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Salutations of Soulitude
Salutations of Soulitude
Salutations of Soulitude
Ebook142 pages58 minutes

Salutations of Soulitude

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About this ebook

This is a collection of poetry from first-time author Patricia Youngs. Let her words touch your soul as s he talks about society, family, and relationships in this soulful work of art.
Release dateOct 24, 2014
Salutations of Soulitude

Patricia Youngs

Patricia is a nature and animal lover, a San Francisco native who resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she received a degree in elementary education, with a focus in language arts. She lives with her two terrier mixes and competes in dog agility around the Southwest. She loves to write poetry and stories that touch on understanding our purpose in the world. She loves the arts and considers it to be an integral part of living a full life. She believes creativity comes from the soul and creative writing is an important branch that reaches out to people who are looking to connect to humanity.

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    Salutations of Soulitude - Patricia Youngs

    Copyright 2014 Patricia Youngs.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    ISBN: 978-1-4907-1229-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4907-1228-4 (e)

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Trafford rev. 10/23/2014


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    First Words

    Cemetery Bunny


    Digging Dirt


    Subconscious Seeds

    Half Empty Glass Half Full, Acrostic

    Flip Side

    No Tomorrow

    Guillotine Ghost

    Pumpkin Head

    Sleeping In Overdrive

    Will Power

    Slices Of Bread Without Butter

    Note Left Behind

    Mountain Truth Hurts

    Spin Cycle

    U - 109

    Ode To Two Chairs

    Tilling The Brain Waves

    The State Of Sleeping

    Family Jewels

    The Milk Man’s Daughter

    Marble Eyes See Nothing

    Love Story

    Mosaic Stars

    Fat Girl

    Happy Mother’s Day

    Staining The Sheets

    Clips Of You

    Who’s He Fooling?

    Hat On A Hot Head

    Population Overgrowth

    Corner Store Dog

    Impromptu Rehearsal

    Flip And Flop

    Dear Grandpa (I’ll Never Tell)

    Scratch Ticket

    Wasted Wax Offerings

    Freedom Cell

    Lava Monster

    Dinner Bell

    One Serving Recommended Daily



    Recipe For Snowflake Cake

    Unrequited Love


    Sovereign Souvenirs

    Instructions For My Son’s Art Project

    Cup Of Joe

    Untitled 1

    Extra! Extra! Pope Sells Out

    Brown Colored Crayons

    Deaf And Blind

    Where Charlie Was Born

    Poised Sugar For Sale

    Williamesque Skipping Down Memory Lane With That Story From Oh, Didn’t Know

    Polar Bear With A Heart-Shaped Brain

    Devil S Muse

    Getting To The World Race On Time

    Lady Duck And Mister Goose

    Little Dog On A Full Moon

    All Caterpillars Are Free

    Girls Who Talk To Too Much

    Mother At Midnight

    Of A Bird I Never Met

    Perennial Sketches Of Me, Pantoum

    Flower Shop, Dialogue

    My Cousin It

    Little Stream Of Consciousness From A Greatly Delusional Firecracker

    Roses In An Open Window

    Post Landing Questionnaire

    For April, Acrostic

    Missionary Rapist Frac King

    Apple Tree In December

    Autumn Leaves Glitter Notes

    Numbing Circus

    Dance To An Invisible Backdrop

    Bats Eat Bugs

    Can You Hear Me Now

    Carnal Earthlings Are Hungry - Pantoum

    Children Of The Fire

    For Winter Solstice 2013 - Sestina

    Lighthouse Tide

    Lion’s Lace

    On Peace, Sestina

    Funny Dollar

    Morning Stroll

    Mystic Ocean Land

    New Mexico Sunset – Greetings From The Swimming Pool


    Pot Of Gold Rain Bubbles

    Star Man

    Sunrise Fire Death

    China Bull – Flash Fiction

    For Matt R. Rocks

    The Starfish That Got Away

    R.e. Kooh

    Unit-Tee’s Angel

    On Wings - Prose

    Wet Flower

    Wild Cat At The Card Table

    Fisherman’s Prick; Scorpio In Pisces

    Black Coffee Guts

    She Cried

    Not Always With Love

    Stuck In The House

    Want To See My O-0 Boa Constrictor?

    Frankenstein’s Sacrifice

    Lou’s House On The Right

    Train To Buddha Fest

    The End

    Poetry Baptism


    This book is dedicated to the virtual online world of blogs and profiles.

    First Words

    Cemetery Bunny

    Josephine was a scruffy old brown bunny sitting quietly in a corner of the petting zoo content to be left alone. She had always wanted to escape the hectic zoo. It was full of children wanting to pet and feed her dried green pellets which at first she hated, but grew to eat them because it meant the children would eventually go away.

    Josephine never did understand why Rose, a young girl who fed her fresh greens and hay sprinkled with sweet petals in her bowl and let her roam the house, left her there one day. Joesphine appreciated two zoo caretakers, Katherine and Janice. They fed her every morning with fresh lettuce and bits of carrot and gave everyone a warm cheerful hello. It was rest of the day Josephine could live without.

    When Janice started cleaning up the garbage left behind by visitors that day, she noticed Josephine in the corner. She softly asked her to move, but the bunny would not budge. Janice let her be.

    Twilight was approaching when Josephine fell into a deep sleep. Her heartbeat slowed to an undetectable rate. She began to dream she was curiously sniffing the gate, when it swung wide-open inviting her out to freedom. She thought, This is my big moment. As she hopped out the gate, she felt excited and scared at the same time, hoping to find the most delicious food in the world: flowers. She especially loved

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