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What Is God Like? and What Is Man?
What Is God Like? and What Is Man?
What Is God Like? and What Is Man?
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What Is God Like? and What Is Man?

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Once again, God talks to man, this time through this book. Seven brief messages sufficed for God to describe Himself and talk about who He is, what He does, what He expects, why He created man and how this creation takes place, what elements He bestowed upon man, and how He portrays Himself in man, His opus magnum. It also describes what God expects us to achieve and what destiny has in store for all of us. IT IS CRUCIAL FOR EVERYONEREGARDLESS OF SEX, RELIGION, OR OF THE CONCEPT WE HAVE ABOUT GODTO READ THIS BOOK TO TRULY KNOW GOD, WITHOUT THE NEED TO RELY ON A MENTOR OR GUIDE.
It includes a description of Gods personality by means of A TRUE THEOLOGY (based on His description, independently from any philosophical or theological theories, in a straightforward manner and free of false assumptions). GOD IS HUMBLE. HE IS THE MOST LOVING AND UNDERSTANDING ENTITY YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE. HE LIVES IN YOU. HE IS NEITHER WRATHFUL NOR RESENTFUL. HE DOES NOT PUNISH ANYONE. HE IS NEITHER UNCARING NOR SELFISH. YOU NEED TO TRULY KNOW HIM, FOR HE IS YOUR FINAL DESTINATION.
Finally, you must know your true nature. You are a son of God and possess the same qualities and attributes as your Father (God). As a son of God, you are also a god, though still in a larva-like stage. You live inside a cocoon, but you are of the same nature as God. One day you shall become a butterfly and reunite with Him; that is your fate. You will become one with Him for all eternity.
These are the three chapters comprising this book. This is the greatest learning experience anyone can aspire to, regardless of their social standing or religionyou could be a rich, powerful man, or you could be the Pope, a rabbi, etc., or even the poorest, humblest and most ignorant man. The fact that we live in a larva-like stage creates a condition of equality: We are all larvae seeking the truthrepresented by God, from whom we originated and in whom we will find our fate.
Release dateFeb 8, 2013
What Is God Like? and What Is Man?

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    What Is God Like? and What Is Man? - Jesús Humberto Enríquez Rubio

    Copyright © 2013 by Jesús Humberto Enríquez Rubio, MD.

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    This work is dedicated primarily to my wife and children, because they are the ones who keep me company during this phase as a human being. It is to them that I am most fond of, and they nourish my soul in an exquisite manner. I hereby extend this dedication to my blood siblings who are still alive as well as to their families.

    I dedicate this work in loving memory of my mother and siblings who have passed away. Whatever they are doing to reach spiritual perfection, I wish it yields the outcome they expect.

    This work was done and made available to all of mankind, whose spirits are my brethren, as children of the Lord, God of the Universe and mastermind of this work.

    There is nothing new under the sun; hence, no one can confer upon him or herself the things that otherwise enlighten our conscience. For me, the greatest happiness I could aspire to was having the opportunity to contact the Universal Mind, that is, our Father and Creator.

    I am extremely amazed at having discovered for myself what man truly is. I was so astounded by it that I could not remain silent, and that is why I expose it to the world, in the hope that other individuals—and if possible, all individuals—can discover their essence as true children of God, with whom they share a lineage, qualities and capabilities, which, even though we are in the midst of a developmental process, will allow us to become Gods just like our Father. That is our inevitable fate.

    All religions are inherently good, just like our Father himself claimed. However, religions lead us to look for God where he is not, even though he is omniscient and omnipresent. Religions impose on us fake deities, idols and images that drive God away from his children’s conscience, which is where he actually lives and where he wishes we will find him. Such fake deities are given certain characteristics, attributes and behaviors that do not pertain to them. Moreover, these deities confuse churchgoers and represent God as a terrible deity we should fear, a threatening entity who is vengeful and selfish. This description is far from God’s true personality and affective need to be in touch with each one of his children, whom he loves dearly.

    Hence, this message is especially dedicated to the hierarchs of all churches in the hope they will rectify the wrong path. If they really want to serve God, as they claim, they need to truly know him first, and this will provide them a beautiful opportunity to do so.

    But, above all things, I dedicate this work to every person in the world individually, telling them ultimately that they cannot get closer to God because he already dwells within them. God has lived within each one of his children ever since humanity came to exist, and he is in an unconditional state of intimate communion with each individual. He does not judge or punish, and he totally respects the will and liberty he endowed us with; neither does he intervene in our actions, and he loves us and is waiting for us with open arms because we are his little children. We are Gods just like he is, although we haven’t fully matured. You do not need to go to church or attend religious assemblies in order for God to listen to you. Call him within your intimacy and he will be there, even if you cannot see him. But you can do that when you have learned to listen to him through your senses, you will listen to him directly.

    I am only going to tell you what I have always told my children:

    Do not lose your way because this is Life!

    Jesús Humberto Enríquez Rubio, MD


    This work has two origins: One of them is the fundamental, essential and true authority that inspired this work through his messages and whose authenticity is absolutely unquestionable and free of doubt. The other origin is circumstantial, contingent and receptive; it was fortunate enough to come in contact with the essential part and, by means of its communication therewith, it was able to give shape to this work.

    By having stated the above what I mean is that this work is the result of an intellectual work, the gloss that explains, in a clearer and more accurate manner, the contents of the messages with which it was written. The source of these messages is the Universal Mind, who is none other than the Lord, God, Our Universal Father, who created us like creatures of his same nature and substance, possessing all of his attributes and properties to live freely and learn through our efforts. We start from a state of absolute innocence and ignorance to later become true Gods, having the hope to integrate with him, thus becoming one and the same thing… working shoulder to shoulder for all of eternity.

    My contingent condition makes it certain that what I express in this book is not my creation, because I am fully aware that not even in my best oneiric deliriums would I have been able to conceive the ideas I have expressed in this book with the clarity and depth with which they are presented.

    This book is comprised by three chapters containing very well defined material and objectives, thus making them complementary to each other:

    Chapter I, untitled SEVEN MESSAGES FROM THE LORD, GOD OF THE UNIVERSE contains precisely seven messages that have been explained in an attempt to make them completely understandable, because one can find it difficult to comprehend the content and depth of these messages upon reading them for the first time. It took me three years to begin understanding these messages, because reading them sporadically turned out to be meaningless. However, little by little I began to realize that these seven messages were but one message, in which the Lord, God, our Father and Creator introduced and described himself. I looked for supporting evidence in texts that enlightened me and eventually gave me confidence in that regard. I relied especially on Hermes Trismegistus, even though it is rather difficult to access his teachings, which are handled hermetically as such. I also read other texts such as those pertaining to Zoroastrianism and Veda reproductions in practical form, as well as some of Ms. Helena Blavatsky’s writings. I searched here and there. I became a compulsive reader of whatever text I could get a hold of, until I was finally able to understand and find coherence in their content and give shape to the content included in this chapter.

    In short, the first chapter contains the necessary elements to get to know our Father intimately, according to his true personality and his relationship with mankind and all things created in general. Nonetheless, we face difficulty when comparing the concepts we know about him by virtue of theology, especially when it comes to the Catholic religion, which is the predominant faith in our context, as well as when comparing the mankind concept proposed by religion. It is extremely difficult and even painful to disregard everything we have learned in order to welcome these new concepts, both with regard to God the Father and to the concept of sinner, which the Catholic Church and Christianity in general suggest. This chapter deals with a number of concepts we are not very accustomed to and, even though we use them, their true meaning and content remains unclear to us, for instance, the concepts of spiritual or astral world and the world of physical matter, the separation of body and soul, and the existing relationship between God and man.

    Chapter II, untitled THE TRUE THEOLOGY, stems directly from the content found in Seven Messages from the Lord, God of the Universe, because the concept we have about God originated in the teachings of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church. This church has no idea what God’s true personality is like, although it authoritatively imposes this concept upon us. (In this case, basically alluding to Saint Augustine, an extremely well-educated worldly man who, under his mother’s (Saint Monica) authority and coercion ends up embracing Christianity, starting with the reading of the New Testament and plagued by the countless number of lies Saul (Saint Paul) told him. Henceforward, Saint Augustine’s genius, intellect and literary abilities were frenetically knocked over by Christianity, thus building one of the most important parts of Christian Theology. His arguments were quite convincing, since he was a magister rhetoricae, and he was recognized as such in Milan. However, his words continued to be fantastic, the result of his religious principles, although his religion was only a bit sustainable. Nevertheless, his conviction and skills gave rise to the words that laid the foundations to build the Christian theology. Saint Augustine was by no means the only Catholic theologian, though others that followed based their activity on Christian teachings and tried to shape these teachings.)

    If what we know about God is based on these concepts and theories that originated from fantasy and from the thought of individuals who are acknowledged by the Catholic Church and to whom this church bestows a status of sanctity, then what we know are but mere human inventions, completely fallible just like any human creation. Moreover, if what is explained in this book is shaped by the concepts of the self, which are directly elucidated by the Universal Mind (God the Father) and which comprise the essence of this work, even if they are written and explained by an unimportant contingent party, which is me, THE TRUE THEOLOGY herein described faithfully matches the personality of God, who is not only the Mind, Soul, and Holy Spirit, but also THE TRUE DIVINE ENTITY HE REPRESENTS.

    Hence the huge importance Chapter II has in this book.

    Chapter III, THE IMMORTAL MAN PEREMPTORY is a brief study taken from the works published most recently with regard to the possible origin of mankind as the human phenomenon it represents. And in light of the messages that make it undoubtedly clear that man is a dual entity—while he is in the form of matter—but that individuals themselves constitute the human spirit, because the human spirit is the Son of God, created from his own spiritual essence. By that essence, the human spirit is indivisible and has been endowed with the same properties and attributes that God the Father, its creator, possesses.

    Having this been stated by the only individual who can say it with absolute authority, we cannot help but come to the conclusion that man, in his spiritual essence, is actually a God, created as an extension of the only universal and eternal God. In other words, As is God, so is man because God and man are one and the same thing.

    Mankind undergoes an ever-lasting process towards perfection because its final aim is to possess the same degree of purity as God and to amalgamate with him for all eternity. In order to undertake this work towards perfection, individuals must live in this vale of tears where everyone has come in order to learn how to grow by being exposed to the existing friction between good and evil. Nonetheless, man cannot interact directly in this material world, because man is a spirit and the astral world is his natural environment. Hence, man is covered by a material body which comes to life and accompanies man during his entire life cycle. It is in this body that man is able to live all types of experiences, most of which are sorrowful. This is one of man’s main learning sources. Based on experiences that are subject to trial and error, man learns, little by little, to be perfect just like his Father and Creator.

    The human body is merely man’s habitat; it is a tool. It is through his bodily form that he is recognized by the other human beings he interacts and associates with as a result of his consciousness, affection and will.

    If man is a dual entity and we know the source of his spiritual component, we must have an in-depth knowledge and understanding with regard to the inception and nature of the other component, which is the human body. We must know how it originates and develops, as well as how the two components mentioned relate to one another.

    To conclude, man is really God’s essence, he is an extension of God, the Father and Creator. God constitutes the human spirit, owning the qualities and attributes of man. In order to interact in the material environment, man needs an adaptor, which comes in the form of the human body, with whom he shares the gift of life while he inhabits that body. Upon leaving it, that body becomes what it has always been: dust, dirt, slime, humus…

    Chapter III in its entirety focuses on clarifying this interdependence and on making it clear, without leaving room for error, what the immortal man’s eternal and peremptory components are. The final conclusion drawn ascertains that man is God just as God is man.

    These are the contents of this work which is to be judged by humanity.




    Thinking out loud

    The Lord, God of the Universe, Our Father and Creator, uses

    these seven messages in order to unveil his true

    personality as the individual he is.

    He describes his strengths, weaknesses, and hopes.

    It is good for you to know God and approach him in his true,

    divine reality.

    Every religion is based on intuition rather than on true knowledge of God, which deals with the particular idea we have about him. It is this intuition that supports every religion’s dogmas, mysteries, rituals, teachings and religious structure, as well as its own moral.

    Individuals who believe in such a religion adopt, as supreme truth, what their church preaches; they practice the rites associated therewith and they live according to its moral, because such moral constitutes its source of truth, and it is legitimate and respectable.

    Only a number of ancient religions, such as the Sumerian religion, Hermetism, and very few others truly know the person represented by the Universal God. Other religions have an idea in this regard, but they worship false deities instead, and I say false deities because God is an idea, a person with certain characteristics, as explained in this book. Other concepts and personalities used by a number of religions to identify God actually involve another entity, even though he is the one and only, and he has no name or image. Nonetheless, he replies to your thoughts, regardless of how you picture or identify him, because he lives in you, and his presence lies within the reach of your thoughts. This is how it is, although other religions—those which do not truly know him—urge you to find him in natural phenomena, in the sun or in any other thing that has been conferred certain special powers and in which religions find what its members need for protection and survival. Thus, they replace and neglect the one and true God we should honor in his true and unique personality only because he is the only true God. He is the absolute truth in the universe (using this word in its broadest sense). Modern religions, especially the Catholic religion, do mention the true God in their prayers and praises dedicated to so many other false deities and saints, including Jesus Christ himself as well as the Virgin Mary.

    In this book, our Lord and Universal God gives us the opportunity to actually and truly know him as he really is through the concepts that describe him. This book also tells us what he expects from us in words authentically expressed through God’s own thoughts. Hence, it is paramount to know God and come close to his divine entity, because that is what he wants us to do.

    Within the vast number of religious texts I have read, I have realized that only two individuals speak of God with a sense of authority: Hermes Trismegistus and Zarathustra, or Zoroaster. The Bible lacks the authenticity that has been bestowed upon it, because it has been manipulated and rewritten in different epochs depending on the opinions and ideas of each time period. The current Bible, as we know it, is less than 2500 years old. I am referring specifically to the Old Testament, which resulted from the fusion of documents supported by Jewish traditions after being scattered and held in captivity. Despite that, the Old Testament keeps its roots, found in the Pentateuch or Torah which has governed the daily lives of the Hebrew people from very early times and has kept some of its original reality. However, it is rather difficult to unveil the truth with certain gleams of certainty, because this text is characterized by doublets and quartets; meaning it is the fusion and compilation of two versions kept by tradition. In other words, it deals with two fractions of the Hebrew people that lived separately and under different conditions, causing their texts to suffer changes as a result of isolation and the passing of time. When four versions are involved rather than two, the versions combined to come up with a unique text are known as quartets, and matters get even more complicated, making the text confusing and not very reliable.

    In order to truly love God above all things, as he commands, we must essentially know his reality, particularly with regard to his desires and to the objectives for which he created us in his own image and likeness, as his true children. The reason for this is that you might love an idea that may or may not be similar to God’s personality—an idea that may or may not be subject to his desires—but it will not be really Him whom you love, and your love will not be genuine, because you cannot love someone you do not know.

    You have every right to question this text and there is no reason why I should be offended. Even I question myself sometimes and I try to find within my inner self some sort of tendency associated with vanity and arrogance that might be leading me to make up what I write. However, I swear I whole-heartedly believe what God tells me in his messages upon comparing the content in those messages to my personal experiences, thus helping me leave no room for doubt.

    At any rate, I could be wrong and I might be manipulated by mental elements whose origin I do not know, but I have strived to get rid of them by relying on the same source so that it will keep me and guide me through the right path, which, at least in these matters, has been possible. In light of this, I believe this book to be authentic and, with all the sense of humility, honesty and faithfulness that I possess, I dare to share it with you.

    Otherwise, may the Lord, God of the Universe forgive me for any harm I might cause to those who dare believe this.

    The Lord, our Universal God, is the only entity we can claim currently exists, has existed, and will forever exist. He is the absolute holder of everything there is, because everything has sprung from him as the willful and deliberate act of his infinite sovereignty, which corresponds to a design created by his infinite mind, yearned by his infinite love and carried out by the indescribable power of his divine will. Nevertheless, within God’s very vast creation there is only one being that was created in his own image and likeness: Man, in his most pure essence. As a result, God endowed man, with life, consciousness, affectivity, willpower and freedom, integrated into his genus and, put in more explicit terms, each individual carries the principle of its genus. Without a doubt, I am referring to the essence of man, which is the human spirit, because the creator thereof is the universal and eternal spirit. Then again, if this universal and eternal spirit created man in his own image and likeness, man is a spirit, though not universal like God, because man does not become, but he exists and, if he exists, he is necessarily found in a specific place within his container (his creator). Man is not eternal either in absolute terms. Even though he has eternal life, his eternity is relative because it has a beginning, given at the time of his creation, and it will have an end, which will occur when he is reabsorbed within his container. Just like his creator, man has a creative mind, endowed with all the elements required to create new things: a mind in order to imagine, affectivity in order to yearn, and the power of will to bring such things into existence, exactly the way the Supreme Spirit gave origin to things, including human beings. However, above all other things—and this is perhaps the unique gift which most faithfully makes man resemble his Creator—there is consciousness, which is the ability to perceive reality and to become aware of the world that surrounds him and of which he forms part.

    I would only like to point out a very important fact because, if I don’t, an apparent conflict could arise. Throughout this humble work, when I say man I am not talking about the sexual characteristic of the human body of the animal species we belong to, because it is through this sexual characteristic that we commonly identify ourselves. Sex is the determining factor when it comes to the social duties we should perform in this world. Biologically speaking, this difference is given by needs which are only of a reproductive nature. In biological terms, sex is indeed either masculine or feminine. However, in the spiritual realm, which is what truly constitutes the human being, to whom I make reference in all instances, such a separation does not exist because the spirit incorporates the Lord, and he can occupy a masculine or a feminine body, making no distinctions.

    We might say then that the spirit is androgynous, because gender is integrated into it, and at any point in its existence it might inhabit the body of a man or that of a woman. It is the physical body that will allow the human being to be a male or a female, but both male and female are referred to as mankind, because they both belong to the human race. However, man, in his purest spiritual essence, has no gender. Thus, when I say man I am alluding to the human spirit, which at this point in its existence might inhabit the body of either a male or a female, and at any rate it shall be called man, regardless of the sex of the body it now occupies. Now, if at this point it lacks a human body, each spirit is a man just like any other one, as designed by its creator.

    God Almighty does not belong to a single person or institution, but rather, he belongs to everyone on an equitable basis. In this case I am not talking about mankind in particular, but about all spirits, even the inferior ones which, as a result of their developmental level, are not human. In other words, he belongs to all living things derived from the infinite mind, desire and will of God, the living things with which we share a space, regardless of whether or not they inhabit a physical body at the moment. That is why we all have the right to approach God and talk to him, to address him and associate with him however we can without necessarily incurring in a blasphemy. Blasphemy carries malice and lack of reverence, which, might I add, does not affect God because of his state of infinite perfection and because of his love towards each one of us. Therefore, he remains unaffected by it. At any rate, whoever utters a blasphemous word must become pure to be able to move forward towards an inevitable fate.

    Based on this natural right, I present this work for the consideration of all those who dare to read it and, in all honesty, it deals with certain aspects and happenings that have occurred in my life, and which I am fully aware only have a personal value for me. That is why I do not intend for my words to be accepted, let alone approved by those who take the time to read them. I show my greatest sense of respect and gratitude to those who read my work. However, I do embrace the hope that my words will be useful to a number of people, a few or a lot, it does not matter how many; it might only be one individual. But the important thing is that these words confer the value they represent for me, and that they become the way leading towards God, as is our fate.

    The topic of God is the greatest and most ancient enigma faced by humanity. Ever since man came to exist, his conscience has forced him to look for the cause of everything, the origin of everything that exists, or consider whether all is due to spontaneous generation. However, with the advent of science, it has been proved that the latter option is impossible, thus making us return to the beginning. We are none other than the creation of a supreme being who, because of his absolute liberty and infinite love for us, located us in this place and age.

    Besides, God has always been intimately in our inner selves, where he lives and is part of the experiences we all have. He absolutely respects the freedom he has conferred upon us and, only now and then, he expresses himself noticeably with whomsoever he desires to do so in order to achieve his goals, which are unfathomable. There are numerous testimonies bearing different degrees of relevance, varying from the most simple ones to the loftiest, most complex ones. An example of the latter is when God spoke through Zoroaster (Zarathustra), whose messages in the form of Metered Gathas (Psalms) were embodied for all eternity as part of the Aveseta’s sacred writings. In Persia, such writings gave rise to Zoroastrianism, in which, up to our times, its God Mithra survives through the personality of Jesus Christ, who is definitely not Yeshua Ha-Nozri or, Jesus of Nazareth as we know him in the Catholic religion.

    Likewise, something similar occurred with Abran who, upon renewing a pact with God, changed his name to Abraham, the father Arabs and Jews have in common.

    Given the depth and accuracy found in the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, it is likely that they come from the direct teachings of God.

    I do not wish to discuss this in depth; I merely mentioned it as an example showing the feasibility in this regard. Through this humble book, I openly provide the readership with what I believe, in good faith, to be authentic messages from our God Almighty, who was kind enough to hand them down to me at my request. From my own perspective, the relevance in these messages lies in their origin. Their intention is by no means to set the path humanity should follow—as has occurred in the past—rather, God only presents himself and allows us to become aware of a number of his personal qualities, as well as of the rules and limitations regarding our personal life and our relationship with him. As I said before, what is important and what impresses me is the fact he chose to speak to me, even if the message in question is not that important when it comes to making an attempt to conduct some type of relevant change in humanity.

    Likewise, the Catholic Church, which remains stagnant in its once glorious past, a time during which the Roman Empire—or the Holy Roman Empire, as it was known—thrived, lasting for more than 1000 years. This religion seems afraid to wake up, as if it wanted nothing to change, trying to continue controlling the world through the material, ostentatious dominion just like a well-to-do gentleman who has become impoverished but continues to use his fine clothes, frock coat, cane and cap, and tries to keep his former lifestyle, keeping up appearances, even if he has been left destitute. Thus, high-ranking clerics keep on wearing their ancient garments, which they justify by conferring a sacred, artificial character upon those garments, as if that meant anything to God. I honestly ignore whether such prelates are aware or feign insanity about many of these aspects, most of which pertain to the mithraic ritual, including the Phrygian cap worn by the Pope, cardinals and bishops, which to these days is still called a miter. I believe that, if Jesus of Nazareth, on behalf of whom all these rituals—which I would rather call plays—are performed had the opportunity to witness them, he would be ashamed. I cannot imagine how disappointed he would be and, what is worse, I cannot imagine if he would even recognize such work as his own. A story associated with these matters just came to my mind. Although it may be somewhat impudent, I will narrate this story and may the protagonists in it forgive me.

    The story says that Mary and Joseph were in heaven, looking down at the Earth when, all of a sudden, they saw the Pope being carried on a bier under a huge pallium with fine brocades. He was surrounded by a crowd of cardinals and bishops who spread incense lavishly over him. At that point, Joseph asked Mary: Mary, can you believe we started that business with nothing but a donkey? Look how far it’s gone!

    It seems as though the high clergy is outside any proportion. However, that is not the important matter, although it represents perfectly well what is going on with the religion they are in charge of. They do not really care whether their religion was founded, designed and structured upon actual myths and legends that are very far from the truth, or whether Jesus Christ’s divinity and personality were first created through the inventions and epileptic dreams of Saul, who is none other than St. Paul, the highly venerated saint loved by the church, and later through the interests of an arrogant, power-thirsty emperor known as Constantine I (Constantine the Great), who declared that Jesus Christ is consubstantial to the invisible God. I consider this an aberration, even when it refers to Jesus himself.

    All in all, I know this turns out to be bothersome, almost sad. However, this is not the worst thing the Catholic Church has done to its parishioners. The worst thing is the fact that this religion has replaced the true God, the God who has been and will always be the one and only God. He is the single author and owner of everything that exists in the universe. It is to him that we owe all glory and honor. The Catholic Church has imposed a figure of a devised Jesus Christ who is presented as a martyr, as a lacerated and dying individual, perhaps in the hope of causing sympathy. Moreover, the concept of guilt has been managed in such a manner that people are converted by this feeling of fault. Likewise, this religion includes a myriad of saints, all surrounded by gentle and pitiful legends. People adhere to saints as a result of their devotion, and they primarily venerate the various representations of the Virgin Mary, also surrounded by lovely legends.

    Because of its excessive veneration for the Virgin Mary, the Catholic Church is more Marian than Christian, for the motherly figure is considered as being able to touch people’s hearts (as already analyzed in my book untitled Saint Paul, Jesus Christ and Christianity). Mary, mother of Jesus, had ten other children with two different husbands, and she had nothing to do with the so called Saint Joseph.

    All of this has taken man far away from the true God… so far that man hardly ever remembers God, even though God himself lives within all of his children, hoping they will love him, yearn for him and call him Father. And this is all caused by the Holy Mother Church, which is so busy and concerned with its worldly interests that it fails to meet its spiritual duties, following the wrong paths.

    If what I have stated here seems worthy of your time and you expect to find something useful in it, go ahead and read it. I will be pleased with the mere fact that my book can raise questions and things to think about.

    Allow me to say something about me

    If I am to share my convictions regarding this topic, I need to tell my audience a little bit about me—at least the most essential aspects—in order to help them have an easier understanding of the reasoning behind my thoughts, for instance, the reason and the path that led me to draw these conclusions. By doing so, I don’t intend to convince them of anything. If anyone finds a reason to relate with what I say here, that is their responsibility, because I do not intend to convince anyone or change anyone’s life. This is how I show my deepest sense of respect, as well as the guarantee that my narrative is by no means biased and, therefore, it has no further intentions.

    I was born in 1933 in a small and dusty town north of Durango, Mexico. I’d say this was an isolated place, left to its fate. Its 2,000 inhabitants led modest lives, some by cultivating the soil, a few by engaging in local trade, and others by getting involved in politics and managing municipal affairs. My father was a mechanic and he had an old, small truck which he used, along with three or four neighbors who also worked as haulers, to carry metallic mercury from a mine in the mountain range down to the train station that led to a nearby town. That is how I spent the first six or seven years of my life, until my father, who sought better opportunities, left the town and never returned. My mother, who was left with seven children, managed to feed us and provide for our education. She made flowers out of paper and fabric, and she sold them as bouquets and wreaths that people placed on the graves of their loved ones. She performed numerous jobs to make a living and support us. She became a rural teacher, which is why we spent many years living in small villages in the northern part of the state. As we grew older and upon reaching a certain age, our mother told each one of us the same thing: "We have nothing. There is nothing here that can help you make a decent living. The only thing I can pass on to you is whatever each one of you can do for yourself. I will provide for your education as much as I can, but you will be pretty much on your own." During that time the country was going through a post-revolutionary awakening initiated by the government of General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, who truly helped the rural population in the country by creating, among many other things, boarding schools, agricultural practice schools, teacher training schools for rural regions, and the National Polytechnic Institute. Likewise, he restructured and coordinated the Chapingo School of Agriculture as well as that of Champusco, and many others. I was one of the individuals who benefited from all this. I completed my elementary school education in the Agricultural Practice School J. Guadalupe Aguilera in the city of Durango, where I later continued my education at Durango Institute of Technology. I also studied at the Rural Teacher Training School in Salaices, Chihuahua. I worked as a teacher in the rural regions of the state of Durango. I studied High School and earned a career tech degree in Medicine from the Agua Caliente Boarding School in Tijuana, Baja California. It was in Tijuana that, in addition to working as a teacher, I was lucky enough to be the first principal appointed to serve at Francisco González Bocanegra Elementary School, a school with 17 assistant teachers in the city of Tecate, Baja California. This was quite an achievement considering the fact I was only twenty-one years old. Later on I enrolled at the National School of Medicine in Mexico City, where I found the support of the University Military Pentathlon organization, which is how I was able to obtain a degree in medicine. By the time I graduated I had already gotten married and fathered five children, which is why I spent several years—as many as I could—working as a teacher in a number of Mexico City elementary schools.

    Throughout this time, in other words, since I was born until I was thirty years old, I was a Catholic, like most Mexicans are. I performed all the sacraments, went to Sunday mass, etc., nothing special really. I was a member of the Christian Family Movement for nine years, until one fine day, as was the custom, I attended a spiritual retreat before Holy Week. This was nothing out of the ordinary, but that year this retreat was managed by high-ranking clerics whose names I do not recall. However, they gave us a tremendous spiritual shake. They were excellent speakers and they were very clever in manipulating the feelings and guilt of a submissive, nearly depressed audience. During the breaks we had between one speaker and the next, we went out to rest and have some water or food. Most people walked through the patio looking down at the floor with wandering eyes and putting their hands in their pockets to caress the crucifix they kept there. All the while, big old tears rolled down their cheeks, and I could tell they felt less worthy than a cockroach someone has stepped on. One of the individuals who attended this retreat joined the clerics and never returned. He began to lead a life as a mystical preacher. The depressive condition I observed was widespread. I rebelled against this. Something inside of me told me that things shouldn’t be that way. I came to the conclusion that if this was what the Catholic religion represented, then it wasn’t worth following.

    By that time I was about thirty-five years old and I was head of a large family. I had six children in total, and some time later a new one arrived. I made a decision to make a stop along the road with regard to religion and I set out to do some research on my own about the following: WHAT IS THERE BETWEEN GOD AND MAN?

    At first I dug for answers in the Bible, which I believed in good faith—as I’d been taught—to be the book of divine revelation and, as such, it would certainly contain the truth in its lines of text. Therefore, I read and reread the Bible but nothing seemed to be clear, despite the fact that during the nine years I spent in the Christian Family Movement part of my studies involved precisely short biblical courses. Finally, I came to the conclusion that the Bible wasn’t the answer and I decided to find other books that would better enlighten me. Hence, I began by demolishing my previous paradigms; in other words, I deleted all the parameters through which I knew and understood my spiritual world, especially with regard to religious aspects. I went blank. To me, nothing was either true or false. It was my duty to investigate whatever it was I questioned until I found an answer or meaning that would satisfy me.

    That is how I began to wander among different religions, at first looking into those that stemmed from Christianity—all protestant denominations—trying to understand why they were different or what aspects from the Catholic Church they rejected. I also studied their rituals and so forth. All of this work was in vain because I failed to find anything worthy of interest. Later on I decided to gather information regarding all religions in the world, throughout different times. I tried to go as far as possible, questioning their dogmas as well as their supporting texts. This task probably took me from eight to ten years to complete. I found a number of interesting things in some religions, which eventually helped me build a coherent structure. I found especially interesting things in the teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus and Zarathustra. The latter was named Zoroaster by the Greeks. Although he was Iranian, Zarathustra is very important in Hinduism, which I consider to have given birth to the concept of monotheistic religions as well as to have given rise to other ancient religions, especially those practiced in the Middle and Far East.

    Speaking of religions which are more or less Christian, although they remain unrecognized by the Catholic Church (which I always used as a reference) I found a church known as the Trinitarian Marian Spiritualist movement. I became interested in a church where a medium gave lectures. Her name was María Amparo. She was a very old woman, probably over ninety, whose physical capabilities were quite deteriorated. She basically had to be carried by someone. However, upon taking her position to give a lecture, she underwent a transformation. She stood erect and began pronouncing a speech. Supposedly, it was Jesus Christ himself who possessed her and spoke through her. Her lectures lasted nearly an hour and they were very emotional, praiseworthy and beautiful. Among the parishioners there was a man, also quite old, who had retired from working at a government office. This person had attended these ceremonies diligently for years. He used to record the lectures and then make transcriptions of them, which he sold later. He used the transcriptions to write seven volumes of these lectures. I bought and read all seven of them, and I enjoyed them very much. I was very much interested in medium-related practices, although I never practiced them or tried to learn them.

    Nonetheless, I did get to know, perhaps by chance, the the board known as ouija. One of my daughters wanted to buy it considering it a toy, and as a toy we used it. My family had numerous experiences with it. It came to be a usual custom in our house, and we had all types of good and bad experiences with it—some of them very bad. However, I was able to understand how it worked and what meanings it held. I was never able to get the pointer to move. One of my sons had no difficulty doing so, and the board provided a large amount of messages through him. Nevertheless, I never took the ouija seriously as a game, let alone as a source of reliable information. I did, however, become convinced that it was a way to communicate with the spiritual world. The board itself taught me that it was some sort of telephone and that the quality of communication depended on the quality of the individuals trying to communicate rather than on the quality of the instrument itself.

    From these experiences I was left with a specific concern that was based on straight-forward reasoning. This reasoning was very useful during my research afterwards. The reasoning is as follows: IF GOD IS THE UNIVERSAL SPIRIT AND MAN WAS CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE AND LIKENESS, THEN MAN IS THE HUMAN SPIRIT. From there I was able to find a new source, a new way to analyze this issue. It was impossible for me to know what God is like and, from there, determine what man actually is, being similar to God because one is the image of the other and, as a result, they are equal, all proportions kept. However, understanding human nature could give me an insight with regard to the nature of our Creator.

    It took me a long time, perhaps years, being involved in all types of nonsense regarding this reasoning. I was never able to make the pointer move, but I did, however, little by little and using no guide whatsoever, begin to develop the skill of automatic writing. At first it was uncertain, erratic. I saw myself trapped within the black humor of countless spiritual entities that mocked me and my naïve imagination and ignorance. However, I wouldn’t give up and little by little I started having control over it and learning how to distinguish serious spirits from misleading ones.

    One day, one of my daughters who was then about eight years old—and is now almost a grandmother—was crying in distress and did not want to tell us what had happened. Every time we asked her what was wrong, her cry became louder, until my wife approached her in the most loving and sensitive manner and talked to her. My daughter finally told my wife that she was very sad because all of us, including her mom, dad, brothers and sisters were going to die and she would be all alone. My wife convinced her that it wasn’t true and asked her never again to play with the ouija board. This incident had no further relevance but there was something that kept me restless, until I came up with a different reasoning that redirected my path: IF THIS BOARD IS A MEANS THAT CAN BE USED TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE SPIRITUAL WORLD AND GOD IS, BY EXCELLENCE, THE UNIVERSAL SPIRIT, THEN THIS BOARD CAN BE USED

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