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Hearts of Spades
Hearts of Spades
Hearts of Spades
Ebook130 pages2 hours

Hearts of Spades

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Being a single parent can be pretty rough at times. Nicole Carter never expected to see her son's father and one time first love, Charles Rahim ever again. Charles appears at her front door with a story that turns the middle aged woman's world up-side down. Unaware that she is the biological daughter of a dominant drug-lord, Jimmy Lee, Nicole becomes the wife of her first love.
Her husband Charles, is the son of her father's arch enemy, William Lord. Now made aware of who she is, Nicole must go against a father whom she has never known while protecting the family that she has loved all of her life.
Release dateAug 27, 2013
Hearts of Spades

Kaleah Carter

Kaleah Carter is the oldest daughter of the African-American Folk artist, Dollner and James Tyler Brown Sr. Ms. Carter was raised by her mother along with four siblings, Melissa, James, Dana, and Thomas. Despite the ever going struggles of being raised in a one parent household, Kaleah never gave up her desire to express herself by means of writing. Ms. Carter currently resides with her family in Norfolk Virginia. She is the proud mother of Hasaan and Khadijah Carter and grandchildren, Kaianah, Kamrin, Laniyah, and Kamil.

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    Hearts of Spades - Kaleah Carter

    © 2013 by Kaleah Carter. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 09/25/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-1197-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-1196-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013915648

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    Seven Forty-five a.m.

    Coming Home

    Daddy’s Calling

    Another Day

    Going Home

    Nicole Rahim


    For Hasaan

    Chapter ONE

    Seven Forty-five a.m.

    Seven forty-five a.m. July 3, 2008. I was sleeping peacefully in bed. My fourteen year old daughter had gone to spend her summer break with her father. My son and his wife had found a cozy, one bedroom apartment that they could afford. The door-bell rings. I try to ignore it. If this is Hasaan, I’m kicking his ass. I thought while getting up and slipping on my robe.

    Peering out of my peep hole, there he was. He had cut his hair and I was relieved. Still, he had disturbed me from my rest. Look Hasaan, I told you that mommy was trying to get her rest. What are you doing over here so early? Is that what you named him?

    My mouth dropped at the very sound of his voice. He was not my son. W-What are you doing here? I asked. I came to get my baby. Glancing back at the black, silver trimmed, limousine behind him, I suddenly began to feel ill. He’s not a baby anymore. I said in almost a whisper. I wasn’t talking about our son. A part of me felt as though I were in a trance as he neared me. It’s time to come home Sexy. Sexy… . that is what he called me years ago. As I stood there in my night clothes and a scarf around my twisted, golden brown, locks, the very last word that I thought of when describing myself was sexy. Pushing the walker that I used to get around aside, he embraced me. You don’t need that. I should have been here to hold your hand. For a moment, I just stood there… . breathing in his cologne. I had missed him terribly.

    At this point, I was the eighteen year old girl again who had lost her first love. My heart ached… . tears streamed down my face. I’m so sorry honey. he whispered while kissing at my tears. But baby, we’ve got to go… . now. Taking my hand, he lead me out to his car. I—I’m not dressed. I will buy you some clothes. Get in.

    Charles Rahim… . at the age of thirty-nine, he looked almost the same as he did twenty years ago. His body was a little bigger and more defined than I recalled. Still, from a distance, one would have thought that he was our teenaged son. My father will have no other choice but to accept you now. he said smiling. You have been loyal to our family all along. Despite the fact that he looked like the young man that I had fallen for all of those years ago, he did not appear to be him at all. I felt as though I were looking at a stranger. What is his name again? Hasaan. I answered flatly. Why didn’t you name him after me? Angela said that he looks like my twin.

    Angela? Yes, she is one of the managers at the restaurant where he works. She asked me if I could close tonight. That’s funny. I said while smiling briefly. I call him you all of the time. He should have been picked up by now. he said. I can’t wait to meet him. I am sure that his wife will be… . Our son is too young to be married. he said while cutting me off. I’ve had their union dissolved. But you know nothing about how he feels about her. The young lady was not right for him. She will never please our son. How did you know about their marriage? One of my employees came across a marriage certificate belonging to a young man who had named you and I as his parents. he said. I had it dissolved and came here to look for you and the young man.

    So, you did come here for him. Actually, I did not know he existed until he went to marry. How could you have allowed such a thing? He is a grown man Charles. He is fully capable of making his own decisions. Well, I’ve sent her home to her mother. he informed me. Did you know that she was white? Yes, white and… . White. he said cutting me off for the second time. I was completely annoyed at this point. Do you have a problem with white people? Yes, I do. he answered. They need to stop trying to mix with us.

    I don’t mean to rain on your tee-pee, but the races have been mixing for quite some time native man. I said while crossing my arms. Our son is going to be quite upset about this. I seriously doubt it. he said while pursing his full, brownish-pink, lips. If anything, Hasaan is going to appreciate what I have done for him. Whatever Chuck.

    Why didn’t you name him after me? he asked again. Because you asked me not to… , . remember? For a moment, he looked as though he were deep in thought. We talked about children… . didn’t we? he asked while displaying a rather wicked, grin. Yes, do you recall what you said when I suggested that we name our son after you? No. he answered. But I wouldn’t name my dog Charles. That’s what you told me. I said while laughing at him. He started to smile. I guess that I haven’t changed. You have changed. I assured him. We both have. I could not help but to feel uncomfortable with his stare. Did you really love me at one time? Chuck, I believe that actions speak louder than words. I started. I raised our son alone. Through heartache and tears… . I raised him. I did love you.

    Are you bitter? he asked. No, but I was hurt for a long time. How do you feel about me now? For a moment, I just looked at him. I knew exactly how I was feeling at that point. Still, I did not want to offend him. I remained silent while closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath before slowly releasing it. You don’t hate me for not being there for our son, do you? The look on his face, clearly showed that he was concerned about this. I could never hate you. You are my son’s father.

    Moving closer to me, he began to caress my left hand. How do you feel about me at this moment Sexy? Well, for me… . you have become a dull ache. I answered looking at him.

    I’ve raised a child who looked more and more like you as he grew. I would hear him laugh and look for you. It was hard. My father put us in that position. Your father? Yes, your father and mine are rivals. My dad is not strong enough to be anyone’s rival. Your biological father Nicole.

    Years ago, I found Jimmy Lee. He was a man that my mother told me could possibly be my father. A DNA test proved that he was not. That is not my father. I assured him. I found him years ago and we took a blood test. The test was altered. Why would he do that? I asked. Your mother. She didn’t want you to know that you are the daughter of a drug-lord. Taking a photo from his jacket, he handed it to me. This is your father. You have his eyes. Tell me, what does our parents have to do with us? Jimmy’s oldest son, Roger, was killed shortly after his graduation. Jimmy held my father responsible. My father then learned that I was dating Jimmy’s daughter. But I didn’t know that I was his daughter. Neither did I. he told me. My father did not want to take any chances. I was brought to his house where I remained until I learned of our son.

    My cell phone began to ring. It was Hasaan. Hey ma, guess where I am? Oh, in a limo eating something… . right? Yeah. Me, Steve, Tim, and Mop were standing outside when the ride pulled up. This sista’ got out and told us that her company is making your book a movie. Did she? Oh you’ve got us living tha’ good life now ma. I like this right here. I could hear him smacking on something. I’m glad that you’re enjoying yourself. The limo is going to drop Steve and them off. I’ll see you soon. O.K.

    After hanging up with him, I turned to look at his father. Jimmy could have easily made something like that up, sent a car, charmed him with food, and then had him killed. The very thought that Hasaan believed the line that his father had dropped on him, made me feel sick. He wouldn’t do anything like that.

    Nicole, our son looks, walks, talks, and even breathes like a Lordsman. Lordsman? My father’s name is William Lord. he explained. He had four sons. My brothers, William Jr,. Lavalle, and Patrick, were all killed at the hand of Jimmy Lee. I am his last son.

    Again, my cell phone rang. It was my younger sister. I just saw Bink’s job on the news! she yelled before I had the chance to say hello. He just dropped Tim and them off in a limousine. What’s going on? I don’t know. I’m going to get back to you on that. What happened on Bink’s job? The whole place is on fire. They said that it was an electrical problem. Turn on the t.v. and call me back. "What

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