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Transformed: Proven Principles to Set You Free from Spiritual Worry, Guilt, and Fear
Transformed: Proven Principles to Set You Free from Spiritual Worry, Guilt, and Fear
Transformed: Proven Principles to Set You Free from Spiritual Worry, Guilt, and Fear
Ebook121 pages3 hours

Transformed: Proven Principles to Set You Free from Spiritual Worry, Guilt, and Fear

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Transformed shares with you spiritual truths learned along the path to spiritual freedom. Earlynn Sheehan takes you along as she transforms her life from deeply religious to deeply spiritual. As her vision of the true nature of God transformed, she left worry, guilt, judgment, and fear behind. Transformed can help you uncover your true nature and bring your life into a state of unity, peace, abundance, prosperity, happiness, and joy. Visit Earlynn on the Web at
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 6, 2012
Transformed: Proven Principles to Set You Free from Spiritual Worry, Guilt, and Fear

Earlynn A Sheehan

Earlynn Sheehan lives with her husband, Kermit, in South Jordan, Utah. From childhood, Earlynn has been a deeply spiritual person with the ability to lift the spirits of those around her. Her life has transformed from deeply religious to deeply spiritual. She’ll show you why your relationship with God is and always has been one of unity, peace, abundance, prosperity, happiness, and joy. She’ll show you how worry, guilt, judgment, and fear create a veil that clouds your vision. As you lift that veil, the truth about your relationship with God appears, and you discover yourself to be a far greater being than you have imagined yourself to be. Earlynn and her family went through a seven-year “refiner’s fire” where life presented them with the worst it has to offer. She’ll share with you the spiritual principles that allowed her and her family to not only survive but to thrive. Transformed is written as an answer to the questions: Who am I? and What am I doing here?

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    Transformed - Earlynn A Sheehan

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6336-7 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012921515

    Balboa Press rev. date: 01/18/2013 







    6.   EDGE GOD OUT







    For Dad

    Who encouraged me to ask questions.

    My Children

    Who have taught me more than words can tell.


    For his constant love and support.

    Be the change you wish to see in the world


    If you experience guilt, worry and fear about things spiritual, this book is written for you. If you’re sensing something needs to shift and you’re ready to investigate a new way of being, I offer this book with my love. Until we examine our basic beliefs we will not see the change needed to usher in a new age of peace and prosperity.

    For a long time I have wanted to write a book but have put it off worrying about what to say, how to say it, and will anyone be helped by it. Is it arrogant to think I could write a book anyone would want to read? What are my credentials? Then one day it came to me; Earlynn, what are you waiting for; a sign; a voice from Heaven; lightning bolts? Look at God’s hand in preparing you? Look at your life! At the age of fifty you made changes that literally tipped your world on its head and began an amazing transformation to spiritual freedom. Later you and your family went through a seven year refiners fire: you survived cancer, your son-in-law lost his 10 year battle with cancer, your grandson was killed in a horrific accident at the ball park, your granddaughter was left severely disabled with a traumatic brain injury after being hit by a drunk driver, three of your five children got divorced, your husband’s parents died and then Mom died in your arms. How could God have prepared you more thoroughly?

    God sent me everything I need to reach out to you. Every trial comes with a blessing. In our deepest sorrow God’s love and comfort carried me and my family. Everything happens on schedule for a reason and a purpose. I cannot make choices for others but I can love and accept them knowing God will lead them to their destiny. I may not immediately recognize the blessings inherent in life’s storms. But as my vision improves the beauty and perfection appears. Just as God sends His rainbow after the rain, He sends a beautiful rainbow (blessing) after each of life’s storms. Recently I read this verse from Book Two, Chapter Three, Conversations with God: Stop trying to figure out what is best for you (how you can win the most, lose the least, get what you want) and start going with what feels like Who You Are. Your feelings are your truth. What is best for you is what is true for you.

    This little book will take you on a journey of discovery and transformation. If you believe the world’s problems will not be solved with the same old beliefs we’ve held for so long, this book is for you. If you long for a spiritual life free from worry, guilt and fear, I can help. I’ll remind you of simple things to make life more fulfilling and lead you down paths of new thought. I’ll let you in on my journey and help you catch a new vision for yourself. This book contains principles I have used to transform my life. If you’re ready to try something new it’s my hope and prayer this book will give direction, peace and comfort. You are not alone in life’s journey.

    Not long ago I attended the funeral of a loved one. It was then I realized I could no longer delay writing this book. So many experience worry, guilt, and fear because they misunderstand who they are, and why they are here. I clearly saw how much my life changed because my understanding has transformed. I want to help others find their path to peace, happiness, and spiritual freedom. If life is pulling you in a new spiritual direction and you’re ready to leave worry, guilt and fear behind, please come with me. You’ll see how strong and brave you are. I offer this book to you with love.

    Chapter 1


    T here are two important questions all must answer. Your answers silently affect the happiness, peace and wellbeing you experience every day of your life. The answers underlay the way we experience life. I believe the curriculum for life on earth is to come to an experiential knowledge of the answers. Our collective answers will determine our future existence on Mother Earth. My own answers have been very different from time to time. What are the two questions? Who am I and what am I doing here?

    As a child, I would have said; I’m Earlynn. Clarie is my daddy and Mommy is Erma. All I knew was; I’m in a family with my brother and sisters. I must be here to make Mommy and Daddy happy ‘cuz’ when they’re happy, I’m happy, too. At a very young age my parents taught me I was a child of God. An understanding I hold dear to this day. I was taught to bless my food and say my bedtime prayers. Kneeling with my family in prayer was part of every major event. And we never travelled far without asking Heavenly Father to protect us in our journey. When any serious illness came to a family member or friend my family would combine fasting with prayer for God’s will to be done. I was taught to love and trust Heavenly Father as He always hears and answers prayers. As a little girl I couldn’t quite figure out why we ended all our prayers with a salutation to farmers (Hay Men). I had this mental image of two tall farmers holding pitch forks in front of a towering hay stack. I must have been seven before I realized the word was amen. Prayer has always been an important part of my life.

    Dad was a highly respected leader in the Church. It was not unusual for sick friends or members in need to stop by our home asking Dad for a blessing. Many said he had the gift of healing. He had a beautiful baritone voice and his demeanor seemed to demand respect. Mom was more fun loving and playful. Both Mom and Dad set an example of service in the Church. Dad simply adored Mom and made sure us kids treated her with respect. Although Dad had a stern exterior, he was a marshmallow. And although Mom had a playful exterior, she could be tough as nails. They were a good team.

    I was taught to be proud of my heritage. My great grandmother as a young Welsh convert put her possessions into a handcart and pulled it across the plains to Salt Lake City. My great grandfather, a Danish convert worked as an indentured servant to repay his uncle for his passage to the United States of America. My grandmother left Iceland at the age of three with her family leaving everything behind for their love of the Church. The ancestors on both sides of my family came to America as converts.

    I began attending Church regularly when I was five. I especially loved Sunday school. I got to wear my prettiest dress. My hair was curly and my shoes were shined. It was important to show Heavenly Father and Jesus I loved them enough to look my very best at Church. I loved to sing Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam. Remember the words?

    "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam, to shine for Him each day. In every way try to please Him, at home, at school, at play. A Sunbeam! A Sunbeam! Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam. A Sunbeam!

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