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Call of the Storm
Call of the Storm
Call of the Storm
Ebook39 pages17 minutes

Call of the Storm

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About this ebook

Call of the Storm is a small collection of poems that asks one to look at storms in a divine context. See how faith can move mountains in these visual, narrative works.

This collection of poems by Luke Aditsan is truly inspirational. The inspiration in no way reflects the usual interpretation of that term, but comes from a universal spirit in nature righting the ways of mankind. They capture your imagination with vivid images and intense feelings while leaving the reader with mans greatest gift: Hope. Hear the Call of the Storm.

Stephen M. Dorman, author (paper), Death as a Leitmotiv in the Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 20, 2012
Call of the Storm

Luke Aditsan

Luke Aditsan has been writing ever since his “spiritual tap on the shoulder” three years ago. He is an avid reader of the spiritual beliefs and histories of numerous cultures. Luke currently resides in Austin, Texas, with his five-pound morkie.

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    Call of the Storm - Luke Aditsan

    Copyright © 2012 Luke Aditsan.

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