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The Illumination of My Soul
The Illumination of My Soul
The Illumination of My Soul
Ebook63 pages56 minutes

The Illumination of My Soul

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The Illumination of My Soul illustrates personal experiences with spirits, fiends, higher guides, spirituality and God. The basis of this book is to not only explain personal revelation but to hopefully give credence to those who have shared similar experiences.
Release dateDec 29, 2012
The Illumination of My Soul

M J Chapman

Michael J. Chapman, University of Coventry, UK.

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    The Illumination of My Soul - M J Chapman


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    © 2013 by M.J. Chapman. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 12/26/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-9912-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-9911-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012923550

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    The names in this book have been changed to protect the identity of its characters. However, this a true story, to the best of my knowledge.


    A special note of thanks


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10


    A special note of thanks

    To my beloved husband; even with your smart-ass ways, your support in all that I do has given me the strength to overcome any doubts I have. The feelings I hold for you are dear and I thank God for you every day.

    To my daughter; you gave me a voice and the courage to use it. When I first held you in my arms, I knew I was holding the best thing that ever was. You are my shining light and a true gift from Heaven.

    To my spiritual mother and friend; your inspiration and guidance have blessed me more than you can know. Without you, I could not have written this book.

    To my lifelong and best friend; where do I begin? You are my Thelma, my Lucy and my Cagney all rolled into one. We’ve been through so much together and I could not ever imagine my life without you.

    And to all my loved-ones passed; without any of you, I would not have a story to tell. I felt each and every one of you with me throughout the writing of this book, and I will keep you close to me every day.


    Today is a day for reflection; a day of hope and inspiration.

    I prayed and asked God to surround me with His love and His light; to send my highest guides to protect me and those who reside here. I asked for answers to my unyielding questions. And, the answers became clear.

    It is amazing how all the symbols reflected in my minds’ eye intertwined. But, more so the combination of symbols and messages that told a story.

    This is my story…

    Chapter 1

    January, 2006, Chris and I were married. I officially moved into his house and immediately started to make this our home. We did extensive renovation throughout the house but the living room was our first priority. There were many layers of wall paper beneath years and years of coats of paint. I was not about to add one more coat of paint to the already obtuse wall. I decided to tear down the wallpaper and start from scratch. As I removed the thick paper, I noticed that the walls were in disrepair. It quickly became apparent that we would have to tear the walls down.

    We discovered that the walls were constructed of many different materials. There were areas of drywall, cement, steel plates and plaster. The ceiling was wallpapered as well. We removed the wallpaper and unwittingly pulled chunks of whatever the material was out of the ceiling. Needless to say, it was a mess. What had we done? This was going to be one huge undertaking.

    The attached dining room at one time had been the kitchen with a pipe stove that vented through the chimney. We did not know this until we yanked the ugly paneling off the hidden wall. There was an actual pie plate taped with duct tape over the hole in the chimney. It seemed like something out of a horror movie. God only knows what living creature was residing behind that enclosure.


    We easily spent six months dry-walling, mudding, sanding and painting. I had to mix fine sand with paint and turn the ceiling into a stucco-type style to hide all the imperfections. I was at the end of my rope with

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