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Sex and That City
Sex and That City
Sex and That City
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Sex and That City

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About this ebook

Sex and that City called heaven is a timely study on this and other important topics of sex, its rightful place in a marriage, and ways in which people can keep themselves holy and live their lives in accordance with Gods ordinance.

This book seeks to identify and address the issue of morality in todays society and how it differs in Gods holy city.

The book provides encouragement for married couples, single individuals, the separated and divorced, adults in general and to all believers in heaven.
Release dateAug 22, 2014
Sex and That City

Janice Gayle

Janice Gayle is the seventh of fourteen children (the first predeceased) born to Roderick (deceased) and Robertha Smith in Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica W. I. She is married to Andrew for the past seventeen years. They have two teenage daughters attending High School, Kay-Andrew and Kedrine and a baby boy, Andrew Jr. God be glorified! Gayle, an Evangelist of the Holiness Born Again Apostolic Organization, is reading for a Masters in Counseling and Consulting Psychology (MCCP).

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    Sex and That City - Janice Gayle


    and that


    An encouragement against sexual immoralities

    –anticipating eternal reign in that City, Heaven!

    Janice Gayle

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    © Copyright 2014 Janice Gayle.

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    Unless otherwise noted, all scriptural quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-4907-4432-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4907-4434-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4907-4433-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014914593

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    About the author




    Part One - The birth of sexual immoralities

    Sex is from the beginning


    Marriage before Sex

    The introduction of choice

    The birth of sexual immoralities

    The laws of morality (Leviticus 18:1-30)

    Penalties for immoralities

    Part Two - Now, a reflection of then




    Child Sex





    Cheating Christians

    Part Three - Encouragement against sexual immoralities for

    Married couples

    Single individuals

    Separated and divorced

    The church/believers in Heaven



    I dedicate this book to all God-fearing Christians who are heaven conscious and are endeavoring to enter into the New Jeru salem.

    To individuals who embrace biblical principles and uphold moral values.

    To every hurting parent whose child/children was/were molested, raped, sexually abused or have strayed.

    To everyone who experienced incest or sexual abuse, molestation or rape.

    To persons who have experienced separations in their marriages due to cheating or any other negative sexual interferences.

    To everyone who was sexually assaulted/abused by trusted individuals.

    To individuals who have been sexually demonized, to those who are sex addicts.


    The Author wishes to keep memory of a wonderful father, Reverend Roderick Samuel Smith (1945-2011), who in his own way, fought against immorality.

    You lived so I could learn and died so I could live by what I have learnt. Thank you for making the sacrifice. I am reaping what you have sown and gathering what you have harvested.


    I take comfort in the fact that "it is in dying that we are

    born to eternal life" (Prayer of St. Francis).

    …Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them (Rev. 14:13).

    Your grandchildren are elated to carry on your work and as such, they have formed RSS (Roderick Samuel Smith) Heritage, a singing, dancing and drama group which comprises of Kay-Andrew, Kedrine and Jeneive. They have been ministering for the past three years at church services, concerts, weddings, funerals, hotel, schools and on many other occasions, nationally and internationally. To God be the glory!


    RSS Heritage - From left to right: Kedrine and Kay-Andrew Gayle and Jeneive Nash.


    J anice Gayle is the seventh of fourteen children (the first predeceased) born to Roderick and Robertha Smith in Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica W. I.

    She is married to Andrew for the past seventeen years. They have two teenage daughters attending High School, Kay-Andrew and Kedrine and a baby boy, Andrew Jr. God be glorified!

    Gayle, an Evangelist of the Holiness Born Again Apostolic Organization, is reading for a Masters in Counseling and Consulting Psychology (MCCP).

    For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God (Hebrew 11:10).


    S ex and that City called Heaven, is an inviting, eye-catching and thought provoking (but sensual) title. Millions of people around the world are, or have become enthralled by the television mini-series ‘Sex in the City;’ so much so, that it was made into a two part block buster movie. But what does this convey about today’s society? A society where one-night stands, premarital sex and the like, are so common place, that such a movie raises only a few eyebrows. It would seem that we have become immuned to such occurr ences.

    Not so, states Mrs. Janice Gayle, a lone voice in the wilderness challenging the world to re-look, re-think and take a stance against immorality. Have we strayed so far from basic Bible principles that we no longer recognize sin when sin stares us right in the face?

    Sex and that City called Heaven, is a timely study on this and other important topics of sex, its rightful place in a marriage and ways in which people can keep themselves holy and live their lives in accordance with God’s ordinance.

    This book seeks to identify and address the issue of morality in today’s society and how it differs in God’s Holy City. This book is inspiring and a must have for all who are seeking to live according to God’s decrees and want to make that City, Heaven their home.


    O ver the years, sex has been a very controversial topic. In my childhood days, sex for us was a curse word. As a child, you would be condemned if you the least whispered the word much more to be engaged in the act outside of mar riage.

    While watching a movie in the living room as children, we would pray that a husband would not be kissing his wife in the movie at the same time mama was passing through, because if that was the case, she would demand us to turn the television (TV) off at once and go get our Bibles in preparation for prayer meeting.

    We would often question among ourselves What is wrong with a husband kissing his wife? If it were wrong in our parents’ eyes for us to see a man kissing his wife on TV, just imagine what would happen if the husband and his wife were having sex openly, on TV while mama was passing through the living room. That would have been the last time we see a television set.

    Sex was so sacred that for some Christian couples, if you should see them days after their wedding, their faces would be filled with guilt and shame as if they had committed a crime by having sexual intercourse.

    That was the emphasis placed on sex. The young people would say those were the dark days.

    How things and times have changed significantly!

    It blew my mind, how

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