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Future Memories of Trains: Poems of My Life
Future Memories of Trains: Poems of My Life
Future Memories of Trains: Poems of My Life
Ebook144 pages1 hour

Future Memories of Trains: Poems of My Life

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A wonderful English teacher inspired a love of poetry in Mr. Lockett during his senior year in high school. Future Memories of Trains is a collection of poems written by Mr. Lockett during the intense and tumultuous process of racial integration in America. Being the speck of pepper in these elite bowls of sugar -- elite independent schools -- Mr. Locketts poetry explores the precarious nature of inter-racial relationships and the power of love in the midst of extraordinary American social change.
Release dateAug 12, 2013
Future Memories of Trains: Poems of My Life

Michael G. Lockett

MICHAEL G. LOCKETT has been a teacher of history and science in the most competitive independent schools in the New York City area for nearly forty years. He grew up in working-class Cleveland, Ohio. As a young African-American, he experienced the turmoil of the 1960s first hand as part of a group of black students who occupied Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall in 1968. After that experience he dedicated his life to understanding the nature and persistence of America’s tenacious adherence to racialism.

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    Future Memories of Trains - Michael G. Lockett

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    © 2013 by Michael G. Lockett. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 11/13/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-7866-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-7869-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013913045

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    The Breakers

    The Hollow And The Center

    For I Am The Naked Ape

    July 4, 1972

    Six Pm To Four Am

    Who Is This One

    Capture The Moon

    The Departure

    To Drink Of The Wine

    Sixth Floor Window In The Bronx

    Time Prism

    Love Songs

    Night Air Of November

    A Rainy Day In Salem

    October In New York

    Between Here And There

    Journey To The Center Of All Things

    Rambles On A Rope

    The Cat

    The Census Bureau

    The Personals


    Little Boat

    Father’s Day Poem

    North Country Snowman

    The Skys Of My Mind

    What Can I Do

    The Ring


    2 Me


    A Day In The Life

    Urban Shakti:

    4 Line Poems

    Wryters Bloc (1996)

    The Other Side

    Call Your Mother

    Space Girl


    The Road Taken


    That Tune

    Tied To The Mast

    Future Memories Of Trains

    Suburban Shakti



    Dedicated to my goddaughter Bo Tan,

    and to the daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmas…

    to all the women in this changing world,



    Once upon a time in a segregated America, two high school sweethearts, each from difficult home situations, made the decision to elope and secretly marry while in college. Less than two years later the marriage had fallen apart in a most chaotic manner. Both the young woman and the young man pulled themselves together, finished college, and separately went on to have highly successful careers as educators in a racialized America, in an America that fiercely resisted the concept of true integration and gender equality.

    Though I cannot speak for the woman, the man never fully recovered from their dissolution.

    The poems in this little book represent my attempt to understand and communicate across the great gender and racial schisms that separated, and still separate, post 1960s America. I do not consider myself a poet, but I treasure the poetic human being. On occasion, I have become one with the balance of that state of being.

    I ask the reader to begin at the end, with the Shakti quartet of poems. In these poems I feel something special was captured. Then I ask the reader to go back to the beginning, and witness my struggle toward a kind of enlightenment. Not all of those attempts to communicate fully succeed. But each set of words is true to the emotions of loss, anger, pain, redemption or joy that shaped that moment. These experiences connect us all, if there is compassion, if there is love.

    Michael G. Lockett


    Michael G. Lockett 7/71

    (For Cheryl)

    Ebbing and fading

    The whims and dreams of mankind

    Are too often washed away.

    And of that dream I sing a song to no one;

    A wasted dream, a fallen tree

    That makes no sound.

    Glory unto women,

    Stoic pain, depth in soul…

    Abuses, frustrations

    Sensations, sensations

    Say glory unto women.

    Glory unto men,

    Quietly questing, silently striving…

    Ruses, irritations

    Sensations, sensations

    Say glory unto men.

    Ocean and shore

    In harmony as one.

    Water shall touch land

    Under the expanding heavens.

    Water shall sooth the land

    With rippling fingers, melancholy currents

    With pulsing waves, rising tides

    With storms of passion, clashing frictions

    One with the other.

    Yet it is said

    Land does surround the water,

    In perfect harmony, the one upon the other,

    Holding water firm, gentle.

    One could not be not exist and be separate with life

    And be ripe for its own self

    Without the grappling presence of the other.

    Groan the breakers, in the open struggle.

    Pushing, pounding, rising, falling, coming, going

    For all too see, natural as the sun.


    Michael G. Lockett 11/71

    It scares, it terrifies, that first step

    Toward soul’s coupling pain.

    Protect the Center!

    For what is kept from a heart

    That feels no pain?

    The perpetual flow of the Hollow;

    They protect the Center.

    A shadow through the prism

    Will no longer blind me;

    As I attack, the Hollow will melt,

    The Center shall crumble

    And a new world can take seed.

    The only promise is of life

    And the passage of time.

    A rose shall bloom from the strife

    Of our consummate crime.

    But empty words of those before

    Haunt the image.

    I scream, I groan

    From the dead, like Lazarus,

    The Center is reborn.

    No… No… no no!

    The Hollow reigns, the Center thrives.


    Michael G. Lockett 3/72

    Black and hurting for a dream

    Naked before my desires

    Stripped before a love of life

    Come to me in a night’s demand

    Feel the self of me

    Within the self of you

    Hold me inside your life-bringing fold

    As I bring you a future to hold

    For now and years together

    Woman, hold that ape

    Coming large within your sound

    Pulsing life, soothing eruptions inside you

    Fears were left at the gate

    Screams bring the so-soft kiss

    In love as we create worlds.

    Such dreams of Apes

    Phallic frolic in the minds of the weak

    Naked minds must first be one

    Naked love never undone.

    Rest now until it is time

    Patience - a virtue of the mind

    So I will

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