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The Real Origin of Man: We Didn't Evolve from Apes, We Entered as Spirits.
The Real Origin of Man: We Didn't Evolve from Apes, We Entered as Spirits.
The Real Origin of Man: We Didn't Evolve from Apes, We Entered as Spirits.
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The Real Origin of Man: We Didn't Evolve from Apes, We Entered as Spirits.

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The Real Origin of Man shows how all "legends and myths" tell the real story of Mans beginnings. The Bible, Sumerian Texts, Hopi Indians and Edgar Cayce all claim we were formed by a spirit race. The Bible codes much of the information but the author shows the proper translation of Biblical stories and how they verify Mans beginnings.

The book also covers Atlantis and their advanced culture ( much like ours today ) and how the survivors of the Great (Noahs) Flood escaped to Egypt and created the Pyramids and an advanced society. From there it covers the hidden life of Jesus ( ages 12 to 30 ) and names his teachers and subjects studied.

The book explores the Freemasons and their "secret society" that still rules the world today!! Finally, the book explains how World War Two was actually a battle between Atlantean bloodlines. Packed with information, you will be able to delve into all of these areas and much more that is covered in this book. Forget what you learned in school, you are about to read the Real Origin of Man and who really runs the world today.

Release dateMay 31, 2013
The Real Origin of Man: We Didn't Evolve from Apes, We Entered as Spirits.

Gary Thomas

Gary Thomas's writing and speaking draw people closer to Christ and closer to others. He is the author of twenty books that together have sold more than two million copies and have been translated into more than a dozen languages. These books include Sacred Marriage, Cherish, Married Sex, and the Gold Medallion-award winning Authentic Faith. Gary holds a bachelor's degree in English Literature from Western Washington University, a master's degree in systematic theology from Regent College (Vancouver, BC), and an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Western Seminary (Portland, OR). He serves as a teaching pastor at Cherry Hills Community Church in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Enjoyed book ,makes some sense ,I was very intrigued by the book some interesting things in it


  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    And the truth will set you free... A must read.

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The Real Origin of Man - Gary Thomas

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ISBN: 978-1-4759-9253-3 (sc)

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One hundred and fifty years ago the theory I am about to tell would have seemed impossible. Today it is not only possible but probable. This story explains how we came into this earth as spirits as opposed to having evolved from apes. Interestingly, our current civilization is the only one ever to claim we come from apes. Virtually all other stories (usually called myths or legends) claim we were formed by a spirit race. In fact, the stories from the Sumerians, The Bible, and Edgar Cayce all say we were cloned by the Spirit Race. This book also delves into the idea that these spirits are still with us and shows how right up until World War 2 the good and bad spirits were still battling it out for supremacy. As I theorize, the events after the war show these spirits still want to control and run the earth. I will name the groups and individuals who are involved in this secret society.

The myths also all mention atomic bombs, space ships, airplanes and advanced technology that existed in our pre-history. Can all of these stories from different sources be wrong? And is it not possible that the technology we have today existed once before and we are basically re-living our past and trying to get it right this time? Also, all of these myths not only claim we came from the Orion galaxy or nearby galaxies, but all of these civilizations built pyramids; or even cities; that mimiced the layout of the Orion belt. Why would they do this?

I will talk about the Orion belt and all of these claims later as we discuss the various stories from the sources I use but when it comes to myths and legends, think about this. The first dinosaur bones were not discovered and recognized until 1841 and the first dinosaur bones in the USA were not discovered until 1858. Up until then, the idea that some animals weighed 20 to 80 tons was thought to be preposterous, if not an outright sign of insanity. Of course, today anyone denying the existence of dinosaurs would be thought to be crazy. That shows how history can change; and change dramatically; with one discovery.

As we develop scientifically, its interesting to note these so called myths become more realistic with each new discovery. As we delve into the story, we will also see how the Bible changed the story and coded certain aspects of the Sumerian Texts to hide the real story of Man. I hope those who believe the Bible will still read what I have to say and really think about what it says in The Bible. I am not prejudiced against anyone; believe in God; and am just presenting facts I have read and studied over the last 35 years. So first, lets have a look at how far and fast we have come in the last 150 years.

Lets say a family from the early 1800s was transported to current day America or most civilized countries. Look at what they would witness:

Cars, boats, trains, airplanes, computers, space ships, electricity, nuclear power, cloning, even the God Particle (Higgs Boson). They could watch TV and see a tape of man landing on the moon. Even though we looked like them, would they think we were some kind of gods? How could man come up with all these inventions in such a short time? Is it possible; as Edgar Cayce says; that many of us currently alive are reincarnations of spirits from Atlantis? And are the people; or spirits; of Atlantis the gods the Greeks and Romans speak of in their writings? There are thousands of unanswered questions about our beginnings and I will delve into some of them and see if we cannot come up with some answers. I suggest googling some of the information I present in order to advance your own knowledge about our mysterious beginnings as Man. It is a fascinating study as you will see.

Now imagine what we may invent in the next 150 years. Of course, we have to avoid destroying ourselves, which with modern technology is what could easily happen. So why would this scenario not be possible in our distant past? It not only is possible, it did happen and the various stories from the Sumerian texts, Edgar Cayce, the Hopi Indians and The Bible tells us exactly what did happen many centuries ago.

Let me quickly give a run through of who each of the above were. (I will go over the Hopi Indians in the discussion on their stories.)



According to historians, the Sumerians seemed to appear from nowhere about 3,500 BC. Nobody is quite sure where they came from or where they got the advanced knowledge they had. By 2,200 BC they had disappeared.

Considered the first civilization that left writings we can decipher and that have lasted, they wrote on clay tablets using reed styli. They wrote in a cuniform style using symbols instead of letters. For this reason, many of their writings can be deciphered in two or more ways. We will see how this impacted those who wrote The Bible. Make no mistake, The Bible is mainly taken from the Sumerian texts and later, from Gnostic Gospels. Once you see the similarity between Genesis in the Bible and the Sumerian texts, it will become apparent where the story of Adam and Eve and all the early Bible stories came from. I will also show how the Bible mentions aircraft, atomic bombs and other modern inventions that both the Sumerians and Edgar Cayce attribute to the Atlanteans or Anunnaki.

Much of the information on the Sumerian texts comes from a scholar named Zecharia Sitchin, who deciphered the Sumerian texts.

I believe the Sumerians actually were the direct descendants of the Egyptians, who in turn were taught; and lead; by the Atlanteans around 10,500 BC. I will go into much

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