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Bully Bully: Celly's First Mission
Bully Bully: Celly's First Mission
Bully Bully: Celly's First Mission
Ebook33 pages13 minutes

Bully Bully: Celly's First Mission

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This is a book about bullying. On a deeper level, it is a book about self-empowerment. It is a book about believing in yourself.
You might say there are actually three heroes in this book. There is Celly, the little angel who is sent to earth on his first mission. There is Bobby, the boy being bullied. And there is, believe it or not, a third hero: the bully himself.
Each one becomes a hero in his own right as each discovers what he needs to learn. Bobby learns some strategies to help him deal with the bully. He also learns to claim the power he has inside and to never give it away to anyone or anything out there. Mikey, the bully, learns what it feels like to be in Bobbys shoes. And Celly learns more about himself too.
All of these boys learn the wonderful lesson of feeling good about themselves, believing in themselves, and knowing that things really can change if one believes they can. They learn that they can move through their fears and find their own freedom and happiness.
What an invaluable lesson for us all whatever our age may be!
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 27, 2014
Bully Bully: Celly's First Mission

Christy Graham

The author, a retired elementary teacher specializing in music and drama, knows about bullying behaviour. She was known to her students as ‘the teacher who made us feel good about ourselves’. Christy lives near Toronto and spends her time singing, songwriting, volunteering, painting, and connecting with her family and friends.

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Reviews for Bully Bully

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This story is a good example of fantasy because the world that these bears live in is very similar to ours. The bears also act like humans and have the same problems. The story also allows for the good and evil characters to fight. The story also has good characterization. The daughter cub is a dynamic character. Throughout the story we see her develop from wanting to hurt the bully in the beginning, and then at the end she wants to help the bully.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a pretty deep Berenstain Bears book in my opinion... It is about a girl who beats up Sister Bear, and then Sister comes back to school and uses self defense against the bully. Both girls are sent to the principal's office, where Sister's bully divulges to her that she is afraid her parents will beat her when she gets home if they find out she went to the principal again... I never would have thought child abuse would be addressed in a Berenstain Bears book, and I think that it is really important for kids to see that there may be deep underlying reasons like this for a bully's aggression. The book ends with the bully's parents NOT being told about the incident, but the bully starts seeing the school psychologist regularly. I think that this was a very powerful and realistic ending to a Berenstain Bears book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Berenstain Bears and the Bully touches on a topic that many children must face, bullying. Sister Bear is beaten up at school by Tuffy, and when she tells Mama and Papa Bear they suggest that Sister Bear just ignore Tuffy. Brother Bear wants to beat the bully up, but when he discovers the bully is Tuffy, a girl, he knows that he cannot fight her. So, Brother Bear decides to teach Sister Bear how to fight back. Later, when Sister Bear sees Tuffy harassing a small bird, she decides it is time to step in. Tuffy and Sister Bear get in a fight, and Sister Bear ends up giving Tuffy a bloody nose. Then, as the girls wait outside the principal’s office for the punishment they have in store, Sister Bear realizes that Tuffy has it rough at home and that is probably why she bullies at school.I would recommend this book for early elementary students. However, I would be a bit careful about using this book in the classroom, because the encouraging of Sister Bear to fight may be a bit controversial to some people. All in all, it teaches the timeless tale of the importance of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes before making any judgments about their actions.

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Bully Bully - Christy Graham

Copyright © 2014 Christy Graham.

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ISBN: 978-1-4525-9411-8 (sc)

ISBN: 978-1-4525-9412-5 (e)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2014904374

Balboa Press rev. date: 07/01/2014


To Brighton and his grandfather Alfie,

with my deepest love always,

Be happy.

Celly sat in his favourite place by the edge of the Crystal Pool where he could see the waterfall tumbling into its sparkling waters. The sun cast diamond glints that shone forth in all the colours of the rainbow making this the most magical of all places. Celly dibbled his toes in the crystal clear water. They looked like little fish darting this way and that. He yanked off his

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