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Scenes the Writer Shows: {Forty-One Places a Poem Can Go}
Scenes the Writer Shows: {Forty-One Places a Poem Can Go}
Scenes the Writer Shows: {Forty-One Places a Poem Can Go}
Ebook94 pages31 minutes

Scenes the Writer Shows: {Forty-One Places a Poem Can Go}

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About this ebook

Scenes the Writer Shows {forty-one places a poem can go} is a collection of poems from travels and experiences. They describe situations and moments in life (mine or someone elses) that were either positive or negative. A few poems deal with teenage angst and issues of personal experience either in my own or someone elses life. The Hustler, for example, loosely mirrors my life and experience as a disabled person. It is a montage of my years living in Downtown Minneapolis, riding public transit and adapting to urban life. Word-play, meter and music used often to create images that will draw the reader into the poem. For example, in Waxing on Flames, I tried to create the image of a bonfire by a river with young scouts growing up as flames nurture them along:

We were young and at the mercy
of our means and we flung ourselves
Down upon the flames for what
we knew felt right; I bridled from
Those heated pains that boiled
and tested me; and knelt down to
Pray upon the iron grate while
Moonlight splintered trees to shake
Ripe, fierce winds Id learned to hate;

My poems travel to England, to Scotland and Wales. They go to the Mid-east and to Norway. They go from my home in Minneapolis to New York and Tennessee.
Release dateApr 29, 2013
Scenes the Writer Shows: {Forty-One Places a Poem Can Go}

MB Moshe

Scenes the Writer Shows goes on journeys with the author. MB Moshe (Michael P Amram) attempts to bring the exact experience to the reader. Mr. Amram relates his own experiences in this book of forty-one poems. All share a common bond of location. Either real or embellished by his own imagination, each of Amram's poems creates a sense of tangibility for the reader. Mr. Amram acquired a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Minnesota–Duluth in 1989. Since then he has been writing fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. His fiction often draws from personal experiences. Many of these have been published in small, online publications. In 2006 the Loft Press published his book Would God Move a Ping-Pong Table? A cumulative Analysis of Faith and Religion. In January of 2013, he published The Orthodoxy of Arrogance with Trafford. He and his wife live near Minneapolis. They enjoy biking through the many trails in Hennepin County. He is an avid blogger and posts new writing daily. His blog is viewed by an international audience. Mr. Amram regularly attends the Loft Literary Center. He participates in a writers group known as "Open Voices." The Loft is the subject of the poem "Boondoggle Sounds."

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    Scenes the Writer Shows - MB Moshe

    © Copyright 2013 MB Moshe.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    ISBN: 978-1-4669-8766-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4669-8765-4 (e)

    Trafford rev. 11/03/2015


    North America & international

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    Centerfield Troubadours

    Salvation for Burns

    The Hustler

    Dog-eared Pants Bit Her

    If Gallows Spoke

    Her Manipulation

    Waxing on our Flames

    Counting on Benches

    Arawak Pastels

    Her Ship’s Lull-a-bye

    Virtual Tourists

    Deck Party

    A Faint Trace of Wonder

    Burning Rocks

    Civil Servants

    77’s Nights

    Halcion Days

    A White Board had my Number

    Dickensian Sublimations

    Humility’s Clown

    Walkin’ with Pathos

    I Hid my Legs in the Sand.

    Last Night’s Refrains

    Boondoggle Sounds

    Lüneburger Heide

    Birds of Prey

    Valhalla’s Eyes

    Past the Sage

    Ramona’s Contriteness

    Ramparts They Watched

    Random Acts

    Somewhere Earth Ends

    March Eighteenth

    Tel Aviv


    A Termite’s Mantra

    Favorite Sons

    We Saw Wales at Bay

    The Best Farthings Spent

    Lothario Disillusioned

    Trickling Down Mason


    About the Author

    Dedicated to the richness and wonder of

    The places I’ve been; to all the visions,

    Sounds and textures life has provided me.

    Centerfield Troubadours

    We went with a purpose, to get logistics;

    To apprise ourselves with cameras and

    Eyes and spaces labeled Twin’s territory.

    We reached for the walls that

    Surround baseball’s mystic’s sons.

    We would approach our grail soon;

    Gate # 29 a conductor claimed.

    A drunk waiting for his train to

    St. Cloud asked us where he’d find a coke

    To sip for beer and wait in vain;

    We walked through tunnels

    Sound shuttles sparsely for weekend cars

    Though the shadows of downtown

    Past Minnesota Twins fans’

    Cozy restaurants and bars.

    Like moles we emerge from

    Target field’s thoroughfare blinking;

    In Minneapolis’s hidden skyline

    As buildings scatter their shards

    of sun for next week’s game.

    We repealed the light-the sun;

    The buildings’ heat from descending

    night—Target’s bronze statues

    Stood brown and tanned like

    They were real—Harmon and Kirby

    Under Cal Griffith’s glowing

    Grin a giant baseball glove

    Held us ’til it felt they’d win; while the

    Ends of the venue told us what

    we’d be wiser for knowing.

    Salvation for Burns


    The bus shelter knew its place;

    Its times, its sounds that gave

    Excelsior Boulevard a

    Bolder face that welcomed us

    As summer burned its heat

    Slowly through its awning’s shadows

    that eclipsed me.


    I’d listen to exhaust

    For fumes I thought might someday be

    Strewn across pavement burned with

    Acetylene siren

    Sounds permeating truths I

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