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The Silver Cup: A New Consciousness
The Silver Cup: A New Consciousness
The Silver Cup: A New Consciousness
Ebook340 pages5 hours

The Silver Cup: A New Consciousness

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Book is written to interact in a personal way with your consciousness. It takes you on a journey from the higher self to the mental plane of imagination. The mental plane of imagination serves to expand our awareness and to program our consciousness with truer and higher thought forms that manifest as realities. All readers are endowed with the power to define reality. As a result, no two readers will experience this book the same way. It is the free will of each person that accepts or rejects thought forms as beliefs or intentions. The universe clearly places the responsibility of developing consciousness squarely on our shoulders. It is the expectation of those involved with this book, that you the reader are no longer the same person but a transformed one. A person that is more knowledgeable and awake to a life as a co creator, living and creating reality in the image of God.

The book unfolds in mini-chapters that will provide a varied dosage of topics on consciousness. Do not be in a rush to finish book, rather take the time necessary to reflect on its meaning for your life and development. The book does not have to be read from beginning to end. It really was not written in any particular order. The book is intended to speak directly to your soul. Topics were developed in the context of inspiration and with awareness information was captured. May your journey begin today as you walk the path towards expanding your consciousness.
Release dateMay 8, 2013
The Silver Cup: A New Consciousness

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    Book preview

    The Silver Cup - Joseph Munoz

    dedicated to

    Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith.

    Hebrews 12:2







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    © Copyright 2013 JOSEPH MUNOZ.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4669-7058-8 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012922546

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    Letter to Incredulous

    Part One: Prophecy and Revelation For New Heaven and Earth

    Part Two: Mysteries And Secrets of God Consciousness

    X Study’s X

    God is Not Boastful

    The Different Scales of Life

    Entanglement by Jesus

    Pseudo Experts

    Wave Collapse Applications

    The Inner War

    Mustard Seed Universe

    Soul Mate Love

    God’s Train is Coming For You

    Supply Outnumbers Need

    Edification of Spiritual Cities

    Increase Frequency

    The Physical Universe Lies Within Astral Universe

    Develop a Mentality of Eternity

    Experience Moments of Heaven on Earth

    Phases of Matter, Matters of Consciousness

    Quantum Brain

    Activate the Glory of God Within You

    Remedies in Information

    Finding Neutral in Polarities

    Illness an Accelerator

    How You Measure, You will be Measured the Same Way

    Rebuild Body with New Blueprint

    Die First, Then Live

    Universal and Infinite 8

    Wake-Up Twice Daily

    Consciousness Travels Ahead of Time

    Singing to Healing Portals

    Find Your Own Seer

    No Point Remains the Same

    Indefinite Fountains of Knowledge

    Imagination is More Important Than Knowledge —Sir Albert Einstein

    Power of God Thoughts

    Use Your Energy to Create and Destroy

    Heart to Heart Vortex

    Vibrate Higher, Manifest Better

    Create Your Own Multi-Dimensional Sacred Space

    Cloning Consciousness

    Download from the Super Computer

    Our Father, the Sun

    Consciousness Revolution

    Communicate Beyond Earth

    Goodness Cannot Be Destroyed

    Speaking the Universal Language of Consciousness

    Walk The Messiah

    Awaken The Sound Asleep

    Rebuke the Illusion, See God in All

    Your Homework Lies in the Chakras

    Does Mother Earth Feel Your Foot Print?

    Find Your Treasure Within

    Ego vs Higher Self

    Gravity is Consciousness

    Use Your Unlimited Consciousness to Travel

    Easier to Pass Through Eye of Needle

    Duality Consciousness vs Non-Duality Consciousness

    Your Lot on Earth

    God is Bliss

    Soul Incarnation

    The Holographic Germ Gives Structure to Your Organization

    The Real You Extends Beyond the Earth

    Allow Your Inner Self To Flow Up

    Christ Like Shape Shifting

    Unleash The Genie in Your Bottle

    The Sun in Vibration

    Creating Positive Vibes in Your Workspace

    Raising Your Children to have Higher Vibrations

    Vibrations of Healing

    Conditions for Angelic Visitations as Spiritual Ambassadors on Earth

    Responsibility for Broadening Truth

    Replace Your Old Receiver with a New Receiver

    Leave Doubt and Fear at the Door

    Time and Tragedy Your Allies

    Vibrations of Public Discourse

    Alchemy of Relationships

    Teachings on The Universe

    Angelic Song of New Light Age

    Appendix A: Mantras to Raise Vibrations

    Appendix B: Consciousness Model

    Appendix C: Black Hole Consciousness

    Appendix D: Entanglement of Consciousness

    Appendix E: Spiritual Scientist

    Appendix F: Thought Force

    Appendix G: No Idea Can Be Created Or Destroyed


    All Credit, Honor, and Glory go to God the source of Wisdom

    (Psalm 96:1-6)

    Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation

    day after day. Declare his glory among the nations,

    his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD

    made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before him;

    strength and glory are in his sanctuary.


    I BEGAN MY SPIRITUAL JOURNEY WHEN I got divorced back in 2008. I had hit rock bottom, my marriage was going nowhere and I fell into a depression. On the outside my marriage was the perfect family, beautiful kids, nice job, and good wife. But on the inside major problems were brewing and then came the tipping point. My wife wanted out and my eight-year marriage came to an abrupt end as she left me for someone else. I was sad to see my three kids have to go through this, it was definitely not how I envisioned my marriage. I wanted the absolute very best for them and wanted them to grow up with a mom and dad. You see I never really had a mom or dad I was raised by my grandmother.

    Needless to say, I now found myself coming home to an empty house. It was the hardest thing to come home and not have your kids jumping on your back and crawling around your legs. Many a time I cried to God saying Why me, why me, why did I have to lose my family? I heard no answer from God, it was just silence. I was alone with no family and the church I belonged to was not supportive at all. I got pigeonholed and felt unwelcomed. For a while I thought, I must be a really bad person. I had to quickly snap out of self-apathy, as it would not get me too far. I began turning inwards seeking answers.

    The change in circumstances left me with more time on my hands. As a result, I turned into a voracious reader of self-help books and websites. Little by little, I describe myself as waking up. I did not know who I was, what I was looking for or where I was heading. Prior to this, I was so focused on my kids and working for the family that I lost my identity. I was not aware any gifts God had given me, much less knew how to use them. I began to peel back layers beyond the superficial to get to the bottom of things. I had to hit rock bottom first and die a symbolical death before creating a new me.

    In 2010, I followed my gut and quit my job in Arizona. I moved back to Texas and began working at the local college as an advisor. In my spare time, I continued to work on improving self-perception and further explored my spirituality. I felt myself slowly but surely getting closer to God. I was not part of any church at the moment but I just felt a connection with him so strongly that I changed my behavior and reactions to please God. I would tell myself I will not respond negatively to negativity. I also began to talk to God more and more not just when I needed him but now it was turning into daily chats. I was aware that the words I use and the thoughts I have do make a big impact in my life; it can be used to glorify God and create the reality I seek. The best thing was to realize this on my own with no pastor, no sermon, and no church. It was the start of me surrendering to God completely!

    As I began opening my heart to God, unsolicited letters started arriving by mail from a church. This began roughly around January of 2012. From that point on, I would get letters every two weeks that provided me personalized instruction on spiritual matters. Initially, I was skeptical of the information, but little by little I began to see how the letters surprisingly arrived at moments when I needed them the most. I thought I had faith in God, but it was not until I received the letters that I can say I learned what faith was. The letters required that I follow certain directions and I needed to respond in a timely manner. The letters began to refresh me and speak to me on events and trials I was going through at the very moment. I told myself, How can this be this is impossible! The Holy Spirit was working in my life!

    Then in May 2012, I received a letter that among other things mentioned, "The power is in your hands." I prayed to God to give me additional insight into what this meant. I had worked all my life in an office, my hands look prettier than my mothers. I never in my life worked in construction or had to have a job that used my hands in some sort of skilled labor. I knew nothing else of what my hands could do, and then it dawned on me. I could write down many of the ideas that just seem to pop into my head randomly throughout the day. The ideas were not just any idea they were thoughts about many deep spiritual facets of God. I closed my eyes and prayed to God and asked if that was what he wanted me to do. Then I felt a strong tingling sensation run up and down my spine lasting for several minutes. That was enough of a response to reassure me that I was on the right track.

    Next day I purchased a notebook and a set of gel pens and began journaling. I was serious now and ready to write a book. I wasn’t sure about what, I only knew I had to write and trust in God to reveal the information. Throughout the day, ideas began to flow effortlessly into my consciousness filling me with awe and inspiration. I carried around a notebook everywhere I went because I was afraid of forgetting information if I didn’t write it down soon enough. The information received was so profound at times, that I would get overwhelmed. Later, I would set aside time to think through ideas until they were clear enough to further expand on paper. I could not write fast enough to keep up with the God thoughts popping into my head. Subsequently many of these main ideas came to form the mini-chapters and thus the backbone of the book took shape.

    At the time I began writing, I was in a long distance relationship with a girl who I fell in love with and viewed as my soul mate. I thought, This is it, I am marrying this woman. I called her and told her there is something really important I have to tell her. I made an effort to explain that I was being led by God to write a book. She said, Is this some type of joke? You are kidding me, you need to get your priorities straight! Wanting her support, unfortunately I got an earful from her. This seemed to further fan the flames as prior to this we had a major argument and she ended up postponing a trip to visit me.

    Things were now very shaky between us and our relationship was rapidly falling apart. I knew that my priorities were straight because for me it was first God then the rest. To compound matters, my girlfriend could not relate to Jesus she was Buddhist. So there was no reference to fall back on. How could I explain to her that I was receiving guidance by Jesus and others to write a book? I was on an island and heading in a different direction. Having no spiritual foundation in common, incompatibility began to show its ugly face. She withdrew and stopped responding to my texts and phone calls. Finally after a couple weeks, she told me she was seeing someone else and clearly expressed that I not contact her anymore. Once again I was devastated, I thought I had found someone I was compatible with and in a split second it was all gone.

    Here I was, both writing a book and dealing with the daily sting of a broken heart. I angrily told God, Why did I have to lose her? Could I not write the book and have her as well? I was not ready to cope with her lost nor was I about to give up on writing this book. I knew I had to toughen up and not lose my focus. I took in all the adversity and negative sentiments and used it to fuel my writing. I began to pour all my body, mind, heart, and soul into the book. I can sympathize with the words of the Apostle Paul, "More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ"(Philippians 3:8). There was no time for looking back, I had to move forward and embrace the challenges that lie ahead. I had not traveled down this narrow path only to stop at this point. God was calling on me to do greater things, to plant the seed of faith.

    After writing a couple of chapters, human nature can get the best of us sometimes so I began to doubt what I was doing. I told myself, This is crazy, I am going nuts! The following day in my office I found a white feather on the floor in front of my chair so I made a mental note of it. Then later that week in the night heading out for a midnight snack I found another white feather behind my car in the driveway. On and on there were many more instances, so I began to search for what it meant. I came to discover that angels leave feathers behind as a sign that they are supporting the direction one is taking.

    It just made it crystal clear that I was entering an important time in my life and that God was behind my efforts. I got goose bumps and thanked God for reaffirming His plans for me. It was a big relief to know that yes I am on the right track with writing and that I’m not going crazy. The feathers and letters from church gave me the confidence to take on this enormous endeavor by using my abilities and in helping me discover the spiritual gifts I have.

    My doubts dissipated, I continued with the writing and eventually fell into a routine. For the following six months, almost every day, I kept my concentration and hermetically transferred the ideas that I was receiving unto paper. I began seeing my role in God’s work and took on this task with all seriousness knowing that this book would bless the very sheep God intended to reach. If I had not responded to the telling signs God sent, I am sure He would have utilized someone else. For God’s message cannot be contained nor delayed, it will be delivered regardless of manner or form. God can only nudge us so much in the right direction, then we must respond with action. I learned obedience through the writing of this book and have more trust and faith in God as a result. I am confident that the knowledge presented will be useful to assist with transforming mind, soul, and spirit into a new creation.

    The release of this book reflects God’s perfect timing. There is a need for such information and God has heard your petitions. He has ordained for this knowledge to be gathered, composed, and made available for our instruction. The secrets of God are being revealed before your eyes. Proceed to dig carefully below and see what treasures you can find. At the very least, the book can lead you to places within your own heart and soul that you never thought were there. What is the greatest benefit you can get out of this book? That will be up you to discover. You will be challenged to explore new thought forms and ideas. As you read, keep an open mind and try to see how the topic applies to your life purpose. If you have difficulty with certain chapters give yourself enough time to fully meditate on it and don’t hesitate to ask God for additional clarity. No two readers will understand content the same way. The book is meant to speak to you on a personal level. The knowledge provided contains God thoughts that upon reflection will magnify your understanding. Instead of fear, God wants you to take time to reflect on self and strive for renewal.

    From the very start of the book, I have had this feeling that I am a part of something greater. I thank God for believing in me, I became the pen but God transferred his thoughts unto the paper. It is part of God’s plan to satisfy your thirst. The first part of the book begins with the voice of God in the realms of revelation and prophecy. This section speaks directly to your soul. In the second part of the book, knowledge will be poured into your silver cup and God will cause it to overflow with different topics on consciousness and awareness. As divinely commissioned by God and with his blessing, I proudly present to you this inspired book entitled The Silver Cup: A New Consciousness.


    Dear Incredulous,

    First of all, allow me to take some minutes of your time to share with you the faith and beliefs I live by and will die for. I have chosen to live my life by principle, conviction, and faith. The unconditional love and faith I have in God will not be relegated to 2nd, 3rd or lower priority. This is the most important part of my life, which is to allow God to direct my steps and for the Hand of God to operate behind my actions. I recognize that to be in God’s grace and favor is much wiser than to act foolishly to one’s own accord. To not stand for anything and not have feet firmly planted is unacceptable. No one or nothing will be able to convince me otherwise. My two feet are firmly set in this pathway and I am willing to walk alone if it ever means that I have to preserve my faith over relationships. Blessed be the person that walks with God, knowing that this road will be no easy ride but of all pathways is the most worthy undertaking. To walk in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior is the best and only choice. Let it be known, that this day forward there is nothing that will separate me from the Lord. I cannot and will not compromise my faith in Christ nor subjugate it. If you truly are with me, I clearly tell you to abandon your idolatrous beliefs. I hear by stand today evermore convinced and thank you for challenging my faith, for I have become stronger. Before loving me, you will need to love Christ more. Before suffering with me, you will need to suffer more for Christ. I hear by tell you, if these be the last words that you hear from me. Know that this man stood up for his faith and love of Christ. Even if it meant losing all, Indeed I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake, I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ (Philippians 3:8). To me my life would not be meaningful if I don’t live up to my faith and convictions. Without those qualities, I stand for nothing and would fail to let God’s plan unfold in my life. And this is not acceptable to me. I would rather go to my grave prematurely than to ever forsake my trust and love of God. To have Jesus as Lord of my heart, my house, and my church is what I live by and that will not be traded or negotiated. Psalm 119:11, I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. To sin against God, I would not even contemplate having a household divided by mate being an unbeliever of Christ. I rather maintain solitude than to bring such miserable conditions upon myself. Know that bread would not be shared with you that cannot be blessed by the Lord. To preserve Holiness is more important than to share quarters with an unbeliever who worships no living god. I do not stand in God’s favor, just to lose it to stupid incredulous dead ideas of an unbeliever. Now that I have reached the end of my words, I pray to God to pour his spirit upon you so that you can be an inheritor of God’s Kingdom and trade your garments for incorruptible ones, those of eternal life. If you accept to believe in the Lord, then we can proceed if not then we are done. For the man that fears God immediately rejects the unworthy incredulous non-believer. So because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold, I will spit thee out of my mouth!—Revelation 3:16


    Lover of God


    Prophecy and Revelation

    For New Heaven

    and Earth


    I N THE BEGINNING, TIME WAS negative and absolute. There was no concern for cause or cause for concern. In the twilight of cosmic dust, night and day were the same. The beginning of all particles, where all particles knoweth. By the word, particles fell into formation, some to radiate matter others to radiate life. To knoweth is to know that the visible is slave to the invisible.

    And for my people, God says, I am unleashing a series of prophecies that have to deal with the time to come. Those who are wise will listen to the visions that I your God will speak. Those who have ears listen to the wisdom contained in these visions; for wisdom is for the meek and wise. The coming events have been foretold, it is for my people that I seek to shed more light. My word will not fail you. Everything else can fail you, can betray you, but I, your Lord, to time indefinite can keep my word. The word is coming and fast is coming the word. Seek not strife nor to destroy. Love and peace will inherit the earth. The time has come at the age’s dawn for sages and wise men to do thy will and not one good deed be left undone. In the corneous of my eye, I feel the pain and poking of the earth. All kingdoms are in my subjection and to whom I choose power is given. My word will never fail you and does not return to me without results. Listen up, I will bring changes as lightning, hail, and sleet bring change to dry land. The desert will certainly bear its fruit and it will be dry no more, but flourish. I your lord have heard your cries and have seen rivers of tears and oceans of bloodshed. Verily I say to you, today the earth will inherit peace and joy. Pain shall be no more and suffering will be a thing of the past. Behold, your God is a loving God, ready to serve you. It is my will that I amend broken hearts, repair broken souls, and heal the sick. The wicked and corrupt system of things will tremble at my word. Like the end of a cat’s tail they are the last hair. All who believe and trust in ye Lord, fear not the changes that the new season brings. The sun is shining and melting the cold winter snow. My trees and plants will certainly bear their fruit, says the Lord. The dark shadows and invisible forces of this earth shall passeth by and my will shall be done as in heaven on earth. Amen! Glory to your Lord, children come close to him, for he is a loving God.

    There is a vision, I saw the Lord give me. It looks as though a hand, a giant hand, floating in space curled in a C shape facing towards earth. Out of the curled hand, from the middle of palm, nonstop gold particles flowed out of it encircling our planet. I said unto my Lord, what does this mean? My Lord spoke and said gold attracts

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