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Soulspection: A Collection of Poetry
Soulspection: A Collection of Poetry
Soulspection: A Collection of Poetry
Ebook126 pages37 minutes

Soulspection: A Collection of Poetry

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In most cases, our hard times serve a purpose. The difficulties we live through help us aid others as they suffer through similar circumstances. Soulspection is a collection of poems written by a woman who has been through much but gained even more. Here, she shares her emotions, her fears, and her failures.

Michelle Borel believes that creativity links us to the Creator. In her words, she rejoices over the power of being a woman. She talks about self-respect in Fool No More. In Free, she celebrates the power of baptism. Blinded by the Look tears away the faade of physical attraction to the beautiful soul within.

Writing in a variation of styles, Borel uses her words to paint pictures and evoke emotion. She whispers to her readers, telling them they are not alone in their pain. To live this life to the fullest, time must be spent on introspection and retrospectiondown to the very depths of your soul.

Release dateSep 7, 2016
Soulspection: A Collection of Poetry

Michelle Borel

Michelle Borel started writing at the age of eight. Her poetry has appeared in international publications. She is also a sought after on-air personality in the Caribbean. She passionately expresses that to date her greatest accomplishments are and will forever be her three wonderful children - Elijah, Chaydaa and Faith.

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    Soulspection - Michelle Borel

    Copyright © 2016 Michelle Borel.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-3558-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-3560-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-3559-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014909475

    iUniverse rev. date:   07/28/2016










    This book is dedicated to my family

    Especially my wonderful children

    Elijah Omarie, Cheydaa Emily and Faith Elizabeth

    I love you all beyond words


    Bless you!


    I believe in life when we laugh, cry, rise, fall and rise again it is in vain, if we do not share our stories with those who come into our life. There is something that we can learn from everyone. I do hope that these pieces I have compiled over these years are able to speak to you positively. My thought is that creativity links us with our Creator. That being the case, don’t bury your talents, as the best way to say thank you for the gifts you have received is to use them.

    This book is not only a way of sharing with you, but also it is my way of utilizing the talents I have been blessed with and saying – Thank you!

    Not everything I write about I have experienced firsthand. There are some stories that either friends or family have shared with me or I may have observed and chose to write about it, as it may give someone comfort, healing, hope or understanding.

    I didn’t want to focus on one topic for this book, because I believe poetry is a form of expression and I had a lot to let out. Together with that, I wanted it to be a book for all occasions and various emotions. A book that you can grow with, move with, learn with and cry with; Maybe even enjoy with someone else at your side.

    I am truly grateful for the time you will be taking to read this!


    I Am


    I’m not a raffle so with me there are no chances.

    I’m a woman, no longer a girl given to glances.

    My mind is focused, it no longer dances

    and I clearly articulate what my stance is.

    I’m not a taxi so with

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