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They Really Happened: Volume 2
They Really Happened: Volume 2
They Really Happened: Volume 2
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They Really Happened: Volume 2

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As the title suggests, the stories in this book are incidents that actually happened in the lives of people. The stories fall into different categories such as unexplained phenomenon, bizarre happenings, spiritual, horror, mystery, going beyond human limit, and a host of others. All these incidents have reason or reasons as to why they happened and embedded in these true incidents are values and as such, these experiences must be told and shared with people of all ages, backgrounds and from different countries, which will go towards helping them in all spheres of life. The stories, written without tempering or changing facts to get readers attention, are all written with a different style where a lot of focus is given to plot, which unfolds gradually but quickly. The vocabulary used is simple, which facilitates understanding and uninterrupted reading and the sentences used are a combination of simple, compound, and complex sentences, which renders reading of this book pleasurable. If the intention is to find an interesting source to read or utilize leisure time beneficially, or improve English Language proficiency, then this book is a 'must-buy.'
Release dateOct 7, 2013
They Really Happened: Volume 2

Thilagaraj Kandiah Muniandy

Thilagaraj Kandiah Muniandy is a trained English teacher. He has a certificate in TESL, Bachelor of Education (TESL), and Master of Arts (Linguistics and English Language Studies) He has taught English subjects and courses at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels since 1976. He wrote this book with the hope that it would inspire, motivate, educate, and help somebody in some part of the world.

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    They Really Happened - Thilagaraj Kandiah Muniandy

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    To my father, the late Mr. S. Kandiah Muniandy

    Hoping your thirst for education is quenched a little.


    A Bed for Angry Grandma

    Dreams, Astral Travel, and Child’s Play

    Joy Villa

    Lesson from the Unknown

    Life Is a Series of Ironies

    Making a Difference

    Not Solely Responsible

    Refusing a Tempting Offer

    The Stage Play That Does Not End

    Time Tells


    H i Before I go any further, I would sincerely like to thank all who took time to read They Really Happened and I also sincerely hope you enjoyed reading it. If the book was helpful, then I would like to thank the Almighty for giving me the opportunity to help.

    This book is suitable for readers from all age groups as such book can be read by all members of a family, thus making it a family book. A book of this nature, when read by all members of a family, has the ability and is bound to remind some members of their own experiences and instill in them a dire need to share them, thus paving the way for healthy family and interfamily discussions and interactions. This is one of the intentions of They Really Happened.

    There may be a myth and misconception prevailing among the literate that to write a book, the vocabulary used must be words not usually used in general English, meaning to say that the words must be difficult words. This is not so. What is important when writing a text is to use vocabulary that can be easily understood by the intended audience and that there is grammatical accuracy, and when They Really Happened was written, special care was given to ensure words used were words used in daily life and can easily transfer meaning, and priority was also given for the use of appropriate grammar. The idea here is to encourage those who can and wish to write to start doing so and contribute to the world of literacy, and this is another intention of They Really Happened.

    They Really Happened: Volume 2 mirrors the first volume, and it is sincerely hoped that new family discussions take place and new writers emerge after reading it.


    I would like to thank those who willingly and generously contributed their experiences for They Really Happened: Volume 1 and also They Really Happened: Volume 2 .


    A ll names used in all the stories in the first volume and this volume are fictitious at the request of the contributors of the stories as they wish their identity to remain anonymous. All the stories did take place in Malaysia, but their exact location is also not revealed at the request of the contributors. However, being true, some readers may want the identity and place to be revealed to verify the authenticity, reliability, and validity of the stories. In such cases, the author can be contacted with the help of the publisher and what is needed will be done.

    A Bed for Angry Grandma

    A bout twelve years ago, a hospital was built in a small town in the southern part of Malaysia. The hospital was built with the necessary wards and fitted with all the equipments needed to meet the health requirements of the people who lived in that town and also on the outskirts of the town. When building of the hospital was completed, it was officially opened for use, and it functioned like any other hospital. It was not necessary for people living in the town and on the outskirts to travel far for specialized treatments as they were available in the hospital in their town.

    One night, two years after the hospital was built, the nurses on duty in the adult female ward had a nasty shock. It was late at night, and they were going about doing their duties when they saw one of their colleagues, Kamariah, standing and looking at one particular bed. Some of her colleagues approached her and touched her shoulders, wanting to know what the matter was. She immediately responded to their touch by turning into the direction of one of them and placing her index finger on her lips, indicated them to be silent, and a short while later, she walked to the nurses’ station. The other nurses remained silent and followed her.

    Once all of them were at the nurses’ station, which was about ten meters from the bed, Kamariah told the others that there was a spirit squatting in front of the bed. A few nurses were on the verge of screaming, but she quickly brought her index finger to her lips again, and those who were about to scream contained it by closing their mouths with both their hands. Kamariah told them that she has the ability to see ghosts and evil spirits, and she continued to tell that the spirit squatting in front of the bed was the spirit of an old woman who looked very angry and was constantly moving her head in all directions.

    Kamariah was asked by the other nurses to observe the spirit continuously and tell them of its actions and movements, and some of the nurses took care of Kamariah’s nursing duties. Kamariah kept watch, and until dawn, the spirit did not do anything else except to shake its head, and a little while after the break of dawn, the spirit disappeared.

    The sun rose, and the nurses for the morning shift reported for duty, and they were informed of the spirit by the nurses who had just completed the night shift. Two of the nurses scheduled to work in the morning told that they too could see evil spirits, and all the nurses doing the morning shift waited till night to get news about the spirit from the two nurses who could see spirits, and sometime after dusk, the spirit appeared. The two nurses saw the spirit, and they too told what was told by Kamariah.

    It was now almost a week, and the spirit continued with its appearing and disappearing act, and this news spread to almost all the staff in the hospital. The staff came to the ward, and those who could see evil spirits saw the spirit, and those who could not were told what was seen by the nurses who could see. There was consistency in what was told about the evil spirit by those who could see evil spirits.

    One morning, one of the nurses noticed that the bed, which was not used by any patient, was ruffled as though somebody had slept in it. The nurse told this to the other nurses, and they decided to check the bed every morning for a few days. So that night, the bed was set properly, and in the morning, it was ruffled. They suspected the spirit was using the bed. This went on for a few days, and the nurses decided to let the spirit have it its way. What was surprising was that the nurses who could see spirits were not able to see the spirit sleeping on it.

    One day a new patient was admitted, and that bed was given to the patient, and when the spirit appeared, Kamariah noticed that the spirit squatted in its usual position and did its usual head movements. The nurses were worried that the spirit might disturb the patient in the later part of the night, but it never did.

    On another day there was a need to shift the bed, and when the bed was shifted, the spirit walked and squatted in front of the bed and did the head movements. When the bed was brought back to its original position, the spirit walked back to the bed and did its activities.

    This was going on for almost ten years, and since the spirit did not trouble anybody, the nurses in the ward did not do anything about the spirit.

    Recently the hospital experienced some disturbances. It was late at night, and all the babies in the maternity ward were sleeping soundly. Suddenly, for no reason, all of them started to cry at the same time, and one of the patients in the pediatric ward, a three-year-old boy, woke up. When he woke up, he saw a tall white figure with long black hair walking toward the exit of the ward. The boy woke his mother, who was allowed by hospital authorities to stay with the boy, and pointed at the figure. His mother saw the figure, and she quickly woke the mother of another patient, and she too saw the figure.

    The figure left the pediatric ward and went into the isolation room. On that particular day, only one patient—a small boy—was admitted, and his mother was staying with him after being permitted by the hospital authorities. The figure went into the room and approached the patient’s mother, who was sleeping. It knocked on her head a few times, and she woke up. When she woke up, she did not see the figure but saw a lock of long black hair suspended in midair. The patient’s mother screamed and ran to the nurses’ station and told them, and one of the nurses ran to the hospital sister’s room and informed her. The sister, whose name is Siti, went with the patient’s mother and a few nurses to check, but the black hair was not there.

    The patient’s mother refused to stay in the room with her son, and Siti informed her that she would telephone the boy’s father to come to the hospital and stay with them. After stating this, she called the boy’s father and, after explaining what had taken place, asked him to come over to the hospital and stay with his wife and son. Immediately after doing this, she went to the guardhouse to inform the guard about the coming of the boy’s father and to permit him to enter the room. But when Siti went there, the guard was not there, and she decided to ask a few nurses to look for him. As she turned to go to the nurses’ station, she saw a white figure go pass her. She panicked and headed straight to her room to switch on her CD player to play the recital of holy verses. She opened the door to her room and was shocked to see a little girl with long black hair and looking in the opposite direction, sitting on the place used by Siti to pray. She screamed and knocked on the door of a ward nearby, and it was opened by one of the nurses on duty. She told her about seeing the white figure and the girl sitting in her room, and both of them went to take another look into Siti’s room. The girl was not there, but the sister still switched on her CD player.

    Just when Siti thought everything was over, the telephone in her room rang. She answered, and on the other end was the laboratory assistant whose voice clearly suggested that she was in extreme fear. The laboratory assistant said that the blood-analyzing machine was shaking violently and blood samples from the test tubes placed in the machine

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