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Breaking the Golden Pod
Breaking the Golden Pod
Breaking the Golden Pod
Ebook76 pages38 minutes

Breaking the Golden Pod

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Release dateNov 21, 2013
Breaking the Golden Pod

John Mensah

John Mensah holds an MBA in addition to other postgraduate certificates in leadership, fundraising, voluntary sector studies, and leadership skills. He is currently pursuing a postgraduate qualification in the Law Specialisation. John has worked in various capacities within the development sector, both locally and internationally, for many years, during which he has been involved in developing and implementing capacity-building strategies, cultural integration, research, fundraising, and policy development. He is the founder and chief executive officer of Outreach Management Services, which is a consultancy that provides services to third-sector organisations. John is a fundraising consultant and a member of the Institute of Fundraisers and Black Fundraisers UK. He specialises in the training of charities, faith and community organisations, social enterprises, and individuals. John is an experienced speaker, mentor, and coach with expertise in fundraising, project development, and organisational development. John’s other roles include membership of boards. He has also been a resource person for various local and international organisations. He is a former Third-Sector Career Ambassador. John is the founding chair of Sankofa, a youth charity, as well as trustee of other charities. The author’s educational and employment background have equipped him with unique experience in fundraising and community development, as well as diverse understanding of the needs of third-sector organisations.

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    Breaking the Golden Pod - John Mensah

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    Published by AuthorHouse 11/20/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-8510-9 (sc)

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    Table of Contents


    Foreword by Lara Rufus, CEO of Crowne Consultancy


    Chapter 1   What Is Fundraising?

    Why Is Fundraising Important?

    Why You Should Make a Good Case

    The Economic Environment

    Chapter 2   What Is a Grant?

    Who Gives Grants?

    Types of Grants

    Finding the Right Grant-Giver

    Recycling Applications

    Chapter 3   The Factors in Successful Grant Applications



    Chapter 4   Vital Steps Towards Making a Grant Application




    Gantt Charts

    Building Relationships

    Chapter 5   Why Grant Applications Fail

    Chapter 6   Parts of the Application

    Statement of Need

    Project Description


    Expected Outcomes


    Monitoring and Evaluation

    Long-Term Sustainability

    How to Sustain the Project after the Grant


    Chapter 7   Submitting Your Application


    Chapter 8   Follow-Up




    Thank Your Donor

    Chapter 9   Helpful Tips

    Switch on and get informed.

    Keep updating your organisational information.

    Work as a team. Much is achieved through collective effort.

    Create a database of funders and donors.


    Appendix 1   Sources of Support

    Appendix 2   Favourite Quotes

    Appendix 3   Useful Websites for Resources and Funders


    This book is specially dedicated to my dear mother for her unconditional love towards her children, as well as other people’s children, for instilling discipline, good moral values, modesty and tenacity of purpose in us, and for her continuous support and prayers, which have moulded us into who we are now.

    I dedicate it also to a very best friend, Dr Peter Alakija, for his diverse support towards my efforts in attaining my life goals. Peter has been one of the towers of strength in my life, for which I am immensely grateful.

    I also dedicate it to Sankofa, which is a charity that I founded in 2010 to help young Africans to make informed choices in life. This book is dedicated to every person, man or woman, young or old, who dreams of becoming successful in life.


    by Lara Rufus,

    CEO of Crowne Consultancy

    There is a plethora of support available to charities and voluntary organisations. However, finding the funds necessary to achieve the goals of these organisations can often be the thing that proves to be the most difficult. It can be quite gruelling to have to navigate your way through the proverbial grant maze, especially if you do not know where to start. Fundraising is an art that requires a skill set. Education is integral to developing

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