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Marriage 101
Marriage 101
Marriage 101
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Marriage 101

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The most important subject that the Bible speaks about is Christ and the Church. The Bible teaches that God loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to be crucified for us, that we might be reconciled unto Him. It teaches that Christ loved us so much that He was willing to die on the cross and pay the expensive dowry, that we could be His bride. Therefore, if Christ and the Church is not only the main theme of the Bible but the most important truth in the Bible, then where does this place marriage? God patterned marriage after Christ and the Church. Therefore, Christs relationship to His Church shows us how important marriage is in the eyes of God.

Marriage is patterned after Christs relationship to His Church; consequently, the more we understand about that relationship, the more we will know about Gods standards for marriage, and the more able we will be to have a marriage based upon Gods prescribed order for it. God ordained marriage, therefore, it would seem very probable that He should be the One that knows the most about it. He teaches us about it in the Bible, so if we are going to have a godly marriage that is full of every blessing God ordained for it, it would only make sense to follow His instructions. This book is for anyone planning marriage, as well as those who have been married for years.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateApr 9, 2014
Marriage 101

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    Marriage 101 - Shawn Ward

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    Chapter 1     Marriage is Patterned After Christ’s Relationship (Marriage) to His Church

    Chapter 2     Don’t Defraud Each Other

    Chapter 3     The Man is Head of the House and the Wife Should Submit to His Authority

    Chapter 4     As Head of the House, the Husband Should Lead

    Chapter 5     Marriage Isn’t an Individual Thing, But is a Complimentarary Ministry

    Chapter 6     The Husband is the Protector of the Home

    Chapter 7     A House Out of Order is Heading For Problems

    Chapter 8     A House Out of Order Will Be Hindered Spiritually

    Chapter 9     Christians In Unequally Yoked Marriages

    Chapter 10   Divorced, Widowed, Children, Stepchildren, Parents, and Stepparents

    Chapter 11   The Husband and Wife Become One Flesh, Not the Children and the Parents

    Chapter 12   Finial Encouragement From the Author


    As God has blessed me to be married for over 15 years (12 of which in the ministry), I felt that He was leading me to write a brief book touching some of the things the Bible says about marriage. This book must be read through the lens of two married Christians unless otherwise stated. My prayer is that this book will help many married couples identify and deal with problems, before the trouble these problems cause have the opportunity to arise.



    To my LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, WHO not only saved me, but also has blessed me beyond anything that I could have ever imagined myself. Jesus is also the One Who enabled me to write this book. Without God I do not want to imagine where I would be, but with Him it is impossible for me to fathom where He will take me. I love Him so much. Thank YOU LORD.

    To my loving wife who has so faithfully supported me in this ministry, you encourage me when I’m down, nudge me when I need it, and truly know what it means to be a preacher/pastors wife. You always do your best to take care of the things you can that I might have the time to study and minister. You are my Pricilla whose worth is immeasurable to this ministry. You truly understand the calling on my life and do all you can to see that I’m at my best. You understand the importance of this ministry and treat it as the focal point of our lives. It is a ministry that God has called us to be blessed with together, and I’m so glad He did. I lean upon you more than any other earthy person or thing, and God has always equipped you with the grace to be strong enough to bear it. Thank you Stephanie, I love you.

    To my dear children (C.D., Emily, and Isabella), who have an understanding beyond your years. Each one of you seem to understand that the focal point of our family is the ministry we have been called to. You understand that God’s calling is always first, and sometimes that means things have to be given up or placed on the backburner. All three of you do it with the grace that only God can provide. You are three of the greatest joys God has blessed me with; you ravish my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of your neck (Song 4:9). Daddy loves you.

    To Rita who has painstakingly added the editing of this book to her already full schedule. I can’t express what it means to me that you would put so much time and effort into the editing of this book that it would be grammatically presentable, although God used a poor English student to write it. As I write this I’m thinking that you’ll probably have to edit this as well. Rita, I know this wasn’t an easy book to edit, but you done a wonderful job. Thank you so much.

    To my brothers and sisters in Christ, who have prayed for me, been there for me, taught me, loved me, laughed with me, and cried with me. God has blessed every one of you to be a part of my life. I carry bits and pieces of all of you in my heart. Each one of you is special to me and I love you all. God bless.

    Chapter 1


    Ephesians 5:22-33 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he

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