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Devil's Kiss
Devil's Kiss
Devil's Kiss
Ebook185 pages3 hours

Devil's Kiss

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About this ebook

You could say Im normal. You could say Im just like you, but Im not. I've been raised in a strict lifestyle of killing. Since my mother died, I was trained as an assassin and arranged to be married to a man I barely even know. But now, Ive fallen in love, and this love has made me doubt everything about the Knighthood that I had so willingly followed before. It has also made me doubt myself, and this love has put me in more danger than I could have ever imagined.
Release dateJun 6, 2013
Devil's Kiss


Megan Bond is adventurous, creative, and for those who know her well enough, she can be a little bit hyperactive. Megan enjoys horseback riding, dancing, playing and listening to music, daydreaming, and creating fantasy stories she hopes people will enjoy.

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    Devil's Kiss - MEGAN BOND


    I pressed my ear up against the door trying to hear what they were saying, but also not wanting them to hear me. Sir don’t do this not now she is too young. You and I both disagree with the guardian’s theory of raising young children in these ways, it’s cruel. came a pleading voice. I couldn’t be sure, but I thought it was my uncle Percy’s. What sir would be cruel would be to hide the truth from your own child. You yourself must know of her skills, she could indeed handle any task you throw at her. That was probably Jordan my other uncle. He and my dad always were out doing things together but they would never tell me what. My dad would just always say you’ll understand soon enough. Sir please, I beg of you don’t do this, there must be another way. We could send her to the hunter clan or the highlander protection camp they will insure her protection. Percy begged. What were they talking about? I thought to myself. No! came a booming and oddly sad voice She will stay here, but I do want to strike a deal with the hunters for her protection, and she will start training. Now. Sara noticed this voice from anywhere. It was her fathers. Jorden! he boomed, You will train her in self-defense, weaponry, and unarmed combat. he demanded. But sir, Jordan argued. There was a moment’s science and Sara wondered if she had imaged all the voices because all sound seemed to disappear. Yes, sir. he said.

    Joshua. dad said, Sara remembered Josh he always fallowed her dad around reading books he was about 20 and very different he would never speak unless he was around my dad and even then he felt unsure of himself as if wondering how long all this would last till he had to go back to silent study or whatever he does. You will teach her. josh must have only nodded because he didn’t say anything then a thud yes sir! josh said. He’ll learn sir. Just be patient with him Percy said. Percy was the only one josh ever looked comfortable with. And you Percy you will keep her up in school studies and do anything else I tell you to do for her you will. Dad said yes sir! Percy replied. The door swung open sending me falling to the groaned I heard a crack and groaned in pain I told you Aaron I knew someone was out here. someone said but I didn’t pay close attention to who it was because my nose hurt Percy jumped up from his chair at the end of the table and ran over to me. I’ll take her to the- . . . he began but was cut off by Jordan how much did you hear? he asked

    Jordan this is hardly the time for you ridiculous questions. Percy said, but my dad held up his hand silencing the both of them. Sara, Jordan asked you a question you need to answer his question. he said. I shrugged pulling my bloody hand away from my noise something about tutoring and training for something. I replied. Percy bounced up and down on his toes like he always does when he’s nervous. My dad nodded towards the door okay go.’’ He said. With that Percy ran out the door and sped away to the hospital. When we got there Percy was very reluctant to give any information and that kind of worried me I mean aren’t you supposed to trust doctors? So the nurse took me to the room and pushed some tissues up my noise and told me to just keep them there till it stopped then she read me a story my mom used to read to me all the time called sleeping beauty. Then my dad walked in with Jordan and Percy behind him I’m sorry sir I can’t let you in here I need to take you in for questioning, Said the Doctor walking behind them. Dad smiled and said do you really want to keep my daughter from her father I mean really I just want to see my little girl. The Doctor considered this for a second then left the room letting him in. it was weird having all 3 of them in here all at once Percy and Jordan on either side of my father acting like complete opposites as always. Percy looked concerned and nervous, were as Jordan just looked angry and my father just looked confused. Hi dad. I said trying to break the silenced but dads face only soured he turned to Percy Take Sara home and put her to bed I want her up and ready by 5. He said not even egnolaging my presence. But sir please just give it a bit more time.’’

    Why should I?’’ he yelled I’ve made up my mind this is what’s best."

    Part 1

    The Knighthood


    7 years later

    "S ara you need to wake up. I was too tired to put a face to the voice but it was one I knew 5 more minutes Perc.’’ I asked

    No Sara your training section with Jordan starts right now. He said.

    Heck if I care Percy there already questioning me at this school and the police came and asked me about father. Yesterday Jordan cut me right below the knee and by the time I left for school it was still bleeding. I tried to hide it but my teacher immediately sent me to the nurses office directly flowed by a police investigation and that’s when they found out about father and tried to explain to me that it wasn’t safe for me to stay with him. But I’d heard this a hundred times over, but he didn’t do what they thought he did he wasn’t bad, he just couldn’t explain what was going on because no one would believe him. And besides I was I knight I could never betray my father because to betray him would be to betray the whole knighthood, and the knighthood was my life.

    I don’t care until the police show up at our door house you will maintain this cover! He shouted NOW GET UP!!!

    I thought about the night before well then tell Josh not to keep me up so late learning a dead language I mean seriously the DEAD LANGUEGE why do I have to learn it its so, so, BORING! I snooped.

    Come on my lessons aren’t boring. Josh said. I looked over to the door frame and saw him standing there, but I wasn’t about to take back what I had just said.

    Yes they are. I said

    Well if you don’t get up you know that Jordan will get mad and you might get hurt. Josh said and I’ll give you extra work tonight. With that I shot up in my bed.

    Thank you Joshua. Percy said. I got up and walked over to my closet I took my pants off and slipped on a fresh pair of jeans and took my shirt off before realizing josh standing in the doorway face completely red he was blushing so hard.

    You can leave now. I said

    Josh blushed even harder as he turned and left. Percy came over and kissed me on the forehead good luck today, he said. I nodded and held in my breath. Sure Percy wasn’t my actual dad but this was a dysfunctional family and Percy was the only one who actually cared about me other than Zac of course. My real father stopped loving me the day everything started and I had to learn about the knights. It was hard making friends when you knew they were sure to die soon. I slipped on a blue t-shirt and ran down to the basement and found an axe hurdling towards my head. You were late! Jordan shouted. I narrowly dodged the axe and grabbed the sword lying on the ground next to me. So this was how it was going to be. Jordan scoffed what that puny thing if you were anyone else I would have already killed you by now and if I were immortal I would have already had your head mounted on my wall. He grabbed a mace off of the weaponry rack and stared swinging it at me. I mostly just dodged but I had a few good swings that only resulted in more criticism about positioning, edict, speed, foot work, hand work, body work, and everything else there is for about an hour until finally. Okay Sara that was good enough just be prepared to do an extra training section after school. Jordan said.

    Sorry Jordan I can’t make it Zac is coming back from his mission today and I’m going to meet him at the train station. I said. I was pretty sure Jordan of all people would understand this since it is his fault that I’m engaged to Zac in the first place. I don’t really like Zac it was more like the final seal to the deal, peace between the clans and, my protection, and all I have to do I marry someone I don’t even know and pretend to love him.

    Fine then tomorrow.

    But I have school. I explained

    So, the excretion as his aid that was not of concern or sarcasm he was serious and that meant I would have a lot more than homework after school.

    I sighed giving up this hopeless battle, fine, I breathed. Then I turned and left.

    Knock knock. Come in. Came the voice on the other end of the door. I opened the door and walked into a strange new room I never knew existed. The 4 walls had been ripped out and replaced with old-fashioned black boards, and tables with glass beakers filled with unknown liquids and mini Tesala coils shooting lightning bolts between all 5 of them in the circle.

    Wow what is this? I marvel

    Oh Sara I didn’t see you. josh said

    What are you working on? I asked

    Oh just an experiment your father finally gave me permutation to work again, he explained I felt so trapped not being able to use my hands.

    I nodded as if I understood but of course I didn’t. Cool!

    Hey you want to see something truly amazing? he asked. I nodded my head again. Josh grabbed my hand and led me out to Percy’s car old man won’t miss this right? Josh asked. I shrugged, this car was only supposed to be used in case of emergency. I guess this was an emergency

    I’m sure he wouldn’t care if we were using it for academic purposes. I said.

    Where are we going? I asked.

    Shhh. Don’t distracts the driver. And besides it a surprise.

    I slumped down in my seat and watched out the window as he blasted the 80s flashback channel. Eventually we drove up to a storage unit. What are we doing here? I asked but he just swooshed me. When the car came to a stop I got out of the car and rushed over to the storage unit numbered 123. Josh came over and opened the door.

    I found myself in a whole new world of lights color and math problems. What is all this? I asked

    Shhh you’ll ruin the surprise. He said then walked over to a giant covered, thing. I don’t know how better to describe what it was other then. Amazing.

    Do you like it? he asked.

    Shhh. I wisped.

    Josh chuckled all day had been telling me to be quiet now I was telling him to be quiet. Its. Amazing. I marveled. What, what is all this.

    umm… well these are plasma coils based off of Teslas original design, this is a rain machine it uses smog and smoke to create rain kind of like how pepper makes you sneeze but I haven’t quiet perfected if yet it will only create rain for about 2 seconds and takes a massive power that I don’t have, this is a as I like to call it an inside gamer it ideally puts a gamer into the game without you know dyeing if something goes wrong but they still feel pain and the graphics oh Sara the graphics are so fantastically unbelievable that you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the game and real life. And this is a time crystal of course it’s only a prototype still working out some mathematical calculations but once I get it right it could work. He ranted quiet impressed with his own work.

    I walked around looking at all the cool stuff. Then I remember Zac. I gasped I can’t believe I forgot josh what time is it? I asked. He looked down at his watch.

    5:30" he answered. I grabbed his hand and pulled him outside

    We have to go to the train station Zac will be home any moment. I said

    Well get in then. He said almost disappointedly. I nodded and jumped in. Josh drove just above the speed limit until we pulled up to a little brown building with a mural of a train on it.



    T he train station. A memory of the last time I was here flashes in my mind " I’ll be backing shortly Sara I promise I will never leave you." I push open the doors to the train station. Oh Sara I’m glad you’re here for a second I thought you weren’t going to make it. I spun around and saw Percy standing behind me.

    Oh perc you look ridicules. I said taking in his giant boots and hideous vest.

    "What this I think it looks good. Don’t you josh?’’ Percy asked

    Josh nodded his head low exceptional sir. He said. It wasn’t fair. Josh had to say that. He couldn’t say something mean to Percy even if he really wanted to.

    Whatever. I laughed has Zac got here yet? I asked, and just as I did a giant red and black train marked KH CONTANENTLE rushed in. I ran up to the door of the train and anticipated him to walk out. A swarm of people exited and then no one. I turned around defeated. He wasn’t there and that could only mean one thing. He died on his mission. Sara came a soft soothing voice. I turned around and looked and took in the face I had almost forgotten. Tears filled in my eyes as I muttered his name Zac. I ran to him as he dropped his bagges and wrapped me in his arms. Oh I missed you. I said. He kissed the top of my head and replied

    Not as much as I missed you. I breathed in knowing it was true, his feelings were real, he truly loved me but I wasn’t the same way but I pretended to love him for the sake of the knights. Zac sighed sensing what I was thinking and let go of me. He smiled at me the same hopeful smile that I hate because it makes me feel so guilty. He looked over to josh and grounded last Zac

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