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Persecution: What the Disciples of the Apostle Saint Paul Suffered and Endured in Rome
Persecution: What the Disciples of the Apostle Saint Paul Suffered and Endured in Rome
Persecution: What the Disciples of the Apostle Saint Paul Suffered and Endured in Rome
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Persecution: What the Disciples of the Apostle Saint Paul Suffered and Endured in Rome

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Its been a while that this book was planted in the authors heart due to the compassion and the great love he has seen in the Bible that God has for His persecuted children.

From the Garden of Eden the devil has been dedicated to persecute the children of God. He uses all kinds of deceitfulness, lies and all kinds of possible traps to destroy the redeemed. Persecution is real today just like it always has been for the believers.

The Bible says in 2nd Tim 3:12, Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

The Lord said that we will have afflictions in this world, non the less when we look around us it does not seem like there is persecution for many. Let me assure you that all of the redeemed are being persecuted one way or another this very moment.

The devil is using all kinds of ways, he knows them all and works 24/7/365 and its like a shodow that is always behind the believers. Alot of christians without knowing have fallen in the tramp of the devil. Its sad to see defeat in so many people that should live in continual victory over whats wrong, and the flesh because of what the Lord did for us on the Cross of Calvery.

His main purpose is that everyone who reads this book will be blessed and have a positive reaction.

No matter where you are in any part of the world, even if you are in prison because of your faith in Jesus Christ.

Today there are children of God in prison, and their only crime is to believe in their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with all their heart.
Release dateSep 17, 2013
Persecution: What the Disciples of the Apostle Saint Paul Suffered and Endured in Rome

Elpidio Espinoza

Elpidio Espinoza is a sinner redeemed by the grace of Jesus and blessed to be married to Jodi, the most marvelous woman in the world. He also has a daughter, Banesa. He enjoys sharing his faith in the Lord with nonbelievers and in the same way enjoys exhorting and edifying believers in Christ. He believes the Gospel of the Kingdom of God should be preached unto the ends of the earth. His dream is that one day all the believers in Christ around the world will be able to freely worship God without being persecuted.

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    Persecution - Elpidio Espinoza

    © 2013 Elpidio Espinoza. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 09/13/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-1777-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-1769-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-1770-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013916920

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    About the Author

    About the Book


    T his book is dedicated especially to the love of the author’s life, his beloved wife Jodi L. Espinoza. The person that who inspires, motivates, and understands him. She is always by his side supporting him with her words, which are full of wisdom and faith. She is continuously contributing in a unique way to his work. For that and much more, he lives eternally grateful, and in love with her. From the bottom of his heart, he thanks her for everything she does.


    T his is part of the story of the saints who followed the teachings, doctrines, examples, and ways of life of the Apostle Paul, even at the expense of their own well-being and, in some cases, lives.

    A lot of them became martyrs at the hand of the powerful Roman emperor Nero. He had control of the political and sinful religious system at that time. Everything that the Christian faith stood for directly contradicted everything for which the emperor stood.

    The way the Christian community conducted itself in the empire was offensive to him. He couldn’t tolerate its presence, practices, belief system, or way of life.

    For this very reason, he had to get rid of the Christians, even if that meant killing them all, and that is what he intended to do. He nearly succeeded. He had to lie and invent an evil diabolical plan to accuse them of horrible deeds they had never even considered committing. The mad emperor came up with the idea of burning the city of Rome so that he could play the blame game with the Christian people.

    Nero couldn’t handle the fact that this particular group of believers was growing so fast and completely changing its belief system. This meant, of course, that he wasn’t getting the worship, praise, adoration, and sacrifices he wanted from his entire empire.

    That is how Satan works. He uses the systems in place in whatever time we are living. It was true then, and it is true now. He wanted to stop the growth of the Christian church against his kingdom of darkness, and the perfect instrument was available and willing to follow every single instruction to the letter.

    After ordering the city of Rome to be set on fire and then blaming the Christian believers for it, Nero went after them like a beast thirsty for human blood. He started with the Apostle Peter, who was crucified upside down because he said that he did not deserve to die the way his master did (the Lord Jesus Christ). After killing him and others, Nero went after the Apostle Paul. He was beheaded by the Roman emperor’s soldiers.

    After these two great apostles were dead, Nero tried to destroy the entire Christian community. He went after the rest of the disciples with all kinds of torture and inhumane treatment to scare them. He had them renounce their faith by using these types of intimidations. He had some success but not as much as he was expecting.

    At this point, a small group of disciples came to center stage to try to guide the rest of the brethren for the path described by the Apostle Paul. Guiding them was a major task because there were different reactions among the believers, including fear, doubt, sadness, anguish, pain, corruption, and apostasy.

    Despite the strong emotions and reactions, there was a group of faithful ones who did not get intimidated by Nero’s persecution, and they stood firm to their faith and convictions. They had been warned by their beloved pastor and teacher Paul that all these things were coming. Therefore, their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ was well-rooted and nourished, and nobody could change their minds or hearts.

    Sometimes, God lets some of His servants suffer for a season, but he never forsakes them.

    Some of these believers stood faithful, and because of this, many of them gave their lives for their faith. In those days, the fact that they might have to die for their faith wasn’t considered a remote idea, because the most important thing for them was to follow Christ and be faithful until the end.

    With these testimonies, many followed the gospel of salvation, knowing very well that perhaps they might have to pay the same price at any given moment.

    Chapter 1

    T here were seven leaders who had worked very closely with the Apostle Paul, and they had to come together to keep up the work of the ministry. Six days after Paul’s death, there was a meeting to discuss the way they would go forward. The responsibility to guide the church of the Lord unexpectedly fell on these leaders.

    Rufino was a faithful minister of Christ and a former Roman soldier. He was blind in his left eye, and his right leg had been severely hurt in battle, so he limped when he walked. He had a strong but likable personality and image.

    Justino was an elder of the church, full of faith, and had very strong and firm convictions. He was a middle-aged farmer who was humble and likable. He had a well-built physical image, but was completely dedicated to serving his Lord and Savior.

    Alfonso owned a bakery. He was an elderly family gentleman who was respected and beloved among the brethren. He was a faithful minister of the gospel of his Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

    Fausto was a faithful, dedicated elder and servant of the Lord Jesus. He was an elderly man who traveled from one end of the empire to the other because of his work.

    Claudia was a wealthy elderly widow who had her own clothing business. She was full of faith, hope, and the word of truth and had a Godly personality. She was respected, beloved, and revered. Her participation in the church was to help the younger women to be good Christians, mothers, and wives.

    Antonio was a rich, ambitious businessman. He didn’t like to be confronted by anybody, and he liked to be the first one in everything. He also liked to surround himself with weaker people. He was a corrupt minister and a traitor. As a result, nobody liked him.

    Silvio was an employee of Antonio, so he did whatever his boss told him. He was a weakly coward who was a compromising, unfaithful, and unreliable minister. Everybody knew that among the faithful brethren, he was not respected.

    These seven leaders each had their own opinions about how to keep guiding the

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