philosophy portray? They explain the various dimensions of maturity. The little minds who think about things or fashion want easy going life. They are like spectators who watch events unfold without creating their own. They don’t like to suffer, but want everything on a platter of gold. The middle minds who think about people are those who ask or wonder why things happen the way they do. They continue to ask questions and think that those who make things happen, do things in different ways, which makes them great. Is this true? Of course not, they only do the same thing in extra ordinary ways to get extra ordinary results. Doing the routine or regular, only yields a routine or regular result, but a little extra yields extra ordinary result. Then the mature minds who think about events, goals and achievements are those who look at the fruits of their labour. They think of what they can achieve or the situation report of their trials. They make things happen and there the middle and little minds start to think about them, making them so important. They are great explorers of hidden talents. They think day and night of what they can do to their society. This of course puts them way ahead of the middle and little minds.

    To join in the band of the mature, we must walk the path of acceptance of responsibility.

    The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.

    Richard Evans

    Goals are achieved through maturity because greatness is not the work of magic but hard work. Believe it or not, man’s dignity lies in his ability to respond to his responsibilities or apply his abilities. To be happy, one needs to learn how to suffer.

    Obstacles are things people see when they take their eyes off their goals.

    Crossman. G.

    Life can only be understood backward, but it has to be lived forward.

    Soren Kierkegaard

    The crux of the matter is that, we cannot achieve anything without the help of God. We should learn to love God, even in the midst of our deepest trials. With Him, you can sail over high seas, but without him, you can’t even cross over a threshold.

    We must have it borne in mind that, in this our generation, Sheer inspiration remains an imponderable force in cultural and technological development.

    Chapter One


    "RAIN, RAIN GO away, rain, rain go away, come again another day, little children want to play". The voices of the happy little children could be heard from as far as 10km away from the school compound, as they chanted their favourite song down to their various classrooms from the assembly, where the headmistress Mrs. Osisioma had called them for a brief information. It was almost break time and as usual kids were enthusiastic about this period when they would go out and play with friends, while sharing their lunch pack for those who came with one.

    Before the last pupil entered the classroom, the break bell went with shouts of hurray! from all nooks and crannies of the compound. Footballs and other playing materials appeared from the blues within a twinkle of an eye. Pupils could be seen panting, with sweat all over their bodies. After a while the school bell went again signifying the end of break time. This time instead of the usual smiles which came with the first bell, sadness could be seen written all over the faces of the pupils who walked sluggishly into their classrooms, cursing the school regulator in their minds, some aloud.

    It was a very bad day for kenechukwu whose tenure as the school regulator would come to an end by the end of the session, as his head burned with severe headache. Presently in his second term next to the final exam class, he was to hand over his position as the school regulator to a junior. The post of being the school’s regulator was a position which carried with it much popularity and responsibility and was usually given to dedicated and reliable minds who could deliver. Before he was given the staff of office as the school’s regulator, he was thoroughly screened as a result of the record left by Wilson his elder brother, who left the school two years back. On like Wilson who was known to be a bully, never came to school on time and was a never-do-well in class, kenechukwu was a dedicated, intelligent and gentle pupil. Atimes people wondered if they came from the same womb as they were just too opposite in everything. Although Wilson looked more endowed by nature compared to kenechukwu, as he looked stronger going by his stature, more handsome and had the leadership carriage in him, he went towards the opposite direction putting his natural talent into the waste bin.

    They both had a kid sister Neneuche, who was popularly called Nene. She was occasionally described as a beauty queen from the way she walked and looked. As young as she was, her hair caressed her back like that of the whites, giving her a spectacular look and popularity among others. (to be applied throughout novel) Always spotted wherever she was, it was quite difficult for her to hide from punishment whenever she went against any rules or regulations with others. From the way she conducted her affairs, it was obvious she was taking after her eldest brother Wilson. She was always falling out with her teachers and authorities notwithstanding the fact that she had all the possible chances in the world to get closer to them from the position and record held by her immediate elder brother kenechukwu.

    As time for the end of school activities for the day approached, pupils peeped through the window pens, searching to catch a glimpse of kenechukwu as was his routine. He usually walked round some minutes before the end of school activities with his trade mark the school bell, giving out what was popularly called the warning signal. Once this signal was heard, the pupils start to put their things together waiting to give out their long shout at the sound of the last bell. As this time approached, teachers themselves give up whatever was remaining for them to say, as they knew that anything said at such a time was in vain.

    Finally, the bell signifying the end of the school day rang, pupils were happy once again. While some resumed playing, others whose parents or guardians were around to pick them ran about with their food packs and water cans. These little happy faces brought so much joy to parents and the school authorities. Nene rather than seeing home her elder brother kenechukwu, who had earlier complained to her of severe headache, stayed back at school with

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