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Real Secrets of Life!: Divine Guidance and Higher Spiritual Techniques for the Next Century
Real Secrets of Life!: Divine Guidance and Higher Spiritual Techniques for the Next Century
Real Secrets of Life!: Divine Guidance and Higher Spiritual Techniques for the Next Century
Ebook200 pages2 hours

Real Secrets of Life!: Divine Guidance and Higher Spiritual Techniques for the Next Century

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About this ebook

This book will reveal many Real Secrets of Life including:
Ancient health secrets for living disease free and remaining ever youthful
Values to live by
A guideline to imbibe Heavenly children into your life.
Divine Guidance from Enlightened Masters to the world!
Powerful Vaastu guidelines to uplift and protect yourself and your environment
The latest spiritual techniques gifted to humanity to include in your life and realise your divinity!
A Peace pledge for all World and Youth Leaders to commit to and lead by example for World Peace!
And much more!

The author also shares his personal experiences to inspire you to transform your life and to unite all of mankind.

Readers will also receive a free pdf of Ayurvedic remedies for more than 50 common and chronic ailments given by world renowned Dr Pankaj Naram! remedies for more than 50 common and chronic ailments given by world renowned Dr Pankaj Naram!
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJan 9, 2014
Real Secrets of Life!: Divine Guidance and Higher Spiritual Techniques for the Next Century

Krishna Jagarnath

Krishna is, an ayurvedic student, self taught palmist, Om Healing Leader, and a youth motivational speaker. He has been guided to write this book by Mahavatar Babaji, Sathya Sai Baba and Swami Vishwananda and therefore he has had a burning desire to share these real secrets of life which has transformed his life: from hopeless to hopeful, from merely knowing that God is with him to actually having full conviction that God is with him always! From being unsure about his intuition to now being able to know and trust his inner voice. From being ill to being free of any illness or flu for the last 4 years! From merely praying to actually having many spiritual experiences! He believes that everyone deserves to live a healthy,happy, disease free life, to be guided to their life purpose and attain the highest spiritual state. He advised that this book will guide you to do so with logical examples to which you can relate. He also wishes to unite people spiritually rather than just religiously, and to encourage more intra and interfaith gatherings. He lives in the city of Durban, South Africa, is employed as an Assistant Financial Manager and has recently wed Krishnaveni.

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    Real Secrets of Life! - Krishna Jagarnath

    Copyright © 2013 Krishna Jagarnath.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-8683-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 02/26/2015




    Chapter 1 Basics On Spirituality

    Chapter 2 Values To Live By

    Chapter 3 Health Secrets – An Ayurvedic Lifestyle

    Chapter 4 My Belief System And Life Experiences Thus Far

    Chapter 5 Our Aura & Other Healing Modalities

    Chapter 6 Relationships And Parenting The Next Generation!

    Chapter 7 Higher Spiritual Techniques To Include In Your Life

    Chapter 8 Messages From A Living Master, Babaji And Lord Shiva

    Chapter 9 Compound Effect & Vision

    The Peace Pledge

    Vision Of The Future



    About The Author


    I have always had a burning desire to share, many of the things that I have learned in my life thus far, as, it has been very effective in my life, and are undoubtedly REAL SECRETS of life. The reason for this burning desire is that I always see so much of suffering in the world; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, however a lot of people suffer because they do not know any better! What also really pains me is to see so much of our youth go through life unguided, and being a motivational speaker as well, I realised that instead of just speaking at a few schools, it is time to share these life secrets with the youth and people throughout the world.

    After learning these Real Secrets of life, in respect of having excellent health, using mind power, and having spiritual experiences and so forth, I actually wished that I had the opportunity to be brought up being taught all these things! I wondered how effortless and blessed my life would have been! As a child I would have been, free of any illnesses, fully intuitive, excelling effortlessly at school with a great memory, super confident, and being able to help others at a much earlier age. I realised of course that I could not go back in time as everything happens for a reason, but I thought of the possibilities available for the future generations if they apply this! Surely everyone wants a life full of abundance, peace, happiness, spiritual guidance, free of illnesses and to be guided intuitively, and without a doubt every parent would want all of this for their kids! I knew then in my heart that I have to share this with everyone I can!

    The second reason for writing this book is to unite people of all faiths! There is some simple logic which everyone can relate to, which will encourage everyone to have a greater respect for other faiths and to start opening up their hearts!

    This book is different from most self-help books, because firstly it addresses the basics from which everything else in life can be explained, and it has almost everything that you would need to apply to each aspect of your life and see the transformation within and without! I started this book early 2012, and initially planned to complete it by October 2012, but there was divine reason that I did not, because much has happened since then which has strengthened my faith in the divine. During this time I also had a few dreams of meeting with some great world leaders, which was another sign for me to share this with the youth, my country, and everyone worldwide!

    There is much I wished to write and share, and when I started I got concerned as I did not want to just dump information on the readers but rather to have everyone share the experience, and immediately I was guided and told to just write from your heart

    I would like to highlight that all the work in the coming pages, are not my own, but rather from ALL the many people, teachers, mentors, and spiritual guides in my life. Therefore although it may be copyrighted as a standard procedure, It is a summary of many things I have learned over the last few years, and therefore isn’t my words, rather what I have been guided to share with you all in my own experience.

    Ultimately, any guidance or realisations that we have, comes from God, and it is our duty to share this with others in whatever way we can. It is with that being said that I offer my eternal Gratitude to the Divine, and all the divine beings, and mentors, known, and unbeknown to me and most importantly my spiritual teachers Premavatar (Incarnation of Love) Sri Swami Vishwananda & one of his 11 disciples Swami Vishwachakradharananda. I pray to be used as an instrument of the divine and to share whatever little I have learnt with as many people as possible.

    For many people around the world that are Sai devotees, they would be interested to know that although I was never a Sai devotee, Baba also appeared in my dream in 2012 and guided me to write this book, as it was time I am therefore grateful to Baba as well, as I know he has also guided me in writing this book.

    Taashnee David, and Pam Singh for assisting with proof reading at odd hours! I look forward to any advice and suggestions to improve future editions of the book.


    At the outset, I am convinced that, and will assure you, that if all the guidelines in this book are followed fully, you will see a tremendous change in many aspects of your life within 1-2 months! Why? Well there are many self help books in the world, some on, Health, Alternative Healing, Spirituality, positive thinking and so on; however this book incorporates many secrets, and some that have not yet been revealed to the world, that will transform your life! There is much more that I would love to share as well and in much more detail especially regarding my spiritual experiences with my teachers, but for now I am sure this will greatly suffice!

    This book will reveal secrets on:

    Basic Truths on life – Truths which form the basis on which everything can be explained

    Ancient Health secrets – How to live disease free by changing your lifestyle and food intake, and get to the root cause of the problem with minimal cost to your pocket!

    Pranic Healing, Palmistry & Vastu Shaastra – Heal yourself, develop your intuition, improve and protect the vibration of your surroundings and learn the mudra for this century!

    Spirituality – The latest mystical and powerful spiritual techniques gifted to the world by Babaji to burn enormous amounts of karma and help us evolve our soul and have a spiritual experience

    Guidance for parents – How to attract divine children and develop great qualities to imbibe in them

    Messages from Babaji to you! - The Greatest Himalayan yogi well known through the book Autobiography of a Yogi

    Questions and Answers with an Enlightened Master – Always worth the read

    A recent message from Lord Shiva to the world – To encourage and give hope to all!

    This book is for each and every person in the world, especially all our world leaders and youth leaders. We all need to set the example of living a healthy, spiritual, and righteous life, thereby being the change we wish to see in the world.

    "You may be 38 years old as I happen to be and one day some great opportunity stands before you and calls you to stand up for some great issue, some great cause, and you refuse to do it because you are afraid. You refuse to do it because you want to live longer. You’re afraid that you will lose your job, or you are afraid that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity or you’re afraid that somebody will stab you or shoot at you or bomb your house; so you refuse to take the stand. Well you may go on and live until you are 90 but you’re just as dead at 38 as you would be at 90 and the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death in spirit!" - Martin Luther King

    It is time for the world to stand up and unite spiritually and to spread the message of Love! It is time for all you divine souls to realise the purpose of your incarnation on Earth! Applying the principles herein will help you in ushering the golden age within yourself which will then manifest in the external world! The world is transforming at a rapid pace, and everything that needs to happen will happen! The only question is whether YOU would like to be a part of this change! Can I get a YESSSSS!?


    Basics on spirituality

    I am aware that spirituality has become a very common topic, and therefore I will put some practical examples to simplify some of the truths that follow. I choose to focus on practical examples and logic, rather than focus on any religion as people have misinterpreted and misunderstood the true meaning of religion. In addition to this, in order to understand further concepts in the following chapters, a basic understanding of who we are is necessary.

    In spirituality there are five basic truths of life. If we are aware and open to understanding them, then it will aid us in opening up our heart, loving unconditionally, and increasing the quality of our spiritual practice, whichever faith we choose. Whether we believe in these truths or not, they exist and affect us. For example if we don’t believe in the Law of Gravity, and we decide to jump off a building, unless your name is Superman, you will still fall!

    These truths are: God, Soul, material nature (the entire creation), Time, and karma (activity).


    Who is God, That supreme being both form and formless, called by many names by all the different faiths, or by some who call it Energy The divine is all pervading which means that the divine resides within every atom! Therefore the only reality of this world is the God! Therefore this means that the divine also resides within us isn’t it? Well what proof do we have of this? Well the very same thing that people call Intuition, or Instinct in animals, is simply the divine guiding a person, hence when we do not trust this divine guidance (even though it may not seem logical) we tend to get upset with ourselves and say I should have just trusted my gut feeling! God is within the smallest particle, yet the largest things are within the divine, this is the inconceivable power of God.

    God is LOVE, and as described in many scriptures including the bible and many ancient texts that God is Omnipresent (present everywhere/all pervading), Omniscient (All knowing), and Omnipotent (Most powerful). One may Call God different names such as Jehovah, Rama, Krishna, Allah, Jesus, Father, the Divine, and so forth. This however is not what matters most to the Divine, even if one believes God to have a

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